"I WILL F**KING SLAP YOU!" - Eddie Hearn FURIOUS! Froch, Usyk-Fury 2, Anthony Joshua & AI Judging

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 183

  • @DysonFraudy
    @DysonFraudy 17 часов назад +53

    The Rimming Ground.

  • @stuffstuff6910
    @stuffstuff6910 21 час назад +76

    Skip to 7:00 for the interview.

    • @lewt007
      @lewt007 20 часов назад +7

      Turn off at 7min

    • @Zx9rc1
      @Zx9rc1 19 часов назад +2

      And miss Eddie calling him a little flea?😂😂😂

    • @ksiolajidebthdv2889
      @ksiolajidebthdv2889 18 часов назад

      I love you man 🙏🏾😂😂

    • @t.d6379
      @t.d6379 18 часов назад +1

      Thank God for that timestamp

    • @bartasbxx
      @bartasbxx 17 часов назад +1

      Thank you

  • @Silly_Sausage_xoxo
    @Silly_Sausage_xoxo 20 часов назад +18

    Fair play to Parsons, given that he is 5 foot 1 he really can't afford to care what people think about him.... can't wait to see him in Wicked part 2

  • @cccf2010
    @cccf2010 18 часов назад +8

    “To be honest with you, I can’t stand you” 😂😂😂😂 parsons raging hahahhaha

  • @JayP1988
    @JayP1988 20 часов назад +30

    "You know he's using our content for personal use, it's disgusting" 😂🤣😂🤣

  • @LS12344
    @LS12344 21 час назад +28

    Love the banter, that’s why Hearn will always get loads of views

  • @kevinjohnsloan1157
    @kevinjohnsloan1157 21 час назад +23

    Parsons robbing a living but well done to the fella

    • @TheStompingGround-
      @TheStompingGround-  21 час назад +13

      Kind of respect that haha

    • @zua_9924
      @zua_9924 21 час назад

      @@TheStompingGround- fire parsons this channel is going down the drain having this garden gnome think he’s funny . Seriously every interview with him ain’t even boxing related questions just dead “banter”

    • @Charlie.93
      @Charlie.93 17 часов назад

      @@TheStompingGround-lmao theiving little cant;) 😂

    • @BullyBoxer
      @BullyBoxer 7 часов назад

      @@TheStompingGround- you know what they say mate if you’re not cheating, you’re not trying 😉

  • @FuriousBoxing
    @FuriousBoxing 20 часов назад +25

    I personally enjoy the banter between you 2. Hearns hilarious with his insults but your hold your own parsons

  • @gibgun
    @gibgun 14 часов назад +5

    Parsons, people would skip the banter if they didn’t like it…but you can’t be arsed to spend 30 seconds putting chaptera in your videos.

  • @GERS1995
    @GERS1995 16 часов назад +5

    Maybe I’m alone in this but I’m not arsed one bit about seeing AJ Fury anymore, AJ got absolutely destroyed by Dubois the way Hearn goes on he was robbed in a tight split decision 😂

  • @fitprotunes
    @fitprotunes 19 часов назад +6

    I dont care, I love the stick that Eddie gives Parsons, hilarious

  • @Ronnietheboypickering
    @Ronnietheboypickering 21 час назад +31

    Hearn couldn't slap two pieces of bread together.. melt

    • @jackbill6757
      @jackbill6757 19 часов назад

      Delusional ! Hearn would probably smash heavyweights in his own stable

  • @alexbaker7626
    @alexbaker7626 20 часов назад +8

    'It's not really AJ's thing' Er, he was sat next to you at the last fight

  • @NolanRaizenberg
    @NolanRaizenberg 8 часов назад +2

    If you don't like Eddie, that's on you.
    Mr Boxing

  • @darren1989
    @darren1989 20 часов назад +4

    Uysk is a great . Im a fury fan so maybe im seeing a different fury for my sake but i do think his mentality seems like seek and destroy..Uysk that good might make no difference

