Chess 6.0 ideas: Pulsar: moves like knight and also moves diagonally, but only on 1 diagonal and also moves like rook horrizontally Landline: hidden to your opponent and explodes when your opponent moves on it, removes pieces that are on it and 1 square horizontally and vertically. Idk what to call dis: it moves like a rook but is limited to only 3 squares, it may seem weak, but it has a special power. When it moves, it has a 3 move cooldown before it turns invisible. It also can capture without moving so it keeps its invisibility. It can capture without moving 1 square horizontally and verticaly Combiner: your pieces can move onto it and there’s no limit to how many pieces you can combine. Pieces can move off it and also how it works is that it combines the movement of other pieces you move onto the combiner
More ideas: Pieces are unlocked depending on the amount of moves made. Pawns: Free? Landmine/Modified rook: 4 moves Pulsar/Modified knight: 6 moves Peasant/Modified bishop: 9 moves Guard: 12 moves Ninja: 14 moves Combiner: 17 moves Wizard: 20 moves Pilot: 22 moves (so no early smothered mates happen) Pieces: Wizard: The Wizard can't capture; only move onto the same square as an enemy piece. If it does, you can move the aforementioned piece; however, the enemy king can't move into check or stalemate. The Wizard moves 2 squares up, left, down or right. Peasant: Moves like a bishop, but can only capture the piece directly in front of it; combined pawn and bishop. Pilot: Can move directly forward and backward like a rook, but it can only move left or right by one square. Its special ability is ascending to an alternate board above the normal one; if it is above an enemy piece, it can instantly descend down and capture the piece. If it is above the enemy king, it will be put in check. Guard: Moves like a knight and a king combined (it can't jump over pieces), but can snipe pieces like a bishop. If a piece is sniped, the Guard won't move.
And I don't mean like the pieces going on the surface of the cube, I mean like pieces moving in the third dimension. An example is the rooks moving up, down, left, right, forwards, and backwards.
Rage Bull: moves like a queen if any of the color pieces on its team gets captured, and runs over pieces which kills them to kill their target. Another piece can ride it, but if another piece can capture it, the piece riding it dies first. If it is not raged, it moves like a king+knight.
Suggestions for chess 6.0: Board: 10x10 idek Mushrooms: spawn on the board to give a buff to any piece Santa claus: moves in a circle with a few "spikes", to signalize his pufferfish. Pufferfish: moves in a filled in small square. Chess traps: looks like a king but its fake. You cant checkmate it but can capture it normally. PawaP: a pawn that can do pawn movement in all directions
Scout: moves three spaces horizontal and vertical and moves two spaces diagonal it can stay at its position when attacking because it has a 90cal pistol
Idea: The Hellish Board An 10x10x10 board, with random death boards that kill pieces that land on them, excluding the king. If the king lands on one, it gets left as one death board. Pawns landing on one during promotion will stop it from doing so. Promoting pawns can optionally double their size.
If you haven't done it yet, i've got an idea: Greek Myth chess: Pawn-Plutus god of plenty. Ability: makes a pawn of plenty which when killed, splits into 4 pawn on all corners of where the pawn was killed. Knight-Poseidon god of horses. Ability: Horse becomes chariot and kills anything except king on its columb. Bishop-Hades god of underworld. Ability: 3 random pieces of yours that got captured come back to life. Rook-Hecate god of crossroads. Ability: Forces enemy to choose to go where you want them to go. Queen-Hera queen of gods. Ability: Shapeshift into any piece on your team as long as at least one is still on the board. King-Zeus king of gods. Ability: Once every 3 turns he can strike down ten lightning bolts that don't affect your team but destroy pieces on their team if it's a direct hit.
Idea: Carrier. Model: A carrier or smth. Rules: When playing you can place the carrier anywhere except 1 square near the opponents side. Moves: Moves 1 move in any direction like the king but 1 piece can go into the square the carrier is, and if the carrier moves the piece comes with them. The opponent cannot go onto the other players carrier, if the other player goes into he other plsyers carrier while a piece is on it, the piece gets captured, not the carrier, oh yesh the carrier can get captured ofc. Special abiities: This one is complex, so bssically imagine a knight on a carrier, the pieces on that square has the moves combined if the carrier and the piece riding it, so that piece would have one square in each direction (which is the carrier's or king's movement) and then the moves of the knight.
