All come from the heart. Your karma comes from your intention or unintentional. You order your maid to kill the rat, YOU have sin coz if not you ask your maid to kill the rat, your maid might wont kill it. But the maid, in the same time, can choose not to kill the rat, but to let it go.
我都係戴耳筒聽,同樣遇到此問題而且經常要adjust volume, 因此不能好好享受此節目。三位主持當中亞蕊聲音最好聽,説話又比較斯文的一位,我係因為亞蕊而聽此節目,反而經常爆 mic 嘅係行姐,就算冇特别爆 mic, 她的聲音本來就非常high pitch, 普普通通講句説話都極刺耳,再加上説話及身體動作粗魯似大媽,頓時令節目質素下降不少,希望三位主持以後可以加以改善,並祝願聽眾人數越來越多。
亞蕊 is very irritating !!
Wai King Tse 我只係對佢三個忽然爆mic或者中聲尖叫好討厭咋,因為用earphone聽,忽然咁高頻率耳仔真係會好痛。
駛咩咁煩, 叫英國政府開放比自由行, 捉晒黎做紅燒乳鴿咪得囉!!
講得非常好support support
老癫蕊出名大叫大嚷 有時仲笑到成個麻甩佬咁
All come from the heart. Your karma comes from your intention or unintentional.
You order your maid to kill the rat, YOU have sin coz if not you ask your maid to kill the rat, your maid might wont kill it. But the maid, in the same time, can choose not to kill the rat, but to let it go.
hello, wake up, the focus is off! No one there to check?
換咗嗰兩個女唧可以嗎 ?