ご視聴ありがとうございます。 今年1月末に初めての動画を投稿し、気づいたら登録者様の数が3000人を超えていました🙏 お恥ずかしい話ですが、このチャンネルを開設した頃は、一番精神的に不安定な状態で、いつか消えてしまう自分が、「頑張っていた」「生きていた」という証として何かを残したいと思い、動画の投稿を始めました。 こんなにたくさんの反応をいただけるとは思ってもいませんでした🤍😢 自分の思ったことを言葉にするのがとても拙いし、自信がなくて手を止めてしまうこともありましたが、この小さなチャンネルで動画を作り続けることができたのは、間違いなくいつも温かく見守ってくださる皆さんやメッセージを送ってくださる皆さんがいてくれたからです🤲 今日も15分間お時間をいただきありがとうございました! これからもよろしくお願いいたします。 Thank you for watching. I posted my first video at the end of January this year, and before I knew it, the number of subscribers had exceeded 3,000. 🙏 I'm embarrassed to say this, but when I started this channel, I was in the most unstable mental state, and I started posting videos because I knew that one day I would disappear and wanted to leave something behind as proof that "I was trying my best" and "I was alive." I never expected to receive so many responses.🤍😢 I'm not very good at expressing myself, and there were times when I stopped because I lacked confidence, but I was able to continue making videos on this small channel because there were definitely all of you who were always watching over me with kindness.🤲 Finally, thank you for giving me 15 minutes of your time today.
Înțeleg ce zici cu izolarea..eu nu am anxietate în schimb îmi place singurătatea, sa am ritmul meu și sa trăiesc asa cum simt...îl am pe soțul meu și atât,cu restul oamenilor vorbesc rar și ce e necesar...asa mi e mie bine
Grazie a RUclips, posso esprimere i miei sentimenti senza parole 😊 E sono anche grato di averti incontrato! 🤍Grazie per vegliare sempre su di me con calore e gentilezza! Spero che anche tu trascorri le tue giornate serenamente.
Bonjour. Je suis française et j'aime beaucoup vos vidéos. Je suis une de vos abonnées. J'aime l'ambiance calme et relaxante des vidéos et j'adore vos chats 😻
Merci pour votre gentil message de France😭 Et je suis vraiment heureuse que vous ayez aimé mon humble vidéo ! J'espère que tu passes une bonne journée🤍✨
Hi Tina... You are my new favorite youtuber .. i relate to you on so many levels. After seeing everyone rushing after success and fast life your videos are a heaven of comfort for me. Thank you for this video.. Hope to see more from you. Love you Tina ❤
@@tinaaatong Thank you so much for always be a beautiful and strong women 🌼 Sending my love and hug always for you my dear *tina* 🤗 Have a beautiful day my dear 🌟🐈🌻
Lindo vlog ❤ te miro desde Medellin Colombia, vives en paz, no dejes que los pensamientos intrusivos arruinen tu día. Tienes la mejor compañía. Saludos.
Obrigada! 🤍 Às vezes tenho dificuldade em controlar minhas emoções, mas farei o meu melhor! Muito obrigada pelas suas palavras gentis que me dão um empurrão!
ох как я тебя понимаю( видео как будто про меня, прямо все слова подходят моей жизни последние 2-3 года… из-за своей замкнутости и стеснительности я почти не выхожу из дома и с лета не могу найти работу как раз по этой причине, что я такая закрытая и не могу перебороть этот страх перед новым этапом моей жизни 🥲
Спасибо за понимание 🤍 Я очень рада. Мы более чувствительны, чем другие, но взамен у нас должны быть замечательные характеристики, которых нет у других 😭 Я верю в это ✨
Hi tina, I am also a person who lives with anxiety disorder, unfortunately with a depression too, it is very difficult for me to change, I am in a depressive hole in which it is difficult for me to stay positive, since my adolescence that has been so, but adulthood is already a major burden, I want to tell you that your videos motivate me a lot and reassure me, I know you can overcome every day and it will be for the better. 💌🫂🍀
Hello, thank you for finding me out of all the other channels! We are the same! I also have borderline personality disorder, which I was told would never be cured except for anxiety disorder. I have been a shut-in for the past three years, unable to take even one step outside on my own, and my days have been colorless 🥲 I can really empathize with the fear of accepting new things! Even something really unexpected, my head fills with anxiety... I have been alone with the difficulties of life that I cannot share with others 🥲 Thank you for talking about yourself! My reply to your comment ended up being long, but thank you for reading.