Now, We need Oats Jenkins' version of "Chess 2.0", where It Uses Ideas from the Video "I made a BETTER Chess". I hope Oats Jenkins releases Chess 3, from the Video "I made a EVEN BETTER Chess"
At this point in chess 6.0, it will be like king of the bridge, so bishops can move off the board, pawns can move sideways one square and cannot move diagonally, and you cannot know the rules because the rule book is cursed and you can accuse someone else of cheating and you get to cheat, and you can cheat like WHAT IS HAPPENING TO CHESS
The portal magician: can move everywhere but kill like a king The reaper: can move like a king and can kill on every tiles that is the same colour of the tile where the reaper is but can't kill the king The phoenix: can move and kill up to 2 squares cardinally or diagonally and when it's killed, it respawn in the tile the more in the bottom and after the more left one in this raw
Idea: Chess: The Purple Poppy (Pretty based on Oats Jenkins' "Chess 2") -- Board -- Size: 10x8 Colour: Purple or Classic -- Pieces -- Pawn: Moves up 1 tile, and can take on the upper corner. Can do en passant and reverse en passant Knight: Moves and takes in an L-shape, jumping iver any pieces in the way. Crow: Can move any amount in any direction unless there is a piece blocking the way, but can only take up to 1 piece away, and can only take if the opponent took a piece (not with their own rook) last turn. Monkey: The monkey can move 1 square in all directions, but if a piece is adjacent, the monkey can swing over it, and it takes any piece on the other side. It can swing indefinitely, until either it takes a piece, or can't swing any more, then the turn is over. You can't move normally then swing, nor can you capture normally. Elephant: can move up to 3 tiles on any diagonal, and can crush up to 2 pieces in its path, including the one it wants to take. Any more pieces, and the move is illegal. Queen: Can move or take any distance in any direction unless there is a piece in the way. King: can move or take up to 1 tile away in all directions. If your king is dead, or is forced to be dead the next turn, you lose.
Chess² idea: chess with time traveling, a 3d board with dimensions you can switch and I forgot to mention it’s a puzzle version idea. You get a random GM game and must find the best move at every move.
Idea for chess 6.0 1.the berserker. It can move like a king + rook + knight, if it dies it respawns as the fool 2. The joker. It moves exactly like the opponents previous piece that he moves. 3. The mime. It can create an invisible barrier in front of it, your pieces can pass through it, moves like a knight+ rook
Server surlectoin! (Like low elo, no shop, and Piece Placement)game mode!(no shop,adventure mode(play with npc),small bored,classic?(some pawns will be like chess 1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0 and 5.0)
Galaxy Chess: *PLACEABLES* Astronaut Spaceship Satellite Rock *PLACEABLE’S MOVES* Rocket: kills every piece that’s in its way in front of it. Astronaut: moves diagonally and can jump over 2 squares and kills whatever piece it lands on since astronauts explore space and the moon and the moon has low gravity and you can jump high so it kinda makes sense Spaceship: spreads rocks 1 square diagonally but only has a 20% chance of spreading and a 30% chance of dying. Satellite: can move in every square that a piece is standing on but it doesn’t kill the piece, instead it makes the piece lose a turn so it can’t move the the next time the other team moves, This can be very useful if your opponent only has a little amount of pieces. Rock: can capture any piece that moves in its place but disappears after any piece moves in the place but kills the piece that’s captured in it. *MOVES* Pawn: Can spawn a rock in front of itself but dies after doing it. Knight: Can spawn a spaceship 2 squares diagonally but only has 2 uses every round. Bishop: Can spawn an astronaut 2 squares in front of it. Rook: Can spawn a spaceship diagonally and horizontally but can’t spawn one behind him. Queen: Can spawn a rocket in front of it but can only do it after killing 3 pieces King: can spawn a satellite but only has 3 uses. *NOTES* Plz add this to one of ur vids 🥺
New piece idea: cannon moves like a pawn without the double step rule and captures like a queen without moving. It premotes to a catapult which can move like a queen one step and captures like a queen normally
Chess 8.0: Basics Board Count: 1 Board Size: 7x7 Goal: To capture all the pieces of your opponent Pieces Solider: It moves like the Chess 5.0 pawn but it cannot have it's double step move and can't promote, when it reaches the last ranks it reverses it's movement, just like the checkers' checker, this piece can capture two steps froward and one space diagonally (not back), the weird part is that when it takes froward it will not move from it's initial square (it moves when taking diagonally) Commander: The Commander moves just like the double king in Chess 2.0 but it only takes frowards, backwards, left and right. Sniper: The sniper moves just like the king but it can capture like a queen without moving. Tank: The tank is different in Chess 8.0, the tank moves like the rook and captures like the elephant from Chaturanga without moving. And it also has an extra 4 lives (the lives still works like in Chess 5.0) The Setup We setup how we want
Chess 6.0 New piece: Wasp Wasp can choose, which pawn or bishop he will sting. Stinged pawn or bishop can't Move next 5 moves. New piece: Destroyer Destroyer can destroy enemies with extra lives in one capture. Destroyer can throw other pieces around him. Max. Distance of throwing is 5 squares in any direction. New mode: world war There is twice more pieces. New mode: chaotic Board is + shaped and there must be 4 players in this gamemode
