indeed a pretty cool track! I absolutely dig the wind recording part.....when surroundings speak to you, you have to record it..... i feel you 🙂 Did you make the pesto from scratch?
I stepped outside to record some video and there was this interesting machine murmur in the distance. Maybe it was a ship down at the docks or something. It was a huge, busy sound, but far away. And no! It was a cheap jar of pesto!
Love it! So many different genres mixed in there!
Cheers dude! Yes! I enjoyed rummaging around a few different places with this one!
Great stuff man- love that beat
Pretty chuffed with it, meself, cheers!
very cool stutters
Cheers Haze! :)
indeed a pretty cool track! I absolutely dig the wind recording part.....when surroundings speak to you, you have to record it..... i feel you 🙂 Did you make the pesto from scratch?
I stepped outside to record some video and there was this interesting machine murmur in the distance. Maybe it was a ship down at the docks or something. It was a huge, busy sound, but far away. And no! It was a cheap jar of pesto!