I love everything Slovene! I love 3 songs of Nikolovski - this one, Sanju sm and Kdor ma srce. I wish I could see Slovenia with my own eyes but I can't even though I'm about 1100 km from Ljubljana which is not that much at all. I'm from Bulgaria and am a big Anže Kopitar fan. SLOVENIA 4EVER !!!
So whrite, whrite the storys of life. Whrite about how with the pension you cant pay all the costs and even the rent. Whrite how you save on every piece of bread. and how my mother got slim in a year. Whrite, how many times i've found her crying, i dont even hear her anymore that it's gonna be alright. And how i've found a letter where it says we have to move out.
HUDO!! V nesreči, sam še bolj nesrečne spoznaš Vsi prjatli se umaknejo Če večkrat prosš kot pa daš veš, Velik je takih k so prej se z mano družl Zdej se me pa izogibajo K da bi se lahk okužl. Nobenga ne zanimajo tuje težave, Sej zakaj bi jih če majo svojih prek glave
@OPUSHAK jaz tudi repa ne maram prevec toda njegovi rapi pa me povsem prezvamejo lahko jih poslusam cel cas pa mi bodo vedno dobre :D aja pa men je tud gregor ime xD
And mom doesnt know i know, becouse i've found the letter amongst fathers stuff, where i shouldnt look. (Hey i only tell you!) At first i was angry becouse she hid so much from me, but later i understood why she did it. In sorrow you only find even more sad people... to be continued.... i've lost the will to translate anymore... so if someone would continue would be nice. Translation is something along those lines, i'm no grammar freak!
@AmazingRace4ever Translation: My name is gregor, i'm 13 years old and i dont wanna give you a hard time, if its not a good time just say so, becouse i dont wanna be a pain. I just wanna ask you for a few minutes if you got a heart that feels listen to what i've got to say. Look, i'll start so you'll understand, i got this idea when i was sitting by my fathers grave, my story i tell you is not happy, becouse it started when the illness took my father away.
@markobegus But when it rains it doesnt rain, it pours hard, becouse life always hides an ace, soon after that my mom lost her job becouse the factory moved to another country. You have no idea how fast you learn the value of money when you live without it.
pa kaj je sploh pomembno kdo je del olimpije kdo pa viol ? VSI SMO ENAKI . pa ej še v isti državi smo :S skup bi mogli držat kr drugače bomo itak propadli.
I love everything Slovene! I love 3 songs of Nikolovski - this one, Sanju sm and Kdor ma srce. I wish I could see Slovenia with my own eyes but I can't even though I'm about 1100 km from Ljubljana which is not that much at all. I'm from Bulgaria and am a big Anže Kopitar fan. SLOVENIA 4EVER !!!
Thanks bro, if you come to Ljubljana, i will show you the best places.
To je eden tistih komadov, da ko sm prvih 10 sekund slišu, sm kuj vedu da mi bo the best. BIG RESPECT NIKOLOVSKI
to je taprau hip hop pa recte kar hocte...Nikolovski zate pa cista 10ka...RESPECT!!!
Nikolovski je res dober raper ... (: Ampak, vztrajam pri N'toku.
'Veš, poet, svoj dolg?'
bravo Darko! Take rabmo!
Odlicn komad ,z odlicno zgodbo!!
NIKOLOVSKI legenda... tvoje muske pa itak zmagajo ! ;)
vsaka cast ... pesem je zakon
Lepo je vsake tolko časa slišat intelektualen rap. Hvala ti za to...
zelo dober komad
pa še gregor mi je ime :)
bravo nikolovski
Mhm 😂🤔
svaka čast en najačih komadov
Osebno mislim da je tole najbolsi slovenski rap komad.
Ful dobr komad :)
bravo bravo svaka čast!
Se strinjam..tut jst sm brez besed ostau!
ne glede na to de je politka vmes je kumad ful fajn:)...res prou ti da za mislt.
hud komad!!!!
eeee klapa to je to! NIKOLOVSKI care aaight!!! ;)
Poet ti sigurno veš svoj dolg! Spoštovanje!
