I THOUGHT YOU LEFT!! AAAAA! I'm excited! Edit: Amira is painfully relatable. So is Raita. I'm in tears, and thats thanks to your amazing story telling. Thank you. I needed this.
Aww i see how many did you get more sufferings , don't listen what Okuro said at you. Maeka you for me you're a best friend, i love you as a sister Anyway i always believe with you and i in your heart and helping you I love you so much sis 💚
I have been waiting so long, this is inspiring me to do animation, knowing you can just learn it and become awesome is a great thought, one you have inspired me to do, thank you so much maeka!
This is a MASTAPIECE. It's so cinematic and so we'll written, this community never fails to impress me! Well done Makea, my hat's forever off to you and I can't wait to learn more about your inner demon and how it got there 😁 Also I like how your demon had multiple tails *I say this because my Kaiju-sona and Transformers-sona have multiple tails, 5 tails actually.*
You’re back my friend!! And I can say it was worth the wait! Your characters are so well thought out, and designed PERFECTLY!! Your animations are full to the Brim with action and suspense. Even in its lightest moments! Such fine work my friend. Nothing truly more phenomenal. I can’t wait to see what’s next!! Keep it up!! ❤️❤️
oH mY gOsH cutest ship ever!!!! Mutsuki x Kei so cute!!!!! This is so awesome! I can’t wait for the next episode ;-; I totally wasn’t crying when I found out That was the deceased brother ;-; Edit: oH mY gOsH 20 + likes? Why do my comments get so many likes ;-;
Maeka. You are really good. Pls do me a favor and don't stop to fast with your YT Videos. You have my full respect. You get the first place on my favorite Animation Makers. And that with this Video. Please don't stop (i said it a lot but i say it again. My English isn't good)
Omg, This was so emotional towards the end, I had legitimate tears in my eyes ☺️ And yes, please continue this!! I love the work you put into this!! Please keep it up, Maeka!
Juste épique c est vraiment énorme ce qu'on peut faire avec l univers de Splatoon hâte de voir la suite des aventures de Maeka est ses amies continue tu gères 👍
Awww finally you come back Maeka!\(^o^)/ Maeka,我只想讓妳知道,妳不孤單 以前的我也曾遭到霸凌和孤立 這樣的經歷也給了我很深遠的影響 我看到影片中的Maeka 就好像看到以前的我…… I love your video a lot!:)💕 對了,有任何臺灣人嗎?
This... is.... incredible.... you have been make us waited for soooooo long to make animation series and it can get us upset or mad if you long; but now that I see that you make these animations detailed and all the movements is not a easy task and it’ll take a loooooooooots if patients just to make one animation, I’m very happy that I get to see animations like this and I love it, keep it up PLEASE
This was such a good video. I loved it! I'm glad to see another video by Maeka Could I also know what song is used at the end of this? It sounded great
Ok... I am going to write this comment first in German and after that I try to translate it in English (my english is not the yellow from the egg (pretty bad)) German: Erstmal vorweg: Eigentlich habe ich nur einen Blick in meine Benachrichtigungen geguckt und als ich nur "2 octolings" gelesen habe bin ich vor Freude aufgesprungen und habe mich todes gefreut. Ich bin ein riesiger Splatoon Fan und habe auch 2 Poster in meinem Zimmer hängen und als ich die erste Splatoon Animation gesehen habe hat es mich umgehauen. Meine Lieblingscharaktere mit Emotionen gepaart? Es war genial! Es war "A painful memory". Ich habe zwar die Story nicht verstanden aber es hat mir gefallen was ich gesehen habe. Nachdem ich dann mehrere Stunden verbracht habe Leute wie "Alex Spider" oder "Poool157" zu gucken war ich komplett in der Szene drin... Ich bin irgendwie vom Thema abgekommen... Auf jeden Fall freue ich mich jedesmal wenn die besten der Szene eine Animation veröffentlichen. Ok dann mal zu meiner Meinung: Ich finde es unglaublich krass das du es geschafft hast bei einer Story die irgendwie noch keinen so richtig roten Faden gehabt hat so eine interesannte Backstory einzubauen. Der Mobber wie er Klein-Meaka als Monster bezeichnet, das Detail wo Maeka sagt: "Why nobody like me?" sowohl als sie gemobbt wurde als auch als der Demon von ihr Überhand ergriffen hat beziehungsweise sie erschossen wurde. Die Kampfszenen sehen einfach unglaublich aus und die Emotionen vorallem von Tori und Maeka sind unbeschreiblich. Und dann der Wechsel zu ihrem Kopf wo man sich schon klar denkt, dass der Demon jetzt gewonnen hat kommt der neue Charakter Raita und rettet Maeka noch mit einem sehr verwirrendem Abgang... Das anschließende ohnmächtig werden ist auch sehr gut gelöst. Im Krankenhaus war zwar keine Action aber es war trotzdem sehr interresant zu sehen wie sich die einzelnen Charaktere verhalten. Auch sehr schön zu sehen wie sich Mutsuki entwickelt. Ich