I agree with what you are saying,often times we (christians) treat God like a super hero or a fairytale, we often don't believe ourselves that he can guide us through our simplest problems, we often treat him like a genie in a bottle.When you don't allow God to take control of your whole life and surrender only part to him, he becomes a meaningless figure in a cool story.When you surrender all, like he told us to from the beginning, he's no longer a character, but a relevant force in your life.
I STAND!! Even if my mother is missing, and my friends are splitting and yelling at each other, I will STAND! God bless everyone who is going through hard times, just remember, just stand. ☺
Enola Renee Praying for you. Remember, “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8 Check out the following; ruclips.net/video/MrcIN54E7Kk/видео.html Have a wonderful day and may God bless you. Never forget that Jesus loves you!
Enola Renee And remember, “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Jeremiah 29:11
and he continues to do it. had it first encountert how god stayed on my side when i was REALLY MAD (really mad) about him. he didnt left me. i still feel guilt. afraid of the judgmentxD
A close friend of mine who's a strong Christian recently introduced me to Britt Nicole and I've been looking into a lot of her songs. They've shown me the same thing my friend told me when I was at a breaking point, even when you think you're alone God is with you. So keep the faith and keep on believing, cause he's always with us.
Madeleine Grobelny Amen! “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8 Praying for you and your friend. Have a wonderful day and may God bless you. :)
I know so like all the pop songs mean nothing. They don't have a good... Oh what's the word... Personality for you cause someday if you keep listening to the pop music you'll end up saying bad words so that's why I listen to songs that have a good meaning to them. I mean I listen to SOME pop music but I would rather listen to Christian music.😊😊😊
i cant face my fears when my grandma died i cryed alot i miss her so much she had cancer i talk to her somtimes i wish i could see her 1 more time my life is ruind she died when i was 5 now im 9 but i still cry everynight
This women is truly amazing. Not like the stupid songs like timber or dark horse. This is a....REAL song with true meaning. Thanks Britt. You help people like me. You make the world a bit better to live in.
Glennie Lupho Praying for you! Jesus is with you in all of this! “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8 Have a wonderful day and may God bless you. :)
Your so right!!! That's what it means to me my friends and family and pets will always love me. Even when i get bullied, someone is always there next to me helping me stand.
Im not ashamed tat anyone called meva christian...i am most thankful they see my father God work thru me....its a priviledge being notice as a children of God.
"I wake up to another day. I don't know if I can face all the fears that are staring me down." That is how I feel but she is the best Christian singer right?;)
Abby Krull I think it's kinda cool that if you were a religion-phob (people who hate people who believe in religion) and you listen to a few of her songs, you wouldn't realize she was a Christian
After Joining the Military I have found out how much I need to stand for what I believe it is probably the hardest ting that i have ever had to learn! I fall allot but then good helps me back up!!
This song is so me because so ppl in my life pull me dwn and I feel like I can't ever get up, I sometimes feel like giving up I know in my heart that Gpd doesn't want my life to end he is telling me that when he think its time for me to go he will do it himself. I LOVE U BRITT NICOLE
How in the world can there be *77* dislikes!?! This song is amazing! I listen to Britt Nicole all the time in the car, and when the CD is over, I replay it! She is a big inspiration to me especially with my depression and my problems in life. Thank you Britt!! And by the way, people who gave this song a dislike, give it a big fat thumbs up!
Don't let 'Crazy' be in your internet name. It is a curse word in your name and you will attract depression and other problems. Stop letting that appear in your internet name and see the difference.
I listened to this song when I was going threw very hard times. Depression...suicidal thoughts...I didn't feel like living anymore. I would listen to this song. I would just stop and listen to the sound of my heart. I would listen for God's voice and I would try to remember that as bad as things are now...that they will get better. The sun will rise for me...again :)
for years my little sister wouldn't listen to anything but secular music (just like me until a couple years ago)...but just recently she heard "gold" and now she's obsessed with britt nicole! Praise God! i'm so grateful to know that despite all the stuff she's listening to now, i can rest a little easier knowing that she likes at least one artist who's after God's own heart. :D :D
Kadie God is with you through even the toughest times of life. Hang in there. Jesus loves you! Have a wonderful day and may God bless you. Praying for you! :) “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18
We dont have to like everyone. But, we have to love them. Love your enemies. I am a Christian I gave my life over to Christ when i was in 5th grade at Centri-Kid. It was an emotional week. My churchcwas all around me when I did it. I truly felt the love of God and Jesus while the people i loved encouraged me. I reconnected with God this summer. I think it's time to reconnect again. I really need him right now. I love you so much God. Words cannot describe. I love you!!!
