No , Abiy is Amhara Assimilado just like Yonas Biru . I will infor Professor Habtamu Tegene Dawit w/Giorgis Etc Amhara nationals what these fake Amharas are doing.
We appreciate your comments and suggestions but give us some solutions and help to clear the the way to unite Fano. FANO is progressing well without any foreign assistance. They are the children of their fathers. Fano resistance is shaking Abiy Ahmed's regime to the extent that it is on the verge of collapse
My advice to Dr yonas is to tonedowone his language when he write his opinion about fano. Also he must understand that fanos uprising is locally based ,not created by people of similar intellectual background such as tplf etc. The military phase is very vital to influence the future political outcome.
With all due respect your guest is completely wrong regarding his statement about Meles Zenawi position regarding Eritrea's ports when Eritreans voted for independence. Meles knew that Asseb/Massawa/ Adulis never belonged to Ethiopia (which use to be known as Abyssinia before 1931 and for most part of history Abyssinia was made up of Amhara and Tigray region only) and therefore Meles's only option was to accept colonial boundaries which is recognized by the international community. I strongly suggest to your guest to do his research before making nonsense claims!
Mr. Yonas, you yourself once made a very strange proposal you said ""let's trade Welkait for Assab port because Eritrea lacks farming land "" frankly what you proposed was very insulting to us Eritreans. Mr. Yonas, what makes you think Eritrea lacks farming land this tells us how little you know about Eritrea. We hope you have learned more about Eritrea since.
Ethiopia never was denied access to the sea ! Even in a bad time even in a time of war Eritrean ports were made accessible for The people of Ethiopia unfortunately they the Ethiopian leaders have been blocking that and now what international community to know about the need for access to the ports? Who prevented Ethiopia ? Who ?
Dear hermitized Amharas , get out of your bubble and listen to yonas. Fano should be called out when it misses to reach important milestones. Let your judgement be free of emotions.
Doctor.Yonnas the saying “ Believer” Amagni new yelilew betsam yetesasate new . Who is believer who is not believer in fact these people are not close to that saying
Some individuals or groups have an agenda of disintegrating Fano and expose the Amhara people to slavery for fascist tigrean Woyanes and fascist Oromuma Oromos, this individual or groups should be kicked out of any participation from the Amhara people meeting and shunned from the Ethiopian community.
መሳይ ዛሬ ደግሞ አምሮብሀል።እግዝአብሔር ግርማ ሞገስን ጤናን እድገትን ደስታን ከነቤተሰብክ ይስጥህ ኑርልን comprehensive journalist we love a lot God bless you and your family!!!!
ዶ/ር ዬናስ እግዚአብሔር ይስጦት ትክክል ነው የፋኖ ትልቁ ቺግር አንዳንድ ስግብግብ የፋኖ እመራሮቺ ለስልጣን ብለው ትግሉንና የአማራውን ስቃይ እያራዘሙ ያሉት ምንም ፈራተባ የሚስብል ነገር ዬለም ግልፅ መነጋገር ያስፈልጋል ያበጠ ይፈንዳ
Absolutely right ✅️
አብይ አሕመድ እትዮጵያን ነው ያዋረደው
No , Abiy is Amhara Assimilado just like Yonas Biru .
I will infor Professor Habtamu Tegene Dawit w/Giorgis Etc Amhara nationals what these fake Amharas are doing.
Dr yonas ❤❤❤❤❤❤
ድል ለፋኖ ድል ለአማራ ህዝብ❤❤❤
ሸኔ አአ እየተኮሰ የገባው ፋኖ እንዳይገባ ለሁሉም ለማሳየት ነው
ሰላም ለሀገሬ
Dr ዮነናስ መሳይ እናመሰግናለን🙏
Welcome again Jegnachin Messay
የአማራ አመራሮች እና ጀኔራሎች ከከንቲባ አብይ ለይተን አናያቸዉም በአማራ ደም ቀልዳቹ አትኖሩም 💪💪💪 የግዜ ጉዳይ ነው 💪💪💪💚💛❤️ ድል ለፋኖ 💪💪💪
Messay Mekonen lewunte yekome❤🎉
አማራ አንድ ከሆንን አንወድቅም አንድ እንሁን 💚💛❤️ 💪💪💪 ድል ለፋኖ 💪💪💪
ዶክተር ዬናስ 🙏🙏🙏
ፋኖ መሳይ ወጥር 💪💪💪 💚💛❤️
Welcome Dr Yonas
ፋኖ ያሸንፋል 💪💪💪 💚💛❤️
Where are the other educated ethiopias ?