finde es auch richtig Kawaii wie sie ihr kleines Plüschtier das sie von Maeka geschenkt bekommen hat. Ok jetzt wird kurz hart: Nachdem man eigentlich denken könnte jetzt kommt ein "To Be Continued" oder halt einfach das Ende kommt jetzt noch die Hintergrundstory von Raita und... Ich finde sie wirklich hart. Ich habe wirklich geweint als ich diese Stelle gesehen habe weil sie einfach vom Szenario perfekt war. Da lass ich mir auch nichts sagen, dass die Story 0815 ist denn sowas kommt auf die Umsetzung an und die war hier einfach wunderschön. Alleine der Gedanke an diese Szene macht meine Augen wieder feucht. Und bei dem Cliffhänger bin ich regelrecht ausgerastet weil ich unbedingt wissen will wie es weiter geht... Diese Animation war einfach perfekt! Ich habe mir diese Animation jetzt erst 3-mal angeguckt und es werden noch einige Male dazu kommen deswegen kann es sein, dass dieser Kommentar immer länger wird. Stimmt eine Sache habe ich noch zu kritisieren : Nämlich ist der Text oft zu kurz eingeblendet, vorallem bei emotionalen Szenen extrem stören kann. Mich triggered es auch so sehr, dass so eine riesige Arbei von RUclips einfach nicht gewürdigt wird und Maeka nach 4 Tagen immer noch nicht die 30k hat und mehrere Monat Arbeit nur 15 tausend Klicks bekommt, und das alles wahrscheinlich nur weil während dem Kampf "Fucking Demon" und "Fucking Octoling" geasagt wird... Outsch... English (Collins Translator): First of all: Actually, I only looked at my notifications and when I read only "2 octolings" I jumped up with joy and rejoiced to death. I'm a huge Splatoon fan and also have 2 posters hanging in my room and when I saw the first Splatoon animation it knocked me over. My favorite characters paired with emotions? It was awesome! It was "a painful memory." I didn't understand the story, but I liked what I saw. After I spent several hours watching people like "Alex Spider" or "Poool157" I was completely in the scene... I kind of got away from the subject... In any case, I am happy every time the best of the scene publish an animation.Ok then to my opinion: I find it unbelievably crass that you have managed to install such an interesting backstory in a story that somehow hasn't had such a red thread yet. The bully as he calls Klein-Meaka a monster, the detail where Maeka says, "Why nobody like me?" both when she was bullied and when the demon grabbed her or shot her. The fight scenes just look incredible and the emotions especially of Tori and Maeka are indescribable. And then the change to her head where you already think that the Demon has now won comes the new character Raita and saves Maeka with a very confusing finish... The subsequent impotence is also very well solved. There was no action in the hospital, but it was still very interesting to see how the individual characters behaved. Also very nice to see how Mutsuki develops. I also think it's really Kawaii like her little plush toy that she got from Maeka.Ok now it gets tough for a moment: After you might think now comes a "To Be Continued" or just the end comes now the background story of Raita and... I think it's really tough. I really cried when I saw this spot because it was just perfect from the scenario. I don't let anyone say that the story 0815 is because something depends on the implementation and it was just beautiful here. Just the thought of this scene makes my eyes wet again.And with the cliff hanger I'm really rested because I really want to know how it goes on...This animation was just perfect! I have only watched this animation 3 times now and there will be a few more times so it may be that this comment is getting longer and longer. One thing I still have to criticize is that the text is often too short, especially in emotional scenes can be extremely disturbing. I'm so excited that such a huge work isn't appreciated by RUclips and Maeka still doesn't have the 30k after 4 days and gets only 15 thousand clicks after several months of work, and all probably just because during the fight "Fucking Demon" and "Fuck ing Octoling" is said... Outsch... France (Can't check something cause i have latin but hey: Meaka stay in France soo... Collins Translator LET'S GO): Tout d'abord: En fait, je n'ai regardé mes notifications et quand je lis seulement "2 octolings" j'ai sauté avec joie et se réjouissait à mort. Je suis un grand fan de Splatoon et ont aussi 2 affiches accrochées dans ma chambre et quand j'ai vu la première animation Splatoon il m'a renversé. Mes personnages préférés jumelés avec des émotions? C'était génial ! C'était "un souvenir douloureux". Je ne comprenais pas l'histoire, mais j'ai aimé ce que j'ai vu. Après avoir passé plusieurs heures à regarder des gens comme "Alex Spider" ou "Poool157" j'étais complètement dans la scène ... Je me suis un peu éloigné du sujet... En tout