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  • @BibleAnswerMan
    @BibleAnswerMan Год назад +1

    For more information see Scripture and Tradition: What the Bible Really Says by Edith M. Humphrey at Amazon:

  • @CosmicMystery7
    @CosmicMystery7 Год назад +12

    I was baptized and chrismated in the Orthodox Church last year on Pentecost. Glory to God!

  • @joeskill4663
    @joeskill4663 8 месяцев назад +1

    Very good description on Tradition. How there is a difference between negative tradition and positive tradition, and how we read into that..👍🏽

  • @lisaho1492
    @lisaho1492 Год назад +3

    Excellent! May we continue to search for truth.

  • @mikeparker840
    @mikeparker840 9 месяцев назад +1

    Love the show, Hank! I also the eastern orthodox brothers and sisters.

  • @stephenmartin6954
    @stephenmartin6954 7 месяцев назад

    Welcome to the family. As I was preparing for I found you on RUclips. Christ is in our midst!

  • @jonathanskeet5076
    @jonathanskeet5076 Год назад +3

    Hank is the most chilled guy on the www.

    • @Amick44
      @Amick44 Год назад +1

      And he is so respectful and generally patient with others'. A true treasure of the faith.

  • @robertcain3426
    @robertcain3426 7 месяцев назад +2

    I'm not trying to be picky and don't necessarily dissagree with the views expressed. However, it must be clarified that the quote of Paul's 'the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life' has been taken out of context. Paul is not meaning the written word. Rather, he is specifically referring the the Law, the letter of the Law. For his letters, speaking of the gospel, the grace of God, brings life. This phrase, therefore, cannot be used to validate or invalidate any arguement in regard to sola scriptura. Cheers

  • @joan8178
    @joan8178 Год назад +5

    Fascinating & thought provoking interview. I've ordered the book for more. You have answered some of the questions that left me straddling between my past "Bible Church" (with an amazing expositor preacher) and my heart need for worship in the OCA (member 4 yrs)! PTL for both of you and this podcast. Jer 29:13!

  • @darryljanzen1019
    @darryljanzen1019 Год назад +10

    Mary is not standing between me and Christ but is offering me Christ...... after 50 plus years of following Christ, and attempting to understand the catholic teaching, that simple statement clarifies! Thank you!

    • @Sicilian1S
      @Sicilian1S 3 месяца назад +2

      You can not communicate with mary at all

    • @Sicilian1S
      @Sicilian1S Месяц назад

      @darryljanzen1019 You can follow Christ a 100 years and still not know him if you're not born again,. If you're praying to Mary u don't know Christ.

    • @darryljanzen1019
      @darryljanzen1019 Месяц назад

      Of Course, Mary cannot provide salvation! That is not the point. When we begin to realize the truth that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, the realization that those saints who are now triumphant continue to pray for us, just as when they were bodily with us. So, you can ask them to pray for you in specific ways, for specific needs. Their prayers continue to point us to God. Realizing that Uncle Don is on the same footing as the apostolic fathers, or the great evangelists, or the Apostles, or St. Mary, allows us the options to ask any of them to pray for us just as we would ask our pastor or friends here to pray here. That is the point.

  • @ilovechrist914
    @ilovechrist914 Год назад +9

    Love hank, great orthodox christian. And represents the faith well

  • @hagenjunger2914
    @hagenjunger2914 Год назад +4

    Thank you for this. Having been in the sola scriptura camp, its good to get clearer understanding of theae things. And its making me think about it, and take it more seriously. Question though: If by the time that the canon of scripture was codified, why werent writings included that promotes these traditions, and particularly that of Mary. If she is such an important part of Christianity, surely some reference should be made in the New testament to this? Wouldnt the apostles have had this taught them by the Holy Spirit? Looking for genuine answers here.

    • @hagenjunger2914
      @hagenjunger2914 Год назад +2

      For example, I've changed my mind about communion, and it's partly die to the predominant view and teachings of the early church. However, these views are supported by scripture several times in the new testament. Teachings about Mary are not, so it's difficult for me to see the basis of this. There isn't a single mention of Mary by the apostles, except perhaps in Revelation. Communion, baptism etc is.

    • @cbstanfo8314
      @cbstanfo8314 Год назад +1

      @@hagenjunger2914 Agree totally ...the Apostles teach that their is one mediator between God and men...the doctrine of mary is hard for me to cope with

    • @BibleAnswerMan
      @BibleAnswerMan Год назад +1

      @hagenjunger2914 That is explained in detail in the video.
      Certainly in the undisputed birth narratives in Matthew and Luke that the virgin Mary is exceptional in her faith and devotion to God. Mary the mother of the Lord is witness to the resurrection.
      Humprhey's even speaks of illegitimate innovations on beliefs about the Virgin Mary, such as the Immaculate Conception.
      What traditions about Mary were you concerned about?

