Thanks for the video. Well done. But I'm curious why the final diameter has shrunk, inside the connector. When you cut the connector, at the end of the video, the inside diameter of smaller than the diameter of the pipe. Why ?!? I thought that with PPR, the insider diameter is maintained inside the fittings as well ...
That is not PVC, it is PP and the default method is joining it is to fuse it using heat. Google PP or PP-R pipes. This is done wrong, but not that stupid.
Thanks for the video. Well done. But I'm curious why the final diameter has shrunk, inside the connector. When you cut the connector, at the end of the video, the inside diameter of smaller than the diameter of the pipe. Why ?!? I thought that with PPR, the insider diameter is maintained inside the fittings as well ...
Nice 👍
can it also work on pvc pipes teacher?
where we can get this tools
Why is that better than gluing?
I stopped at "Hello friend!"
That is not PVC, it is PP and the default method is joining it is to fuse it using heat. Google PP or PP-R pipes. This is done wrong, but not that stupid.
These are instructions from a manufacturer?!