  • @Jack-yg7de
    @Jack-yg7de 21 час назад +6

    Embarrassing chat

    • @Charlie.93
      @Charlie.93 17 часов назад

      Embarrassing that you think that’s a cool thing to say

  • @tsfilms9047
    @tsfilms9047 20 часов назад +8

    It’s crazy how some ppl use aj in title fight discussions 😂

    • @Tylerwiltshire-b6g
      @Tylerwiltshire-b6g 20 часов назад +2

      THIS ☝️

    • @jackbill6757
      @jackbill6757 19 часов назад +2

      It makes sence since he's probably the biggest money man in the division

    • @marcus-ib9gi
      @marcus-ib9gi 19 часов назад

      @@jackbill6757apart from the 2 fighting this weekend…

    • @SuperMillwall
      @SuperMillwall 14 часов назад +2

      He’s the money fight of the division. Makes no difference if he loses 2, 3, 4x he’s got the casual audience which brings in silly money.
      It’s no different than Conor McGregor for example, who’s completely washed up and loses all the time but if he were to fight again he’d probably break a lot of PPV records because of him being a superstar name and having that casual audience.
      Casuals don’t care about wins/losses, they just wanna see the big names fight.

    • @dsalb2146
      @dsalb2146 2 часа назад

      most drawpower and still a top 5 heavyweight and the only one looking for a fight

  • @marchudson4923
    @marchudson4923 7 часов назад

    🤣🤣🤣 the banter was amazing great interview

  • @gurdialsinghbal
    @gurdialsinghbal 20 часов назад +1

    "Fairs" - this guy is gold!

  • @moaliize
    @moaliize 21 час назад +34

    Fury this time will ko Usyk before 8 rounds. Last time there was a cut. He didn’t spa and mentally he must have been thinking about his family. This time we will see Tyson fury at his best and no one can beat him.

    • @BrAnDoN67k
      @BrAnDoN67k 20 часов назад +12

      No he won't 😂

    • @eddyd63
      @eddyd63 20 часов назад

      Fury fanboys are absolutely shameless

    • @rafc4431
      @rafc4431 20 часов назад +29

      Have a day off frank warren

    • @JT-2025
      @JT-2025 20 часов назад +1


    • @Dimo0891
      @Dimo0891 20 часов назад +7

      It was his best performance to date and he lost.
      So when he loses again then what

  • @macweed3358
    @macweed3358 15 часов назад +3

    Aj should fight wilder

  • @adambritain5774
    @adambritain5774 7 часов назад

    Love how Parsons acknowledged that without Eddie Hearn interviews he is nothing 😂

  • @grantgoss677
    @grantgoss677 17 часов назад

    Great vid again with these two 😂

  • @welshieworldwide
    @welshieworldwide 20 часов назад +5

    A full SEVEN MINUTES of pointless waffle first FFS

  • @jamesburrell677
    @jamesburrell677 18 часов назад

    Eddie dropping truth bombs on The Parsons. I smiled so big knowing that I dubbed him The Parsons.

  • @justinshadrach829
    @justinshadrach829 8 часов назад

    So Funny Eddie rinses Parsons and refers to himself as in Third person (6mins 05) 😂😂
    I do love the bants between these lot!

  • @Leewoods123
    @Leewoods123 16 часов назад

    “Do we have to do this every time?”🤣🤣

  • @jh230377
    @jh230377 5 часов назад +1

    Eddies not slapping anyone 😂😂😂😂

  • @flxsemi
    @flxsemi 21 час назад +1

    Love you TSG since the first Fury interview but seeing that sports betting logo on the top left saps the life outta me.

  • @paxconsciente3352
    @paxconsciente3352 15 часов назад

    did eddie say that AI will be judging the fight saturday or if AI judging will be tested on saturday but judging will remain the same? thank you and great interview, eddie is a beast just like his dad and is endlessly passionate just like his dad was for the great sport of snooker

  • @Pugilist928
    @Pugilist928 20 часов назад +4

    Anyone seen big John?

