I wanted to publish this video at Warsaw Uprising anniversary, but renovation of my workroom delayed its premiere, also I have to make map of the city from scratches, but it means that this map is full downloadable (link in the description).
your battles are really well done, I have a question, can you make an explanatory video of how to do battles in formation and how to make them drive the planes thank you in advance.
Loved the video @NPCWAR! Can't wait for the next video man! The Germans also brought in the Infamous "Dirlegangner Brigade" from the Waffen-SS (The Units Badge was a Pair Steilhandlegrenate (the German "Potato Masher" Grenades) crossed like an "X") in the Majority of the Fighting. They also had the Sd. Kfz. 251/1 Half-Tracks with the Spin Stabilized Wurframen 40 28cm (11 in.) Rockets firing several Bombardments as well. For Me, if I were to have a Unit using the German Wehrmacht equipment in Minecraft, I would have it As Follows: • 2 Panzerkompanien (Tank Companies), 1 with 11 Panther Ausf. A Heavily Armored Medium Tanks and 1 with 14 Panzer IV Ausf. G Medium Tanks; 2 Tanks for the HQ's with 3 Platoons of 3 Panthers and 4 Panzer IV's Respectively. • 1 Schwere Panzerkompanie (Heavy Tank Company) with 8 or 10 Tiger I E Heavy Tanks, 2 Tanks for the HQ and 2 Platoons of 3 or 4 Tanks. • 1 Stug Battery with 26 Stug III Ausf. G Assault Guns, HQ with 2 Stug's each in command of a Company with 4 Platoons of 3 Stug's. • 1 Company each of Panzergrenadiers and Gepanzerte Panzergrenadiers (Armored Panzergrenadiers); Company HQ each with 2 Teams of 3 Troops with the Gepanzerte Panzergrenadiers having a 4 man Panzershreck team and the Panzergrenadiers having the More Prominent Panzerfaust by their Sides. The Panzergrenadiers will have 3 Platoons with 3 Squads of 9 Troops and a Platoon HQ of 3 Troops Each with their Kfz. 70 Trucks and Kubelwagen Jeeps and the Heavy Platoon at Moderate Strength with 2 MG 42 Squads each with a pair of 3 man MG 42 Heavy Machine Gun Teams and the 3 man Platoon Command Team with their Kfz. 70 Trucks and Kubelwagen Jeeps as well. The Heavy Platoon is given an Additional Kfz. 70 Truck per MG 42 Squad so there are 2 Trucks instead of just one. The Gepanzerte Panzergrenadiers will have 2 Platoons of 3 Squads of 9 Troops and a Platoon HQ of 3 Troops and a 4 man Panzershreck Team to the Squad level with the Platoon and Company HQ Teams having an Sd. Kfz. 251/10D Half-Track while Each of the Squads have the /1D Half-Track to ride around in. Both Companies will have an Anti-Aircraft Platoon, the Panzergrenadiers with 4 FlaK 38 2cm Anti-Aircraft Guns towed by Kfz. 70 Trucks and the Gepanzerte Panzergrenadiers with 6 Sd. Kfz. 251/21C Half-Tracks with a 2cm Anti-Aircraft Gun in the Rear Compartment, as well as Panzerpioneers (Panzergrenadiers with the Opel Blitz 3-tonne Truck and the Gepanzerte Panzergrenadiers with the Sd. Kfz. 251/7D Half-Tracks and their Assault Bridges) and an Aufklarungs Platoon (Reconnaissance Platoon) for each with 3 Squads of 9 Troops and a Platoon HQ of 3 Troops and 2 Sd. Kfz. 251/1D Half-Tracks per squad and 1 for the HQ Section. • 1 Artillerie Abtielung (Artillery Battalion) with 3 Batteries of 6 Panzerhaubitze IV "Hummel" (Bumbelbee) Self-Propelled Artillery Vehicles each, along with an Opel Blitz Radio Truck for the 4 troop Staff Team, 2 Kubelwagen Jeeps for the 2 man Spotter Teams (2 per Battery), and the Kfz. 70 Staff Car for the 3 Troops in the Command Team as the HQ Section of each Battery. That's the Structure of my "Panzer Division", if you will, in Minecraft. The Uniforms will be Unenchanted Leather Armor Dyed to match their Historic Counterparts. The Panzer Crews with have Black with Black or Dark Grey Dye Mix while the other Troops get the Following Mixes.... Helmets: Dark Green and Dark Grey. Chestplate and Leggings: White and Dark Green. Boots: Orange and Brown. Using the New Armor trim Feature of 1.20 Minecraft, the Troops will have the Following Trim Colors as their Waffenfarbe (or Epaulette Service Colors)... Relating to the Forces here, the colors will be: • White (Quartz): Infantry (Grenadiers). • Green (Emeralds): Panzergrenadiers and Motorcycle Units. *There should actually be a Dark Green Color for this as the Emerald would be better suited to the Jäger and Gebirgsjäger Infantry.