cas, je suis heureux chaque fois que le meilleur de la scène publie une animation.Ok alors à mon avis: Je trouve incroyablement grossier que vous avez réussi à installer une telle histoire intéressante dans une histoire qui en quelque sorte n'a pas eu un tel fil rouge encore. L'intimidateur comme il appelle Klein-Meaka un monstre, le détail où Maeka dit, "Pourquoi personne ne m'aime?" à la fois quand elle a été victime d'intimidation et quand le démon l'a attrapée ou lui a tiré dessus. Les scènes de combat juste regarder incroyable et les émotions en particulier de Tori et Maeka sont indescriptibles. Et puis le changement de tête où vous pensez déjà que le Démon a maintenant gagné vient le nouveau personnage Raita et sauve Maeka avec une finition très déroutante ... L'impuissance subséquente est également très bien résolue. Il n'y avait pas d'action à l'hôpital, mais il était encore très intéressant de voir comment les personnages individuels se sont comportés. Aussi très agréable de voir comment Mutsuki se développe. Je pense aussi que c'est vraiment Kawaii comme son petit jouet en peluche qu'elle a obtenu de Maeka.Ok maintenant, il devient difficile pour un moment: Après que vous pourriez penser maintenant vient un "To Be Continued" ou tout simplement la fin vient maintenant l'histoire de fond de Raita et ... Je pense que c'est vraiment dur. J'ai vraiment pleuré quand j'ai vu cet endroit parce qu'il était tout simplement parfait à partir du scénario. Je ne laisse personne dire que l'histoire 0815 est parce que quelque chose dépend de la mise en œuvre et il était tout simplement magnifique ici. Juste la pensée de cette scène me fait encore mouiller les yeux.Et avec le cintre de falaise je suis vraiment reposé parce que je veux vraiment savoir comment ça se passe...Cette animation était tout simplement parfait! Je n'ai regardé cette animation 3 fois maintenant et il y aura quelques fois de plus, il se peut que ce commentaire est de plus en plus long. Une chose que j'ai encore à critiquer, c'est que le texte est souvent trop court, surtout dans les scènes émotionnelles peuvent être extrêmement inquiétant. Je suis tellement excité qu'un tel travail énorme n'est pas apprécié par RUclips et Maeka n'a toujours pas le 30k après 4 jours et obtient seulement 15 mille clics après plusieurs mois de travail, et tout cela probablement juste parce que pendant le combat "Fucking Demon" et "Fuck ing Octoling" est dit... Outsch...
@@dreamy_sparks Ach das sieht so lang aus, aber ich mein ich hatte das Video schon nach Release einige Male gesehen und dachte mir: Komm ich möchte mal mein Lob und meine Liebe zu diesen sehr schönen Animationen ausdrücken und mir macht es allgemein Spaß sowas zu bewerten c: Und mit den Übersetzungen sieht es natürlich sehr krass aus Ich meine es hat um und bei 45 Minuten gedauert, aber mit dem Motto wenn es dir Spaß macht, gibt es keine Arbeit ^^
Raita Is the most coolest characther I ever seen and the idea Of Maeka's dead brother as her protect Angel is so cool this is perfect characther good work Maeka
Who would have guessed that Raita's death was the very cause of Maeka's loneliness, pain, suffering and getting posessed by a demon from Hell at 5 years old?
Another Thing I said if I was in the back story like this Everybody: YOU DEMON Me:... (Nope) Me:*grabs bomb* Everybody: ._. Me: *Throws it* *Everybody Dies*
THAT WAS SOOOOOO AWESOME!!! I was wondering when you were going to release part three and I can't wait for part 4. You're my favorite splatoon animator. (I like Mutsuki and Kei together)
Oh my gosh... it's so Awesome! I cant wait for next part Stay fresh maeka^^ (The little maeka is so cute and creepy at the same time, but i will hug her same :3)
Happy to know your still there. Nice video, I love the plot twist of Raita but I think it would have put more impact if you would have introduce him sooner but love it anyway. You do a great job I'll the continuation take your time other years if have to.
Yourrrreeeee Alive! Good beautiful heavenly squiddo thankyou for bringing me more excellent sfm, and I hope that this comment brings you at least some of the joy that made sacrificing the time and effort to make worth it
Wow just wow The story is very interesting and all is interesting and part after part we know a bit more about you (your character) but remember the beginning of the story was just an experiment to create Mutsuki and now it's an epic story so take your time for the part 4 because you don't have to be stressed because you take too much time for animate your community can wait because all you do worth the time Continue comme ça Maeka !
I feel like all these adventures are inside of maeka’s dreams, and that the memories they play are things that recently happened. (I know this probably isn’t true, but it’s just my thoughts.)