@@tinaaatong I can imagine how difficult it must have been to go through the things you say. I am glad to see on youtube that there are people who also want to get ahead and have similar problems to yours, there are many people who do not understand that the mentality of a person can literally kill them, it is something very strong and that is why I feel that you, me and the people who have gone through this are very strong, I know you can get through everything Tina, I send you lots of love. Thank you very much for sharing your life and for your dedication to answer my comment. 💌🫂💗
Bonjour Tina, merci pour ce bon moment de partage. Vous êtes bien organisée et bonne cuisinière 👍🏠🥘❤️Vos trois chats sont magnifiques et gâtés. 🐱🐱🐱🩵🩵🩵Félicitations pour la couverture que vous avez créée et mise dans le lit 🛌 du chat 🐱 ❤Dans notre société, beaucoup de personnes parlent beaucoup mais n'agissent pas 😂 Quelque fois il vaut mieux être plus réservée. ❤Bonne semaine 😘
Merci...! Merci de m'avoir autant complimenter ! Vos aimables paroles me procurent une sensation de chaleur indescriptible dans mon cœur🥹 J'espère que tu passes une bonne semaine aussi✨
It's exciting to see how much love and care you give to your feline creatures. I also love cats. Your self-care routine is so inspiring! Thank you for sharing your journey and reminding us of the healing power of words. 🌸☕
Non sei assolutamente goffa, anzi direi che sei una ragazza brillante, sai fare tante cose, cucini bene, hai delle piante fantastiche e molte persone che come me ti seguono con il cuore. Ricordati che esprimere i propri pensieri e sentimenti è complicato, serve pazienza e perseveranza, se non riesci a parole a ringraziare tuo marito del suo duro lavoro, fagli una carezza, dagli un bacio, lui capira' sicuramente. Non rinunciare a farti capire.Un abbraccio ❤ da una amica❤
Mi agito facilmente e non ho fiducia in me stessa, quindi sono davvero felice di ricevere il tuo gentile messaggio perché mi dà la spinta di cui ho bisogno! Grazie 🤗🤍🤍
Bonjour, permettez-moi de répondre à votre commentaire en français en utilisant Google Translate 🙏🏻 Votre aimable attention a rempli mon cœur ! Cela me donne l’énergie nécessaire pour surmonter les difficultés de la vie quotidienne🤍🤍🤍 Merci beaucoup!
Was für ein süßes und wunderschönes Video!🥰 Ich habe mich in vielen Teilen wiedererkannt. Zwar ist es bei mir nicht mehr so extrem, aber ich habe trotzdem immer noch starke Hemmungen unter anderen Menschen. So wie du habe ich Angst, dadurch tollpatschig oder sogar dumm auf andere zu wirken. Auch das Gefühl von einer anderen Welt zu stammen kann ich zu 100% nachempfinden. Wer weiß, vielleicht sind Menschen wie wir ja tatsächlich von einer anderen Welt, ohne es zu wissen.💫🌏 Mein Ziel ist es irgendwann ganz normal unter Menschen agieren zu können, ohne Panik zu bekommen oder immer so schrecklich angespannt zu sein. Aber dafür braucht es natürlich Zeit. Ich finde, wenn man was verändern will, sollte man sich regelmäßig kleinen Herausforderungen stellen, sich aber nicht unter Druck setzen oder ein schlechtes Gewissen haben, wenn man für einige Dinge noch nicht bereit ist. Es muss einem immer noch gut gehen dabei. Ich wünsche dir viel Kraft und Glück auf deinem Weg. Ich drücke dir die Daumen und glaube an dich!💖👍
Ich habe lange Zeit mit einem Unbehagen gelebt, das ich nicht mit anderen teilen konnte, daher freue ich mich sehr über Ihre mitfühlenden Worte 🤲🤍 Ich habe meine eigenen Gefühle geopfert, um zu anderen zu passen, damit die Leute um mich herum mich nicht nicht mögen 🥲Aber es ist in Ordnung, mehr wie man selbst zu leben! Ich bin wirklich glücklich und dankbar für Ihre nette Nachricht! Es ist ein sehr kleiner Kanal, aber danke fürs Zuschauen 🐱🌟🤍