chess 6.0: Soul Catcher: -moves like knight and bishop in 5 by 5 square -when catching:gets one more life -revives in the exact same spot Factory: -if ally dies: spawns a new pawn! -can't move💀 {new pawn} -moves like a normal pawn, but can't kill Bomberman -spawns a bomb in selected spot(select spot in only same color) -moves like a bishop {Bomb} -explodes in 2 turns -any piece above when bomb explodes die Ninja King -every third turn: disappears in the board for 1 turn -movement:same as normal King, but twice -kills any pieces in where Ninja King comes back from disappearing -can't move while disappeared Murdur -every kill: gets an extra move -movement: Rook + Knight -movement after kill: King+ Knight Nether Portal -every turn:spawns Pigman infront(if other piece in front: do not spawn) -movement:one block in front(can't kill) {Pigman} -movement: Pig+ Man(equals to person) -next turn: changes to zombie pigman [Zombie Pigman] -movement:Zombie + Pig + Man(equals to person/Zombie movement: infinity knight as 6 by 6) -any ally Zombie Pigman hit :go next to the killer(when all space filled, kill/if already the killer is next to the Zombie Pigman, kill) Phoenix -Moves like God Piece(can kill/ not Ninja God) -Can't die -only moves one time Bloody Knight -movement:same as knight -death:change 3 random enemy pieces' movement same as Nether portal do -Freeze 2random enemy pieces for 1 turn( not Ninja King) -If Kill: gets new skill:"after 3 turns: die" -3rd kill: deletes all skills from1 random enemy piece -2nd kill: gives 1 random ally piece extra attack -4th kill: spawns new Bloody Knight with extra attack in attack range of Rook
My opinion for 6.0: Boards:7X5 Pieces: Pawn new name:Car Car moves:Moves both vertically and horozoiantlybut it only 1 moves Knights new name:horskey Horskey moves: knights move but got car moves Bishop new name:Bomber Bomer moves:Bishop move when the enemy domes closer they dissepear including your allies Rooks new name:Bat boy Bat bow moves:Rooks move but only 5 pieces Queen new name:Mario Mario moves:moves queen but if you kill enemies they dissepear to 2 piece King new name:Rong Rong moves:King moves and rooks New Feature: Shop 1st item:Swap piece Cost:100$ 2nd item:Win the game Cost:10000$ 3rd item:Gun Cost:250$ 4th item:Teleporter Cost:5000$ 5th item:The button Cost:2500$ 6th item:Tsar bomba Cost:7500$ 7th itemTransformation Cost:3000$ 8th / Final item:W54 Warhead Cost:1500$ Thats all!
Hey Chess Traps, I just wanna say that your game is kinda glitchy because some times random pieces just spawn in when I play. Idea: In Chess 6.0 you should add saving when you make like your own Chess games.
I have a idea for 6.0 chess: black hole. Moves like a knight and a king, but the knight can move in the whole L. This piece can only move by capturing, and every time it captures, the range becomes bigger and the piece.
The black hole can also eat any piece or thing, so it can eat the board, nukes, its own color pieces. If 2 black holes have 1 space between them, the 2 black holes merge in the middle, grow by adding their levels. The colors take turns being able to use it, 2 turns at a time. Black holes start out weak, so they don't start out with the knight movement.
What if the bishop two knight thing was like one piece was white while the other was black so like either the knights would be black while the bishop is white or vise versa and every move they use, it switches from a black piece to a white piece.
ideas: lancer: move 1 square any direction or jump 2 squares digonally, vertically and horizontally, attack the piece where it lands fencer/soldier: move 1 square foward, backwards, left and right, and attack 1 square diagonally general: attacks and move 3 square vertically, horizontally and diagonally, can castle with the king cardinal: move and attack like a bishop and/or king no_image_found: moves 1 square foward, can't attack or/and be captured, when reach the final rank, moves back wards instead foward, and dice versa, is a stalemate if is ajencent to the king, the king can't move ajecent to the no_img_found unless it moved first
Chess 6.0 idea for the knight (it will be called guard moves like a king captures like a king and captures without moving like a knight with the gun he has)
Chess M Military Version Of Ches With Tanks, Soldiers, Planes, Naval, Other Infantry, Sappers,Basically Can Lay Down Mines,WW1 Tanks Can Have 5 HP And Shoot More Times In A Round, Tanks Could Have 3 Hp
Idea:slasher Kills everything around it (it cannot be placed in the corners of the board because it kills like a 3x3 and I has to be in the middle of the 3x3) Cannot be killed by any chess piece except for pawn but can kill pawns too and kill again after 15 seconds of being used and can move anywhere no matter how far Can be bought at the shop of chess pieces for 8750 chess points and can only buy a maximum of 25 of them can be placed off the board Has a potion of resistance to turn immortal until the round ends also has a hp bar and it’s hp is 75000
Another to idea for chess 7.0(already have 6.0) *GRAPN* we are going to use pawn 5.0+2.0 now the name is grpan Grpan moves like Bishop but 2 blocks and kills at under *COW* This piece does have a cow face but looks mor goofy to that This moves like horsey but 5 by 3 Also can jump like others updates *BISHKEK* This piece does have 2 abilitys First ability is hopping Really is going all away to the black's pawn or others like that The second ability was passive The passive is moving on to the black by going under to go on the black's side *LARGE CASTLE* The piece is like same as the normal castle but better Is moves is like 8 and 6 line *EMPRESS* This piece does not have moves but can teleport any wher it likes CROWN the crown can really move anywhere it likes It can jump Respawn to its place(3 USES ONLY) My hands now got break please tell me if is bad so I can fix it
I would like to add 1 piece for Chess 6.0. Cheese: So it shaped like a cheese "🧀" and the movement is like the knight ♞ but 2 blocks away, does it make sense? It has a special ability where it can place a hole but it can put 3 only [Limit putting hole: 3] and if the oppenets goes in, it has a chance to be in ur team or it will get remove/capture about the chances of making it to be in ur team is 0.00000000000000000021% chance of being making it to be in ur team, and about the chances of getting it remove/capture is 45% chance of it. I think thats all.