I am shocked to see so few almost to none among the Ethiopian scholars participating on the Amara issues
We appreciate your comments and suggestions but give us some solutions and help to clear the the way to unite Fano. FANO is progressing well without any foreign assistance. They are the children of their fathers. Fano resistance is shaking Abiy Ahmed's regime to the extent that it is on the verge of collapse
ዛሬ ዶክተር ዬሆናስ ቁጭቁጭ ነዉ ያረጉት። እናመሰግናለን።
Ankara’s declaration is a diplomatic defeat for Abiy NOT for Ethiopia.
Dr Yonas is 100% wright about Fano . has to come together
My advice to Dr yonas is to tonedowone his language when he write his opinion about fano. Also he must understand that fanos uprising is locally based ,not created by people of similar intellectual background such as tplf etc. The military phase is very vital to influence the future political outcome.
መሳይ ለምን ምሁራን ለመሰብሰብ አትሞክርም?
ጋሽ ዬናስ እርሶ ኖት የአማራን ህዝብ የቆጠሩት? 40million የሚሉት:: ይሄ ኤሀዴጋዊ ንግግር ነው:: መቼ በፍትሕ እና በነፃነት ህዝብ ቆጠራ ተደረገ? ሌላው ደግሞ እርሶ ፋኖ ላይ ያለዎት አመለካከት በግሌ አይመቸኝም:: የሚሰጡት አስተያየት እኮ ልክ tplf እና ሌሎች እንዳደረጉት ጫካ ገብቶ ማኒፌስቶ አዘጋጅቶ ድርጅት መስርቶ ከላይ ወደታች የስልጣን ተዋረድ ይዞ እንደመጣ አይነት ነው ትችቶች የሚያቀርብት:: ፋኖ በህልውና ምክንያት በሰፈሩ በቀበሌ በወረዳ እራሱን እያደራጀ ከታች የተነሳ የህዝብ አልሞትም ባይነት ነው:: እንዴ ሁሉ ሱሪ ባንገት ይባላል እንዴ ገና በዓመት ከግማሽ🙄🙄🙄🙄
👉አብይ አህመድ ቤተመንግስት ሚኖር እንስሳ ነው!!
ኢትዮጵያ በጅሎች እጅ ወድቃለች 😡😡😡 የምንለዉ በምክንያት ነዉ 😂ብሩ ወረቀት ሆነ 😂😂 😂
አማራ እራሱንና ኢትዮጲያን ነፃ ለማውጣት የምእራባዊያንን ፍቃድ አይጠብቅም ስለዚህ እልቂት ይፈጠራል የሚባለው ትርክት አይሰራም
With all due respect your guest is completely wrong regarding his statement about Meles Zenawi position regarding Eritrea's ports when Eritreans voted for independence. Meles knew that Asseb/Massawa/ Adulis never belonged to Ethiopia (which use to be known as Abyssinia before 1931 and for most part of history Abyssinia was made up of Amhara and Tigray region only) and therefore Meles's only option was to accept colonial boundaries which is recognized by the international community. I strongly suggest to your guest to do his research before making nonsense claims!
ስማ ዮናስ ያማራን ህዝብ አንተ ነህ የቆጠርከው 40ሚሊዮን የምትለው it is 70 ሚሊዮን ፋኖ ያሸንፉና ትክክለኛ ቆጠራ ይደረጋል እንጂ ዘመዶችህ ኦነጎች አማራን የማሳነስ ሂሳብ አይደለም
Ye Tgray weg yidresachu, Amen
የሸርሙጣ ልጅ ዲቃላ የጋላው የጭን ገረድ
ይህንን እስከንድር የሚባልን ካንስር ግንባሩን ብልው ቢገላገሉን አንዱ በጥባጭ እሱ ነው
መቼ ነው ትክክለኛ ህዝብ ቆጠራ ተደርጎ ነው 40 ሚሊዮን ነው 13:48 የአማራው ቁጥር የተባለው ። ይህ የደንቆሮው ና የደደቡ የመለስ ፖለቲካ ነው ።ስንናገር መጠንቀቅ ያስፈልጋል
Amhara population is 70 million
It is unconscionable how previous Ethiopian leaders have divulged thousands of miles of Ethiopia's coastline to others. So irresponsible.
😂አይይ ምን አደከማቹ አብይ እንደው አይወርድም
ከ3 በላይ አደረጃጀት ኘያስፈሌግም ፣ 3 ያልኩት አንዱ አስታራቂ ፤ ይሄ ሁሉ አደረጃጀት
Any ahemid Ali Ethiopia hezb Hoya abian awredu bezo see gedeloal
Yeshermuta leg
Mr. Yonas, you yourself once made a very strange proposal you said ""let's trade Welkait for Assab port because Eritrea lacks farming land "" frankly what you proposed was very insulting to us Eritreans. Mr. Yonas, what makes you think Eritrea lacks farming land this tells us how little you know about Eritrea. We hope you have learned more about Eritrea since.