  • @flashgordon6670
    @flashgordon6670 17 часов назад +1

    Eddie’s a bit grouchy isn’t he, is he life looking to audition for a part as a panto Grinch?
    I understand him getting a bit annoyed, but free journalism is about playing devil’s advocate. There was no need for eddies to start threatening Charlie and SG like that. He needs to learn to relax a bit more. Ironic that he starts out saying he doesn’t care and then turns into a fuming psycho after a few minutes.
    Well done Char for bringing out the best in Eddie. 👍🏻

  • @JazzyJabbz
    @JazzyJabbz 20 часов назад

    Why tho!??
    Sorry. YES its a fight id LIKE to see but not if Fury has the belts!! NO !!!
    If Fury wins on Saturday
    If there is another fight ti be made inbetween the Usyk trilogy then I want FURY V DUBOIS !!!
    Why the HELL would I want to see Joshua get a chance of a winning THREE BELTS having just been ANNIHILATED by Dubois in huniliating fashion!??
    Can someone please make this make sense to me??
    And I am someone who has BANGED ON about seeing Fury Joshua fight for years!! And I STILL do but not while one fighter has all the belts and there are OTHERS waiting for their shot. Joshua needs to rejoin the queue!

  • @breakit46
    @breakit46 18 часов назад

    Eddie getting all Derren Brown, look into my eyes not around them… Great interview

  • @garywigz6310
    @garywigz6310 7 часов назад

    oh my lord its .. Eddie ' back on the packets " Hearn ... 😂

  • @ashleywilliams2561
    @ashleywilliams2561 20 часов назад +2

    The Parsons 😂

  • @Holidayfamily93
    @Holidayfamily93 19 часов назад

    Eddie is spot on about parsons 😂

  • @johnmartin7158
    @johnmartin7158 8 часов назад

    Boxing is a very subjective sport.
    We all have our own judgement who wins.

  • @Earth_is_home_now
    @Earth_is_home_now 20 часов назад +1

    Eddie proper easy to wind up today 😂😂😂👌🏻

  • @Stevoo89-z3w
    @Stevoo89-z3w 2 часа назад

    What a duo 😂

  • @jaw554
    @jaw554 21 час назад

    Can't wait for the comments on this one

  • @peteb3287
    @peteb3287 18 часов назад +1

    Eddie loves mixing with young boys less than half his age and they message his ego

  • @JedEye-o8w
    @JedEye-o8w 5 часов назад

    Eddie and Eubank Sr would be the dream broadcast team

  • @bytpranks8089
    @bytpranks8089 8 часов назад

    When Eddie shouts at Peter he does a girly laugh cause he's so scared of losing Eddie interviews

  • @gddd6061
    @gddd6061 19 часов назад

    Why they don’t give judges THE TV VIEW IN A ROOM WITHOUT COMMENTARY? THE TV VIEW IS THE BEST VIEW. All judges should have a TV. THEY SHOULD NOT BE RINGSIDE. You can judge everything by watching it on TV. You can’t see some angles sitting ringsides

    • @dlmqsd
      @dlmqsd 16 часов назад

      Not true. Footwork isn't always visible on TV and that's key to knowing who is really controlling the action.

    • @Rossyedmonds
      @Rossyedmonds 9 часов назад

      You plonker!!
      You can beat being right next to the action. On tv you miss punches.
      In the UFC they have both.

  • @Sam-the-one-don
    @Sam-the-one-don 16 часов назад

    Either way this goes. They are aiming for a trilogy!, If usyk beats fury. Joshua, will fight fury, for the decider. usyk will go to dubious to attempt to become 2x undisputed… which if that goes to plan they have made a trilogy either way. Daniel is the thorn. So they won’t risk Joshua with him again. I think Daniel Dubois takes them all! 👑🌍

  • @SteveBrown-er5xn
    @SteveBrown-er5xn 10 часов назад

    Is this real? Is Eddie being serious when he’s ripping parsons? One of the funniest interviews I’ve seen Eddie do lol

  • @Leewoods123
    @Leewoods123 16 часов назад

    No, Eddie, AJ’s not coming to the fight on Saturday because he’s been HUMILIATED after being DEMOLISHED by Daniel Dubois recently and he’s embarrassed🤡🤡🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️that’s literally the only reason he’s not coming!!