Thank you for finding my small channel among the many others and subscribing to it! And your encouraging words have warmed my heart. I just want to say thank you.🥲🤍
È emozionante vedere con quanto amore e con quanta cura ti occupi delle tue creature feline. Anch'io amo i gatti, ne ho 4 in casa e la più anziana a più di 18 anni inoltre, vivendo in campagna, ne ho messi in sicurezza più di 10 gatti che sono all'aperto ma ai quali non faccio mancare né cibo né cure, sono tutti sterilizzati❤
Siamo amanti dei gatti! 🐈🤍🤍È incredibile che tu abbia quattro gatti a casa e ti prenda cura di 10 gatti randagi fuori! Sei una persona così gentile e sono così commosso! 🥹 Vi auguro una buona giornata!✨
@@tinaaatong incredibile ma vero, una piacevole caratteristica abbiamo in comune. Mettere in sicurezza queste creature e provvedere loro nutrimento e cure e la mia missione di vita 💙
Coucou Tina je souffre de crise d'angoisse aussi je n'aime pas les changement sa me déclenche des grosse crise d'angoisse et sortir dehors cela est pire j'adore ta chaîne RUclips je mis suis abonné gros bisous de la 🇫🇷 👋🏻 👋🏻 👋🏻 💕🌺🌸🪷🫰🏻🫰🏻🫰🏻
Bonjour, merci d'avoir regardé ! Nous sommes pareils. J'hyperventile dans la foule quand je sors, donc je sors rarement seule 🥲 Plus je veux aller mieux, plus je suis anxieuse et plus mes crises s'aggravent. Faisons de notre mieux et n'abandonnons pas.🤍
Bonjour je suis nouvelle ici, j ai apprécié votre vidéo, la confiance en soi est un long parcours mais faut tenir bon. Ne pas se sous-estimé ca n arrange pas les choses. Merci pour ce partage 🥰
Merci pour votre gentil message ! Cela me sauve vraiment le cœur ! 🤍 J'ai une estime de moi presque nulle, mais je veux gagner plus de confiance à partir de maintenant. Dans la vie et dans les vidéos RUclips 😊
Oi Tina❤. Gosto tudo em você. Gosto dos seus vídeos,da sua casa,da sua comida,dos seus Felinos.Como não te amar????? Por favor, não se diminue😢. Você é uma Guerreira 🎉Continue forte...Bjs😘😘
Tina draga mea te urmaresc din România. Iti doresc curaj. Continuă să faci pe mai departe videoclipuri. Totul va fi bine in viata ta. Te îmbrățișez.❤❤❤
Vă mulțumesc că mă urmăriți din România! Îmi dai curaj și mă încurajezi să continui să fac videoclipuri! Mulțumesc foarte mult! Sper să aveți o săptămână minunată!☘️🤍
Io pure mi prende l"ansia oai genitori nom piu' marito nom c'e piu' e sto guardando te sri giovane hli animali ti aiutsno dannp compagnia io ogni.tanto modifico un vasetto e attacco una.stella marina cosi' la testa .non pensa mi piacerebbe stare li in Giappone mi piacciono le tue pentole
Grazie per il tuo gentile messaggio! Hai ragione, possiamo calmarci immergendoci nei nostri hobby! A proposito, il vaso è di IKEA! Trascorriamo ogni giorno con una mente calma.😊
Thank you for watching.
I posted my first video at the end of January this year, and before I knew it, the number of subscribers had exceeded 3,000. 🙏
I'm embarrassed to say this, but when I started this channel, I was in the most unstable mental state, and I started posting videos because I knew that one day I would disappear and wanted to leave something behind as proof that "I was trying my best" and "I was alive." I never expected to receive so many responses.🤍😢
I'm not very good at expressing myself, and there were times when I stopped because I lacked confidence, but I was able to continue making videos on this small channel because there were definitely all of you who were always watching over me with kindness.🤲
Finally, thank you for giving me 15 minutes of your time today.
