TOEFL - Writing Section - Independent essay #3

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • The whole essay
    Do know that the following essay may contain some errors.
    In general, being an organized person will help us to make our lives easier and more comfortable, which will influence on our daily activities. While some people think that the skill to plan a life is not crucial for adolescents, following reasons lead me to think the contrary to be true. Firstly, teenagers will have a bright future if they have the ability to plan, secondly, they will be given a background from their arranged actions.
    To begin with, the very first year of our lives, our parents teach us how to have an organized life, because they want the best future for us. To put it in detail, each person dreams about having a nice destiny, which will give him a personal satisfaction and courage. Additionally, teenagers try to live an organized life in order to derive a fantastic future because they believe that planned actions will highly develop our mindset. My brother’s experience is a compelling example of this argument. Some time ago, he was a light-minded boy, who was addicted to computer games. He was very atrocious teenager, as he was not organized and he was always late from his clubs. However, my parents tried to convince him to change his lifestyle, as it could have had a destructive consequence on his future. They explained my brother that he need to be very punctual and planned, because this is the only way to achieve a gorgeous future. As a result, my brother changed his attitude towards the life by becoming a new person with planned activities.
    Furthermore, experience is one of the essential phenomena for the human beings, as they can obtain some benefits associated with this. In other words, people need to do everything to get a background from every day of their lives, because it can lead them to gain organized lives. Recently, one research found out that the experience and the planned life are extremely connected with each other and no one can attain an experience without having a structured life. To illustrate, as I mentioned above, my brother was not very good at organizing his life. Therefore, our parents began to persuade him to think about having a structured life. After a lot of talks, my parents eventually convinced him to have a systematized life, as he could also boost a huge background from it. Consequently, my brother grew up with having a coordinated life and a lot of experience.
    To conclude, taking into account all the key facts mentioned above, there are two foremost reasons why I believe the categorized life will give us some benefits. Initially, we will have a lambent future, also, it will be an experience for us.

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