Well Rival, the situation is simple, a bunch of idiots with no clue (tarzaned first) saw an opportunity to make cheap content with a tons of drama by "exposing" a "fake coach" and then this back fire. They own nothing and will tell the "i didn't know story". You didn't NEED to know before making videos to f ing bully someone.
@@petitcoIibrisbro, what are you even talking about? What should Tarzaned and Dantes be owning???? And what in the actual fuck is a drame and why did they create it????????
Jaymo messages Dantes for 4 months Gets on a call with him Gaslights Dantes Defends himself against Tarzaned Says that he is a Challenger player without giving any acc to prove it Keeps gaslighting Dantes and Tarzaned for hours upon hours Finally gives an acc The acc is not his He gets exposed for it Keeps denying it regardless Gets in 2 Challenger game with and against Tarzaned Loses both Keeps insisting that he is better than Tarzaned regardless Gaslights every new person that joins the call Call ends Gets exposed as a PDF file and a Plat hardstuck Leaves and doesn't elaborate GOD DAMN
@@billyjoe8185 I'm not really into streamers but these are quite intriguing. How's Tarzaned going to milk this? I thought he was a PDF file himself, just that he is actually challenger.
@@SafetyKitten He has no hand either. Even if he understood something about it he would get gapped by every single player above gold. Not to mention his builds, runes, the way he approaches ganks, and so on...
you thought he was chill? wtf lol jaymo is a MASSIVE loser in every light. He gets called 0 testosterone and utterly bitched by dr zanned and he makes a million and one excuses for himself.
Literally it pisses me off that people still continue with the hashinshin bullshit when it was proven to be false, yet as you said someone legit admits the things they've done and they're free to steam with no issues
@@inksword6029you gotta get with the times. Unless you are looking like Henry Cavil you are automatically a creep, grapist, groomer and pdf. That's what the government is pushing together with their Beloved feminism propaganda.
@@inksword6029Hashinshin NPCs thinking he was cleared when the FBI investigation was the equivalent of "He doesnt actively hunt children in his area" and he has literally admitted to inappropriate and sexual convos with children
i expected him to be bronze, just from the way he played and how he built the same thing every game, he does not seem like a plat player. his delusions definitely match plat players though
Bro seriously , I play on EUNE and people that are silver here play better than Jaymo did and they don't build the same exact items here , and the weird thing is that now that I hit Plat I see players that are worse than Silver but have huge egos
@@eostoleurdog8351The reason you think platin players are worse than silver is because now that you stopped being illusioned by the fancy platin border, you realize they are still bad at the game. Just like people in master+ will seem bad at the game if you play in that elo. In reality though, you just forgot how bad silver truly is. Even in master+ people will make the same mistakes and seem like [insert last rank] only a slightly bit better.
you can tell he is easily platinum level because he actually knows about camps and stuff. most people (myself included) can get to platinum easily without even thinking about camp respawns and all that stuff involving jungle. I got to plat 2 playing jungle with 60 games playing league off and on over the years achieving that rank is easy. everything bellow diamond1 is pisslow and challenger level players call gm pisslow you get the point.
Never watched him, but knowing how easy it is to edit a screenshot so that it includes a different name, pfp, and time, I'd have to read the pdf and see if it links to any video where it's undeniably his account and that's undeniably what was said on their behalfs before id proceed to call him a nonce beyond reasonable doubt.
Yeah but jaymo got exposed because he made a bad play (grooming minors), paige didn't do anything to accomplish this, it was all jaymo's fault, and he also takes full accountability. That's why he's the goat.
This has been event after event and I am living for it. Jaymo enters the scene as a “Challenger Coach” leaves the scene without explaining anything as a certified Jax one trick
Why did they delete the msgs they sent back??? Were they flirting back with a 27 year old? I'm not defending Jaymo, but what they said can be taken slightly out of context. its hard to understand what they were saying to further prompt more messages. They could have told them to stop messaging them if they felt uncomfortable, or blocked them, so why did they continue messaging?
Why are you defending a pedophile. They are children, children are allowed to make mistakes like this, they're not adults. Adults should keep it in their pants when around kids. Stop victim blaming you weirdo.
Peeps really think that 16-17 year olds are squeaky clean flowers that don't understand anything at all. They are fully aware and continue to fish for these messages. No wonder juvenile crime is increasing cuz they know they can get away scot free
Sad that Hashinshin's career is still destroyed after being falsely accused of this. People like Rival are still gonna keep lying and tarnishing his name after a legit FBI investigation couldn't convict him.
Did everyone conveniently forget that Hashinshin made an apology on twitter saying that he's sorry for being a bad person and that he tried to be good b4 his actions caught up to him or smth? No one innocent creates an apology like that. He might not have gotten convicted but he sure as hell ain't innocent either.
The moment I heard him stuttering/not giving an obvious reason to not gank bot (you have an ezreal thresh) I knew he wasnt challenger, or even masters. Getting ren ahead by two kills then perma ganking mid is the best way to go about this game.
Absolutely correct as well, notice all the replies in those texts were deleted. Though its easily verifiable based on the numerous pictures he sent whether or not its him.