Gotta love how much effort was put into this fucking hell that was bloody amazing and the story is so interesting the origins of the demon within meaka reminds me of my Ocs rage side and trust me when he’s lost it nobody can stop him and nothing lel
Awesome animation. Keep up the good work.
Alex Spider [スパイダー] yee
Alex Spider [スパイダー] omg Alex
Wassup alex spider
Said the exact same thing
She protecc
She attacc
But most importantly-
She’s finally bacc
And im freaking late
Dammit youtube
I keep seeing that “protecc and attacc” thing. Where’s that come from?
@@BlueSpider7400 idk where it come from i only know its a meme
One day, Jayfeather and CC memes died without a trace!
Maeka: Why nobody like me?
Me and 40,000 other people: Are we a joke to you?
Its 50 000 people now
@@maxchannel2.065 true
She is referring to other Inklings & Octolings.
@@kingchris8255we know that
Splatoon cant be so scary
Maeka: are you challenging me?
I forgot in that moment xd
Thank God Goku would be here
@@frikixu568 the moment she will kill all of us xd
Maybe more than that
She's back....SHE'S BACK!!!!!
yes me too
Yesh shes back
She protecc
She attacc
But most importantly-
She’s finally bacc
Nintendo: splatoon is a fun, family friendly, and happy game!
Maeka enderfox: wrong
It's Mass Effect 3 edition. (What I mean by that is the dark tone version when every lightings had to be dim)
I thought this series is like Venom.
i liked it so it has 69 likes now
Sooooo true
AW HELL YEAH! This story line got deep! Can’t wait for the next part!
Big boi Beanie yep! Too bad it stopped at a cliffhanger.
Yeah witch will take forever
Now I want a twin brother. Can’t wait to see more 👀
Hi there, Vian, I'm sub
I literally Yelled at the top of my lungs viain
Hello vian
Iol I love it too
i cant like it it has 69 likes I dont want to ruin it
Wow! I am so happy you uploaded this! It looks fantastic!! Keep it up Maeka!
Livy Star Splat I’m happy she’s back to
Who wouldn't be ^^
Wow one gunshot to the head and now this
It’s kinda like maeka is indestructible
Feed me more Octolingness. We need a part 4. This was so good!
Those who are patient gets rewarded. Great animation. Welcome back!
Maeka: *is possessed by a demon*
Doom Slayer: I've got my eye on you....
Damn bro you a little late I said that a year ago 😂
This is giving me chills, nice job :'3
Hi krystal! I met you in splatoon amino
I heard bendy breathing/walking sounds :P
i am your sub
Never would have seen that plot twist coming!
Amazing work as always Maeka!
AAAAA! I'm excited!
Edit: Amira is painfully relatable. So is Raita.
I'm in tears, and thats thanks to your amazing story telling. Thank you. I needed this.
@@BlueSpider7400 Yay for switching letters.
That's some R-Rated Splatoon experience. And that looks great.
Oh my god I'm actually crying at the end. This was so hype!
Arima: AAHH Dammit!! I can't protect Maeka for 5 bloody minutes without you showing up can I!?
Yass You Back Maekaa
your animations get better and better every time, but take your time and take it easy no one here wants you to work too hard
Aww i see how many did you get more sufferings , don't listen what Okuro said at you.
Maeka you for me you're a best friend, i love you as a sister
Anyway i always believe with you and i in your heart and helping you
I love you so much sis 💚
Damn hi
Maybe u could feed Okuro to a Spinosaurus?
Okuro is such a jerk.
Maeka should have attacked him
I was having a horrible day, but suddenly I saw that part 3 was already uploaded , then I almost scream because of the emotion, Thank you Maeka
I have been waiting so long, this is inspiring me to do animation, knowing you can just learn it and become awesome is a great thought, one you have inspired me to do, thank you so much maeka!
The notification woke me up, but was 100% worth it, good job!
seriously tho, i never saw a animator use so bad words and brutality
welp someones gotta do it :P
@@redacted044 i am, and thanks for ansvering but....i.redd.it/k7uuk52aac731.png
Fuk me
I’d like to see you do better than that
Who cares about the cusses?! We care that Maeka is back!!😁
Oh yes it did have bad words but at the end it was so sad!
One word: AWESOME!
This is a MASTAPIECE. It's so cinematic and so we'll written, this community never fails to impress me! Well done Makea, my hat's forever off to you and I can't wait to learn more about your inner demon and how it got there 😁
Also I like how your demon had multiple tails *I say this because my Kaiju-sona and Transformers-sona have multiple tails, 5 tails actually.*
Maeka: Why does nobody like me?
Also Maeka: *_has 30K subs_*
This was so worth the wait!