Make an piece called *parasite* it infects the enemy piece and you can control it for 3 rounds before auto destruction (both of the pieces die) your enemy cant kill the piece that you infected, do i even need to explain? Friendly fire is off.
idea for chess 6.0 click read more to see what about a piece that is a air raid siren if possible the icon should be as similar to a demay fire siren as possible and it should move like a king and it also immediatly captures any opponent piece that is in its adjacent squares and this is why i call it the air raid siren thats because they use a fast spinning blade inside so its like if you put yourself in that blade and get shredded because of the last condition if you move this piece next to the opponents king it will immediatly capture it resulting in checkmate and as always if your opponent is dumb enough to put his pieces next to it they will get captured thats all
Chess 9.0 Board count 1 Board size 8x8 Goal:take the king from the other team Pieces King (or super king) moves 2 squares can’t promote moves in corners take away pieces If it lands on it Skull moves 1 square can’t promote takes the pice If it lands on it and If it gets to the end of the board it can now promote Elephant moves 2 squares anywhere it can go under pieces and If it lands on a pice it’s out and it can promote Sword moves in corners moves 3 squares and If it lands on a pice its out and it can’t promote Shark moves 2 squares and moves anywhere and it can promote and if it lands on a pice its out BONUS GREAT PICE Super dragon moves 3 squares and it can move anywhere it can fly anywhere it wants can promote and if it lands on a pice its out NEW FEATURE At the start both player get 100 chess money to spend at the shop and If you win a round you get 100 chess money SHOP 599 dollars win already 500 dollars get 2 more super dragons 450 dollars get new pice called piggy Can move 1 square can not promote but move anywhere 400 dollars get new pice pawn night at the start you use the night then after the pawn and repeat the pattern over and over 300 dollars super freeze it can freeze pieces for 1 minute 2 uses 200 dollars super jump can jump 2 squares forwards only 2 uses 100 dollars vanish it can vanish the pice you pick for 50 seconds 50 dollars get a cute dog for your pet shop TO GET A DOGGY Win chess 3 times then you can get a free doggy and again and again THE END!!!
bro's doing a speedrun of
Chess mostVariants%
Chess 6.0 ideas:
Pulsar: moves like knight and also moves diagonally, but only on 1 diagonal and also moves like rook horrizontally
Landline: hidden to your opponent and explodes when your opponent moves on it, removes pieces that are on it and 1 square horizontally and vertically.
Idk what to call dis: it moves like a rook but is limited to only 3 squares, it may seem weak, but it has a special power. When it moves, it has a 3 move cooldown before it turns invisible. It also can capture without moving so it keeps its invisibility. It can capture without moving 1 square horizontally and verticaly
Combiner: your pieces can move onto it and there’s no limit to how many pieces you can combine. Pieces can move off it and also how it works is that it combines the movement of other pieces you move onto the combiner
Oh call it the ninja
@@meanyhunter5958 k
More ideas:
Pieces are unlocked depending on the amount of moves made.
Pawns: Free?
Landmine/Modified rook: 4 moves
Pulsar/Modified knight: 6 moves
Peasant/Modified bishop: 9 moves
Guard: 12 moves
Ninja: 14 moves
Combiner: 17 moves
Wizard: 20 moves
Pilot: 22 moves (so no early smothered mates happen)
Wizard: The Wizard can't capture; only move onto the same square as an enemy piece. If it does, you can move the aforementioned piece; however, the enemy king can't move into check or stalemate. The Wizard moves 2 squares up, left, down or right.
Peasant: Moves like a bishop, but can only capture the piece directly in front of it; combined pawn and bishop.
Pilot: Can move directly forward and backward like a rook, but it can only move left or right by one square. Its special ability is ascending to an alternate board above the normal one; if it is above an enemy piece, it can instantly descend down and capture the piece. If it is above the enemy king, it will be put in check.
Guard: Moves like a knight and a king combined (it can't jump over pieces), but can snipe pieces like a bishop. If a piece is sniped, the Guard won't move.
Damn guy
in games with two boards the game starts with the kings invincible as they cannot be captured due to the need to have space in the other board
I have an idea for chess 6.0: an 8x8x8 3D chess board.