@@shehonkaionmystar That's never an excuse. It's not even just about the victim when you go to the police, if you let him get away with it he WILL do it again. This is coming from someone who actually went through this and wasn't just phishing for replies like most of these teens do.
I thought it was odd that all the messages where 1 sided. Not saying its okay to be a pedo but saying its also believable to be set up as much as it is being true.
im sorry, but i really dont care about this content anymore. Nice that they get exposed and all, but league's at a shit point when exposure of pedophilia is the only thing we can talk about nowadays.
"Jaymo's spotlight is problematic and undeserved" Did she watch the streams? The guy got humiliated in front of 10k people for 8 hours straight how is that not deserved?
tarzaned reaction is gonna be pure gold, im waiting for his next stream, this jaymo content is literally hilarious, hopefully he now understands that being p4 doesnt mean you can Play with 4 years olds. i cringed a little bit typing this joke because this is obviously not a funny topic, it is disgusting and she is right that its sad that we gave him the spotlight, but sitting here and being sad about it is not gonna change anything, we instead, can just have a laugh from the cringe this guy and others like him are.
Most people would be peedo if they could... Also I don't consider the 99% virtuous in any capacity... And I also don't personally consider 16 or older minor... but most people are childish irrespective of their age
What Jaymo is doing is wrong, but these younger girls also know exactly what they are doing, which is disgusting as well. Blocking people is an option, you're 15, plus why are they showing these discord messages without their own messages. It's just not that black and white and shows a lack of transparency, possibly due to them knowing the shit they sent was equally as vile. I detest these older guys messaging younger girls, especially when they KNOW that the girl is younger, but I equally detest these younger girls who use their discord kitten personality as a means of attracting men, and not saying anything or blocking them and moving on. I get random creeps dming all the time, it takes two clicks, why can't they do the same thing?
your victim blaming attitude is really cringe and disgusting, teenagers cannot consent, it's the responsibility of adults to put a stop to the conversation. teenagers very often struggle with setting boundaries or feeling responsible for others emotions and u would realize that if u pulled ur head out of ur ass
probably because half the time they know whats happening and purposefully put themselves into these situations to benefit off of the persons following, money, clout or whatever theyve got
I truthfully don't know if what's said is true or not. But I think it's just super suspicious that some random person(Jaymo) appears in the community out of nowhere. Then a few days later some random girl on twitter no one has heard about apparently has proof of him interacting with minors. Sure, what he did was super weird, but the age of consent in the US(I'm assuming that's where the girl was from) is 16. That means the girl could have consented to the activities, but all of her messages were deleted from the chat. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's not weird, he shouldn't have done it. However, I don't exactly believe some random girl has evidence on some random guy. And even if she does, it could have been between 2 consenting parties. And if that's the case, he didn't TECHNICALLY do anything wrong, weird:yes, wrong no.
So for accusing someone of being a pdf file all you need is changing the name and profile pic to match a certain person and screenshot it? I see these accusations have been trivialized so much there, people just do a video to thousands of viewers and putting it as a fact with 0 real evidence. In my country when someone is exposed as a PDF, theres a really high chance of them getting beat up, so for someone to even insinuate that, theres need to be actual police-level proof.
I agree. Hashinin or whatever his name is literally got cleared by the FBI but since voyboy is such a depressing loser he quickly makes a vide bashing him and now hash can never have a normal life
@@gustaaavo presumption of innocence works when the acused pleads as innocent. If the "crime" isnt denied then he is guilty. And as it often happens with sexualized discord messages, he will probably just either "apologize" or claim what he did isnt that bad. Its very rare to see someone actually try to deny sexualised comments
I'm gonna be real, how do we know that's the same guy? These screenshots could be faked easily? Seems kind of irresponsible to make a video calling someone out with this level of evidence.. these are just random screenshots.
It would take effort to come up with an 18 page document and edit timestamps so they make sense 2 years ago, and remember, Jaymo is pretty much a nobody, so no point in going through all that. Second of all, the dude showed signs that he is not normal (assuming you watched the series). He literally got exposed for claiming another persons account and still stuck with the story it is his after the account owner gave proof.
@@kristianvukajlovic6789 not enough sry, also pretty big gap between claiming to be high rank in League and being a pdf. Im not saying ur wrong, im only saying its dangerous to judge based on insufficient evidence.
Rival I don’t usually comment on posts with my opinion, however I would like to express my opinion on this specific video. I subscribed to this channel because I play league. Right now I am gold 1 - nvm I demoted this morning - and I’ve been playing casually for a few years (as casually as one can in league of legends). I am interested in league and I like hearing about bugs and all the other great videos u do. They are short, efficient and entertaining. I enjoy most of your content. However, you are not a judge and you are not an authority on anything other that reporting on the game of league of legends. What you are doing in this video is commenting on a subject I don’t feel like you have the right to talk about. I don’t think you know this person, or the people he has potentially harassed. I don’t think you know the context behind the story that has been said here. You can say you’re trying to bring awareness to the issue, you can say you’re being a Good Samaritan. I don’t think that’s the case. Deliberately or not I think you are intentionally making use of a controversial topic to promote your own platform. Wether or not this person is innocent or guilty is besides the point. You are harming their reputation and putting out a public notice that they are a bad person. As someone with a wide audience, I think you have a bigger responsibility than most to report true and also fair information to the public. I don’t think you’re doing that. I think you’re appealing to a mob mentality that will vilify this person, without taking a second to consider the actual events that took place. I think this is something a lot of people do and I hate it. Most importantly, even if this person is guilty, it’s not your responsibility to report this to the whole world. You are not a legal authority and I don’t think you are doing anything useful here. Yes I believe in free speech and there is nothing I can do to stop you doing this, but I will not support you anymore. I could be wrong. This is all conjecture on my part. With everything I’ve said, I could be completely wrong. Maybe you are in fact a judge IRL. I don’t know. I could miss out on some great league of legends content here, but I’m not going to support an agenda like this. I came here to watch league of legends content to escape the misery of my cybersecurity degree and right now I am not getting that. Therefore I will unsubscribe. I wish you all the best Rival and well done on growing so fast so quickly. Take care.