Amazing work Maeka!
ooooooo very scary but 😭😭😭😭 the ending was sad because she had a brother but past away before he saw the light
Ikr it got sad really fast at the end
You re baaaaaaccckkk ! Yeeeeeeesssssssss ! Finally ! I had been waiting for this episode for a very long time , your awesome !! I m so happy now! ♡♡♡
Are you italian?
Pensavo di essere l'unico😀
You’re back my friend!!
And I can say it was worth the wait! Your characters are so well thought out, and designed PERFECTLY!! Your animations are full to the Brim with action and suspense. Even in its lightest moments! Such fine work my friend. Nothing truly more phenomenal.
I can’t wait to see what’s next!!
Keep it up!! ❤️❤️
Now that is absolutely amazing maeka I can't wait for part 3 your animations are OFF THE HOOK!!!
oH mY gOsH cutest ship ever!!!! Mutsuki x Kei so cute!!!!!
This is so awesome! I can’t wait for the next episode ;-;
I totally wasn’t crying when I found out That was the deceased brother ;-;
Edit: oH mY gOsH 20 + likes? Why do my comments get so many likes ;-;
Me too!
Yeah it's just so sad I mean she never knew she even had a brother
That‘s such an awesome piece of work Maeka! Keep it up you got our support :3
Maeka. You are really good. Pls do me a favor and don't stop to fast with your YT Videos. You have my full respect. You get the first place on my favorite Animation Makers. And that with this Video. Please don't stop
(i said it a lot but i say it again. My English isn't good)
Omg, This was so emotional towards the end, I had legitimate tears in my eyes ☺️
And yes, please continue this!! I love the work you put into this!! Please keep it up, Maeka!
You're back!YAY!!💕💖💕💓💕💓💕💓💕💓💕 Amazing video quq so happy to see you're back
*how did you know I did*
*it is pain to see fellow Octolings being in pain or dying*
This is really impressive...and amazingly creepy! You outdid yourself and this is well done!
Keep up the good work!
" I'm your twin brother "
// I love watching your channel. If this were an actual show, I would be watching this 24/7.
I love Demonic Inklings!🖤🖤🖤💝💝💞💞
@@STIT2023 when i make my sfm characters im gonna make my own demonic inkling.
REGERA LUNA Not cute, but badass.
@A.P. VLOGS Possibly.....
Well, that sure was one he'll of a wait. I'm very proud of what you did with the animating, it's improved heavily. Nice job, Maeka!
Hell yeah! You're back with a amazing episode :3
I love how you made this part, i can't say more its amazing
Howdy LooNey :)
Juste épique c est vraiment énorme ce qu'on peut faire avec l univers de Splatoon hâte de voir la suite des aventures de Maeka est ses amies continue tu gères 👍
INB4 Alex Spider says "lol nice animation. Keep up the good job" and gets top comment.
Dang! That animation! And the story! Wow, this was worth the wait!
Awww finally you come back Maeka!\(^o^)/
我看到影片中的Maeka 就好像看到以前的我……
I love your video a lot!:)💕
This... is.... incredible.... you have been make us waited for soooooo long to make animation series and it can get us upset or mad if you long; but now that I see that you make these animations detailed and all the movements is not a easy task and it’ll take a loooooooooots if patients just to make one animation, I’m very happy that I get to see animations like this and I love it, keep it up PLEASE
This was such a good video. I loved it! I'm glad to see another video by Maeka
Could I also know what song is used at the end of this? It sounded great
I wish I knew too
The wait was worth it! Keep up the amazing work Maeka!
Ok... I am going to write this comment first in German and after that I try to translate it in English (my english is not the yellow from the egg (pretty bad))
Erstmal vorweg: Eigentlich habe ich nur einen Blick in meine Benachrichtigungen geguckt und als ich nur "2 octolings" gelesen habe bin ich vor Freude aufgesprungen und habe mich todes gefreut. Ich bin ein riesiger Splatoon Fan und habe auch 2 Poster in meinem Zimmer hängen und als ich die erste Splatoon Animation gesehen habe hat es mich umgehauen. Meine Lieblingscharaktere mit Emotionen gepaart? Es war genial! Es war "A painful memory". Ich habe zwar die Story nicht verstanden aber es hat mir gefallen was ich gesehen habe. Nachdem ich dann mehrere Stunden verbracht habe Leute wie "Alex Spider" oder "Poool157" zu gucken war ich komplett in der Szene drin... Ich bin irgendwie vom Thema abgekommen... Auf jeden Fall freue ich mich jedesmal wenn die besten der Szene eine Animation veröffentlichen.