Prayer is a powerful weapon. I consider prayer more powerful than just "going out and volunteering to help people." Helping people is good, but you need Love too.
this songs message to me is to stand up for your faith to stand up no matter how many times you get knocked down by life's troubles and turmoils. when you at your lowest just know that GOD is there to give you a hand. you are loved never forget that.
This song changed my life in 2013..sitting here 3 almost 4 years later its amazing how God changed my life. I lost my way in this negative world..I miss him so much. This is all i used to listen to and i started a business and it just seemed like time flew by. Cant believe this was almost 4 years ago..
i was just searching for this new album of Britt... and when i heard this song! It's just amazing! Really i was on d verge of givin' up of Hopin' but this song has encouraged me Greatly. I'll Stand because My God is with me! "Come Soon Jesus and Lead your people Home."
I feel this is my song too. For everything i am going through right now....... Remember Everyone Jesus Loves You, Don't Give Up..... When we band together and face our fears we can do anything...... CAUSE IF OUR GOD IS FOR US WHO COULD EVER STOP US AND IF OUR GOD IS WITH US THEN WHAT CAN STAND AGAINST US :) thank CCC for teaching me to be me and not care what others might see. I LOVE U CCC
thats the thing non christian people don't understand. god doesn't like to see us in pain he never intended suffering and pain. think of it this way, hes the teacher and we are the students we are taking a test, god cant help us, sure it seems like hes not there and that he doesnt exist but he does, but if we STAND by him we will have great rewards. just gotta have patience and wait because he never leaves us.
I love this song and my kids love it. brought tears to my eyes too that they felt the message of this song. Not alot of people in this world get it..they think its so simple but his power is amazing. Thank you and keep doing what your doing.
I WILL STAND... I will look up and keep my eyes focused on the promise that God gives to all of us. We are so lucky and blessed to have music speak to our hearts and souls. This song gives me comfort even in my hard times... I WILL STAND!
Britt nicole, you will never know how encouraging and inspirational your music is to me! It has helped me through a LOT! It's a long story, but your music has helped me through the physical and emotional hurt in my life!! I can't thank you enough!!!
Lauren's Hairtyles And Tutorials yes, with me too. my mother got out of jail 4 years ago and I was so happy, I live with my grandparents because she went to jail. when she got out, she got to visit us for a night every other weekend, but when we moved next to her, I was happy that she came to visit almost everyday. Just a couple days ago, I learned that she started doing drugs again, she started drinking, and she even stole some things. she is now on the run from the cops and I have no idea where she is. I keep praying for her and this song expresses how I feel right now. I miss my mom, and I am crying everyday, but all I have to do is pray, and I will stand, and God won't let me down. He is doing it for a reason, even if I don't see why yet. God bless you all... p.s. this is all kinda hard on a 13 year old girl who just went to 8th grade.
This is my favorite bible verse: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in Him, should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 Just love it. Sydney
What I love about songs like this is that they mean different things to different people. They can speak to just about anyone. In things that a wide range of peoples can love and enjoy, it becomes easier to find common ground. That's what music and art were traditionally all about isn't it?
I listened to this song four years ago, aged 13. At the time, I had been dealing with anxiety. I would have panic attacks every other day I was afraid of skipping school, I couldn't go outside, I couldn't talk to my friends or family. I had no idea what was going on, and I've since been diagnosed. The month it began to worsen, I listened to this song on repeat, and I felt stronger. I know this might seem really corny, and I should probably mention, I just stumbled across this video by chance. But I am now 17, and doing much better. I remember listening to this song all the time and feeling less anxious. Just wanted to mention that is all.
Love this song! Thank you so much! I am ashamed and humbled throwing a pitty party for myself.By God's; grace He renew my strength.This lyrics pierced my heart and reminded me my Worth and the One who is holding me.:-) in Christ Jesus there is always hope!:-)
Wherefore (why you are where you are), take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:13
I just found this song and I wish I knew it last year when my parents were seperated. You should always have faith. This song is such a perfect example. When you feeling like giving up, you always think its over but it isn't. You must have your shield of faith. STAND! God bless you all! :)
I love this song it helps me everyday knowing that I am special in my own way and that god has a purpose for me and that he is truly loves me and is there with me were ever I go
This song has helped me through the last couple of weeks, because i started school again and i was nervous but listening to this song every morning has helped me through.Thank you Britt for this awesome song! God is with us always.