Pri Zaresu so vzeli tole pesem za predvolilno kampanijo, mislim da je sedaj še več takih Gregorjev! :S
straight wack bruv
svaka cast;)
svetovni komad
full dober komad
super komad, ustvarji še naprej...
the best!!!
ubija komad...:)..svaka ćast
Respect ;)
budem i ja glasao za tebe evo chels mi bas reko... gz kajuh
Tale komad zmaga!. Ni mu pare
....ti sm piš Dare.....
Ful sta ga inspirirala Tram 11, se vidi po njegovi muzki... amapk nice
dober komad...
sam zadn album ni neki extra.
So whrite, whrite the storys of life. Whrite about how with the pension you cant pay all the costs and even the rent. Whrite how you save on every piece of bread. and how my mother got slim in a year. Whrite, how many times i've found her crying, i dont even hear her anymore that it's gonna be alright. And how i've found a letter where it says we have to move out.
@tosmjst0001 se nism slisla tvojga komada da me nebi ganil :) ...nikolovksi car!!
n00b, a si se spet prodov?
to so besedila ki majo neki pomen, in niso kar nekaj v 3 dni. Rešpekt.
V nesreči, sam še bolj nesrečne spoznaš
Vsi prjatli se umaknejo
Če večkrat prosš kot pa daš veš,
Velik je takih k so prej se z mano družl
Zdej se me pa izogibajo
K da bi se lahk okužl.
Nobenga ne zanimajo tuje težave,
Sej zakaj bi jih če majo svojih prek glave
@OPUSHAK jaz tudi repa ne maram prevec toda njegovi rapi pa me povsem prezvamejo lahko jih poslusam cel cas pa mi bodo vedno dobre :D aja pa men je tud gregor ime xD
Dare, več ne pišš če te pa lepu na koncu?
Ja Dare...piš dalje
mali amir
jz ta verz leti bolj na to da slovenija posila svojo pomoc okol po svetu, med tem k je u sloveniji vedno več revščine.
And mom doesnt know i know, becouse i've found the letter amongst fathers stuff, where i shouldnt look. (Hey i only tell you!) At first i was angry becouse she hid so much from me, but later i understood why she did it. In sorrow you only find even more sad people... to be continued.... i've lost the will to translate anymore... so if someone would continue would be nice. Translation is something along those lines, i'm no grammar freak!
hud komad
@AmazingRace4ever Translation: My name is gregor, i'm 13 years old and i dont wanna give you a hard time, if its not a good time just say so, becouse i dont wanna be a pain. I just wanna ask you for a few minutes if you got a heart that feels listen to what i've got to say. Look, i'll start so you'll understand, i got this idea when i was sitting by my fathers grave, my story i tell you is not happy, becouse it started when the illness took my father away.
ko življenje piše zgodbe
Kdo 2018
@markobegus But when it rains it doesnt rain, it pours hard, becouse life always hides an ace, soon after that my mom lost her job becouse the factory moved to another country. You have no idea how fast you learn the value of money when you live without it.
besedila praktično vsa po vrsti zakon.
a bi se dal gor dat kumad črno-bele slike od Plan B ft. Nikolovski... besedilo - Nikolovski
lepo je videt da je samo 6 folka ki jim ni všeč
najblosi rap kumad mozn
flamie utrga v lirikah? ka to bluziš no
pa kaj je sploh pomembno kdo je del olimpije kdo pa viol ? VSI SMO ENAKI . pa ej še v isti državi smo :S skup bi mogli držat kr drugače bomo itak propadli.
se strinjam..lahko bi pa se midva mal stisnila oz skupdrzala xd
js tud
ma koga briga, kle sm zarad komada
ma nima veze, rapa al poje pop...vazn je besediu pa njegov pomen...d pove kukr je pa nima veze na kasn nacin.
kaj boš te ti z olimpijo šapec haha :D MBFC ULTRAS !