Solid comment, it's distasteful for rival to use his channels publicity for this topic. Sadly if this guy is innocent and wanted to start making content around league, his reputation is forever tarnished by unconfirmed evidence videos like these put out. You see, now people are just cancelling him and being very cruel. As a result, there's no stop to this abuse; there is no end goal in mind.
In the comments to the tweet reporting this, they mentioned (with proof) that this was completely edited. Anyway this kind of internet jury is always wrong, as we have already seen with the case Depp, where years ago people online were all against him for "domestic violence". I don't like how they even posted his personal info, to me he's just a fake challenger coach with a big BIG ego.
actually if he's 27 the law states within 10 years of age in states where 16 is the age of consent and the oldest was 16 so technically speaking yes this was pedophilia
@@tearduxlama5315 he's not saying it isn't illegal, but by definition this isn't a pedophile. It's a groomer and a creep, but a pedophile would be seeking out literally children, like 6, 7, 8 year olds etc. not ones in their middle to late teens
@brianestepa2376 idk who tf cares about specifics. If a guys going after kids he's a pedo. No need for "Well technically she's 15 so he isn't a pedo" that adds nothing and benefits no one.
@@Unknownz000 what? Language is important. Obviously this guy is a sicko, but when it comes to the law specifics are specifics. He’s a groomer, and an ephebophile. Either way what he did is still illegal, it looks like he sent nudes to the girls. It’s sick. I wonder if a case will be made, hopefully so but who knows, its not like this would be the first one who doesn’t get consequences.
A large percentage of people who commit sexual assaults on children have been targets of similar misconducts from when they were kids themselves. This is not to say that SA victims become pedophiles, just that pedophiles tend to have traumatic childhoods
Maybe because nowadays people aged 16,17 are considered underage kids, while centuries ago people, especially girls in that age, were already married sometimes. And evolution of a species isn’t something that happens as fast as the social changes in the past 1000 years.
at this point I think anyone can create accounts and accuse anyone of "grooming" minors. at this video nobody knows who jaymo is. nobody has heard of him. yet, people still find screenshots of it. im not defending it. but im taking that with a grain of salt since it's just too silly every 2 seconds another pedofile accusation appear
I mean the other side doesnt matter when it's shown that he was saying thats she's 16 and then proceeding to be sexual towards her. It doesnt matter if she was returning his advances at all. But with the second girl I couldn't find anything that confirmed her age at all so idk.
@@sn1p3s29 I also wonder what is the legal age of conscent in his country. Not all have it set to 18, in my country it's 15. I never fully understood american laws, but even in America not all states have it on 18yo... I think...
@@kuba007bond Legal age or not, doesn't change the fact that he knew she was 11 years younger than him and still proceeded to flirt and sexualize himself/her. That is simply grooming and p3d0 behavior.
@@kuba007bond I honestly dont care what the legal age is in his country or any country. 18 should be the legal age everywhere. You cannot make difficult decisions at 15 nor 16. You are still developing as a young human. Hell even majority of 18 yr olds arent good at making smart decisions and talking to people who want to use them or manipulate them. 18 should be the bare minimum when it comes to the law.
I knew something was mentally wrong with him from the start and dantes and tarzaned used that for views, but man he is actually so sick. Im actually glad he got this exposure because that just means more knows what he did wrong.
In my country and in many others, 20year guy and 16yo girl isnt pedo. Its legal. So this is all about uUS 18+ only or pedo rules right? Soon we will call any 19yo boys with 17yo girls a pedo while there are real pedos and thats weird. Ps. Dont project, im wifed thats 24yo.
This situation is still developing. I'll add further evidence for or against Jaymo as the situation continues on.
Hey rival maybe pin this comment?
Do Snowbird next
Well Rival, the situation is simple, a bunch of idiots with no clue (tarzaned first) saw an opportunity to make cheap content with a tons of drama by "exposing" a "fake coach" and then this back fire. They own nothing and will tell the "i didn't know story". You didn't NEED to know before making videos to f ing bully someone.
@@petitcoIibrisbro, what are you even talking about? What should Tarzaned and Dantes be owning???? And what in the actual fuck is a drame and why did they create it????????
@@artin3599 brah, i'm afraid your next question will be "what does mean words ?". A little effort there, you can do it.