My past has made me feel worthless. But today I stand. I stand stronger than ever because I am loved, even though I may not feel like I am all the time. This song lifts me up and reminds me to be strong through the tough times.
This tells me that my faith,GOD is bigger than my life. I'm in year6 I'm moving to year 7 this September I'm just scared if I get bullied or something but I know I can stand and face the battle GOD IS WITH ME!!!!!!!
I made a music video to this with my friends, this song is so inspirational. God speaks to me through this song, sometimes I make goals that I feel are hopeless, but I pray and listen to this and remember that anything is possible through Him who gives us strength.
i been having a hard time at school with drama, and every time i listen to Britt Nicole i remember God is with me all the time and helping me out! I love this song the most.
:) what an amazing sister! You are so lucky to have one like her. I hope things start looking up for you. Depression is hard, but you can get through it. Never lose faith. :) Keep smiling. and stand, of course ;)
Britt Nicole some how did it ive almost given all hope in myself and i really felt i had to use anymore when i stumbled onto this song and i realized i still have a purpose its great that we still have amazing artists like her
Reminds me of my best friend she will always be with me and never leave me alone and she will always love me and be there for me I love you best friend for that!!
I listen to this song ever day before school it helped me to face my fears of my bullys and crushes I also listened to this song when my mother died Im 15 my mom died when I was 12 If you have a ruff life do what i do listen to this song it touched my heart :')
Dear Britt you have showed me love and God is there with us he will stand beside us I am a sixeth grader an d my name is Katrina one of my friends are in deep sorrow but this song will lead him to God. Thank you so much Britt
I was listening music the other day. I felt down,i was listening but there wasn't a song that could describe what i was feeling and this song played and it played on the perfect time when i needed to hear those words.
Wendy Halloun the only one who ENTER to your life is the one wh DIED for u on the CROSS.☺ britt noicole did not died for you. or did she??? she is just a singer.. and yes she sings good to but she did not died for u
I agree with what you are saying,often times we (christians) treat God like a super hero or a fairytale, we often don't believe ourselves that he can guide us through our simplest problems, we often treat him like a genie in a bottle.When you don't allow God to take control of your whole life and surrender only part to him, he becomes a meaningless figure in a cool story.When you surrender all, like he told us to from the beginning, he's no longer a character, but a relevant force in your life.
I STAND!! Even if my mother is missing, and my friends are splitting and yelling at each other, I will STAND! God bless everyone who is going through hard times, just remember, just stand. ☺
I feel this. Amen
Enola Renee Praying for you.
Remember, “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8
Check out the following; ruclips.net/video/MrcIN54E7Kk/видео.html
Have a wonderful day and may God bless you. Never forget that Jesus loves you!
Enola Renee And remember, “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Jeremiah 29:11
Enola Renee “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18
Thanks for that and this is why I ask did your mom ever turn up! Be honest i’ll Have compassion
Stand up for God he stood up for you in fact he died for you
Yes, sister He sure did!
Amen .
and he continues to do it. had it first encountert how god stayed on my side when i was REALLY MAD (really mad) about him. he didnt left me. i still feel guilt. afraid of the judgmentxD
Im so glad that we have christian singers =')
+John Swan Me too :)
me too!
Me too! :D
+John Swan agreed
Same, I don't know what I'd do without them :)
Whenever you're hurting, here's a verse
Psalm 147:3
"He heals the broken in heart and binds their wounds"
I absolutely love this verse
A close friend of mine who's a strong Christian recently introduced me to Britt Nicole and I've been looking into a lot of her songs. They've shown me the same thing my friend told me when I was at a breaking point, even when you think you're alone God is with you. So keep the faith and keep on believing, cause he's always with us.
Madeleine Grobelny Amen!
“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8
Praying for you and your friend. Have a wonderful day and may God bless you. :)
Amen oh Lord. I’ll stand on Jesus for He is my solid rock.❤❤❤
Amen sister
God bless u all!
I know so like all the pop songs mean nothing. They don't have a good... Oh what's the word... Personality for you cause someday if you keep listening to the pop music you'll end up saying bad words so that's why I listen to songs that have a good meaning to them. I mean I listen to SOME pop music but I would rather listen to Christian music.😊😊😊
britt nicole must be encouraging many kids, teenagers, and adult around the world this amazing God bless you britt nicole
i cant face my fears when my grandma died i cryed alot i miss her so much she had cancer i talk to her somtimes i wish i could see her 1 more time my life is ruind she died when i was 5 now im 9 but i still cry everynight
Where's the love button?? :) Prayin this song takes root in my heart. Hoping & prayin this song gets airplay so it takes root in all our hearts ♥
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
My favorite verse!