Înțeleg ce zici cu izolarea..eu nu am anxietate în schimb îmi place singurătatea, sa am ritmul meu și sa trăiesc asa cum simt...îl am pe soțul meu și atât,cu restul oamenilor vorbesc rar și ce e necesar...asa mi e mie bine
😘 din România
お互い息抜きしながら、可愛い癒しの部分をたくさん吸収して少しでも穏やかな時間過ごしましょう( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ )☘️🤍
Tina makes me feel so good 💛🌸 Thank you for being who you are Tina 💗
I'm really glad that my videos make you feel happy.🤍 And your kind messages have given me motivation.😭🤍🤍 Thank you!!
お外の風が気持ちよかったぁ( ◜௰◝ )♪♪
@@tinaaatong 良かったですね!!お外気持ちいいですよね😄いつもありがとうございます😄
Вы Прекрасны!!!❤❤❤Беларусь!!! Нина! Спасибо за Прекрасные Видели Ваших Котиков!!! 🤗🤗🤗🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹
Спасибо за просмотр🤍Я рад и польщен, что вам понравилось мое видео✨Хороших выходных😊🐈
Anche con poche o senza parole si riesce a trasmettere emozioni come fai tu nei tuoi video Tina....e poi sei bella come sei....ti auguro serenità ❤❤
Grazie a RUclips, posso esprimere i miei sentimenti senza parole 😊 E sono anche grato di averti incontrato! 🤍Grazie per vegliare sempre su di me con calore e gentilezza!
Spero che anche tu trascorri le tue giornate serenamente.
Bonjour. Je suis française et j'aime beaucoup vos vidéos. Je suis une de vos abonnées. J'aime l'ambiance calme et relaxante des vidéos et j'adore vos chats 😻
Bonjour, moi aussi je suis française 😊 ça fait plaisir de lire un commentaire sans utiliser Google translate 🎉
Merci pour votre gentil message de France😭 Et je suis vraiment heureuse que vous ayez aimé mon humble vidéo !
J'espère que tu passes une bonne journée🤍✨
Hi Tina... You are my new favorite youtuber .. i relate to you on so many levels. After seeing everyone rushing after success and fast life your videos are a heaven of comfort for me. Thank you for this video.. Hope to see more from you. Love you Tina ❤
Thank you! I'm very honored! And more than anything, it gave me motivation for the next video.🌟
Have a nice day.☘️🤍
Dear *tina* 🌼 I really proud of you 👏🏻 your beautiful and strong 🌟 keep save and sending my love for you 💕
Thank you😭 Your kind comments always save my heart! It makes me feel like I'm going to do my best!
Thank you so much for always be a beautiful and strong women 🌼
Sending my love and hug always for you my dear *tina* 🤗
Have a beautiful day my dear 🌟🐈🌻
Тина, у вас прекрасные влоги! Спасибо , что поднимаете настроение своим контентом!🤍
Спасибо за просмотр! Это очень, очень маленький канал, но я рада, что он вам нравится 🤍
Lindo vlog ❤ te miro desde Medellin Colombia, vives en paz, no dejes que los pensamientos intrusivos arruinen tu día. Tienes la mejor compañía. Saludos.
Obrigada! 🤍 Às vezes tenho dificuldade em controlar minhas emoções, mas farei o meu melhor! Muito obrigada pelas suas palavras gentis que me dão um empurrão!
ох как я тебя понимаю( видео как будто про меня, прямо все слова подходят моей жизни последние 2-3 года… из-за своей замкнутости и стеснительности я почти не выхожу из дома и с лета не могу найти работу как раз по этой причине, что я такая закрытая и не могу перебороть этот страх перед новым этапом моей жизни 🥲
Спасибо за понимание 🤍 Я очень рада. Мы более чувствительны, чем другие, но взамен у нас должны быть замечательные характеристики, которых нет у других 😭 Я верю в это ✨
Посылаю вам лучики тепла и поддержки🙏🏻🩷 Спасибо за этот чудесный влог😘
Спасибо за ваше тепло и поддержку! Моя мотивация возросла!🤍🤍
@@tinaaatong 😻
Будь счастлива, дорогая Тина!)