* • Orange (Copper): Motorized Reconnaissance. • Red (Redstone): Generals, Artillery and Anti-Aircraft. *Can also be used on the Panzer Crews even though it's a lighter shade, 1 Redstone to 1 Quartz would be the closest approximation.* • Yellow (Gold): Reconnaissance. • Black (Netherite): Pioneers. These Colors are to be used with the Armor Trim Template that has Trim just on the Shoulders and nowhere else on the Chestplate, preferably the Tops of the Shoulders on the Chestplate, where the Waffenfarbe would be. The Troops will be Equipped with the Karbiner Kar 98K Rifles, the MG 42 Heavy Machine Guns, the MP-40 Submachine Guns, the P08 Luger Semi-Automatic Pistols, the Sturmgewehr 44 Assault Rifles, Panzershreck and Panzerfaust Anti-Tank Weapons. PaK 40 Anti-Tank Guns and 12cm sGW43 Mortars will be Supporting the Panzergrenadier and Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Companies in addition to the Aforementioned Support units. The Pak 40's are Towed by the Sd. Kfz. 11 Tractor (4 Gun Sections with 1 Pak 40 and 1 Sd. Kfz. 11 each with a 3 man Command Team and a Kubelwagen in the Pak 40 Platoon) while the 12cm sGW43 Mortars were Carried with their Crews by the Opel Blitz 3-tonne Truck (4 Sections each with 1 Mortar and 1 Blitz with a 3 man Command Team, a 2 man Spotter Team and a Kubelwagen for each in the Mortar Platoon). Let me know what you think about this idea and I'll catch you in your next video man! In case anyone was wondering, I spent about two hours typing this up.
Video idea: there was this one riot a few years ago when Korean immigrants controlled a town during an LA riot that lasted for 7 days the Koreans that were armed were being used as a law enforcement at the time since the main law enforcement was keeping the riot at bay they chased away looters and marine corps veterans shop owners who were also Korean kept the looters and rioters at bay. I think this could be a pretty good video idea
@NPCWAR one of the mod you use is the video is the Manus WW2 Package 4.0 Content Pack and the link on flans website isn't working and I can't find it anywhere can you please hand over the file via discord That will be much appreciated thanks...
To jest bardzo skomplikowane, ale to że Armia Czerwona specjalnie nie pomogła powstańcom to fakt. Dla przykładu: po wybuchu powstania Sowieckie samoloty na kilka tygodni zniknęły z warszawskiego nieba, a Stalin kazał 'obciąć' zaopatrzenie dla armii Rokossowskiego żeby przeprowadzić ofensywę na Rumunię, ale zajęcie Rumunii nie miało by znaczenia gdyby zamiast tego Armia Czerwona zaatakowała by przez Warszawę Rzeszę i znalazła by się 60 km od Berlina, który byłby totalnie nieprzygotowany do obrony. Forsowanie Dniepru pokazało że jak Stalin chciał błyskawiczne przebić się przez rzekę to mógł to zrobić bez względu na ogromne straty. Przeczytałem pod ten film książkę Normana Daviesa "Powstanie 44" i tam było to dokładnie opisane jak krasnoarmieńcy ociągali się z atakiem na Warszawę, tylko z początku byli faktyczne blokowani przez kilka niemieckich dywizji pancernych, ale te zostały później pokonane. Borys Sokołow w "Straszliwym Zwycięstwie" pisał że nie było oficjalnego stop-rozkazu, ale Stalin swoimi decyzjami zatrzymał ofensywę sowiecką na odcinku Warszawy, ale z kolei w "Powstaniu 44" przeczytałem że Stalin już 2 Sierpnia wydał rozkaz zatrzymania frontu białoruskiego a rozkaz ten został potem utajniony. Dodatkowo słyszałem opinie różnych polskich historyków że Armia Czerwona celowo była bezczynna pod Warszawą. To jest bardzo skomplikowane.