Then how about the piece position? You can't trap a queen without needing 26 pieces around her.
just put the pieces on a rubix cube
And I don't mean like the pieces going on the surface of the cube, I mean like pieces moving in the third dimension. An example is the rooks moving up, down, left, right, forwards, and backwards.
Yes pls
@@practicemodebutton7559 that crazy
Rage Bull: moves like a queen if any of the color pieces on its team gets captured, and runs over pieces which kills them to kill their target. Another piece can ride it, but if another piece can capture it, the piece riding it dies first. If it is not raged, it moves like a king+knight.
Chess 10: combine everything from previous versions
0:55 the pawn went on a diet
This deserves more likes
Cool i love every update u made
Suggestions for chess 6.0:
Board: 10x10 idek
Mushrooms: spawn on the board to give a buff to any piece
Santa claus: moves in a circle with a few "spikes", to signalize his pufferfish.
Pufferfish: moves in a filled in small square.
Chess traps: looks like a king but its fake. You cant checkmate it but can capture it normally.
PawaP: a pawn that can do pawn movement in all directions
Scout: moves three spaces horizontal and vertical and moves two spaces diagonal it can stay at its position when attacking because it has a 90cal pistol
Idea: The Hellish Board
An 10x10x10 board, with random death boards that kill pieces that land on them, excluding the king. If the king lands on one, it gets left as one death board. Pawns landing on one during promotion will stop it from doing so. Promoting pawns can optionally double their size.
If you haven't done it yet, i've got an idea:
Greek Myth chess:
Pawn-Plutus god of plenty. Ability: makes a pawn of plenty which when killed, splits into 4 pawn on all corners of where the pawn was killed.
Knight-Poseidon god of horses. Ability: Horse becomes chariot and kills anything except king on its columb.
Bishop-Hades god of underworld. Ability: 3 random pieces of yours that got captured come back to life.
Rook-Hecate god of crossroads. Ability: Forces enemy to choose to go where you want them to go.
Queen-Hera queen of gods. Ability: Shapeshift into any piece on your team as long as at least one is still on the board.
King-Zeus king of gods. Ability: Once every 3 turns he can strike down ten lightning bolts that don't affect your team but destroy pieces on their team if it's a direct hit.
Idea: Carrier.
Model: A carrier or smth.
Rules: When playing you can place the carrier anywhere except 1 square near the opponents side.
Moves: Moves 1 move in any direction like the king but 1 piece can go into the square the carrier is, and if the carrier moves the piece comes with them. The opponent cannot go onto the other players carrier, if the other player goes into he other plsyers carrier while a piece is on it, the piece gets captured, not the carrier, oh yesh the carrier can get captured ofc.
Special abiities: This one is complex, so bssically imagine a knight on a carrier, the pieces on that square has the moves combined if the carrier and the piece riding it, so that piece would have one square in each direction (which is the carrier's or king's movement) and then the moves of the knight.
Now, We need Oats Jenkins' version of "Chess 2.0", where It Uses Ideas from the Video "I made a BETTER Chess".
I hope Oats Jenkins releases Chess 3, from the Video "I made a EVEN BETTER Chess"
At this point in chess 6.0, it will be like king of the bridge, so bishops can move off the board, pawns can move sideways one square and cannot move diagonally, and you cannot know the rules because the rule book is cursed and you can accuse someone else of cheating and you get to cheat, and you can cheat like WHAT IS HAPPENING TO CHESS
Chess 6.0 piece idea:
An armadillo
It moves like a double-king but it can only capture light pieces and be captured by heavy pieces.
Make the board in 6.0 10×10 and have a 3rd row to add
The portal magician: can move everywhere but kill like a king
The reaper: can move like a king and can kill on every tiles that is the same colour of the tile where the reaper is but can't kill the king
The phoenix: can move and kill up to 2 squares cardinally or diagonally and when it's killed, it respawn in the tile the more in the bottom and after the more left one in this raw
1:46 in Chinese mythology if you have ever read journey to the west there was a centre called the hundred eyed Doaist master
Chess 420.0 the king turns into a farmer and the whole board turns into plants vs zombies
6:10 shielded bishop is still the same like uncapturable bishop
Sounds like not a better 4.0 but a 4.0 with less pieces but very beautiful and different dynamic
Water:like duck but unmoveable
Chess 6.0 should have a drone
Movement:can move diagonally 2 spaces and can jump
Ability:can pick up a piece
5 years ago you: I create chess 96.0
Rook idea:
The pringles
Moves like the rook, but in the left and right also
Idea: Chess: The Purple Poppy
(Pretty based on Oats Jenkins' "Chess 2")
-- Board --
Size: 10x8
Colour: Purple or Classic
-- Pieces --
Pawn: Moves up 1 tile, and can take on the upper corner. Can do en passant and reverse en passant
Knight: Moves and takes in an L-shape, jumping iver any pieces in the way.
Crow: Can move any amount in any direction unless there is a piece blocking the way, but can only take up to 1 piece away, and can only take if the opponent took a piece (not with their own rook) last turn.