    • @edithmhumphrey2254
      @edithmhumphrey2254 Год назад

      @@cbstanfo8314 I recommend that you might be helped here by a close reading of 1 Timothy 2, as read by the fathers, that is, by looking at the whole context of that verse about there being "one mediator." This can be found in my latest book, Mediation and the Immediate God. The short answer is that this verse about there being one mediator is given just after we are encouraged to be mediators for each other, both in the Church, and outside. It is important to think about the unique mediation of Jesus (He is the Way, the Mediation, in His person as the God-Man), and about the use of the word "ONE" to describe God as unique. It is also important to note that throughout the Scriptures, mediation is the delighted role of all of us in the Church, as we care for each other. This includes especially those who have already fought the fight, and are surrounding us like a cloud of witnesses. It is important for those who are in Christ to understand fully "the doctrine of Mary," and not to react against it. This is part of the family teaching of the Church, and not the Gospel itself, which concerns Jesus Christ, the Incarnate One who died, rose, and ascended. The New Testament is focused on that primary message; understanding about the nature of the Church is touched on in the NT, but is not its primary message. This we learn by being part of the Church, and giving and receiving ministry with our brothers and sisters, including the ministry of the Theotokos, whose very role in bearing God was mediative, but NOT redemptive.

    • @hagenjunger2914
      @hagenjunger2914 Год назад +2

      @@BibleAnswerMan Thanks. Hope I can explain myself correctly here.
      The protestant church has a strong belief that orthodox/catholic believers worship Mary. As I've come to listen to you, I realise its not true(so that's out the way). But I don't understand why you would want Mary, or anyone else for that matter, to intercede on your behalf. One of the great riches and blessings we have received is that we are able to, and exhorted to speak directly with God. Jesus talks about abiding in Him, and supping with Him. These indicate intimacy and close fellowship. Why go through another "channel" when there's nothing stopping you from going straight to the "source".
      I liken it a bit like communion. There are many born again believers that see it only as a memorial, which I have come to reject. God works grace in our hearts as we receive His gift. So my fellow Christians are no less than me, but are missing out on a great blessing and privilege by not recognizing this real work in our hearts.
      So I think that asking Mary to intercede on our behalf reduces the tremendous blessing to abide and have union with Christ.
      Or am I getting it wrong?

  • @BradRocker
    @BradRocker Год назад +4

    Edith is such a treasure to glean from.

  • @sparkomatic
    @sparkomatic 10 месяцев назад +1

    1:37:54 Very much enjoyed this talk. Personally, though, I found Fr. Reardon's book on the Psalms problematic. I had to put it down right away. He delves into the mental state of Christ in his youth, making various assumptions on matters about which we are not told. Some of it seemed downright Nestorian to me. Anyway, just my crummy two cents on that. Thanks for the talk. -s

  • @ronmann2755
    @ronmann2755 Год назад +3

    Col. 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

    • @taylorrichardson7596
      @taylorrichardson7596 11 месяцев назад +4

      “Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.” Wouldn’t you say there is Holy Tradition and man made tradition?

    • @ronmann2755
      @ronmann2755 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@taylorrichardson7596 Paul was assuring those Christians in Thessalonica that they should hold fast to the tradition of preached word or written word. They couldn't read the NT because what they lived is what we read today as the New Testament of the bible. They were not traditions of men because Jesus warned those Jews about following their traditions.

    • @taylorrichardson7596
      @taylorrichardson7596 11 месяцев назад

      @@ronmann2755Exactly, Holy Tradition, not traditions of men. I’m not Orthodox or Catholic but I can see there is a difference. Just like people say “Call no man father…” but Paul says “For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me.”
      Now, Paul does not say “call me father”, but he implicitly says “I’m your father in the faith” to paraphrase. “I have begotten you.”
      All I’m saying (not about you, my intent is not to be rude) is that many people who start shouting about “Traditions of men! Traditions of men!” don’t realize that the have their own inherited “traditions” even if they deny this and say “ I don’t have a tradition, I follow Jesus “ . Yes, it’s a given that we follow Christ.
      “For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.” (And yes I know that this verse is with respect to “meat and drink” but I think it could be applied here.

    • @Howhardisittofindausernamebruh
      @Howhardisittofindausernamebruh 7 месяцев назад +1

      Correct. Though the traditions of the Orthodox church are rooted in Christ.
      Sacramental life (baptism, communion, the workings of the holy spirit), prayer life, fasting, feasts, ecumenical governance, liturgical worship, art, church father writings, and the biblical canon itself. Most of these are either alluded to in Scripture or are stated outright. Others, such as artwork, are either inspired by Christ or pay homage who devotes their lives to Him

  • @raphtube75
    @raphtube75 5 месяцев назад

    Does anyone know when he added “life matters more” and why?