Ok dann mal zu meiner Meinung: Ich finde es unglaublich krass das du es geschafft hast bei einer Story die irgendwie noch keinen so richtig roten Faden gehabt hat so eine interesannte Backstory einzubauen. Der Mobber wie er Klein-Meaka als Monster bezeichnet, das Detail wo Maeka sagt: "Why nobody like me?" sowohl als sie gemobbt wurde als auch als der Demon von ihr Überhand ergriffen hat beziehungsweise sie erschossen wurde. Die Kampfszenen sehen einfach unglaublich aus und die Emotionen vorallem von Tori und Maeka sind unbeschreiblich. Und dann der Wechsel zu ihrem Kopf wo man sich schon klar denkt, dass der Demon jetzt gewonnen hat kommt der neue Charakter Raita und rettet Maeka noch mit einem sehr verwirrendem Abgang... Das anschließende ohnmächtig werden ist auch sehr gut gelöst. Im Krankenhaus war zwar keine Action aber es war trotzdem sehr interresant zu sehen wie sich die einzelnen Charaktere verhalten. Auch sehr schön zu sehen wie sich Mutsuki entwickelt. Ich finde es auch richtig Kawaii wie sie ihr kleines Plüschtier das sie von Maeka geschenkt bekommen hat.
Ok jetzt wird kurz hart: Nachdem man eigentlich denken könnte jetzt kommt ein "To Be Continued" oder halt einfach das Ende kommt jetzt noch die Hintergrundstory von Raita und... Ich finde sie wirklich hart. Ich habe wirklich geweint als ich diese Stelle gesehen habe weil sie einfach vom Szenario perfekt war. Da lass ich mir auch nichts sagen, dass die Story 0815 ist denn sowas kommt auf die Umsetzung an und die war hier einfach wunderschön. Alleine der Gedanke an diese Szene macht meine Augen wieder feucht.
Und bei dem Cliffhänger bin ich regelrecht ausgerastet weil ich unbedingt wissen will wie es weiter geht...
Diese Animation war einfach perfekt! Ich habe mir diese Animation jetzt erst 3-mal angeguckt und es werden noch einige Male dazu kommen deswegen kann es sein, dass dieser Kommentar immer länger wird. Stimmt eine Sache habe ich noch zu kritisieren : Nämlich ist der Text oft zu kurz eingeblendet, vorallem bei emotionalen Szenen extrem stören kann. Mich triggered es auch so sehr, dass so eine riesige Arbei von RUclips einfach nicht gewürdigt wird und Maeka nach 4 Tagen immer noch nicht die 30k hat und mehrere Monat Arbeit nur 15 tausend Klicks bekommt, und das alles wahrscheinlich nur weil während dem Kampf "Fucking Demon" und "Fucking Octoling" geasagt wird... Outsch...
English (Collins Translator):
First of all: Actually, I only looked at my notifications and when I read only "2 octolings" I jumped up with joy and rejoiced to death. I'm a huge Splatoon fan and also have 2 posters hanging in my room and when I saw the first Splatoon animation it knocked me over. My favorite characters paired with emotions? It was awesome! It was "a painful memory." I didn't understand the story, but I liked what I saw. After I spent several hours watching people like "Alex Spider" or "Poool157" I was completely in the scene... I kind of got away from the subject... In any case, I am happy every time the best of the scene publish an animation.Ok then to my opinion: I find it unbelievably crass that you have managed to install such an interesting backstory in a story that somehow hasn't had such a red thread yet. The bully as he calls Klein-Meaka a monster, the detail where Maeka says, "Why nobody like me?" both when she was bullied and when the demon grabbed her or shot her. The fight scenes just look incredible and the emotions especially of Tori and Maeka are indescribable. And then the change to her head where you already think that the Demon has now won comes the new character Raita and saves Maeka with a very confusing finish... The subsequent impotence is also very well solved. There was no action in the hospital, but it was still very interesting to see how the individual characters behaved. Also very nice to see how Mutsuki develops. I also think it's really Kawaii like her little plush toy that she got from Maeka.Ok now it gets tough for a moment: After you might think now comes a "To Be Continued" or just the end comes now the background story of Raita and... I think it's really tough. I really cried when I saw this spot because it was just perfect from the scenario. I don't let anyone say that the story 0815 is because something depends on the implementation and it was just beautiful here. Just the thought of this scene makes my eyes wet again.And with the cliff hanger I'm really rested because I really want to know how it goes on...This animation was just perfect! I have only watched this animation 3 times now and there will be a few more times so it may be that this comment is getting longer and longer. One thing I still have to criticize is that the text is often too short, especially in emotional scenes can be extremely disturbing. I'm so excited that such a huge work isn't appreciated by RUclips and Maeka still doesn't have the 30k after 4 days and gets only 15 thousand clicks after several months of work, and all probably just because during the fight "Fucking Demon" and "Fuck ing Octoling" is said... Outsch...