@@NPCWAR dobra ale jeżeli chodzi o tych ktorzy uważają że armia czerwona staneła to daję ciekawe pytanie z kąd tyle strat w 1froncie Białoruskim w sierpniu i wrześniu 44 roku. Bo to chyba śmieszne że nic nie robiąc można stracić 114 tysięcy żołnierzy. A stalin nigdy nie wydał zadnego rozkazu on wogóle nie istnieje ale za to przeglądając dokumenty można znaleść wiele o tym że Warszawę należy zdobyć za wszelką cenę. No ale zaprzeczyć nie można że stalin i tak chciał upadku powstania. Tu akurat była ta sama sytuacja co z katyniem. Co Stalin mówił że my z niemcami kolaborujemy. I zgodzę się z tym że jezeli chodxi o powstanie to był jeden wielki kogel mogel.
Hey NPC could you do a alternative history series. It would be like a history what if, like what if USA joined the Axis Power in WW2, What If The Cold War happened before WW2, What If Napoleonic France did not collapse
Mam pytanie czy mógłbyś zrobić bitwę o zamek w Itter. Jest bardzo ciekawa. I niepokazałeś jeszcze zdobycia 2 niemieckich maszyn takich jak transporter opanceżony i niszczyciel czołgów.
Mam już inne plany na kolejne filmy od WW2, następny to będzie Inwazja na Francję. W tym filmie celowo pominąłem dużo rzeczy żeby go nie przeciągać aż zanadto; np. nie było Goliatów i Sturm Tigera.
you need to eventually add steam powered machinery and weapons to your villager vs illager videos, advance the civilisation a bit to a more industrial like age, have the story set 50 years into the future where the grandson of the villager empire's emperor and his trader matriarchs declare steam machinery and advanced sciences illegal cause that much intellectual thinking could risk their power grip on the entire kingdom, make it a civil war between the old way of thinking that is traditional warfare vs the new way of thinking that is steam powered tanks, hot air ballons and guns, which the scientist and inventor villagers have been making. science vs tradition, 500 spears vs 50 rifles, 1000 horsemen vs 10 tanks, cannons vs artillery, an age of villager industrialism. You already know how to use tanks in these WW2 videos, you know how to control pirate ships and such, I think maybe some smart villagers should be able to invent steam punk like machinery, you could always use the create mod for it.
At the moment I don't plan to add vehicles or handguns for Villager infantry. I think that cannons from previous episodes are enough. May hot air ballons are good concept.
I don’t really how Soviet Union do this to the fellow polish soldiers. But if that’s how history go then I can’t complain. I felt Srry to this polish soldiers. Wish this Allie’s at least found a way to save these guys… but great NPC battle!
Here comes dark side of allied forces. AK soldiers (that's how they called Polish resistance) were treated badly after world war II. In places like France, UK or USA they weren't heroes, they were left with nothing in foreign countries they were in. Some were left poor. In the eastern bloc it was wayyy worse. AK soldiers who didn't agree with defeat and didn't accept Soviets as new rulers were imprisoned and tortured to death.
Dzisiaj oddział niemiecki wkroczyły do Warszawy braterskie pozdrowienia przesyłamy oddziałą walczyomczym na wielu i wszystkim gdziekolwiek się jeszcze znajdują jeszcze polska nie zgineła niech żyje polska! (Chymny polski) koniec
I wanted to publish this video at Warsaw Uprising anniversary, but renovation of my workroom delayed its premiere, also I have to make map of the city from scratches, but it means that this map is full downloadable (link in the description).
