  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 24

  • @patricktoney8200
    @patricktoney8200 Год назад +5

    I’ve seen this movie twice. I love this movie.

  • @necroraven9666
    @necroraven9666 Год назад +12

    Where's Batista?

  • @mohamadarash8890
    @mohamadarash8890 Год назад +7

    such a great movie, salute to all crew

  • @qcrew2938
    @qcrew2938 Год назад +2

    Amazing movie

  • @aberizal8022
    @aberizal8022 Год назад +2

    8:59 she's beautiful and cute❤

  • @jonots4645
    @jonots4645 Год назад

    napanood nmin to ng anak ko sa sm bf paranaque kgabi, napawow ako at napaluha at natawa narin ang ganda ng movie na to! i love it!!😊👏

  • @ioriyagami8191
    @ioriyagami8191 Год назад +3

    Karen Gillen 🥰❤️😘

  • @Flyingfast...
    @Flyingfast... Год назад +7

    What a great movie, what a great cast, what a great event! I love Marvel! :)

    • @BC08
      @BC08 Год назад

      This movie is an anamoly because Marvel has been a 🗑️🔥since 2019

    • @Flyingfast...
      @Flyingfast... Год назад

      @@BC08 Disagree, I watched "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings" in cinema - 4 times, it was very cool, "Eternals" is an amazing movie, and I liked everything else too :)

    • @BC08
      @BC08 Год назад

      @@Flyingfast... Eternals is total trash. Shang-Chi is very mid. You probably like the SW sequels too.

    • @Flyingfast...
      @Flyingfast... Год назад

      @@BC08 I totally disagree, The Eternals is a great movie, I liked it very much.

    • @BC08
      @BC08 Год назад

      @@Flyingfast... Eternals was terrible. The abysmal audience scores and lackluster box office reflect its awfulness.

  • @tomlore1215
    @tomlore1215 Год назад

    Daniela ❤

  • @qweqqweq2090
    @qweqqweq2090 Год назад

    I'm contrasting this to the last Disney star wars movie premiere in my head and thinking of the kinds of questions I'd ask that cast and crew to match the flavor and genuine appreciation I have for this production and crew. here's what I'd ask the cast and crew of the rise of Skywalker?
    "so how does it feel to be part of a movie that pissed off it's fans on purpose and went out of its way to make men all over the world feel hated?"
    it's hard to believe the three guardians movies were made during the same time as Disney star wars and such stellar feminist propaganda movies like, Thor love and thunder, captain marvel, and other movies reportedly so hateful and bad that they'll never even see the light of day. I'm just glad these guys made such cool movies for people to enjoy and whatever happened to Thor, Disney star wars, and all the other feminist propaganda didn't get it's stink on guardians. it's like every other movie and t.v. show all stepped in the same poo but somehow through some miracle they avoided it.

  • @ebeljuniardi7372
    @ebeljuniardi7372 Год назад +2

    I'm looking for Taserface 😅

  • @joelsonbernardo9157
    @joelsonbernardo9157 Год назад

    The best love love

  • @MarjanGjorgievski-l8e
    @MarjanGjorgievski-l8e Год назад +1

    Where's Gamora?

    • @pulsare.m.6719
      @pulsare.m.6719 Год назад +1

      Who is gamora

    • @wiyanana
      @wiyanana 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@pulsare.m.6719why is gamora?

  • @DelhiDudeArts
    @DelhiDudeArts Год назад

    Michael Rosenbaum Voice of Wally West The Flash from JL and JLU animated series at the Premiere🙏🇮🇳🙏

  • @realphilou
    @realphilou Год назад

    How is Zoe not here ? So Gamora died for the second time and for good ? 😭