Skype calls: First is day time Second is about five pm Third is sleeping Fourth is night time Fifth is when you get one in middle of night Final two is one to five pm awake late
1. Video game trailer. 2. Art Drama. 3. New Waifu. 4. Lewd Loli. 5. R34 6. MEME. 7. *M E M E Q U E E N .* Edit: The Numbers represent the number of times played.
man i remember using skype to call my grandma and my grandpa it was like 9 in the night and my dad decided to call my grandpa and grandma using this app. ah all the memories.
0:00 Calling Your Dad At Work 0:04 Your Mom Calls You 0:07 Grand Family Calls You 0:11 Everyone Calls You 0:14 Orcus Calls You 0:18 Jupiter Calls You 0:22 The Sun And The Universe Calls You
When you don't answer the call and it keeps on going
no00ob lol kk
no00ob Ш. Л. В. Вдв. Двд цчыждбюббддьблдбхяжжчючючючжвжыжчжяжчжыжяэяжяяжжяжяжяжяжяжяяыусдвщчщсдьцлыллвлщщлющыыдфдыдсдс
*W H Y D I D N T U A N S W E R I M G O N N A C A L L A G A I N*
Why didn't you awnser im gonna call again
@@JorgetePanete shuthefup
@Bacon Hair Wow! You can talk to yourself!
when you use skype in 2018
@@CuboydMC do you see when this was posted
Cuboy'dMC ik I’m just pointing out ur stupid ass joke
Im Just Using Skype So I Can Chat WIth The Forbidden Ones
Skype 1.0 on 2018 = ears died cause its outdated
When you call your Roblox girlfriend on skype but your uncle’s phone rings.
I wanna like but its 69
Morocco countryhuman dang
@Tiffany Lesley it's a joke
When your mom calls
From Skype literally on the first floor
@@nickey8344 nice
0:15 when your phone rages, because you keep snoozing your alarm.
Toasty #relatable
My new alarm
Necko Gecko Tetto Tacko Macko How do you have no replays but so close 300 like 😅
@@tubgold dont ask that question,that is stupid
Wake up
when satan is calling
Anubis Glenn pp
You mean Laura Barns?
More like Laura Barns
Satan is Calling
Gonna set this as my alarm clock. It'll get me up in the morning for sure.
True madlad
Wakes up with an heart attack
@@wk8637 que
Wake up everyone else to
*ears dead*
*O-oh my...I've never heard such amazing music a day in my life...so Beautiful...*
God is good god is great
@@Brikittens_ "Ben do you love God?"
@@Noah-ec8hz ikt
]##][;mkcfjg bhnmfkdlfnbhgjfdfkojdnf
still not loud enough to wake me up LoL
10,000 subs with no more videos, facts.
@Nika hey??
@@britannymarie9814 bruh
@@SuperTailsMiles yes..?
Perfect song to remove water from mobile speakers👍🏻
That is true
Yes that's true, and if you download a volume booster it's even better
Will bare this in mind
This invokes a feeling that I can’t really describe.
It involves feeling of fight or flight but also hide
0:00 Normal
0:04 Kinda Loud
0:08 Loud
0:11 Very Loud
0:15 Extremely Loud
0:19 Earrape
0:22 S K Y P E
0:22 Grandma Call
@@azrail4524 bro r u havin a stroke?
When the squad calls during an intense minecraft pvp battle.
The sound of Skype cursing at Discord for overpopulating more than skype
Skype calls:
First is day time
Second is about five pm
Third is sleeping
Fourth is night time
Fifth is when you get one in middle of night
Final two is one to five pm awake late
Nika w e h a v e a c k n o w l e g e d t h a t
Nika your*
when your friend said in school that today you are gonna play together and you call your friend after school and he doesnt answer
NoobHashtagPLS in this moment i'm spamming my classmate with calls on skype cuz she don't answer
0:00 hol up, I'm on discord
0:04 uh dude, I literally need 2 seco-
*Scared* .....EEEK!
0:00 When I get a call at home.
0:10 When I get a call during a test.
People on skype when you don’t answer because you feeling nostalgic
Mom when you dont answer her for 1 second: 0:00
Mom when you dont answer her for 10 seconds: 0:15
when your friends call you to play minecraft
Sounds like a guitar after 20 seconds
More like a dog
Me: **starts to play game**
That one friend that's always bored, and never plays games with me:
No one :
The new ringtone on standard setting : 0:22
When your European family is calling but it’s night time for you.
so relatable-
Now THIS is how you promote your product! No people telling lies, just a presentation of what it can do and let it speak for itself. Nice
0:05 did hit hard
My speakers are gonna be ruined
Memers, be prepared.
skype calls during the day be like 0:00
Skype calls at 3am be like 0:22
Getting a Skype call when you have headphones on
When i dont answer someone on a call:
Skype: 0:22
When your friend keeps calling you as you have do not disturb.