France (Can't check something cause i have latin but hey: Meaka stay in France soo... Collins Translator LET'S GO):
Tout d'abord: En fait, je n'ai regardé mes notifications et quand je lis seulement "2 octolings" j'ai sauté avec joie et se réjouissait à mort. Je suis un grand fan de Splatoon et ont aussi 2 affiches accrochées dans ma chambre et quand j'ai vu la première animation Splatoon il m'a renversé. Mes personnages préférés jumelés avec des émotions? C'était génial ! C'était "un souvenir douloureux". Je ne comprenais pas l'histoire, mais j'ai aimé ce que j'ai vu. Après avoir passé plusieurs heures à regarder des gens comme "Alex Spider" ou "Poool157" j'étais complètement dans la scène ... Je me suis un peu éloigné du sujet... En tout cas, je suis heureux chaque fois que le meilleur de la scène publie une animation.Ok alors à mon avis: Je trouve incroyablement grossier que vous avez réussi à installer une telle histoire intéressante dans une histoire qui en quelque sorte n'a pas eu un tel fil rouge encore. L'intimidateur comme il appelle Klein-Meaka un monstre, le détail où Maeka dit, "Pourquoi personne ne m'aime?" à la fois quand elle a été victime d'intimidation et quand le démon l'a attrapée ou lui a tiré dessus. Les scènes de combat juste regarder incroyable et les émotions en particulier de Tori et Maeka sont indescriptibles. Et puis le changement de tête où vous pensez déjà que le Démon a maintenant gagné vient le nouveau personnage Raita et sauve Maeka avec une finition très déroutante ... L'impuissance subséquente est également très bien résolue. Il n'y avait pas d'action à l'hôpital, mais il était encore très intéressant de voir comment les personnages individuels se sont comportés. Aussi très agréable de voir comment Mutsuki se développe. Je pense aussi que c'est vraiment Kawaii comme son petit jouet en peluche qu'elle a obtenu de Maeka.Ok maintenant, il devient difficile pour un moment: Après que vous pourriez penser maintenant vient un "To Be Continued" ou tout simplement la fin vient maintenant l'histoire de fond de Raita et ... Je pense que c'est vraiment dur. J'ai vraiment pleuré quand j'ai vu cet endroit parce qu'il était tout simplement parfait à partir du scénario. Je ne laisse personne dire que l'histoire 0815 est parce que quelque chose dépend de la mise en œuvre et il était tout simplement magnifique ici. Juste la pensée de cette scène me fait encore mouiller les yeux.Et avec le cintre de falaise je suis vraiment reposé parce que je veux vraiment savoir comment ça se passe...Cette animation était tout simplement parfait! Je n'ai regardé cette animation 3 fois maintenant et il y aura quelques fois de plus, il se peut que ce commentaire est de plus en plus long. Une chose que j'ai encore à critiquer, c'est que le texte est souvent trop court, surtout dans les scènes émotionnelles peuvent être extrêmement inquiétant. Je suis tellement excité qu'un tel travail énorme n'est pas apprécié par RUclips et Maeka n'a toujours pas le 30k après 4 jours et obtient seulement 15 mille clics après plusieurs mois de travail, et tout cela probablement juste parce que pendant le combat "Fucking Demon" et "Fuck ing Octoling" est dit... Outsch...
Endlich ein Deutscher Kommentar :,)
@@elliemeli17 Bist aber ganz schön spät dran xd
@@CyneUp Naja, kenne dieses Video seit es veröffentlicht wurde, aber habe deinen Kommentar nicht gesehen :D
:0 wow, wie lange hast du dafür gebraucht? :0
@@dreamy_sparks Ach das sieht so lang aus, aber ich mein ich hatte das Video schon nach Release einige Male gesehen und dachte mir: Komm ich möchte mal mein Lob und meine Liebe zu diesen sehr schönen Animationen ausdrücken und mir macht es allgemein Spaß sowas zu bewerten c: Und mit den Übersetzungen sieht es natürlich sehr krass aus
Ich meine es hat um und bei 45 Minuten gedauert, aber mit dem Motto wenn es dir Spaß macht, gibt es keine Arbeit ^^
Omg, you improved a lot this was totally worth the wait. What a amazing effect video your wonderful big time not gotta lie well done Maeka. :D
Octolings: *Tengo miedo!* 😲
Una excelente historia qué dejaría a uno impresionado cómo lo hace ahora éste video
Raita Is the most coolest characther I ever seen and the idea Of Maeka's dead brother as her protect Angel is so cool this is perfect characther good work Maeka
Who would have guessed that Raita's death was the very cause of Maeka's loneliness, pain, suffering and getting posessed by a demon from Hell at 5 years old?
After months of waiting for the part three, finally Maeka is back!