Спасибо большое за просмотр видео и статьи, в которой я не очень хорош в выражении мыслей. Мне согревает сердце ваше сообщение.😢🤍
Your clips take me to a world full of peace and tranquility, so I hope that you continue and do not give up for the sake of those who love you. ☹️💖🤏🏻
‘keep going for the sake of those who love you’
Thank you for your kind words! I'll do my best!🌟
Hi tina, I am also a person who lives with anxiety disorder, unfortunately with a depression too, it is very difficult for me to change, I am in a depressive hole in which it is difficult for me to stay positive, since my adolescence that has been so, but adulthood is already a major burden, I want to tell you that your videos motivate me a lot and reassure me, I know you can overcome every day and it will be for the better.
Hello, thank you for finding me out of all the other channels!
We are the same! I also have borderline personality disorder, which I was told would never be cured except for anxiety disorder. I have been a shut-in for the past three years, unable to take even one step outside on my own, and my days have been colorless 🥲 I can really empathize with the fear of accepting new things! Even something really unexpected, my head fills with anxiety... I have been alone with the difficulties of life that I cannot share with others 🥲 Thank you for talking about yourself!
My reply to your comment ended up being long, but thank you for reading.
@@tinaaatong I can imagine how difficult it must have been to go through the things you say.
I am glad to see on youtube that there are people who also want to get ahead and have similar problems to yours, there are many people who do not understand that the mentality of a person can literally kill them, it is something very strong and that is why I feel that you, me and the people who have gone through this are very strong, I know you can get through everything Tina, I send you lots of love.
Thank you very much for sharing your life and for your dedication to answer my comment. 💌🫂💗
Bonjour Tina, merci pour ce bon moment de partage. Vous êtes bien organisée et bonne cuisinière 👍🏠🥘❤️Vos trois chats sont magnifiques et gâtés. 🐱🐱🐱🩵🩵🩵Félicitations pour la couverture que vous avez créée et mise dans le lit 🛌 du chat 🐱 ❤Dans notre société, beaucoup de personnes parlent beaucoup mais n'agissent pas 😂 Quelque fois il vaut mieux être plus réservée. ❤Bonne semaine 😘
Merci...! Merci de m'avoir autant complimenter ! Vos aimables paroles me procurent une sensation de chaleur indescriptible dans mon cœur🥹
J'espère que tu passes une bonne semaine aussi✨
みんなの存在が私の生きがい( o̴̶̷᷄ ·̫ o̴̶̷̥᷅ )🤍
You seem like a kind-hearted person ❤
Такое уютное и приятное видео у вас, и музыка и котики, так все по доброму! ❤❤❤❤❤
It's exciting to see how much love and care you give to your feline creatures. I also love cats. Your self-care routine is so inspiring! Thank you for sharing your journey and reminding us of the healing power of words. 🌸☕
Thank you for your kind comment! It's not a great video, but I'm glad I was able to express my thoughts! Thank you for watching!🥹🤍
Non sei assolutamente goffa, anzi direi che sei una ragazza brillante, sai fare tante cose, cucini bene, hai delle piante fantastiche e molte persone che come me ti seguono con il cuore. Ricordati che esprimere i propri pensieri e sentimenti è complicato, serve pazienza e perseveranza, se non riesci a parole a ringraziare tuo marito del suo duro lavoro, fagli una carezza, dagli un bacio, lui capira' sicuramente. Non rinunciare a farti capire.Un abbraccio ❤ da una amica❤
Mi agito facilmente e non ho fiducia in me stessa, quindi sono davvero felice di ricevere il tuo gentile messaggio perché mi dà la spinta di cui ho bisogno! Grazie 🤗🤍🤍
I falling in love to all your cute cat's 🐈🐈🐈
Thank you‼︎😻🐈🐈⬛
Você é especial. Sabe cozinhar, nos ensina muito. Minha inspiração ❤
Bonjour, permettez-moi de répondre à votre commentaire en français en utilisant Google Translate 🙏🏻
Votre aimable attention a rempli mon cœur ! Cela me donne l’énergie nécessaire pour surmonter les difficultés de la vie quotidienne🤍🤍🤍
Merci beaucoup!