  • @Imakiwioopsie
    @Imakiwioopsie Час назад

    If you are using words like “cap” then you definitely care too much

  • @lewiskinsella383
    @lewiskinsella383 5 часов назад

    How does AJ deserve the title shot?

  • @donovanfisher6945
    @donovanfisher6945 11 часов назад

    Eddie Hearn everything you say is about yourself you should listen to it

  • @luckyluciano6939
    @luckyluciano6939 3 часа назад

    Oh how the mighty have fallen

  • @TW-hr7uq
    @TW-hr7uq 10 часов назад

    Doesn’t care what anyone thinks…bans people from talking about Skye

  • @donovanfisher6945
    @donovanfisher6945 11 часов назад

    Eddie Hearn the biggest try hard in the industry

  • @HatersHaveOpinion1
    @HatersHaveOpinion1 17 часов назад

    Why Is Joshua Name So Special? Dude Just Got Knocked Out By Dubois

  • @TheObjectionBox
    @TheObjectionBox 20 часов назад

    Eddie is box office ❤

  • @RyanProfessional
    @RyanProfessional 7 часов назад

    Parsons needs to remember who his daddy is, Eddie literally gave him a whole career, be careful there Peter my son!! Great interview jokes aside

  • @juiceedakid
    @juiceedakid 13 часов назад +1

    Eddie is just a little too good at this banter thing. This man got a gift. I am actually looking forward to hearing as part of the broadcast team on Saturday.

  • @gms77777
    @gms77777 13 часов назад +2

    Hearns only properly banters with people he secretly loves 😂😂

  • @arthurarsekey6634
    @arthurarsekey6634 20 часов назад

    AJ? Dude just got steamrollered. Fury wins he should fight Dubois. But I bet money talks and Fury takes the much easier Joshua. The most likely outcome is Usyk wins, vacates and drops down to cruiser to take on Ramirez and/or Opetaia

    • @Thedon1991
      @Thedon1991 19 часов назад

      If fury wins
      I believe Parker beats Dubois so could potentially see fury v Parker if Parker wins and fury beats usyk
      Only problem is I can’t see fury doing anything different and usyk beats him over 12 rounds agen with boxing masterclass
      Parker v usyk? Would watch that fight all day long Parker can actually box 📦

  • @claytonyoung1351
    @claytonyoung1351 19 часов назад +1

    I love these interviews. Hilarious 😂

  • @jakenewman8247
    @jakenewman8247 19 часов назад

    For 1 Ed Won’t slap anyone he melted from Ben
    For 2 another uysk masterclass

  • @Dragonpotion123
    @Dragonpotion123 7 часов назад

    Its a bit mad that your posting for views and saying people are haters because they think the banter is shit.
    If all these haters stopped watching the views would go down massively

  • @martin-d4h
    @martin-d4h 20 часов назад

    Eddie Hills 🤜

  • @markjones5843
    @markjones5843 20 часов назад

    Give up interviewing Eddie it's getting embarrassing

  • @Lewi_4554
    @Lewi_4554 5 часов назад

    How is his hair such a different colour to his beard lol

  • @michaeljakes3059
    @michaeljakes3059 3 часа назад

    If you get to this statement will you tell Ed that DAZN are a shower of shite from a punter point of view to buy any fights you need to subscribe to them on a trial they then make it impossible to cancel prior to taking more monies so whilst his point is valid about TNT and sky I will be going with them

  • @RG-hc9ec
    @RG-hc9ec 20 часов назад

    🐐 Hearn

  • @nwb187
    @nwb187 20 часов назад

    Eddie Hills 6-0 4 by the way of 🔥

  • @benfountain4856
    @benfountain4856 18 часов назад

    Snoop Doggy Hearn !