Monkey: The monkey can move 1 square in all directions, but if a piece is adjacent, the monkey can swing over it, and it takes any piece on the other side. It can swing indefinitely, until either it takes a piece, or can't swing any more, then the turn is over. You can't move normally then swing, nor can you capture normally.
Elephant: can move up to 3 tiles on any diagonal, and can crush up to 2 pieces in its path, including the one it wants to take. Any more pieces, and the move is illegal.
Queen: Can move or take any distance in any direction unless there is a piece in the way.
King: can move or take up to 1 tile away in all directions. If your king is dead, or is forced to be dead the next turn, you lose.
3:03 Soon War Chess will come
For some update you could add the gryphon (1 move diagonally then a rook move) and manticore (1 move horizontally or vertically then a bishop move)
the pawn looks like an alien structure 😭
I like it when people make chess basically impossible to understand
Chess² idea: chess with time traveling, a 3d board with dimensions you can switch and I forgot to mention it’s a puzzle version idea. You get a random GM game and must find the best move at every move.
One idea: thunderbird, can move anywhere and kill anything, if any other piece is touching an attacked piece it also dies.
Make chess 80.0 and make a FROWNER moves like a frown
6.0 we need a bear
Idea for chess 6.0
1.the berserker. It can move like a king + rook + knight, if it dies it respawns as the fool
2. The joker. It moves exactly like the opponents previous piece that he moves.
3. The mime. It can create an invisible barrier in front of it, your pieces can pass through it, moves like a knight+ rook
New piece: chesser move in every direction
Server surlectoin! (Like low elo, no shop, and Piece Placement)game mode!(no shop,adventure mode(play with npc),small bored,classic?(some pawns will be like chess 1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0 and 5.0)
100 years later:
chess infinity.0-
Galaxy Chess:
Rocket: kills every piece that’s in its way in front of it.
Astronaut: moves diagonally and can jump over 2 squares and kills whatever piece it lands on since astronauts explore space and the moon and the moon has low gravity and you can jump high so it kinda makes sense
Spaceship: spreads rocks 1 square diagonally but only has a 20% chance of spreading and a 30% chance of dying.
Satellite: can move in every square that a piece is standing on but it doesn’t kill the piece, instead it makes the piece lose a turn so it can’t move the the next time the other team moves, This can be very useful if your opponent only has a little amount of pieces.
Rock: can capture any piece that moves in its place but disappears after any piece moves in the place but kills the piece that’s captured in it.
Pawn: Can spawn a rock in front of itself but dies after doing it.
Knight: Can spawn a spaceship 2 squares diagonally but only has 2 uses every round.
Bishop: Can spawn an astronaut 2 squares in front of it.
Rook: Can spawn a spaceship diagonally and horizontally but can’t spawn one behind him.
Queen: Can spawn a rocket in front of it but can only do it after killing 3 pieces
King: can spawn a satellite but only has 3 uses.
Plz add this to one of ur vids 🥺
New piece idea: cannon moves like a pawn without the double step rule and captures like a queen without moving. It premotes to a catapult which can move like a queen one step and captures like a queen normally
Chess 8.0:
Board Count: 1
Board Size: 7x7
Goal: To capture all the pieces of your opponent
Solider: It moves like the Chess 5.0 pawn but it cannot have it's double step move and can't promote, when it reaches the last ranks it reverses it's movement, just like the checkers' checker, this piece can capture two steps froward and one space diagonally (not back), the weird part is that when it takes froward it will not move from it's initial square (it moves when taking diagonally)
Commander: The Commander moves just like the double king in Chess 2.0 but it only takes frowards, backwards, left and right.
Sniper: The sniper moves just like the king but it can capture like a queen without moving.
Tank: The tank is different in Chess 8.0, the tank moves like the rook and captures like the elephant from Chaturanga without moving. And it also has an extra 4 lives (the lives still works like in Chess 5.0)
The Setup
We setup how we want
Why does this not have any replies...
@@DoubleBassGuy idk
im liking
if itsn't the "top" com when i check next time, i lose my mind
Don't you think it's a little crazy
Chess 6.0
New piece: Wasp
Wasp can choose, which pawn or bishop he will sting. Stinged pawn or bishop can't Move next 5 moves.
New piece: Destroyer
Destroyer can destroy enemies with extra lives in one capture. Destroyer can throw other pieces around him. Max. Distance of throwing is 5 squares in any direction.
New mode: world war
There is twice more pieces.
New mode: chaotic
Board is + shaped and there must be 4 players in this gamemode
Thank you very much for making chess 5.0
chess 6.0:
Soul Catcher:
-moves like knight and bishop in 5 by 5 square
-when catching:gets one more life
-revives in the exact same spot
-if ally dies: spawns a new pawn!