Yonas you don’t know nothing
Betam besal awaki doctor etiopiawian esebu besimet menidat tifat new esebu
Abi Ahmed Ali is not normal he sign any paper said a lot of lies he does not think Ethiopia is in disaster .
Lebaw Mesay. ERE leb geza.
@Daneal wassie
Messay Jegnaw is a big headache to satan cadres like you. Swallow the truth
ዶክተሩ ገብቶታል። በቀጥታ አልተናገረውም እንጂ አማራ እንኳን ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ያለውን በሁለተኛ ደረጃ ትምህርት ብቃት ላይ ያለውን ትተን ሀርቫርድ ብትልከው ፕሪንስተን ብትልከው ወይም ኦክስፎርድ ብትልከው ውስጡ በደም ስሩ ያለውና ከአገር አገር ተሸክሞ የሚዞረውን ዃላ ቀርነትና ዘገምተኛነት እንዲሁም የእርስ በርስ መመቀኛኘት በተጨማሪም ከጥንት የተጠናወተው ህልመ ቢስነት እስካለና እነዚህን የሚገታው መሪ ከፋኖ መሪዎች ወይም ልቀት አለን ከሚሉት ሆዳም ዳያስፖራ አማራዎች መካከል እስካልመጣ ብልጽግና የጭቁኑ አማራ ገበሬና ልጆቹ ጭፍጨፋ ይቀጥላል። ብራቮ ዶክተር ዬናስ!! ይገባናል በ political correctness ተለጉመህ እንደሆነ እንጂ ብትናገር ይህን ገንዘብ በህልሙም ይሁን በእውኑ በዐይኑ ላይ ሲሽከረከርበት የሚያውል ዳያስፓራ አማራ ልክ ልኩን እንደደምትነግረው እርግጠኛ ነኝ።
Mesay Jegna bertu
Del la Jegna Amhara fano
Ethiopia never was denied access to the sea ! Even in a bad time even in a time of war Eritrean ports were made accessible for The people of Ethiopia unfortunately they the Ethiopian leaders have been blocking that and now what international community to know about the need for access to the ports? Who prevented Ethiopia ? Who ?
Dear hermitized Amharas , get out of your bubble and listen to yonas. Fano should be called out when it misses to reach important milestones. Let your judgement be free of emotions.
Doctor Yonas tenikara yemayitatef achayo unetenga etiopiawi new
Doctor.Yonnas the saying “ Believer” Amagni new yelilew betsam yetesasate new . Who is believer who is not believer in fact these people are not close to that saying
This man can not explain what god is galans cilture that he compairs with that of Amharas Felasafa" culture?
መሳይ ድሮ በጣም ነበር ምወድሕ አሁን ግን ከውሻ የባስክ ጅብ ራስ ሆኖሕብኛል ተመለስ ይቅርብሕ
ሂድ እናትህ ትበዳ አንተም ሰሆነህ ሰው ስትጠላ ፊትህን በመስታውት እየው መጀመርያ
ስድቡን ምን አመጣው መውደድም መጥላትም መብትህ ነው ስድቡ እሚያመለክተው የሰዳቢውን ጭቅላት ነው አዝናለው ጋዜጠኛ መሳይ ስራውን እየሰራ ነው ተሳዳቡው ግን መጮህ ትችላለህ
@nebyatgebretiensae9421 ጋዜጠኛ ሓለፊነት ወስዶ ማይሰራ ከሆነ ስድቡ ይገባዋል ይሔ ማለት ግን ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ችግር የለም ማለት አይደለም ሰው ይሞታል ሰው ይፈናቀላል ሁሉሙ ነገር በግዜ ሒደት ይፈታል በተረፈ ከኛ ሚጠበቀው ፀሎት ማረግ ብቻ ነው
@Alex-zv1ly በጭራሽ አይደለሁም አነተ የሰው ከነቱ አጨብጫቢ
I hate this halv gala talking about Fano!
PhD የ 1:00 ያዙት በቅጥዎ ተምረው ነው እንዴ? የጥላቻ ጥግ 😮😮
Kebet ante temerek asayen
መሳይ በቃ የኢሳያስ ተላላኪ ኦኖ ቀረ😂
መሳይ በሃሳብ እሚያምን ነው የኢሳያስ ስም ሲነሳ የሚያመው 2/7ተጠመቁ
ደንቆሮ ውታፍ ነቃይ ድድብናን ከጩልሌው አብይ አህመድ ተንበርክከህ ተቀብለሃል መልካም የድድብና ዘመን።
Some individuals or groups have an agenda of disintegrating Fano and expose the Amhara people to slavery for fascist tigrean Woyanes and fascist Oromuma Oromos, this individual or groups should be kicked out of any participation from the Amhara people meeting and shunned from the Ethiopian community.