This women is truly amazing. Not like the stupid songs like timber or dark horse. This is a....REAL song with true meaning. Thanks Britt. You help people like me. You make the world a bit better to live in.
This battle will be won💖✝️🙏i declare in Jesus name
Glennie Lupho Praying for you! Jesus is with you in all of this! “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8
Have a wonderful day and may God bless you. :)
Jesus i love you❤
Your so right!!! That's what it means to me my friends and family and pets will always love me. Even when i get bullied, someone is always there next to me helping me stand.
I love Britt Nicole's songs I've been a Christian since I was abt 5 and I love when people spread the gospel
Im not ashamed tat anyone called meva christian...i am most thankful they see my father God work thru me....its a priviledge being notice as a children of God.
"I wake up to another day. I don't know if I can face all the fears that are staring me down." That is how I feel but she is the best Christian singer right?;)
Abby Krull I think it's kinda cool that if you were a religion-phob (people who hate people who believe in religion) and you listen to a few of her songs, you wouldn't realize she was a Christian
Legola Morard well yeah
Yeah her n Kari Jobe
Tobymac is pretty cool too.
After Joining the Military I have found out how much I need to stand for what I believe it is probably the hardest ting that i have ever had to learn! I fall allot but then good helps me back up!!
This song is so me because so ppl in my life pull me dwn and I feel like I can't ever get up, I sometimes feel like giving up I know in my heart that Gpd doesn't want my life to end he is telling me that when he think its time for me to go he will do it himself. I LOVE U BRITT NICOLE
I'm definitely standing all my dreams coming true ❤
Im glad that there are christian singers😊
me too
How in the world can there be *77* dislikes!?! This song is amazing! I listen to Britt Nicole all the time in the car, and when the CD is over, I replay it! She is a big inspiration to me especially with my depression and my problems in life. Thank you Britt!! And by the way, people who gave this song a dislike, give it a big fat thumbs up!
After 6 years is 17k likes good? lol
Don't let 'Crazy' be in your internet name. It is a curse word in your name and you will attract depression and other problems. Stop letting that appear in your internet name and see the difference.
@@sumanthtalluri2661 Bru what?
I listened to this song when I was going threw very hard times. Depression...suicidal thoughts...I didn't feel like living anymore. I would listen to this song. I would just stop and listen to the sound of my heart. I would listen for God's voice and I would try to remember that as bad as things are now...that they will get better. The sun will rise for me...again :)
I dont know what it is but it seems like one song can change everything.
for years my little sister wouldn't listen to anything but secular music (just like me until a couple years ago)...but just recently she heard "gold" and now she's obsessed with britt nicole! Praise God! i'm so grateful to know that despite all the stuff she's listening to now, i can rest a little easier knowing that she likes at least one artist who's after God's own heart. :D :D
Britt Nicole has really been the biggest inspiration to me!!
Pam Greenwell Glad to hear it! May God bless you. Jesus Christ loves you! :)
This song is literally me life in a song. I'm always feeling like I can't go on. And this song strengthens me so much...
Me too
Kadie God is with you through even the toughest times of life. Hang in there. Jesus loves you! Have a wonderful day and may God bless you. Praying for you! :)
“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18
Wendy Halloun Praying for you, too. :)
We dont have to like everyone. But, we have to love them. Love your enemies. I am a Christian I gave my life over to Christ when i was in 5th grade at Centri-Kid. It was an emotional week. My churchcwas all around me when I did it. I truly felt the love of God and Jesus while the people i loved encouraged me. I reconnected with God this summer. I think it's time to reconnect again. I really need him right now. I love you so much God. Words cannot describe. I love you!!!
STAND strong and firm and fearless and PROUD with Christ
Im not even a Christian and I can appreciate this song
Prayer is a powerful weapon. I consider prayer more powerful than just "going out and volunteering to help people." Helping people is good, but you need Love too.
this songs message to me is to stand up for your faith to stand up no matter how many times you get knocked down by life's troubles and turmoils. when you at your lowest just know that GOD is there to give you a hand. you are loved never forget that.
This is one of those songs that keep you going when you feel like you can't go on anymore. :)
This song changed my life in 2013..sitting here 3 almost 4 years later its amazing how God changed my life. I lost my way in this negative world..I miss him so much. This is all i used to listen to and i started a business and it just seemed like time flew by. Cant believe this was almost 4 years ago..