-can't move💀
{new pawn}
-moves like a normal pawn, but can't kill
-spawns a bomb in selected spot(select spot in only same color)
-moves like a bishop
-explodes in 2 turns
-any piece above when bomb explodes die
Ninja King
-every third turn: disappears in the board for 1 turn
-movement:same as normal King, but twice
-kills any pieces in where Ninja King comes back from disappearing
-can't move while disappeared
-every kill: gets an extra move
-movement: Rook + Knight
-movement after kill: King+ Knight
Nether Portal
-every turn:spawns Pigman infront(if other piece in front: do not spawn)
-movement:one block in front(can't kill)
-movement: Pig+ Man(equals to person)
-next turn: changes to zombie pigman
[Zombie Pigman]
-movement:Zombie + Pig + Man(equals to person/Zombie movement: infinity knight as 6 by 6)
-any ally Zombie Pigman hit :go next to the killer(when all space filled, kill/if already the killer is next to the Zombie Pigman, kill)
-Moves like God Piece(can kill/ not Ninja God)
-Can't die
-only moves one time
Bloody Knight
-movement:same as knight
-death:change 3 random enemy pieces' movement same as Nether portal do
-Freeze 2random enemy pieces for 1 turn( not Ninja King)
-If Kill: gets new skill:"after 3 turns: die"
-3rd kill: deletes all skills from1 random enemy piece
-2nd kill: gives 1 random ally piece extra attack
-4th kill: spawns new Bloody Knight with extra attack in attack range of Rook
For 6.0 chess the king can move 3 Square verticaly and orzontaly and diagonal
1:37 centaur from ouroburos king
My opinion for 6.0:
Pawn new name:Car
Car moves:Moves both vertically and horozoiantlybut it only 1 moves
Knights new name:horskey
Horskey moves: knights move but got car moves
Bishop new name:Bomber
Bomer moves:Bishop move when the enemy domes closer they dissepear including your allies
Rooks new name:Bat boy
Bat bow moves:Rooks move but only 5 pieces
Queen new name:Mario
Mario moves:moves queen but if you kill enemies they dissepear to 2 piece
King new name:Rong
Rong moves:King moves and rooks
New Feature: Shop
1st item:Swap piece
2nd item:Win the game
3rd item:Gun
4th item:Teleporter
5th item:The button
6th item:Tsar bomba
7th itemTransformation
8th / Final item:W54 Warhead
Thats all!
Hey Chess Traps,
I just wanna say that your game is kinda glitchy because some times random pieces just spawn in when I play.
Idea: In Chess 6.0 you should add saving when you make like your own Chess games.
I have a idea for 6.0 chess: black hole.
Moves like a knight and a king, but the knight can move in the whole L. This piece can only move by capturing, and every time it captures, the range becomes bigger and the piece.
The black hole can also eat any piece or thing, so it can eat the board, nukes, its own color pieces. If 2 black holes have 1 space between them, the 2 black holes merge in the middle, grow by adding their levels. The colors take turns being able to use it, 2 turns at a time. Black holes start out weak, so they don't start out with the knight movement.
Forceman chess said tank piece have five lives
question: what happens if tank respawns but its respawning position is already full with another piece?
No it cant respawn on an ocupied space
than what happens to the tank? does it wait until the piece moves? or can you just choose where it will spawn or something like that?@@thehpstyle1165
you didn’t need to remind me what a centaur was🥪
ChessTrap why are you not adding shop in Chess 2.0? and why are you not adding with quest in Chess 3.0?
Yeah I really want shop and quest.
Me tooo
And atomic chess, never added new missile
Maybe this is an update to the original game, so everything else he said in previous conversations apply, plus these, but idk
either chesstraps is lazy or he can’t code it in
We got chess 5.0 before gta 6 lol
What if the bishop two knight thing was like one piece was white while the other was black so like either the knights would be black while the bishop is white or vise versa and every move they use, it switches from a black piece to a white piece.
lancer: move 1 square any direction or jump 2 squares digonally, vertically and horizontally, attack the piece where it lands
fencer/soldier: move 1 square foward, backwards, left and right, and attack 1 square diagonally
general: attacks and move 3 square vertically, horizontally and diagonally, can castle with the king
cardinal: move and attack like a bishop and/or king
no_image_found: moves 1 square foward, can't attack or/and be captured, when reach the final rank, moves back wards instead foward, and dice versa, is a stalemate if is ajencent to the king, the king can't move ajecent to the no_img_found unless it moved first
How about a price who can move anywhere on the bord and capture like a queen and knight
me looking at 5th:wait is that a tank?
Chess 6.0 idea for the knight (it will be called guard moves like a king captures like a king and captures without moving like a knight with the gun he has)
This is a good idea right?
That pawn reminds me of something dirty…
Bro should make a fire in the hole piece
poor 5.0 king, now he's it's not loyal any more
But there is a human in chess: the bishop
Chess M Military Version Of Ches With Tanks, Soldiers, Planes, Naval, Other Infantry, Sappers,Basically Can Lay Down Mines,WW1 Tanks Can Have 5 HP And Shoot More Times In A Round, Tanks Could Have 3 Hp
The immobilizer is checkmate time ahhh piece
6.0 chess?