Face In The Window UgHhh god I hate that-
I hate it too
0:00 No pain
0:04 Mild
0:07 Moderate
0:18 P A I N
When someone calls me on skype at:
8 p.m.: 0:01
9 p.m.: 0:04
When I sleep (10 p.m.): 0:08
11 p.m.: 0:11
12 p.m.: 0:16
1 a.m.: 0:18
2 a.m.: 0:23
aah, skype, the nostalgia of video chat
I blasted this in my ears so I can wake up, thank you
0:22 when u are calling your friend on discord but your sister calls you
I already have the normal skype ringone as my alarm sound I wonder what it would be like to have this.
What you on every ishowspeed sleep streams with media share on:
This brings back so many memories
I almost forgot to watch this today
Me too
0:11 When Smiley (horror) calls you on Skype...
Doctor: you have 26 seconds to live starting now
You would die trying to reach to your phone and put the video,or you would die because of the earrape lol
@@lukra7110 eh its Just joke don't be that real
When you are crying trying to call your aunts husband because your dad hasn’t come back from throwing the trash for an hour.
Based on a true story.
wen u r caling ur ro box frend 2 pley epic tyc oon
basd on a tru storee
@@screamsinrussian5773 HAHAHHAHA
Omg facts! 🤣😂 why is ur comment underrated!?
@@gojosblindfold7777 it’s been 9 months
My phone when i can't wake up at morning :
When you dont awnser your mom after a nanosecond
0:14 when a friend call you at 3 am and you have the max of volume
0:18 i would put this as my windows notification sound
POV: My friends calling me when I don't want them to:
1. Video game trailer.
2. Art Drama.
3. New Waifu.
4. Lewd Loli.
5. R34
6. MEME.
7. *M E M E Q U E E N .*
Edit: The Numbers represent the number of times played.
pov: you and your sibling are fighting on who goes first for the Quran class💀
0:21 what i had to hear everytime in 2015 when i was a kid and my parents were outside
this aged like fine wine
I love how the Skype logo zooms in after sound finished
S, Why Are You Getting Closer, You’re Freaking Me Out...
Me: *sleeping*
Skype at 3AM:
Speed on the sleep live:
💀💀💀 that shit was funny
@@glamrock_chica-177 💀
when your mum is calling and she is the entrence of your house
ты рус
*When you use Skype in 2022*
skype users: 0:00
discord users: 0:07
zoom users: 0:10
google hangout users: 0:21
skype users: 0:04
discord users: 0:07
zoom users: 0:10
duo users: 0:14
whatsapp users: 0:18
0:19 when my friend calls me at 3 am
When 99% of the comments starts with “when”
Ah yes this takes me back
Ishowspeed went insane because of this
This was used in speeds sleep stream
Imagine this as your fire alarm
when your teacher calls on Skype in 2020 and your friends makes fun of it
When Skype thought it was dead
Then 2020 hits and everyone's video chatting with their friends
This is what Obama listened to before writing the Bible 2
man i remember using skype to call my grandma and my grandpa it was like 9 in the night and my dad decided to call my grandpa and grandma using this app. ah all the memories.
Calm down Skype lol
Take some deep breaths Skype xd
@@captaintoad1226 😂😂
when ur annoying friend asks u if u want to play MC with him but u don’t want to, but u leave him a read and he spams u the GODDAMN CALLS
Who’s here from speeds sleep stream.
this is when your friend calls you to play but you don't want to answer
When you're an orphan and the phone rings with the caller being 'Mum' but you know you have no contacts on skype...
THIS WAS Ishowspeed sufers
Finally a song so I can sleep
fun fact: people used this sound to troll ishowspeed during his sleep stream
When your 2011 friend is calling you on survival Minecraft to get invited to hamachi.
imagine hearing the Skype ringtone in the middle of the night when your home alone.
Give me a sec im gonna set this as my skype ringtone
When you’re old friend calls you on skype but you have discord
This is a cursed image
@Nika no i'm talking about his profile picture
BreakfastBoi STOleN COmMT
@@ilikepiggy6326do you watch jumanji
Me: **calls grandma**
She doesn't answer
Me: ***me still on call waiting***
This needs to be my ringtone from now on
Best way to check if someone is alive in the vc or not
0:15 *Mario screaming*
ishowspeed went crazy with this😂😂😂😂😂
When they don’t answer after you ring them 20 times:
When you have wifi issue :
Who came from speed?
I know I did
I came from PedroDBR
Ah i found the perfect new alarm
0:00 Calling Your Dad At Work
0:04 Your Mom Calls You
0:07 Grand Family Calls You
0:11 Everyone Calls You
0:14 Orcus Calls You
0:18 Jupiter Calls You
0:22 The Sun And The Universe Calls You
Who is here just to hear this sound
when you call your roblox girlfriend and your uncle’s phone rings
Spinel aye spinel wtf you doing here
Spinel where are the diamonds
Nika who tf said i was talk to you??
@@awesomegirl7282nobody literally nobody said it
0:22 when someone calls you in the middle of class: