A good way to develop Fe is to take a hobby like improvisation theater or theater. Its scary, i know..but it helped me a lot to express feelings under the cover of a character, in a safe space and to try diffrent feeligns and situations with real people. Also is very good for developing Ne and making social connections naturally. So for INTP's especially its a very good hobby to have.
thank you for typing me btw! this is one of the most accurate descriptions i've seen yet of this function. i've been and still defensive about that stuff, for a while i was locally famous in a platform i used to be in and the main thing i was thinking about since childhood is why do people give a fuck about what people think about them or what they will say, i just kept getting shit from everybody for just having that mindset but i still stand by it tbh. but now looking back at everything i found out that most the things i was doing were to fit in and satisfy the social circle i was in because everyone in the family kept telling me that that's what i should be doing and i did it without even realizing or rationalizing it and let me tell you that was the biggest hell hole i've ever been in til now (that's why i thought i might be and isfj or an infp)
IxTPs be like: What?? All I said is that people are f*cking idiots, society sucks and provided facts to back that up. So why doesn't anyone agree with my opinion and share it??
INTP here (I think, I may need to see if you agree at some point). Jessie and Amanda, I think you’ve captured the inferior Fe story very well! Yes me thing I’ve come to realize is that unless you share your thoughts, others will never know what they are. Yes, we do crave validation from others!
i think as an istp , i think i dont trust showing my Fe too ppl , let them think what they want , because it benefits me , I would rather have ppl around me finding me robotic and hard to engage with because it means they'll just stay off of me , the reason why is my intuition sucks . If my intuition didn't suck I would show my emotions , but it's the fear of manipulation really , it's already hard to open up to ppl and once I open up I discover their fakeness and how they take advantage of me very much too late. So , what's the best thing I can opt to ? Become an unapproachable person bcuz that's assurance of safety .
That method is riskier actually. It is better to learn how to fake Fe and "open up" about things and tell people secrets that you wouldn't mind them revealing to test their trustworthiness. Try to be more proactive when it comes to judging others. Ti dominant types can be naive when it comes to relationships as we don't naturally focus on judging others as much (low Fe) Learn to do these things slowly, take your time, and may good fortune come your way!
@@treblestrings6263 Thank you so much ! The thing is ... i don't have secrets lol so I can't really test them using that their are a loot of manipulative that wouldn't out your secrets because they know that common knowledge is u keep secret= you're good , these type of ppl were the ones that often bumbde into . Thank you , may you live the best worldy life !
I wouldn't be so dismissive of young INTPs that say they fear nothing, for two reasons. The first is that fear derives from the unknown, and Ti is all about understanding things. The second is that children will encounter the IxxP fear early in their lives, and adults suck at helping them with it. Some adults can even be a source of that fear. This can mature a kid pretty quick, regarding that issue. I know from experience. I'm 33, and I don't think I've ever been able to say I feared rejection. In school, I knew rejection was likely, and now that I'm out, I know what it really looks like. It's not scary. It never was to me, but that's probably because my mother was terrible, too. I probably learned how to cope, before I can remember.
I think I’m ISTP or ESTP, I love these videos on functions IN A PARTICULAR POSITION. Soooo helpful. Do not love that song at the end of all the videos tho 😂lol. Anywho on to watch more ! ✌🏽
What I don't understand is how the struggles you have explained and the "growth" advice fit together. The struggles clearly have a fundamental root, but the advice sounds as if it was just a mindset issue, as if good intentions would do the trick alone.
What were you talking about regarding going beyond type? That we can eventually reach a point where we use our shadow functions as seemlessly as our ego functions? Is that realistically possible? Thanks!
yeah... it sucks, however that motorcycle engine was awesome. 😁 but in all honesty Fe is a lot of work, especially when you try and yet still unsuccessful with it. Ti isn't so patience with it but it needs to be.
Not sure about other but me at 37 still not want to indulge in Fe at all, it's a weakness. I only show my Fe to few best friends only. If i want to indulge In Fe deep down i would have research about it long long time ago. Consume a lots of Se stuff over the years. Now have interest in the human. Thanks for the info :) -ISTP
Hello Amanda and Jessy ,thank you for this video; in reference to Fe and Se but as main or superior functions instead have been wanted to ask you if you could refer to not healthy ISFJ in the future and what do you think about there existing a tendency for them to develop mild Munchausen by proxy , on the sense of normalizing too much the characteristic that make their loved ones be sick , instead of realising that is not normal for them or anyone to be sick or require attention and help too much , that promotes them - their loved ones - being more dependant, egocentric, and insecure the more they depend on that excess of care . But when they are simply ok , ISFJ can suffer due to feeling useless by not being needed It is difficult for me to formulate it so if you read and is not understandable let me know to re write since it could be related to some other speciphic function maybe not these , may it be Fi inferior , or if anyone else understands and actually has wondered something similar maybe you can formulate it more simply thank you
A good way to develop Fe is to take a hobby like improvisation theater or theater. Its scary, i know..but it helped me a lot to express feelings under the cover of a character, in a safe space and to try diffrent feeligns and situations with real people. Also is very good for developing Ne and making social connections naturally. So for INTP's especially its a very good hobby to have.