    • @BibleAnswerMan
      @BibleAnswerMan 5 месяцев назад

      @raphtube75 Truth Matters Life Matters More is explained in Hank's book of the same title. See also the video series...видео.html

    • @raphtube75
      @raphtube75 5 месяцев назад

      @@BibleAnswerMan Thanks

  • @AnHebrewChild
    @AnHebrewChild 8 месяцев назад

    55:00 I keep hearing this over and over again.
    Reality: the two most positive usages of the Greek word "paradosis" in the New Testament are both in 2Thessalonians. The KJV renders both of these as tradition(s).
    2Th2:15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
    Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.
    The NASB, RSV, NKJV, ESV, CSB, NET, etc also translate it 'tradition.'

  • @darewan8233
    @darewan8233 9 месяцев назад +1

    Nice lady but I fear she misdefined SS in the very beginning: SS is the doctrine that scriptures are the only infallible rule, not nec the only rule.

    • @djnv4702
      @djnv4702 6 месяцев назад

      Does it not also mean that scripture interprets itself?

    • @darewan8233
      @darewan8233 6 месяцев назад

      @@djnv4702 no thats a principle of hermeneutics .

  • @Fred-Phelps
    @Fred-Phelps 7 месяцев назад

    Isn't the doctrine of original sin true?

    • @BibleAnswerMan
      @BibleAnswerMan 7 месяцев назад +1

      @Fred-Phelps No Christian denies the doctrine of original sin. The question is whether humanity suffers because of Adam’s fall from a corrupted nature that results in each one willfully and consciously committing acts of sin that bring about death, or whether Adam’s guilt is imputed upon all humanity regardless of their personal actions but because of headship of the first man who sinned . See

    • @brianfay6783
      @brianfay6783 Месяц назад

      @@BibleAnswerManactually I’ve heard a few orthodox priests/bishops call original sin a heresy since of been researching the Orthodox Church right here on RUclips!

  • @rjholland1048
    @rjholland1048 Год назад +1

    Man shall "NOT BY BREAD ALONE BUT EVERY WORD OF GOD🀄📖 "Seek get first the KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS" look Jesus Christ people's..👆🙌🌿🌼🌿💕🐾🐏🌿🀄📖

  • @rjholland1048
    @rjholland1048 Год назад +1


  • @mikerukavina4551
    @mikerukavina4551 Год назад +1

    Pray without ceasing. Go somewhere (paraphrase) a room, what have you, and pray and be alone to talk with God. How is this not interpreted as "go talk to God everyday"?

    • @edithmhumphrey2254
      @edithmhumphrey2254 Год назад +3

      Friend, of course the Scriptures give examples of prayer at set times, and tell us to pray unceasingly. My point was about the tradition of "daily devotions," rightly taught in Protestant circles, but which cannot be found as a positive command or teaching anywhere in Scriptures themselves--we receive this from our fathers (and mothers) in Christ as a tradition, and do well to keep their advice! Indeed, the ancient Church would suggest a whole cycle of daily hours to help us to pray without ceasing, not just one occasion per day. There is also the Orthodox tradition of the "Jesus prayer" which sets up a rhythm that helps us to pray even while we are doing other things.
      My point was that evangelicals who keep to the tradition of daily devotions (usually recommended as a set hour in the morning) are receiving this personally from those who have taught them, not as an explicit Scriptural teaching. And that is true of other "traditions" found in Protestant circles--prayers to the Holy Spirit, the careful teaching about the Holy Trinity (three persons, one God, with the headship of the Father), and so on. Every Christian follows traditions that have been passed on--some Christians recognize this, whereas those who insist on sola Scriptura sometimes don't notice that everything that they believe and practice is not found clearly in the Bible.

    • @mikerukavina4551
      @mikerukavina4551 Год назад +1

      @@edithmhumphrey2254 Wow! Thanks so much for your response! I truly appreciate it. And it definitely makes sense with that clarification.

    • @Amick44
      @Amick44 Год назад +1

      ​@StevenR-uf7kgI admit I did not know who she is. However, I have long been an admirer of Hank's and not surprisingly, found her quite enlightening.

    • @robertcain3426
      @robertcain3426 7 месяцев назад +1

      In my understanding, the phrase 'pray without ceasing' is to be taken as an attitude; an attitude of prayer, rather than making a time for prayer or devotions as some might call it. If we walk with God by faith, don't we acknowledge God's presence and converse with him?

  • @cbstanfo8314
    @cbstanfo8314 Год назад +1

    tradition has its place, unfortunately tradition due to our human nature , can be invented and a replacement for truth ,spirit they can null and void the word of god as Jesus told the pharisee's ie Some Christian's believe if they do not follow or participate in the traditions they do not have Christ..this is sad.

  • @delilahrichardson6716
    @delilahrichardson6716 10 месяцев назад

    We must be careful of tradition we follow for some is of man and not God we should only do the tradition tha God says to do. Follow God's word and you will know what to do.