I liked your channel from this comment. You upload events according to the day and occasion. So why don't you make the British fight with the Iraqis
honor and glory to the heroes of the Warsaw Uprising 🇵🇱✌️✊
You better modify it cuz it looks way too gray
Can I download this map to my phone?
Map sity😉
As Citizen of Warsaw i'm more than happy seeing it. Thank you for making such wonderful video
We are always so happy when a new video is uploaded from you!
Dzięki wielkie jeszcze Polska nie zginęła!
Za każdym razem jak myślę o II wojnie światowej to się zastanawiam ile czasu bym przeżył gdybym brał udział w walkach
Zależy w jakim kraju służyłbys jakiej jednostce w jakim okresie czasu
@@JanKowalski-jk5se Prawda
Bardzo lubię twoje filmy:)
Przypominasz mi swoimi seriami trochę starego dobrego youtuba
Great video. I don't know what you have planned for next videos yet, apart from Tabs and Villager Vs Pillager videos.
your battles are really well done, I have a question, can you make an explanatory video of how to do battles in formation and how to make them drive the planes thank you in advance.
One of bravest last stands by a resistance during ww2
Big thx from Poland
Awesome video👍!
Thank you for make such a great contet
Loved the video @NPCWAR! Can't wait for the next video man! The Germans also brought in the Infamous "Dirlegangner Brigade" from the Waffen-SS (The Units Badge was a Pair Steilhandlegrenate (the German "Potato Masher" Grenades) crossed like an "X") in the Majority of the Fighting. They also had the Sd. Kfz. 251/1 Half-Tracks with the Spin Stabilized Wurframen 40 28cm (11 in.) Rockets firing several Bombardments as well.
For Me, if I were to have a Unit using the German Wehrmacht equipment in Minecraft, I would have it As Follows:
• 2 Panzerkompanien (Tank Companies), 1 with 11 Panther Ausf. A Heavily Armored Medium Tanks and 1 with 14 Panzer IV Ausf. G Medium Tanks; 2 Tanks for the HQ's with 3 Platoons of 3 Panthers and 4 Panzer IV's Respectively.
• 1 Schwere Panzerkompanie (Heavy Tank Company) with 8 or 10 Tiger I E Heavy Tanks, 2 Tanks for the HQ and 2 Platoons of 3 or 4 Tanks.
• 1 Stug Battery with 26 Stug III Ausf. G Assault Guns, HQ with 2 Stug's each in command of a Company with 4 Platoons of 3 Stug's.
• 1 Company each of Panzergrenadiers and Gepanzerte Panzergrenadiers (Armored Panzergrenadiers); Company HQ each with 2 Teams of 3 Troops with the Gepanzerte Panzergrenadiers having a 4 man Panzershreck team and the Panzergrenadiers having the More Prominent Panzerfaust by their Sides. The Panzergrenadiers will have 3 Platoons with 3 Squads of 9 Troops and a Platoon HQ of 3 Troops Each with their Kfz. 70 Trucks and Kubelwagen Jeeps and the Heavy Platoon at Moderate Strength with 2 MG 42 Squads each with a pair of 3 man MG 42 Heavy Machine Gun Teams and the 3 man Platoon Command Team with their Kfz. 70 Trucks and Kubelwagen Jeeps as well. The Heavy Platoon is given an Additional Kfz. 70 Truck per MG 42 Squad so there are 2 Trucks instead of just one. The Gepanzerte Panzergrenadiers will have 2 Platoons of 3 Squads of 9 Troops and a Platoon HQ of 3 Troops and a 4 man Panzershreck Team to the Squad level with the Platoon and Company HQ Teams having an Sd. Kfz. 251/10D Half-Track while Each of the Squads have the /1D Half-Track to ride around in. Both Companies will have an Anti-Aircraft Platoon, the Panzergrenadiers with 4 FlaK 38 2cm Anti-Aircraft Guns towed by Kfz. 70 Trucks and the Gepanzerte Panzergrenadiers with 6 Sd. Kfz. 251/21C Half-Tracks with a 2cm Anti-Aircraft Gun in the Rear Compartment, as well as Panzerpioneers (Panzergrenadiers with the Opel Blitz 3-tonne Truck and the Gepanzerte Panzergrenadiers with the Sd. Kfz. 251/7D Half-Tracks and their Assault Bridges) and an Aufklarungs Platoon (Reconnaissance Platoon) for each with 3 Squads of 9 Troops and a Platoon HQ of 3 Troops and 2 Sd. Kfz. 251/1D Half-Tracks per squad and 1 for the HQ Section.