I am afraid of things but in God I stand and will be strong I'm Him.
i was just searching for this new album of Britt... and when i heard this song! It's just amazing! Really i was on d verge of givin' up of Hopin' but this song has encouraged me Greatly. I'll Stand because My God is with me! "Come Soon Jesus and Lead your people Home."
I feel this is my song too. For everything i am going through right now....... Remember Everyone Jesus Loves You, Don't Give Up..... When we band together and face our fears we can do anything...... CAUSE IF OUR GOD IS FOR US WHO COULD EVER STOP US AND IF OUR GOD IS WITH US THEN WHAT CAN STAND AGAINST US :) thank CCC for teaching me to be me and not care what others might see. I LOVE U CCC
thats the thing non christian people don't understand. god doesn't like to see us in pain he never intended suffering and pain. think of it this way, hes the teacher and we are the students we are taking a test, god cant help us, sure it seems like hes not there and that he doesnt exist but he does, but if we STAND by him we will have great rewards. just gotta have patience and wait because he never leaves us.
This battle will be won with Jesus by OUR side 🙌💜 THANKS JESUS
I'm crying so hard right now.
I love this song and my kids love it. brought tears to my eyes too that they felt the message of this song. Not alot of people in this world get it..they think its so simple but his power is amazing. Thank you and keep doing what your doing.
I WILL STAND... I will look up and keep my eyes focused on the promise that God gives to all of us. We are so lucky and blessed to have music speak to our hearts and souls. This song gives me comfort even in my hard times... I WILL STAND!
Britt nicole, you will never know how encouraging and inspirational your music is to me! It has helped me through a LOT! It's a long story, but your music has helped me through the physical and emotional hurt in my life!! I can't thank you enough!!!
Lauren's Hairtyles And Tutorials yes, with me too. my mother got out of jail 4 years ago and I was so happy, I live with my grandparents because she went to jail. when she got out, she got to visit us for a night every other weekend, but when we moved next to her, I was happy that she came to visit almost everyday. Just a couple days ago, I learned that she started doing drugs again, she started drinking, and she even stole some things. she is now on the run from the cops and I have no idea where she is. I keep praying for her and this song expresses how I feel right now. I miss my mom, and I am crying everyday, but all I have to do is pray, and I will stand, and God won't let me down. He is doing it for a reason, even if I don't see why yet. God bless you all... p.s. this is all kinda hard on a 13 year old girl who just went to 8th grade.
Stand with/by Our LORD and SAVIOR as HE stands with/by us daily. PTL!!!❤
Ahh this song got me through so much 2013. Thanks Britt. You really helped lift my spirit and my life is changing because of the love of god.
This is my favorite bible verse:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son
that whoever believes in Him, should not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Just love it.
Amen! We can stand by God's grace...He is the rock on which we stand!
What I love about songs like this is that they mean different things to different people. They can speak to just about anyone. In things that a wide range of peoples can love and enjoy, it becomes easier to find common ground. That's what music and art were traditionally all about isn't it?
I listened to this song four years ago, aged 13. At the time, I had been dealing with anxiety. I would have panic attacks every other day I was afraid of skipping school, I couldn't go outside, I couldn't talk to my friends or family. I had no idea what was going on, and I've since been diagnosed. The month it began to worsen, I listened to this song on repeat, and I felt stronger.
I know this might seem really corny, and I should probably mention, I just stumbled across this video by chance. But I am now 17, and doing much better. I remember listening to this song all the time and feeling less anxious. Just wanted to mention that is all.
This really helps and encourages me to stand for Jesus no matter what, I love it and hope it encourages all of you to do the same.
I stand stand stand
I look up n all i see is your love❤
I will not turn n run
This battle will be won
I stand stand stand
Holding on to your promise
Love this song! Thank you so much! I am ashamed and humbled throwing a pitty party for myself.By God's; grace He renew my strength.This lyrics pierced my heart and reminded me my Worth and the One who is holding me.:-) in Christ Jesus there is always hope!:-)
Thanks for this song. Jesus will never give up on loving us. Praise for His salvation.
Rachael Jang He is the Lord of lords. King of kings. Holy is He.
This battle will be won❤❤❤❤❤STAND!!!!!!!