  • @welshwoody217
    @welshwoody217 17 часов назад

    What a wally!

  • @flashgordon6670
    @flashgordon6670 17 часов назад +1

    Froch V Calzaghe 10 X 2 minutes rds, on the same card as Benn Eubank pls. Pretty pls with cherry and sprinkles.

  • @colincampbell566
    @colincampbell566 18 часов назад

    Eddy dyed his hair??

  • @gannonmanu09
    @gannonmanu09 18 часов назад

    The banter is cracking hahaha 5:24

  • @Dsfd100
    @Dsfd100 15 часов назад

    We’re can I find these durags with Eddie 😂😂😂

  • @Wonkywatkins
    @Wonkywatkins 20 часов назад +4

    Parsons is an unfortunate looking kid but good luck to him.

  • @muhmuhmuh8913
    @muhmuhmuh8913 11 часов назад

    Is eddie blood or crip?

  • @noneoftheabovex2360
    @noneoftheabovex2360 6 часов назад

    Warren v Marsh, the sequel ruclips.net/video/WPhHdXDnzNY/видео.html

  • @gormorealtalk
    @gormorealtalk 21 час назад

    “DOUBLE SOURCEYYY” Que the memes👏👏😉😉😂😂❤️❤️ every time I see the thumbnail of Eddie Hearn I looked down to the left and if I don’t see stomping ground, I don’t watch it! lol the chemistry is bang on well done lads! Parsons TV dad for life!😂😉❤️

  • @geordieboy85
    @geordieboy85 12 часов назад

    Turned off still heard no boxing talk

  • @lemonsqueezer21990
    @lemonsqueezer21990 21 час назад

    If you are getting hate in the comments, it means you are doing something right Charlie boy 👍👍

  • @rosesblack6643
    @rosesblack6643 20 часов назад +2

    Erm, was Hearn in a bad mood? Usually find him great, but this was a bit too rude. Borderline uncomfortable. "13 yr old flea'' '' I'll end you". Where's that energy on Talk Sport?!!

      @TBATTIECYCLING 20 часов назад


    • @fitprotunes
      @fitprotunes 19 часов назад +2

      It's banter on here, he actually likes Parsons. He genuinely doesn't like Jordan.

    • @maxpaws3977
      @maxpaws3977 18 часов назад

      I think his wife has found out about his involvement with that female boxer

  • @Tylerwiltshire-b6g
    @Tylerwiltshire-b6g 20 часов назад

    Why does eggie Hearn keep trying to boost this aj fight, HE DOES NOT DESERVE IT, he’s been found out multiple times hes not world level

  • @CoolMikey81
    @CoolMikey81 15 часов назад


  • @leekew2683
    @leekew2683 18 часов назад


  • @kylewebb1131
    @kylewebb1131 13 часов назад

    Can we cut out the nonsense jibberish before these interviews.. these interviews are becoming a joke.

  • @donovanfisher6945
    @donovanfisher6945 11 часов назад

    Stop having Eddie Hearn on and you will do better than you think and show how easy he can be replaced

  • @Scottish_Trucker
    @Scottish_Trucker 21 час назад


  • @AlexanderJamesStreet
    @AlexanderJamesStreet 8 часов назад

    Parsons is pure cringe!

    • @johnmartin7158
      @johnmartin7158 8 часов назад +1

      This is all staged.
      Don’t be fooled.
      It’s just entertainment and banter.

    • @AlexanderJamesStreet
      @AlexanderJamesStreet 7 часов назад

      @johnmartin7158 I was talking about Parsons, not the interview.

    • @johnmartin7158
      @johnmartin7158 7 часов назад

      @ 🇳🇿🇦🇺💯

  • @pinggoestheslacks
    @pinggoestheslacks 6 часов назад

    The thumbnail screams “apples and pears” 🫣
    I’ll give this one a miss 👍🏼