Omg you actely made part 3 thank you keep up the good work I am a big fan
This animation was so smooth! Keep up the great work!
This is such a good story! You take your time, Squiddo :) These are always worth the wait.
Me: Warning: It Contains Swearing and brutal Hits
Maeka: UUUuuhh Yeah
Everybody: Bad Word You Say Maeka
Another Thing I said if I was in the back story like this
Everybody: YOU DEMON
Me:... (Nope)
Me:*grabs bomb*
Everybody: ._.
Me: *Throws it*
*Everybody Dies*
@@tou22227 me nope ded
@@commandermystic8435 Me: O O F . . .
@@tou22227 not enough? Eat this!
*stuffs splat bomb inside his mouth*
Thats me 1 month ago
Ok, this is the most brutal Splatoon video I've ever seen, but i like it
YAY YOU’RE BACK! Like if you are happy
THAT WAS SOOOOOO AWESOME!!! I was wondering when you were going to release part three and I can't wait for part 4. You're my favorite splatoon animator. (I like Mutsuki and Kei together)
Awesome work. It was Rellay scary at the start but an awesome Video. Keep it up. And dont Listen what they say. You are a nice person
Thank you so much Meaka for the awesome videos, I love watching them please continue the story^_^
Oh my gosh... it's so Awesome!
I cant wait for next part
Stay fresh maeka^^
(The little maeka is so cute and creepy at the same time, but i will hug her same :3)
Oh dang, I missed this channel because I haven't been in this channel for so long! The animation was great too!
Maeka : why nobody like me?
Me: I like you Maeka
Happy to know your still there. Nice video, I love the plot twist of Raita but I think it would have put more impact if you would have introduce him sooner but love it anyway. You do a great job I'll the continuation take your time other years if have to.
Didn’t expect the curse words but great animation!
Awesome work Maeka!!! 😁👍✌️👏👌
Waiting for the next part!!!
It’s great to have u back and aaaawwwww I feel bad for Maeka. I didn’t know she had a brother. That was amazing plot twist.
Thank you the part 3 ^^ yes the continued please part 4
Cc boy😂
Thank you so much for making this maeka! It’s amazing!
I love it.
Maeka ftw.
Yourrrreeeee Alive! Good beautiful heavenly squiddo thankyou for bringing me more excellent sfm, and I hope that this comment brings you at least some of the joy that made sacrificing the time and effort to make worth it
The way all of them talk like banjo characters is so funny and makes me laugh
that’s exactly what I was thinking
I’m impressed of how this video is made so far. Awesome job Maeka!
To me the demon tail reminds me about the sci fi movie "Alien"
Y'know that they used gmod to animate this right? And you also know that a zenomorph model exists in gmod too right?
@@staticaleel5068 they used SFM, but yeah there is a tail for the xenos
Let's go your back:3
For a moment when I saw this video come up I was so pumped
10:15 I am raita your protected ang-
Mercey from overwatch:WERE IS MY WINGS
Plot twist: those were nots mercy’s wings, but scout from tf2 wanted to piss off mercy so he took her wings
Well i rest my case
Keep it up and just don't give up!
Your animations are PRETTY AMAZING!!
"Why nobody like me?"
Me: Cus i haven't gotTEN TO KNOW YOU YET!!!
Me: *Goes full on Kraken to bully*
Wow just wow
The story is very interesting and all is interesting and part after part we know a bit more about you (your character) but remember the beginning of the story was just an experiment to create Mutsuki and now it's an epic story so take your time for the part 4 because you don't have to be stressed because you take too much time for animate your community can wait because all you do worth the time
Continue comme ça Maeka !
Magical angel squid:*holy angel voices*
I feel like all these adventures are inside of maeka’s dreams, and that the memories they play are things that recently happened. (I know this probably isn’t true, but it’s just my thoughts.)
It's been a long day without my friend!
Edit: wow those angel wings are so majestic....
I love maeka's brother so much! The graphics are super good! Can't wait for the next part!
I think I heard Minecraft foot steps or am I trippin
Gotta love how much effort was put into this fucking hell that was bloody amazing and the story is so interesting the origins of the demon within meaka reminds me of my Ocs rage side and trust me when he’s lost it nobody can stop him and nothing lel
Wait I’m confused, what happens to Maekas parents? I NEED ANSWERS!!!
Another amazing animation of yours Maeka! This is so intense!! It was worth the wait😁
Who thinks young Maeka is kind of cute
Sakurai:Splatoon is a game suitable for kids!
Maeka:I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that
This is unoriginal DDDD:
RUclipsrs: splatoon is boring fortnite is better.
Maeka: hold my splattershot.
TF2(Stblackst): Are you Sure about this?
i nearly cried at the end... and I never do...
so that shows, how good it is