Now I know why he lost against Tarzaned, he forgot to pick his trusty Predator rune
this is the most cursed comment I've read in a while
well he wasnt playing jax either
Kwite situation. You people never learn.
We got top, adc, and now jungle. We just need support and mid for a full team
I can cover for support.
I dont follow the news often
This jaymo is jng cookie is adc who is top
Hashinshin cookielol and jaymo have predator rune ready to run annie down lev 5
@@pranz2358 hashinshin
Getting exposed as a fake Challenger player is bad.
Getting exposed as a guy who preys on children is really really REALLY bad.
Thats a really really REALLY bad bad situation 🗿
like the merry men in shrek, "THATS BAD THATS BAD THATS REALLY REALLY BAD!"
hot takes as usual
Imagine being so bad and delusional in a game that you were put on blast enough that it exposed you as a pedo. YIKES.
Why bad? It's good though 😄
Jaymo messages Dantes for 4 months
Gets on a call with him
Gaslights Dantes
Defends himself against Tarzaned
Says that he is a Challenger player without giving any acc to prove it
Keeps gaslighting Dantes and Tarzaned for hours upon hours
Finally gives an acc
The acc is not his
He gets exposed for it
Keeps denying it regardless
Gets in 2 Challenger game with and against Tarzaned
Loses both
Keeps insisting that he is better than Tarzaned regardless
Gaslights every new person that joins the call
Call ends
Gets exposed as a PDF file and a Plat hardstuck
Leaves and doesn't elaborate
He came
He saw
He conquered
But when it comes to minors
He saw
He conquered
He came
he came
he pick (jax)
he choose (predator)
And all that just to be famous and get clout…mfs would suck a mean one just to be on the television
Well, it was an amusing story at least :D
Riot might need to nerf Jax because his playrate is increasing
I get the predator stuff but why Jax though? Does his lore have something to do with it? Or just "haha big man with stick"?
@@thebronzeavengers4194I think it’s cause of a jax main or something
What does Jax has to do with this stuff?
aint no way jaymo got exposed 💀💀 bro is losing in life
unfunny comment 💀💀i have aids
Jaymo moment
@@lifedeather Jaymoment
Is the document even real? Sounds like they're just trying to take down his reputation, well as if it's any better rn in the League community
this has been the wildest league youtuber arc ive ever seen
I love how we learned his true rank from a document exposing him as a pedo.
Yeah hes so fucking cooked 😂
@@dominaaaaa9321You could even say he's cookied
Un video a mas mi gente para perder el tiempo
i don't understand why so many pedophiles/rapist are men. it gives us such a dumb reputation of being perverts
@@八木あえ実 Because we testorone sez driven mammals that unlike women, actually have the means to act of them.
Should've been coaching cookielol i guess
Tarzaned is gonna have a field day with this one lmfao
“Challenger coach gets exposed as platinum peaker and pdf file🎉🎉😮😮”
@@psycholol4855 exactly 😂
Bro is gonna milk this so hard
@@billyjoe8185 I'm not really into streamers but these are quite intriguing. How's Tarzaned going to milk this? I thought he was a PDF file himself, just that he is actually challenger.
Jaymo literally existed in the community for less than a week and not only was he grilled by literally everyone, now he has no chance lmao.
yeah cause this is how justice works. A bunch of randos believing the last person talking, specially youtubers milking.
Jaymo coached me, he's pretty solid, told me to spam gank annie lev 14 and to never take a fight with lev 18 champs
after i saw that shyvana ult i knew
He thought he saw an annie between him and the wall and couldn't help himself.
I still don't get how is he plat, I guess it's NA? idk man, I play in EUW and he looks Silver at best. Not joking.
@@ghibli5111 beyond true, guy is obsessed with tempo yet doesnt even understand it
@@SafetyKitten He has no hand either. Even if he understood something about it he would get gapped by every single player above gold.
Not to mention his builds, runes, the way he approaches ganks, and so on...
He existed for a week and already got exposed. Bro speedran his career
This is the perfect ending for the jaymo arc
LMAO I JOKINGLY SAW IT COMING. I thought "imagine this chill dude as a ped0" im not happy im right
you thought he was chill? wtf lol jaymo is a MASSIVE loser in every light. He gets called 0 testosterone and utterly bitched by dr zanned and he makes a million and one excuses for himself.
no one ever is lmao, goofy ahh shyv ult
This arc on the stream was SO good, PURE CONTENT
18 pages is nothing...
yall ever heard of this guy named cookie?
That was a fat 90 bomb god that video took me so long
mans read enough pedo evidence that he could qualify to work for chris hansen
its sad whenever you see 18 pages and its like "eh"
At this point, we out here, counting pages to see how creepy a person can be 😂
Reminder that cookielol never got permabanned and is still streaming meanwhile hashinshin is still banned. Yet people wonder why Twitch is a joke.
Literally it pisses me off that people still continue with the hashinshin bullshit when it was proven to be false, yet as you said someone legit admits the things they've done and they're free to steam with no issues
@@inksword6029you gotta get with the times.
Unless you are looking like Henry Cavil you are automatically a creep, grapist, groomer and pdf.
That's what the government is pushing together with their Beloved feminism propaganda.
