How to Use Sample Looping in BeatMaker 3

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 53

  • @StickybirdpooMusic
    @StickybirdpooMusic Год назад

    Excellent video! Thank you for uploading this and taking the time to make this.

  • @trendzkilla8458
    @trendzkilla8458 4 месяца назад

    Dope beat, and dope video which is rare to find outside of Bolo. Nice authentic sound

  • @anthonyholmes113
    @anthonyholmes113 5 лет назад +5

    Damn my G, These are some of the BEST BM3 tutorials on YT!! Just from watching a few of your tips I found more ideas on how to use this, than the manual itself.

    • @BrandonRico
      @BrandonRico  5 лет назад +1

      +Anthony Holmes lol thanks fam 😅 so glad I'm being helpful

  • @issiewizzie
    @issiewizzie 5 лет назад +1

    Thanks for the video .upload I’m not sure if you’ve done any video with importing loop samples and playing with them in bBeatMaker

  • @mrray3641
    @mrray3641 5 лет назад +1

    Just popping by from the Nick Nimmin LIVE on Saturdays. Imma have to study this channel a bit but keep in touch. Happy journey.

    • @BrandonRico
      @BrandonRico  5 лет назад

      +Paint N Sound dope! Thanks for tuning in!

  • @mymoa4
    @mymoa4 5 лет назад +1

    Thank You for another BM3 video been studying all your BM3 videos and slowing getting my mobile kit together to start cooking

    • @BrandonRico
      @BrandonRico  5 лет назад +1

      +mymoa4 great fam! I'm glad you found this useful. Just keep my playlists on repeat and stay tuned for more tutorials. We got ALOT more to cover.

  • @jasonbesant4074
    @jasonbesant4074 4 года назад

    Thanks man for the great tutorial...

  • @hArtyTruffle
    @hArtyTruffle 4 года назад

    Thanks Brandon 👍🏼 real handy 💥

  • @michaelwashington4648
    @michaelwashington4648 5 лет назад +1

    Dope vid fam very helpful information mos def will try this in the next sample challenge

  • 5 лет назад +2

    Sooo good. Great tip Brandon. I love these sound design type videos. How about doing one on creating a complete sample pack using BM3. Keep up the great work.

  • @WhySoBroke
    @WhySoBroke 5 лет назад +1

    Thanks for the awesome BM tutorials! All the best amigo!

    • @BrandonRico
      @BrandonRico  5 лет назад

      +HentaiAnimeArt Gracias!! I appreciate the support. And glad I could help 😎🙏🏾

  • @StickybirdpooMusic
    @StickybirdpooMusic Год назад

    Been sampling Google translate for a lot of verying audio language samples. I mixed them down in BM3 using Live stretch and BPM adjustments to work on my track, but was interested if I could push it further to a singing tone. Thank you! This will help me out a lot in the long run.

  • @dj4gvnbeats424
    @dj4gvnbeats424 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you for the tutorial.

    • @BrandonRico
      @BrandonRico  5 лет назад

      No doubt fam! Hope you learned something that you can use in your workflow 😎

  • @Gymae
    @Gymae 2 года назад

    It was. I was really wanna have a sample loop playing the background as a scratch track in beat maker.
    Because beatmaker is better for mi in the beginning stages of what aum can do with multiple apps.
    Just going simpler to sea if my idea is any good.

  • @MentPlus
    @MentPlus 4 года назад

    Dropped quite a few jams here. Salute

  • @dafingaz
    @dafingaz 5 лет назад +1

    Dope sound!

    • @BrandonRico
      @BrandonRico  5 лет назад +1

      Endless possibilities bro

    • @dafingaz
      @dafingaz 5 лет назад

      BrandonRico Simpson yep!

  • @NezD
    @NezD 3 года назад

    OH NO used to do this on the original MPC. I was doing it wrong this whole time, thanks!

  • @roshanatissera347
    @roshanatissera347 4 года назад

    amazing. What mic do you use for vocal recordings? What mic do you think is best for the ipad?

  • @윤상호-v1y
    @윤상호-v1y 5 лет назад +1

    BM3 gang! I thank you for your clips.

    • @BrandonRico
      @BrandonRico  5 лет назад

      +윤상호 💪🏾💪🏾😎😉 BM3 all day.

  • @kenn3877
    @kenn3877 5 лет назад +1

    Nice video bro. I wanted to ask you. How many tracks can run at one time in Beatmaker 3? Without it crashing.

    • @BrandonRico
      @BrandonRico  5 лет назад +2

      Thanks fam. Right now with my current setup I've been able to run over 12 tracks at a time.. but experiences may vary depending on your device. I haven't found anything that my iPad can't handle yet so I really don't know it's limits just yet. Never been interested in trying to figure them out. Just working as I usually would 🤷🏾‍♂️

  • @anandsunku
    @anandsunku 5 лет назад +1

    I want the sample keep playing till I press again... like apple live loops in GarageBand

  • @ArjunSharma-wi3jp
    @ArjunSharma-wi3jp 3 года назад

    Please if u can share some app fr vocal tuningg and modulation except Voloco please man

  • @michaelwashington4648
    @michaelwashington4648 5 лет назад +1

    Questions.? How do avoid clipping whem making a beat but still have a clear sound

    • @BrandonRico
      @BrandonRico  5 лет назад +1

      Premixing and prioritizing frequencies. Mix your layers as you go along then once you're ready to mix the main track down you won't have much issues

  • @JayLayne
    @JayLayne Год назад

    Hey do you gain stage in beatmaker 3 or any other iOS daw before mixing?

  • @savelikeaprowithleah5157
    @savelikeaprowithleah5157 5 лет назад +1

    Coming from Nick Nimmin's channel! Pls stay connected!

    • @BrandonRico
      @BrandonRico  5 лет назад

      Oh wow cool!! Thanks for dropping by!

  • @StudioBlackSankara
    @StudioBlackSankara 4 года назад

    Hey man, is there way to make a sample clip loop after pressing a pad? So you can tap the beat while the sample plays. Can’t find an option for that.

  • @malikmakkavelian98
    @malikmakkavelian98 5 лет назад +1

    Can I get ur vocal samples

  • @vedubbn
    @vedubbn 5 лет назад

    So you have to have a music editing software to cut the sample and pull from?

  • @armandoramirez6601
    @armandoramirez6601 5 лет назад

    I downloaded beatmaker and no good. freeze everytime plugs in freeze.and the app runs slow when if i get it to record

    • @BrandonRico
      @BrandonRico  5 лет назад

      What device are you using?

    • @armandoramirez6601
      @armandoramirez6601 5 лет назад

      @@BrandonRico im using a ipad mini but i upgraded it to osi 12.4.4

    • @BrandonRico
      @BrandonRico  5 лет назад

      Sounds like you're using an older device. But that shouldn't be a huge issue. Any app in particular you're having issues with in BM3?

    • @armandoramirez6601
      @armandoramirez6601 5 лет назад

      That app itself and plugins freeze and wont play a note when it is up load.i even watch one of your videos on gadget 2 how to record sounds and save in to bm3 and bm3 app wont even record them it freeze or stay blanket with no recording

    • @BrandonRico
      @BrandonRico  5 лет назад

      Sheesh.. when was the last time you updated BM3? And I would even suggest updating your iPad to iPad OS 13 if possible.

  • @werdson4509
    @werdson4509 5 лет назад +1

    That’s a logic sound ??

    • @BrandonRico
      @BrandonRico  5 лет назад +1

      Yup! A synth I tweaked in the alchemy plugin