• 1 Artillerie Abtielung (Artillery Battalion) with 3 Batteries of 6 Panzerhaubitze IV "Hummel" (Bumbelbee) Self-Propelled Artillery Vehicles each, along with an Opel Blitz Radio Truck for the 4 troop Staff Team, 2 Kubelwagen Jeeps for the 2 man Spotter Teams (2 per Battery), and the Kfz. 70 Staff Car for the 3 Troops in the Command Team as the HQ Section of each Battery.
That's the Structure of my "Panzer Division", if you will, in Minecraft. The Uniforms will be Unenchanted Leather Armor Dyed to match their Historic Counterparts. The Panzer Crews with have Black with Black or Dark Grey Dye Mix while the other Troops get the Following Mixes....
Helmets: Dark Green and Dark Grey.
Chestplate and Leggings: White and Dark Green.
Boots: Orange and Brown.
Using the New Armor trim Feature of 1.20 Minecraft, the Troops will have the Following Trim Colors as their Waffenfarbe (or Epaulette Service Colors)...
Relating to the Forces here, the colors will be:
• White (Quartz): Infantry (Grenadiers).
• Green (Emeralds): Panzergrenadiers and Motorcycle Units. *There should actually be a Dark Green Color for this as the Emerald would be better suited to the Jäger and Gebirgsjäger Infantry.*
• Orange (Copper): Motorized Reconnaissance.
• Red (Redstone): Generals, Artillery and Anti-Aircraft. *Can also be used on the Panzer Crews even though it's a lighter shade, 1 Redstone to 1 Quartz would be the closest approximation.*
• Yellow (Gold): Reconnaissance.
• Black (Netherite): Pioneers.
These Colors are to be used with the Armor Trim Template that has Trim just on the Shoulders and nowhere else on the Chestplate, preferably the Tops of the Shoulders on the Chestplate, where the Waffenfarbe would be.
The Troops will be Equipped with the Karbiner Kar 98K Rifles, the MG 42 Heavy Machine Guns, the MP-40 Submachine Guns, the P08 Luger Semi-Automatic Pistols, the Sturmgewehr 44 Assault Rifles, Panzershreck and Panzerfaust Anti-Tank Weapons. PaK 40 Anti-Tank Guns and 12cm sGW43 Mortars will be Supporting the Panzergrenadier and Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Companies in addition to the Aforementioned Support units. The Pak 40's are Towed by the Sd. Kfz. 11 Tractor (4 Gun Sections with 1 Pak 40 and 1 Sd. Kfz. 11 each with a 3 man Command Team and a Kubelwagen in the Pak 40 Platoon) while the 12cm sGW43 Mortars were Carried with their Crews by the Opel Blitz 3-tonne Truck (4 Sections each with 1 Mortar and 1 Blitz with a 3 man Command Team, a 2 man Spotter Team and a Kubelwagen for each in the Mortar Platoon).
Let me know what you think about this idea and I'll catch you in your next video man! In case anyone was wondering, I spent about two hours typing this up.
Video idea: there was this one riot a few years ago when Korean immigrants controlled a town during an LA riot that lasted for 7 days the Koreans that were armed were being used as a law enforcement at the time since the main law enforcement was keeping the riot at bay they chased away looters and marine corps veterans shop owners who were also Korean kept the looters and rioters at bay. I think this could be a pretty good video idea
Pozdrowienia z Polski 🇵🇱❤️
Jego filmy są najlepsze
4:36.That sound is ridiculous.
Hitler is yelling because he doesn't win
Correction, the Home Army actually managed to capture _two_ Panthers, which they named "Pudel" (alternatively "Magda") and "Felek".