@@inksword6029Hashinshin NPCs thinking he was cleared when the FBI investigation was the equivalent of "He doesnt actively hunt children in his area" and he has literally admitted to inappropriate and sexual convos with children
@@peperoni9757 "npc" both things you said are false, average low IQ kassadin player who thinks he's smarter than the fbi
@@peperoni9757 yeah sure bro, we got another freelancing detective who is better than FBI guys.
Jaymo claimed to be a challenger jungler, but really he was a challenger top laner
I can’t believe this may as well be the reason he was so obsessed with helping toplane every game 😂😂my god
Challenger jungler in the street, challenger toplane in the sheets
seems to be a trend here in this game lol
Its the biggest game in the world aside from like cod and fifa, of course its filled with mentally unwell people.
Did you forget about Minecraft? lol
@@bince671don’t bring Minecraft into this 😢
Can’t get girls their age
league taking on the FGC in the pdf file competition
i expected him to be bronze, just from the way he played and how he built the same thing every game, he does not seem like a plat player. his delusions definitely match plat players though
Bro seriously , I play on EUNE and people that are silver here play better than Jaymo did and they don't build the same exact items here , and the weird thing is that now that I hit Plat I see players that are worse than Silver but have huge egos
EUW plats are definitively this bad. They perma auto pilot.
@@eostoleurdog8351The reason you think platin players are worse than silver is because now that you stopped being illusioned by the fancy platin border, you realize they are still bad at the game. Just like people in master+ will seem bad at the game if you play in that elo.
In reality though, you just forgot how bad silver truly is.
Even in master+ people will make the same mistakes and seem like [insert last rank] only a slightly bit better.
@@ThomasMueller999It's the same on every server unless you are in the top 0.01% there is virtually no difference.
you can tell he is easily platinum level because he actually knows about camps and stuff.
most people (myself included) can get to platinum easily without even thinking about camp respawns and all that stuff involving jungle.
I got to plat 2 playing jungle with 60 games playing league off and on over the years achieving that rank is easy.
everything bellow diamond1 is pisslow and challenger level players call gm pisslow you get the point.
Question is why a Jax main is coaching a Hecarim OTP?
they are both helicopters
I knew he was a predator the second he refused to float the dragon fight.
Neace is slowly going to become a beloved member of the community
Whenever I'm having a bad day. I can now think of jaymo and have my mental reset.
Hopefully his actions against minors will go somewhat against him
nothing illegal
@@victorlincurve675 how is it not illegal? he literally sent nudes to a minor
@@victorlincurve675 🚨📸
Never watched him, but knowing how easy it is to edit a screenshot so that it includes a different name, pfp, and time, I'd have to read the pdf and see if it links to any video where it's undeniably his account and that's undeniably what was said on their behalfs before id proceed to call him a nonce beyond reasonable doubt.
Yeah but jaymo got exposed because he made a bad play (grooming minors), paige didn't do anything to accomplish this, it was all jaymo's fault, and he also takes full accountability. That's why he's the goat.
based as always MysticRL
It’s all fun and games till rival somehow gets exposed as a pdf😭
Bro coached cookielol for that predator only challenger
This has been event after event and I am living for it. Jaymo enters the scene as a “Challenger Coach” leaves the scene without explaining anything as a certified Jax one trick
Getting exposed as a guy who preys on children is bad.
Getting exposed as a fake challenger is really really REALLY bad.
Lmao i can't stop thinking about how many people he "coached" that were higher ranked than him
@@yahiaaymankamaly3518 to be fair rank doesn't mean if you can coach or not
@@yahiaaymankamaly3518 what if he still made them climb?
@@miniflint2423true, not every high rank player knows how to teach
@@Vaxedia nah
Why did they delete the msgs they sent back??? Were they flirting back with a 27 year old? I'm not defending Jaymo, but what they said can be taken slightly out of context. its hard to understand what they were saying to further prompt more messages. They could have told them to stop messaging them if they felt uncomfortable, or blocked them, so why did they continue messaging?
Why are you defending a pedophile. They are children, children are allowed to make mistakes like this, they're not adults. Adults should keep it in their pants when around kids.
Stop victim blaming you weirdo.
16 year old can’t consent simple as that bro
Peeps really think that 16-17 year olds are squeaky clean flowers that don't understand anything at all. They are fully aware and continue to fish for these messages. No wonder juvenile crime is increasing cuz they know they can get away scot free
How tf can any of that be taken out of context, did you read what he said to people he knew were minors???? Wtf
@@calmrag6143 yes they can. My gf was 16 when i was 20. We are still together 2 years later.
predator is slightly being the meta for sure
"Platinum hardstuck minor predator"
that's the Average League player lmao
You know you fucked up when dantes is the one that sounds like a reasonable adult in the situation
Dantes acting like a mature human being is something that only happens a few times a year lmao
The jaymo saga is the definition of "escalated quickly"
So is there even any proof at all in this document or is it just discord dm screenshots that can be easily forged through many ways
Yikes, another pedophile defender.
Dog I saw dantes in the playback thing and i was like "NOOOOOO!" then found out it was jaymo LOL
he really got inspired by Cookie's coaching
remember that in Europe this behavior is normal because the age of consent is 15 years
Oh Shit! He is a p...