Kills everything around it (it cannot be placed in the corners of the board because it kills like a 3x3 and I has to be in the middle of the 3x3)
Cannot be killed by any chess piece except for pawn but can kill pawns too and kill again after 15 seconds of being used and can move anywhere no matter how far
Can be bought at the shop of chess pieces for 8750 chess points and can only buy a maximum of 25 of them can be placed off the board
Has a potion of resistance to turn immortal until the round ends also has a hp bar and it’s hp is 75000
Did we can evolve pawn in chess 4.0 into some figure from 5.0?
When people don’t know any chess variants:
when will chess 2.0 get shop and when will chess 3.0 get quests?i really want to play with quests.there would be a lot of pieces in fact.
Another to idea for chess 7.0(already have 6.0)
we are going to use pawn 5.0+2.0 now the name is grpan
Grpan moves like Bishop but 2 blocks and kills at under
This piece does have a cow face but looks mor goofy to that
This moves like horsey but 5 by 3
Also can jump like others updates
This piece does have 2 abilitys
First ability is hopping
Really is going all away to the black's pawn or others like that
The second ability was passive
The passive is moving on to the black by going under to go on the black's side
The piece is like same as the normal castle but better
Is moves is like 8 and 6 line
This piece does not have moves but can teleport any wher it likes
the crown can really move anywhere it likes
It can jump
Respawn to its place(3 USES ONLY)
My hands now got break please tell me if is bad so I can fix it
The tank can shoot exploden
The last picas is so cool
I would like to add 1 piece for Chess 6.0.
Cheese: So it shaped like a cheese "🧀" and the movement is like the knight ♞ but 2 blocks away, does it make sense? It has a special ability where it can place a hole but it can put 3 only [Limit putting hole: 3] and if the oppenets goes in, it has a chance to be in ur team or it will get remove/capture about the chances of making it to be in ur team is 0.00000000000000000021% chance of being making it to be in ur team, and about the chances of getting it remove/capture is 45% chance of it.
I think thats all.
As someone calling everyone I want cute the pig is very cute indeed
i would recommend you to change the shielded bishop when it looses his heart he looses hes shield
Chess 6.0 has clocks and tarot cards
Chess 6.0
Rules: Pawn---> Wanp Moves and takes diganolly
Knight-------> Knight 3: Moves like Knight thrice
Others: Your Choice
Ah yes a peppa pig chess
I mean… he’s out of line but he’s right!
How about having the chess board double in sise every move
Make an piece called *parasite*
it infects the enemy piece and you can control it for 3 rounds before auto destruction (both of the pieces die)
your enemy cant kill the piece that you infected, do i even need to explain? Friendly fire is off.
2:00 pawn:then what am i?
playing with the first board only is not working
1. The "Alice Chess" feature is added in for no reason
Bro i just played chess 5.0 and i noticed a problem that the boards are very small
game update in 100.0
When are you going to fix the shop in the other variation?
This must be the best chess ever, mostly because it has the best animal 🐷🐽🐖
Chess 6.0 soon
idea for chess 6.0
click read more to see
what about a piece that is a air raid siren
if possible the icon should be as similar to a demay fire siren as possible
and it should move like a king
and it also immediatly captures any opponent piece that is in its adjacent squares and this is why i call it the air raid siren thats because they use a fast spinning blade inside so its like if you put yourself in that blade and get shredded
because of the last condition if you move this piece next to the opponents king it will immediatly capture it resulting in checkmate
and as always if your opponent is dumb enough to put his pieces next to it they will get captured
thats all
I think “double knight bishop rider” was better
if humans(in game) were meant to be smart then human pieces should move like the last opponent pieces
Oh my god! Perfectly 15,500 viewers!!!
Please tell me how do you make these new chess on what software?
Make a nuke piece in chess 6.0
Chess 9.0
Board count 1
Board size 8x8
Goal:take the king from the other team
King (or super king) moves 2 squares can’t promote moves in corners take away pieces If it lands on it
Skull moves 1 square can’t promote takes the pice If it lands on it and If it gets to the end of the board it can now promote
Elephant moves 2 squares anywhere it can go under pieces and If it lands on a pice it’s out and it can promote
Sword moves in corners moves 3 squares and If it lands on a pice its out and it can’t promote
Shark moves 2 squares and moves anywhere and it can promote and if it lands on a pice its out
Super dragon moves 3 squares and it can move anywhere it can fly anywhere it wants can promote and if it lands on a pice its out
At the start both player get 100 chess money to spend at the shop and If you win a round you get 100 chess money
599 dollars win already
500 dollars get 2 more super dragons
450 dollars get new pice called piggy
Can move 1 square can not promote but move anywhere
400 dollars get new pice pawn night at the start you use the night then after the pawn and repeat the pattern over and over
300 dollars super freeze it can freeze pieces for 1 minute 2 uses
200 dollars super jump can jump 2 squares forwards only 2 uses
100 dollars vanish it can vanish the pice you pick for 50 seconds
50 dollars get a cute dog for your pet shop
Win chess 3 times then you can get a free doggy and again and again
Please tell me on which app do you make pieces