  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • Zonguldak, one of the important cities of the Western Black Sea Region, has a coast to the Black Sea from the west and north. It is an important port city as it is the gateway to maritime trade between Turkey and the Black Sea countries.
    It is bordered by the Black Sea in the north, Bartın in the northeast, Karabük in the east and southeast, Bolu in the south, and Düzce in the west and southwest. Zonguldak is 50 kilometers from Bartın, 75 kilometers from Karabük, 82 kilometers from Bolu, 86 kilometers from Düzce, 166 kilometers from Kastamonu and 139 kilometers from Sakarya. It is 270 kilometers from the capital Ankara and 323 kilometers from Payitaht Istanbul.
    According to 2022 data, the population of Zonguldak is 588 thousand. Although the population of the districts, which are the provincial centers in general, is the places with the highest population of the province, the population of the city center of Zonguldak, which is 119 thousand, is the second largest district after Ereğli, which has a population of 175 thousand.
    It is known as the country's mine because it has the richest hard coal mines in Turkey. Since the city earns its income only from hard coal, industry and tourism have not developed much in the region. The fact that Karabük was separated from Zonguldak in 1995 and became a city also affected the decline in industry and caused migration.
    The name Zonguldak is formed from the combination of French and Turkish words. It was formed by the combination of the word "zone", which is the French equivalent of the words "region, area", and the word "Göldağ", which was the name of the region among the people at that time, in the Ottoman period of Turkey, when the coal mines in the region were operated by the French. The use of the name “Zonegöldağ” has changed over time to Zonguldak. Considering the archaeological excavations in the historical region of Zonguldak, it goes back to 2500 BC. The first people to settle in the region were the Hittites, in 1200 B.C. with the Aegean migration tribes, the Phrygians, Mariandin and Migdans, who spread to Central Anatolia via Thrace, settled in the Zonguldak region and formed the first known people of the region.
    The Cimmerians, who entered Anatolia from the Caucasus and seized the region, killed the Phrygian King in 676 BC. After this period, the Cimmerians, who were defeated by the wars with the Lydians and Assyrians, left Anatolia as a result of the wars they made with the Med state from Iran. After the Cimmerians, the Lydians completely captured the Zonguldak region. Colonies such as Megarians and Boitayans, Filyos, Amasra and Ereğli came to Zonguldak and started to establish ports where they could unload the goods they brought by sea during the Lydian period. After this period, the Persians ended the Lydian rule in Zonguldak.
    During the period when they dominated the Anatolian lands, the Persians did not personally deal with the management of the colonial cities and ruled these regions with systems called "tyrants". The maverick rule of the tyrants benefited the Macedonian King Alexander in Anatolia. Alexander, who drove the Persians out of Anatolian lands, made a similar mistake with the Persians and left the administration to the Macedonian officers. The oppressive rule of Macedonian officers also led to a popular uprising. The Romans, who turned these uprisings into opportunities, captured the Black Sea coast from Ereğli to Samsun. Thus, Zonguldak became the Front Asian city of the Roman Empire.
    Zonguldak, which was an Eastern Roman territory after the division of Rome, is also one of the places where Christianity first spread. The region passed to Anatolian Seljuk rule in 1084. After this period, Zonguldak, which was captured by the Genoese, was later ruled by the Candaroğulları Principality. With the conquest of Amasra by Fatih Sultan Mehmet in 1460, Zonguldak became Ottoman territory.
    The first of the still operating coal mines in Zonguldak was opened in 1848 and these mines were operated by Belgian and French companies. During the War of Independence, the French occupied Zonguldak and the provinces of the region through these companies. It was stopped in 1920 by the forces formed by the Occupational Defense Societies. Zonguldak was accepted as a province after the proclamation of the republic.
    Although Zonguldak has a typical Black Sea climate, it has a very cold winter season as it is geographically open to cold air currents from the Balkans. The summer months are not very hot and are short-lived. The region is rainy in all seasons. Precipitation is especially concentrated in the spring and autumn seasons. Precipitation decreases as you go from the coastal areas to the inner regions. Zonguldak is one of the coolest cities of the Black Sea.
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