Platinum Player?😢
I genuinely thought he was a troll who just wanted to waste the community's time bruh 💀💀
Sad that Hashinshin's career is still destroyed after being falsely accused of this. People like Rival are still gonna keep lying and tarnishing his name after a legit FBI investigation couldn't convict him.
It pisses me off how even after the fucking FBI says he is innocent he didn't get his twitch acc back and is still falsely accused to this day
wait what did rival even say about hashinshin?
@@Jose_Roberto77I mean they just didnt charge him doesnt mean he is innocent. They never came out saying yes this man is innocent.
@@quantumhawk806 When the FBI looks into a situation and doesn't charge you it means you're innocent. They reviewed everything. Stop the libel
Did everyone conveniently forget that Hashinshin made an apology on twitter saying that he's sorry for being a bad person and that he tried to be good b4 his actions caught up to him or smth? No one innocent creates an apology like that. He might not have gotten convicted but he sure as hell ain't innocent either.
The moment I heard him stuttering/not giving an obvious reason to not gank bot (you have an ezreal thresh) I knew he wasnt challenger, or even masters. Getting ren ahead by two kills then perma ganking mid is the best way to go about this game.
just a reminder that dyrus dated emiru when she was 16 and nobody cared
And Dyrus was?
@@alex2005z 22
Bro i was scared clicking on the video thinking it could be dantes
If any of it is real the victims should go to the police instead of making another X Pages thing that can be easily faked.
Victimhood is hard to define here. The laws, obviously depending on the country, often only punish actual behavior and not intet.
Pedophiles have always been socially castrated
Absolutely correct as well, notice all the replies in those texts were deleted. Though its easily verifiable based on the numerous pictures he sent whether or not its him.
@@shehonkaionmystar That's never an excuse. It's not even just about the victim when you go to the police, if you let him get away with it he WILL do it again. This is coming from someone who actually went through this and wasn't just phishing for replies like most of these teens do.
I thought it was odd that all the messages where 1 sided. Not saying its okay to be a pedo but saying its also believable to be set up as much as it is being true.
my biggest fear is that the reason riot wont release voice chat is in fear of PDF files just lurking for young padawans
lol no
Tarzaned bouta be real happy LMFAO
League community can come up with more pages of 🍇 allegations than I can come with for my school essays.
No role is safe at this point …as midlaner im shaking for my lane reputation
I main mid and my gf was 16 when i met her.
This doesn’t sound bad without context of your own age
@@chillNinjaLowSkill i was 20 and she was 16. Now i am 22 and she is 18
im sorry, but i really dont care about this content anymore.
Nice that they get exposed and all, but league's at a shit point when exposure of pedophilia is the only thing we can talk about nowadays.
It's not even pedophilia, lol.
@@SilencedButNotForgotten ?
@@bigbananae Pedophilia is about prepubescent children.
@@SilencedButNotForgotten you really trying to argue semantics when I guarantee you the law does not give a damn
Bro got every top player shaking in their boots with a title like that 💀
"Jaymo's spotlight is problematic and undeserved"
Did she watch the streams? The guy got humiliated in front of 10k people for 8 hours straight how is that not deserved?
the jaymo arc has truely been one of the most unhinged in the last month man. pure content
tarzaned reaction is gonna be pure gold, im waiting for his next stream, this jaymo content is literally hilarious, hopefully he now understands that being p4 doesnt mean you can Play with 4 years olds.
i cringed a little bit typing this joke because this is obviously not a funny topic, it is disgusting and she is right that its sad that we gave him the spotlight, but sitting here and being sad about it is not gonna change anything, we instead, can just have a laugh from the cringe this guy and others like him are.
Wtf are you eating
LOL ok but that shii was actually funny. thanks for the serious approach though
Okay relax they were 15 and 16 not 4 💀
@@NormanGaming196 ?
Most people would be peedo if they could... Also I don't consider the 99% virtuous in any capacity... And I also don't personally consider 16 or older minor... but most people are childish irrespective of their age
Ok PDF file
What Jaymo is doing is wrong, but these younger girls also know exactly what they are doing, which is disgusting as well. Blocking people is an option, you're 15, plus why are they showing these discord messages without their own messages. It's just not that black and white and shows a lack of transparency, possibly due to them knowing the shit they sent was equally as vile. I detest these older guys messaging younger girls, especially when they KNOW that the girl is younger, but I equally detest these younger girls who use their discord kitten personality as a means of attracting men, and not saying anything or blocking them and moving on. I get random creeps dming all the time, it takes two clicks, why can't they do the same thing?
your victim blaming attitude is really cringe and disgusting, teenagers cannot consent, it's the responsibility of adults to put a stop to the conversation. teenagers very often struggle with setting boundaries or feeling responsible for others emotions and u would realize that if u pulled ur head out of ur ass
probably because half the time they know whats happening and purposefully put themselves into these situations to benefit off of the persons following, money, clout or whatever theyve got
@@cdyt249 right because jaymo had any relevance at all whatsoever before last week. victim blaming idiot. pray it never happens to a girl that u love!
Wow I caught the whole drama, if this is true then that's insane man. This been the content of the century
I truthfully don't know if what's said is true or not. But I think it's just super suspicious that some random person(Jaymo) appears in the community out of nowhere.
