20 anos procurando esse pancadão e levando uma surra por que digitava "Shake that body"...Technotronics. Daí pus dance 1997 e encontrei o seu video, abençoado seja!!! Estou destruindo o andar de baixo dançando aqui :D
Batida latina mesclada com a House Music. Também curti muito este hit que bombou no final de 1996 e se estendeu para 1997. Excelente ritmo mesclado. A voz desse astro lembra a voz de Ya Kid K - líder do grupo Technotronic.
1:51 Fun fact: If a song was released after 1983, snd it contains the lyrics "All night long", it's required by law that you must sing it a certain way.
I bought this single at a thrift shop today but to my surprise, they had put a completely different CD inside the cover 🤦♂️The CD inside was "Bond Born", an album consisting of 13 tracks that were completely different from this, they were a fuse between classical and EDM and this album was released in 2000 whereas the single I thought I had bought (the song in this video) was released in 1996, half a decade earlier! Part of me feels ripped off from this failed purchase, part of me thinks it's hilarous af because it's not the end of the world after all 😂😂
I was 18 years old and a Junior in High School when this was on the radio! Oh 1996 how I miss you!
20 anos procurando essa musica...finalmente
20 anos procurando esse pancadão e levando uma surra por que digitava "Shake that body"...Technotronics. Daí pus dance 1997 e encontrei o seu video, abençoado seja!!! Estou destruindo o andar de baixo dançando aqui :D
Tem bom gosto...tenho um acervo de 3500 eurodance, baixadas lentamente pela net discada.
@@jacsonmiranda8930 manda no email
I danced to this song when it was hot in the late 90s... a dream come true...
Shake that body ... Muy buena música de los 90´s ... Ya Kid K is the one!
Nem lembra mais dessa!!! show valeu
YA KID K Rules!!!
Wonderful song.
Batida latina mesclada com a House Music. Também curti muito este hit que bombou no final de 1996 e se estendeu para 1997. Excelente ritmo mesclado. A voz desse astro lembra a voz de Ya Kid K - líder do grupo Technotronic.
eh a voz dela... ya kid k tb gravou make that money com robi rob
Sim, como sempre esses astros internacionais fazendo sucesso sem mostrar suas faces. Seja como for, isso é pura frescura da parte deles.
Top top top, toda vez que pego um porre lembro desse som !!
1:51 Fun fact: If a song was released after 1983, snd it contains the lyrics "All night long", it's required by law that you must sing it a certain way.
I bought this single at a thrift shop today but to my surprise, they had put a completely different CD inside the cover 🤦♂️The CD inside was "Bond Born", an album consisting of 13 tracks that were completely different from this, they were a fuse between classical and EDM and this album was released in 2000 whereas the single I thought I had bought (the song in this video) was released in 1996, half a decade earlier! Part of me feels ripped off from this failed purchase, part of me thinks it's hilarous af because it's not the end of the world after all 😂😂
Eu também passei anos !!!
É o cara do C+C music factory?
Produção Robert Clivillés e escrita por Ya Kid K.
@@CarlosHenriqueGomesSiqueira valeu amigo
Esa voz es de technotronic