Good video
2 hours ago this is very cool
Hey this is cool
Polish Resistance and Jews Resistance were helping alongside as allies to fight against the German Soldiers during world war 2
May those brave polish that risked and lost they're lives may they rest in peace for they're bravery against those Nazis monsters
Cool Video!
@NPCWAR one of the mod you use is the video is the Manus WW2 Package 4.0 Content Pack and the link on flans website isn't working and I can't find it anywhere can you please hand over the file via discord That will be much appreciated thanks...
Jeżeli chodzi o to że armia czerwona staneła to jest jeden z największych polskich mitów 2wś. A wszystko zaczeło się przez 1 gościa
To jest bardzo skomplikowane, ale to że Armia Czerwona specjalnie nie pomogła powstańcom to fakt. Dla przykładu: po wybuchu powstania Sowieckie samoloty na kilka tygodni zniknęły z warszawskiego nieba, a Stalin kazał 'obciąć' zaopatrzenie dla armii Rokossowskiego żeby przeprowadzić ofensywę na Rumunię, ale zajęcie Rumunii nie miało by znaczenia gdyby zamiast tego Armia Czerwona zaatakowała by przez Warszawę Rzeszę i znalazła by się 60 km od Berlina, który byłby totalnie nieprzygotowany do obrony. Forsowanie Dniepru pokazało że jak Stalin chciał błyskawiczne przebić się przez rzekę to mógł to zrobić bez względu na ogromne straty.
Przeczytałem pod ten film książkę Normana Daviesa "Powstanie 44" i tam było to dokładnie opisane jak krasnoarmieńcy ociągali się z atakiem na Warszawę, tylko z początku byli faktyczne blokowani przez kilka niemieckich dywizji pancernych, ale te zostały później pokonane. Borys Sokołow w "Straszliwym Zwycięstwie" pisał że nie było oficjalnego stop-rozkazu, ale Stalin swoimi decyzjami zatrzymał ofensywę sowiecką na odcinku Warszawy, ale z kolei w "Powstaniu 44" przeczytałem że Stalin już 2 Sierpnia wydał rozkaz zatrzymania frontu białoruskiego a rozkaz ten został potem utajniony. Dodatkowo słyszałem opinie różnych polskich historyków że Armia Czerwona celowo była bezczynna pod Warszawą.
To jest bardzo skomplikowane.
@@NPCWAR prawda
@@NPCWAR dobra ale jeżeli chodzi o tych ktorzy uważają że armia czerwona staneła to daję ciekawe pytanie z kąd tyle strat w 1froncie Białoruskim w sierpniu i wrześniu 44 roku. Bo to chyba śmieszne że nic nie robiąc można stracić 114 tysięcy żołnierzy. A stalin nigdy nie wydał zadnego rozkazu on wogóle nie istnieje ale za to przeglądając dokumenty można znaleść wiele o tym że Warszawę należy zdobyć za wszelką cenę. No ale zaprzeczyć nie można że stalin i tak chciał upadku powstania. Tu akurat była ta sama sytuacja co z katyniem. Co Stalin mówił że my z niemcami kolaborujemy. I zgodzę się z tym że jezeli chodxi o powstanie to był jeden wielki kogel mogel.
@@ninjagamers2659 to zadaj sobie pytanie z kąd 114 tysięcy martwych żołnierzy w 1 froncie Białoruskim. Skoro nic nie robili. Zachlali się na śmierć?
Por que você não faz um vídeo da guerra do Olimpo contra os titãs. Mitologia grega
Hey NPC could you do a alternative history series. It would be like a history what if, like what if USA joined the Axis Power in WW2, What If The Cold War happened before WW2, What If Napoleonic France did not collapse
I have idea only for one video like that - WUNDERWAFFE changes tide of the war! (Germans win).
@@NPCWAR Thank You NPC
Hey NPC war. What World Type you using when you creating ww2 maps because I use infinite instead of flat I'm planning to move on flat
I usually download maps of other authors, but when I must create map by myself, I build them on flat.