Then a few days later some random girl on twitter no one has heard about apparently has proof of him interacting with minors. Sure, what he did was super weird, but the age of consent in the US(I'm assuming that's where the girl was from) is 16. That means the girl could have consented to the activities, but all of her messages were deleted from the chat.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's not weird, he shouldn't have done it. However, I don't exactly believe some random girl has evidence on some random guy. And even if she does, it could have been between 2 consenting parties. And if that's the case, he didn't TECHNICALLY do anything wrong, weird:yes, wrong no.
I love how they have a PDF prepared for when one PDF file comes to light KEK
Toplaners are even posing as coaches and other roles to avoid suspicion now smh
It seems like people start using the new predator cookielol build
Jax jungle is kinda viable though
there is cookielol on bot, jaymo in jgl and somebody on top being a pdf file. Who was the toplaner again?
So for accusing someone of being a pdf file all you need is changing the name and profile pic to match a certain person and screenshot it? I see these accusations have been trivialized so much there, people just do a video to thousands of viewers and putting it as a fact with 0 real evidence. In my country when someone is exposed as a PDF, theres a really high chance of them getting beat up, so for someone to even insinuate that, theres need to be actual police-level proof.
I agree. Hashinin or whatever his name is literally got cleared by the FBI but since voyboy is such a depressing loser he quickly makes a vide bashing him and now hash can never have a normal life
I mean if he doesnt even deny it no further evidence is required
@@alex2005z i was gonna talk about presumption of innocence but you have 2005 on your name so I might as well not even waste my time
@@gustaaavo presumption of innocence works when the acused pleads as innocent. If the "crime" isnt denied then he is guilty. And as it often happens with sexualized discord messages, he will probably just either "apologize" or claim what he did isnt that bad. Its very rare to see someone actually try to deny sexualised comments
@@alex2005z "presumption of innocence works when the acused pleads as innocent"
Source: voices inside my mind
crazy how popular predator rune is but I never see anyone use it
I'm gonna be real, how do we know that's the same guy? These screenshots could be faked easily? Seems kind of irresponsible to make a video calling someone out with this level of evidence.. these are just random screenshots.
doesnt matter, only farming drama matters.
It would take effort to come up with an 18 page document and edit timestamps so they make sense 2 years ago, and remember, Jaymo is pretty much a nobody, so no point in going through all that. Second of all, the dude showed signs that he is not normal (assuming you watched the series). He literally got exposed for claiming another persons account and still stuck with the story it is his after the account owner gave proof.
@@kristianvukajlovic6789 not enough sry, also pretty big gap between claiming to be high rank in League and being a pdf. Im not saying ur wrong, im only saying its dangerous to judge based on insufficient evidence.
@@solitudesf8111 based King
I wonder why all of her messages are deleted from the screenshots, maybe she was using him?
I don’t usually comment on posts with my opinion, however I would like to express my opinion on this specific video.
I subscribed to this channel because I play league. Right now I am gold 1 - nvm I demoted this morning - and I’ve been playing casually for a few years (as casually as one can in league of legends). I am interested in league and I like hearing about bugs and all the other great videos u do. They are short, efficient and entertaining. I enjoy most of your content.
However, you are not a judge and you are not an authority on anything other that reporting on the game of league of legends. What you are doing in this video is commenting on a subject I don’t feel like you have the right to talk about.
I don’t think you know this person, or the people he has potentially harassed. I don’t think you know the context behind the story that has been said here. You can say you’re trying to bring awareness to the issue, you can say you’re being a Good Samaritan. I don’t think that’s the case.
Deliberately or not I think you are intentionally making use of a controversial topic to promote your own platform. Wether or not this person is innocent or guilty is besides the point. You are harming their reputation and putting out a public notice that they are a bad person. As someone with a wide audience, I think you have a bigger responsibility than most to report true and also fair information to the public.
I don’t think you’re doing that. I think you’re appealing to a mob mentality that will vilify this person, without taking a second to consider the actual events that took place. I think this is something a lot of people do and I hate it. Most importantly, even if this person is guilty, it’s not your responsibility to report this to the whole world. You are not a legal authority and I don’t think you are doing anything useful here.
Yes I believe in free speech and there is nothing I can do to stop you doing this, but I will not support you anymore. I could be wrong. This is all conjecture on my part. With everything I’ve said, I could be completely wrong. Maybe you are in fact a judge IRL. I don’t know. I could miss out on some great league of legends content here, but I’m not going to support an agenda like this. I came here to watch league of legends content to escape the misery of my cybersecurity degree and right now I am not getting that. Therefore I will unsubscribe.
I wish you all the best Rival and well done on growing so fast so quickly. Take care.
Nobody cares about your opinion lol
Drama nowadays are being publicized. for the sake of destroying someone
you wrote an essay just like jaymo wrote an essay about how obsessed he is and how much he loves a 15 year old
I ain't reading allat
Solid comment, it's distasteful for rival to use his channels publicity for this topic. Sadly if this guy is innocent and wanted to start making content around league, his reputation is forever tarnished by unconfirmed evidence videos like these put out. You see, now people are just cancelling him and being very cruel. As a result, there's no stop to this abuse; there is no end goal in mind.