Was für ein süßes und wunderschönes Video!🥰
Ich habe mich in vielen Teilen wiedererkannt. Zwar ist es bei mir nicht mehr so extrem, aber ich habe trotzdem immer noch starke Hemmungen unter anderen Menschen. So wie du habe ich Angst, dadurch tollpatschig oder sogar dumm auf andere zu wirken. Auch das Gefühl von einer anderen Welt zu stammen kann ich zu 100% nachempfinden. Wer weiß, vielleicht sind Menschen wie wir ja tatsächlich von einer anderen Welt, ohne es zu wissen.💫🌏
Mein Ziel ist es irgendwann ganz normal unter Menschen agieren zu können, ohne Panik zu bekommen oder immer so schrecklich angespannt zu sein. Aber dafür braucht es natürlich Zeit. Ich finde, wenn man was verändern will, sollte man sich regelmäßig kleinen Herausforderungen stellen, sich aber nicht unter Druck setzen oder ein schlechtes Gewissen haben, wenn man für einige Dinge noch nicht bereit ist. Es muss einem immer noch gut gehen dabei.
Ich wünsche dir viel Kraft und Glück auf deinem Weg. Ich drücke dir die Daumen und glaube an dich!💖👍
Ich habe lange Zeit mit einem Unbehagen gelebt, das ich nicht mit anderen teilen konnte, daher freue ich mich sehr über Ihre mitfühlenden Worte 🤲🤍
Ich habe meine eigenen Gefühle geopfert, um zu anderen zu passen, damit die Leute um mich herum mich nicht nicht mögen 🥲Aber es ist in Ordnung, mehr wie man selbst zu leben!
Ich bin wirklich glücklich und dankbar für Ihre nette Nachricht! Es ist ein sehr kleiner Kanal, aber danke fürs Zuschauen 🐱🌟🤍
You are a beautiful soul. Not clumsy but Talan and expressive. Enjoyed your video and became a new subscriber. Many blessings
Thank you for finding my small channel among the many others and subscribing to it!
And your encouraging words have warmed my heart. I just want to say thank you.🥲🤍
Primera vez aquí, hermoso video!! ❤
No te preocupes, todo estará bien 🙏🏻
¡Gracias por ver mi video entre tantos canales! Tus amables palabras resuenan en mí y me alientan mucho 😊🤍
È emozionante vedere con quanto amore e con quanta cura ti occupi delle tue creature feline. Anch'io amo i gatti, ne ho 4 in casa e la più anziana a più di 18 anni inoltre, vivendo in campagna, ne ho messi in sicurezza più di 10 gatti che sono all'aperto ma ai quali non faccio mancare né cibo né cure, sono tutti sterilizzati❤
Siamo amanti dei gatti! 🐈🤍🤍È incredibile che tu abbia quattro gatti a casa e ti prenda cura di 10 gatti randagi fuori! Sei una persona così gentile e sono così commosso! 🥹
Vi auguro una buona giornata!✨
@@tinaaatong incredibile ma vero, una piacevole caratteristica abbiamo in comune.
Mettere in sicurezza queste creature e provvedere loro nutrimento e cure e la mia missione di vita 💙
Coucou Tina je souffre de crise d'angoisse aussi je n'aime pas les changement sa me déclenche des grosse crise d'angoisse et sortir dehors cela est pire j'adore ta chaîne RUclips je mis suis abonné gros bisous de la 🇫🇷 👋🏻 👋🏻 👋🏻 💕🌺🌸🪷🫰🏻🫰🏻🫰🏻
Bonjour, merci d'avoir regardé ! Nous sommes pareils. J'hyperventile dans la foule quand je sors, donc je sors rarement seule 🥲 Plus je veux aller mieux, plus je suis anxieuse et plus mes crises s'aggravent.
Faisons de notre mieux et n'abandonnons pas.🤍
@@tinaaatong oui je suis pareil 😑si mon fils ne sort pas avec moi je ne sort pas et je sort très très rarement❤️🫰🏻🫰🏻🫰🏻
So cute and relaxing 😊
Thank you‼︎ (´•ω•̥`)🤍
Gostei muito do seu vídeo!❤
Bonjour je suis nouvelle ici, j ai apprécié votre vidéo, la confiance en soi est un long parcours mais faut tenir bon. Ne pas se sous-estimé ca n arrange pas les choses. Merci pour ce partage 🥰
Merci pour votre gentil message ! Cela me sauve vraiment le cœur ! 🤍
J'ai une estime de moi presque nulle, mais je veux gagner plus de confiance à partir de maintenant. Dans la vie et dans les vidéos RUclips 😊
お互い無理せず良い週末を迎えましょう( ◜︎◡︎◝︎ )
You are beautiful! Don't change, just be YOU!
Thank you...‼︎🤍🤍🤍
fighting together ❤@@tinaaatong
Oi Tina❤. Gosto tudo em você. Gosto dos seus vídeos,da sua casa,da sua comida,dos seus Felinos.Como não te amar????? Por favor, não se diminue😢. Você é uma Guerreira 🎉Continue forte...Bjs😘😘
Ahhhhhhh.E suas palavras são mto expressivas para mim . Obrigada.!!
Muito obrigado pelos elogios😭 Essas palavras me deixam mais confiante!
Finalmente dei o primeiro passo mais difícil e vou tentar o meu melhor!🤍
Nice vlog 😍❤️🥰
Thank you🤍🤍🤍
Saludos y un abrazo para todos😊❤
Gracias 😊
Ooo I think I found my new favorite channel :D💕
Thank you! It's an honor for me!🤍
私自身も人間関係が、下手でありどう!?接したらいいのかわからないので、どうしても!?人を傷つけてしまいます。(T . T)友達もいなく引きこもりです。唯一彼氏とその同僚ぐらいです。
共感です。╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ 出来ても私自身の性格と発言ので、終わりにされます。
Tina draga mea te urmaresc din România. Iti doresc curaj. Continuă să faci pe mai departe videoclipuri. Totul va fi bine in viata ta. Te îmbrățișez.❤❤❤
Vă mulțumesc că mă urmăriți din România! Îmi dai curaj și mă încurajezi să continui să fac videoclipuri! Mulțumesc foarte mult!
Sper să aveți o săptămână minunată!☘️🤍
Te entiendo perfectamente no te preocupes vales mucho
Gracias por tus amables palabras. ¡Me dio mucho coraje!🌟🤍
Vos vidéos sont belles, j'ai trois chats, je vis dans un appartement, la couture et le crochet, permet aussi de s'évader 💝🫶🇨🇵😘
C'est vrai! Les passe-temps comme la couture sont une excellente façon de se détendre ! Merci pour votre gentil message de France !🇫🇷🤍🤍
Ну Ты посмотри пожалуйста какая красота мне бы хотелось чтобы у меня была такая милая моя Родная жена 😇❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
インスタもツイッターもやってないです₍ᐡˊ• ·̫ •̥ᐡ₎
Tinaサン⭐️こんばんは・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
Tinaさんは、じっくりコトコトちゃんなんだとおもいましゅ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+わたしはTinaさんの思いやお料理や猫ちゃんや旦那様への愛情、とてもしゅてきだなァっておもいましゅ🌞♨️
これからも、Tinaさんペースで、だいじょおぶ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+🩵🍪
こんにちは🤍いつも温かく見守ってくださってありがとうございます😭はい!じっくりコトコト煮込み派です₍ᐡˊ• ·̫ •̥ᐡ₎
@@tinaaatong Tinaしゃん。。。おへんじありがとんございましゅ🐷🩵無理はしないで、まいぺえすにバランスとりつつ、じぶんにたくしゃーーーんご褒美あげつつ、またーりゆくーりじくーり、たのしあわせしてくだしゃい🤲😋🩵🐻🍪🎵Tinaさんのまいにちも、しあわせいぱーいになりますよおにッ(*^▽^*)🌞いつも、ありがとお_(:3 」∠)_ごろりん🩵
I would like to recommend the book to You. “From surviving to thriving. CPTSD” written by Pete Walker.
Thank you! I will look for the Japanese translation of this book!🥹🤍
Thank you🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
تمثلني 😢
شكرًا لك
@@tinaaatong さん,返事どうも,ありがとうございます😊。貴女の,文章を読んでいて,こちらでは,言えませんが,いろんな気持ち,同感する所,いっぱい,あります。よかったです,良い,パートナーさんがいて。
Io pure mi prende l"ansia oai genitori nom piu' marito nom c'e piu' e sto guardando te sri giovane hli animali ti aiutsno dannp compagnia io ogni.tanto modifico un vasetto e attacco una.stella marina cosi' la testa .non pensa mi piacerebbe stare li in Giappone mi piacciono le tue pentole
Grazie per il tuo gentile messaggio! Hai ragione, possiamo calmarci immergendoci nei nostri hobby!
A proposito, il vaso è di IKEA!
Trascorriamo ogni giorno con una mente calma.😊