@@NPCWAR oh thanks now I can finally move on in flat
Mam pytanie czy mógłbyś zrobić bitwę o zamek w Itter. Jest bardzo ciekawa. I niepokazałeś jeszcze zdobycia 2 niemieckich maszyn takich jak transporter opanceżony i niszczyciel czołgów.
Mam już inne plany na kolejne filmy od WW2, następny to będzie Inwazja na Francję. W tym filmie celowo pominąłem dużo rzeczy żeby go nie przeciągać aż zanadto; np. nie było Goliatów i Sturm Tigera.
Ok lubię francuskiemu wojsko głównie przez ubrania i czy zrobisz tam 1 b1 bis vs 14 niemieckich maszyn.
Can you do a video about the Italian resistance pls
Mam jedno pytanie zrobisz 1920 rok bitwę warszawską?
On nie jest z Polski
@@Pougdz On jest Polakiem, nawet się go zapytałem i powiedział że jest.
@@Pougdz On jest właśnie Polakiem
@@mrpole5413 właśnie
Zrobię, ale w jakiejś nieokreślonej przyszłości.
Bro villager ep3 please I watch😟😟
Second American here
I downloaded the server, but every time I connect to the map, the connection is cut off. Could you please give me a solution?
IDK, I don't know details of the problem, on which version did you try to launch this map?
At that time,if French attack German,we would've save Poland,but they didn't do a thing
2:07 Collateral damage
Guerra da é mitológica grava um vídeo
Do you remember whem
Whem the nazis imposed their rule in Poland?
1939, and the allieds turned away....
you need to eventually add steam powered machinery and weapons to your villager vs illager videos, advance
the civilisation a bit to a more industrial like age, have the story set 50 years into the future where the grandson
of the villager empire's emperor and his trader matriarchs declare steam machinery and advanced sciences illegal
cause that much intellectual thinking could risk their power grip on the entire kingdom, make it a civil war between
the old way of thinking that is traditional warfare vs the new way of thinking that is steam powered tanks, hot air ballons
and guns, which the scientist and inventor villagers have been making.
science vs tradition, 500 spears vs 50 rifles, 1000 horsemen vs 10 tanks, cannons vs artillery, an age of villager industrialism.
You already know how to use tanks in these WW2 videos, you know how to control pirate ships and such, I think maybe some
smart villagers should be able to invent steam punk like machinery, you could always use the create mod for it.
At the moment I don't plan to add vehicles or handguns for Villager infantry. I think that cannons from previous episodes are enough. May hot air ballons are good concept.
Ty jesteś Polakiem czy nie ?
@@NPCWAR jej
@@NPCWAR jeszcze pytanie zrobisz mod packs z tymi modami dla wida;]
I don’t really how Soviet Union do this to the fellow polish soldiers. But if that’s how history go then I can’t complain. I felt Srry to this polish soldiers. Wish this Allie’s at least found a way to save these guys… but great NPC battle!
Here comes dark side of allied forces. AK soldiers (that's how they called Polish resistance) were treated badly after world war II. In places like France, UK or USA they weren't heroes, they were left with nothing in foreign countries they were in. Some were left poor. In the eastern bloc it was wayyy worse. AK soldiers who didn't agree with defeat and didn't accept Soviets as new rulers were imprisoned and tortured to death.
Very good video and interesting I like to see the site of kostadinoupoule or for modern the battle of Monte cassino or russo ukrainian war
I want the Cold War pls
Poland 🤝 Philippines
Dang 😀
This solders fight for freedom of Poland and Warsaw
Wiecie czemu Polacy salutuja dwoma palcami jeden oznacz honor a drugi ojczyzne
Next battle of Shanghai the second China Japan war ww2
Bo my nie błagamy o wolność my o nią walczymy.
I know why German tanks are hurting their own soldiers cuz polish army control inside
Dzisiaj oddział niemiecki wkroczyły do Warszawy braterskie pozdrowienia przesyłamy oddziałą walczyomczym na wielu i wszystkim gdziekolwiek się jeszcze znajdują jeszcze polska nie zgineła niech żyje polska! (Chymny polski) koniec
Polish defeat in 1945
Niech cyzje Polska!
3:00 scheiße...
Let's go Germany🔥🔥🔥
yes 1945