That sounds terrifying
@@FindingYourSerenity The treasure is usually behind the dragon.
the emotion thing is spot on lmao my brain shut downs when someone asks me how i'm doing or how i'm feeling
thank you for typing me btw! this is one of the most accurate descriptions i've seen yet of this function. i've been and still defensive about that stuff, for a while i was locally famous in a platform i used to be in and the main thing i was thinking about since childhood is why do people give a fuck about what people think about them or what they will say, i just kept getting shit from everybody for just having that mindset but i still stand by it tbh. but now looking back at everything i found out that most the things i was doing were to fit in and satisfy the social circle i was in because everyone in the family kept telling me that that's what i should be doing and i did it without even realizing or rationalizing it and let me tell you that was the biggest hell hole i've ever been in til now (that's why i thought i might be and isfj or an infp)
IxTPs be like: What?? All I said is that people are f*cking idiots, society sucks and provided facts to back that up. So why doesn't anyone agree with my opinion and share it??
INTP here (I think, I may need to see if you agree at some point). Jessie and Amanda, I think you’ve captured the inferior Fe story very well! Yes me thing I’ve come to realize is that unless you share your thoughts, others will never know what they are. Yes, we do crave validation from others!
i think as an istp , i think i dont trust showing my Fe too ppl , let them think what they want , because it benefits me , I would rather have ppl around me finding me robotic and hard to engage with because it means they'll just stay off of me , the reason why is my intuition sucks . If my intuition didn't suck I would show my emotions , but it's the fear of manipulation really , it's already hard to open up to ppl and once I open up I discover their fakeness and how they take advantage of me very much too late. So , what's the best thing I can opt to ? Become an unapproachable person bcuz that's assurance of safety .
That method is riskier actually.
It is better to learn how to fake Fe and "open up" about things and tell people secrets that you wouldn't mind them revealing to test their trustworthiness.
Try to be more proactive when it comes to judging others.
Ti dominant types can be naive when it comes to relationships as we don't naturally focus on judging others as much (low Fe)
Learn to do these things slowly, take your time, and may good fortune come your way!
@@treblestrings6263 Thank you so much ! The thing is ... i don't have secrets lol so I can't really test them using that their are a loot of manipulative that wouldn't out your secrets because they know that common knowledge is u keep secret= you're good , these type of ppl were the ones that often bumbde into .
Thank you , may you live the best worldy life !
I wouldn't be so dismissive of young INTPs that say they fear nothing, for two reasons. The first is that fear derives from the unknown, and Ti is all about understanding things. The second is that children will encounter the IxxP fear early in their lives, and adults suck at helping them with it. Some adults can even be a source of that fear. This can mature a kid pretty quick, regarding that issue. I know from experience. I'm 33, and I don't think I've ever been able to say I feared rejection. In school, I knew rejection was likely, and now that I'm out, I know what it really looks like. It's not scary. It never was to me, but that's probably because my mother was terrible, too. I probably learned how to cope, before I can remember.
I think I’m ISTP or ESTP, I love these videos on functions IN A PARTICULAR POSITION. Soooo helpful. Do not love that song at the end of all the videos tho 😂lol. Anywho on to watch more ! ✌🏽
What I don't understand is how the struggles you have explained and the "growth" advice fit together. The struggles clearly have a fundamental root, but the advice sounds as if it was just a mindset issue, as if good intentions would do the trick alone.
What were you talking about regarding going beyond type? That we can eventually reach a point where we use our shadow functions as seemlessly as our ego functions? Is that realistically possible? Thanks!
My narcissistic brother has been using my inferior type against me my whole life.
yeah... it sucks, however that motorcycle engine was awesome. 😁
but in all honesty Fe is a lot of work, especially when you try and yet still unsuccessful with it. Ti isn't so patience with it but it needs to be.
Not sure about other but me at 37 still not want to indulge in Fe at all, it's a weakness. I only show my Fe to few best friends only. If i want to indulge In Fe deep down i would have research about it long long time ago. Consume a lots of Se stuff over the years. Now have interest in the human. Thanks for the info :) -ISTP
Hello Amanda and Jessy ,thank you for this video; in reference to Fe and Se but as main or superior functions instead have been wanted to ask you if you could refer to not healthy ISFJ in the future and what do you think about there existing a tendency for them to develop mild Munchausen by proxy , on the sense of normalizing too much the characteristic that make their loved ones be sick , instead of realising that is not normal for them or anyone to be sick or require attention and help too much , that promotes them - their loved ones - being more dependant, egocentric, and insecure the more they depend on that excess of care . But when they are simply ok , ISFJ can suffer due to feeling useless by not being needed
It is difficult for me to formulate it so if you read and is not understandable let me know to re write since it could be related to some other speciphic function maybe not these , may it be Fi inferior , or if anyone else understands and actually has wondered something similar maybe you can formulate it more simply thank you
oh 🐭