-Mai-hime Element and Child-

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @MaestroAlvis
    @MaestroAlvis 2 года назад +26

    Midori, is way too smart for this show.
    "Im not gonna tell you who i love. Why would I do that? You've never even seen who i love"
    Also her weapon is a halberd.

    • @TirOrah
      @TirOrah Год назад +3

      Midori is awesome! I love that they added an adult to the show who contributes a lot, but also has a very outspoken and eccentric personality.

  • @jorgecontreras8129
    @jorgecontreras8129 10 месяцев назад +3

    Song?? 1:43

  • @ZeroNashi0
    @ZeroNashi0 2 года назад +3

    greetings are you maybe able to try and upload mai HiME/my HiME tv openings/endings creditless and maybe other anime tv openings/endings creditless or so?. thanks much appreciation.

  • @aqdrobert
    @aqdrobert 2 года назад +9

    Natsuki: I love Duran Duran! DJ, play "View to a Kill!"

  • @FernandoGarcia-fs4om
    @FernandoGarcia-fs4om Год назад


  • @viperakmal
    @viperakmal 6 лет назад +11

    I wonder did they change the story completely from the book? I really hope they could make a reboot again like the Sailormoon Crystals... Because the story from book (or manga I mean) is very good... At least, the guy is not wimpy and have some sort of function in the manga... Unlike in the anime...

    • @amieljose2510
      @amieljose2510 3 года назад +3

      True i read the manga and i was shookt its very different

    • @baronvonjo1929
      @baronvonjo1929 2 года назад +2

      @@amieljose2510 How is it different?

    • @amieljose2510
      @amieljose2510 2 года назад +1

      @@baronvonjo1929 the anime is different from manga try to read it

    • @LeeSusanto
      @LeeSusanto Год назад +1

      this is come from franchise like love live so they have different story

    • @viperakmal
      @viperakmal Год назад

      @@baronvonjo1929 let's just say... Anime is like full dark. While Manga is better for me since it is not that dark.