Exposing someone so quickly is quite bizarre, as if someone were jealous of them.
In the comments to the tweet reporting this, they mentioned (with proof) that this was completely edited. Anyway this kind of internet jury is always wrong, as we have already seen with the case Depp, where years ago people online were all against him for "domestic violence". I don't like how they even posted his personal info, to me he's just a fake challenger coach with a big BIG ego.
can you link it ?
They doxxed him ?
I saw dantes in the thumbnail and i got SO SCARED BRO😭
this isn't really being a pedo, that's specifically much younger children, this is just illegal in some countries and weird as hell
actually if he's 27 the law states within 10 years of age in states where 16 is the age of consent and the oldest was 16 so technically speaking yes this was pedophilia
@@tearduxlama5315 he's not saying it isn't illegal, but by definition this isn't a pedophile. It's a groomer and a creep, but a pedophile would be seeking out literally children, like 6, 7, 8 year olds etc. not ones in their middle to late teens
@brianestepa2376 idk who tf cares about specifics. If a guys going after kids he's a pedo. No need for "Well technically she's 15 so he isn't a pedo" that adds nothing and benefits no one.
@@Unknownz000 what? Language is important. Obviously this guy is a sicko, but when it comes to the law specifics are specifics. He’s a groomer, and an ephebophile. Either way what he did is still illegal, it looks like he sent nudes to the girls. It’s sick. I wonder if a case will be made, hopefully so but who knows, its not like this would be the first one who doesn’t get consequences.
@@Unknownz000 i literally said she was 15 so that does make him a pedo what? im just stating the law based off of what this guy is saying??
I genuinely fail to understand how can people feel attracted to underage kids
Psychological disorder
pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that kids can easily be manipulated (i am a kid)
A large percentage of people who commit sexual assaults on children have been targets of similar misconducts from when they were kids themselves. This is not to say that SA victims become pedophiles, just that pedophiles tend to have traumatic childhoods
Maybe because nowadays people aged 16,17 are considered underage kids, while centuries ago people, especially girls in that age, were already married sometimes. And evolution of a species isn’t something that happens as fast as the social changes in the past 1000 years.
@@ThomasMueller999 Yeah that must be it. I mean obviusly a 17 years old girls can be easly confused with a kid. xD
Infantophilia: 0 - 5 years old
Pedophilia: 6 - 10 years old
Hebephilia: 11 - 15 years old
at this point I think anyone can create accounts and accuse anyone of "grooming" minors. at this video nobody knows who jaymo is. nobody has heard of him. yet, people still find screenshots of it. im not defending it. but im taking that with a grain of salt since it's just too silly every 2 seconds another pedofile accusation appear
Jaymo should take up smash bros, fits in well with that community.
Bruh, every message from the girl is deleted. This is a very easy way to make a one sided statement about someone.
I mean the other side doesnt matter when it's shown that he was saying thats she's 16 and then proceeding to be sexual towards her. It doesnt matter if she was returning his advances at all. But with the second girl I couldn't find anything that confirmed her age at all so idk.
@@sn1p3s29 I also wonder what is the legal age of conscent in his country. Not all have it set to 18, in my country it's 15. I never fully understood american laws, but even in America not all states have it on 18yo... I think...
@@kuba007bond Legal age or not, doesn't change the fact that he knew she was 11 years younger than him and still proceeded to flirt and sexualize himself/her. That is simply grooming and p3d0 behavior.
@@kuba007bond I honestly dont care what the legal age is in his country or any country. 18 should be the legal age everywhere. You cannot make difficult decisions at 15 nor 16. You are still developing as a young human. Hell even majority of 18 yr olds arent good at making smart decisions and talking to people who want to use them or manipulate them. 18 should be the bare minimum when it comes to the law.
@@YuYuYuna_ Law exists for a reason. We don't need "feelings" to determine what is wright and wrong.
Ma man got the cookielol treatment goddamn
subscribing really paid off i got this vid fresh
I got so scared when I saw dantes at the start fr
I knew something was mentally wrong with him from the start and dantes and tarzaned used that for views, but man he is actually so sick. Im actually glad he got this exposure because that just means more knows what he did wrong.
very wrong, groomer and all but still not a p*dophile. p*dophile is kids that haven't even hit puberty yet
There’s no shot…what an ending lmao
I was scared it was Dantes with the footage at the start😂
Talking about the hardstuck platinum coach, it's kinda normal that coach skill-level is around that level
JayMONEY showing us his challenger tempo by getting outed as a Jax main in under a week 😂
He really speedran a content creator career.
whattt a twist to how this series ends LOOOL
cookie came back after a couple of weeks so i wouldnt be surprised if he starts doing coaching off this fame in the future
In my country and in many others, 20year guy and 16yo girl isnt pedo. Its legal. So this is all about uUS 18+ only or pedo rules right? Soon we will call any 19yo boys with 17yo girls a pedo while there are real pedos and thats weird.
Ps. Dont project, im wifed thats 24yo.
Average league hardstuck high elo players 💀
Guys, this isn't Minecraft, stop it
Knew Jaymo was trash from the Doctors videosz but now this I can't wait for the doctor to diagnosis him.