Wherefore (why you are where you are), take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:13
I just found this song and I wish I knew it last year when my parents were seperated. You should always have faith. This song is such a perfect example. When you feeling like giving up, you always think its over but it isn't. You must have your shield of faith. STAND! God bless you all! :)
I love this song it helps me everyday knowing that I am special in my own way and that god has a purpose for me and that he is truly loves me and is there with me were ever I go
I'm standing but barely 💔
Just stand when your hurting. That's the lesson of the song. Stand and Jesus will save you.
I will stand even it feels like I can't cause God has my back
Abigail Amen! Praying for you. God bless. :)
God is with you! :D
Stand! Thanks so much Britt! Ephesians 6:10-19 KJV
I am speechless...her songs are perfect...she has a song for every mood♥️
On your promise... I will stand ..... I love that song ..
This song has helped me through the last couple of weeks, because i started school again and i was nervous but listening to this song every morning has helped me through.Thank you Britt for this awesome song! God is with us always.
Wow just wow speechless 😶
God is good. God is great. To God's will, I stand still.
I grew up listening to this song i haven't heard it in years and i love Britt Nicole. The Lord brought this song my way! ❤
Britt you have an amazing voice! I heard your song once and now it's my wedding song with my wife.
My past has made me feel worthless. But today I stand. I stand stronger than ever because I am loved, even though I may not feel like I am all the time. This song lifts me up and reminds me to be strong through the tough times.
This tells me that my faith,GOD is bigger than my life. I'm in year6 I'm moving to year 7 this September I'm just scared if I get bullied or something but I know I can stand and face the battle GOD IS WITH ME!!!!!!!
I made a music video to this with my friends, this song is so inspirational. God speaks to me through this song, sometimes I make goals that I feel are hopeless, but I pray and listen to this and remember that anything is possible through Him who gives us strength.
Britt Nicole, an angel from God!! Love her music
Britt Nicole’s songs heal me all the time❤❤
i been having a hard time at school with drama, and every time i listen to Britt Nicole i remember God is with me all the time and helping me out! I love this song the most.
I'm so glad that we have Christian singer's
Britt Nicole has such uplifting songs 😌❤️✝️.
I'm not super religious, but this song brought me to tears. Thanks, Britt. You've helped me through so much and you don't even know.
AMAZING!!!! This is amazing to all people from the Military. Thanks dad for serving our country!!!!
When I feel like giving up..
On Your Promise I Will Stand #2020
I love this song, it's very inspiring and encourages you to keep going
I want you Brith Nicole
:) what an amazing sister! You are so lucky to have one like her. I hope things start looking up for you. Depression is hard, but you can get through it. Never lose faith. :) Keep smiling. and stand, of course ;)
Britt Nicole some how did it ive almost given all hope in myself and i really felt i had to use anymore when i stumbled onto this song and i realized i still have a purpose its great that we still have amazing artists like her
this song is up beat but my tears wont stop falling..
Britt Nicole has such a beautiful voice ❤️
I don't have that weary feeling anymore.🥇🥇🥇🥇
Thank you ,God.For helping winning the battles of life.😍
so sweet
Reminds me of my best friend she will always be with me and never leave me alone and she will always love me and be there for me I love you best friend for that!!
I love this song every word of it is so good and Britt Nicole u are a amazing Christian singer I love all ur songs
She is a true fellow sister!
britt nicole is the best inspirational singer there is
So true- love it! God bless her! x
I listen to this song ever day before school it helped me to face my fears of my bullys and crushes I also listened to this song when my mother died Im 15 my mom died when I was 12 If you have a ruff life do what i do listen to this song it touched my heart :')
Your mother is in an amazing place not :) I wish I knew song last year when my parents seperated
Leina Ash the Lord was growing you in a dark place like He did me and my grandma. He took my mom home 5 years ago.
This song sure does deliver a great message....all we can do is stand and lead the way of the Lord.
Stand up for God he stood up for you be happy people I love God soo much
I have been listening to her songs since middle school (19 now) and they still make me feel better today
Dear Britt you have showed me love and God is there with us he will stand beside us I am a sixeth grader an d my name is Katrina one of my friends are in deep sorrow but this song will lead him to God. Thank you so much Britt
I was listening music the other day. I felt down,i was listening but there wasn't a song that could describe what i was feeling and this song played and it played on the perfect time when i needed to hear those words.
Many times in my life I felt like giving up but through the Grace of God I'm still Standing! Love this song!
thank you britt nicole for every thing thank you for comeing in to my life i dont know were i'd be without your songs
Wendy Halloun the only one who ENTER to your life is the one wh DIED for u on the CROSS.☺ britt noicole did not died for you. or did she??? she is just a singer.. and yes she sings good to but she did not died for u