Edison and Tesla: A Difference of Culture

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • There is hardly a pair of rivals that highlight better the differences in scientific culture in the old and the new world.
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Комментарии • 44

  • @SciD1
    @SciD1 3 месяца назад +21

    One was focused only on money, and the other one a great inventor and thinker. Unfortunately, Tesla trusted the wrong man. That's why the saying goes: "What do you call a stolen Tesla? A Edison". 🤷

    • @cuthbertallgood7781
      @cuthbertallgood7781 3 месяца назад

      This is just a lie. Edison never stole anything from Tesla. It's a complete and total myth. Edison barely knew Tesla existed. The modern myth against Edison was literally invented by a cartoonist.

  • @curiousmind9287
    @curiousmind9287 3 месяца назад +6

    Tesla had conscious, which is well known obstacle for business success.

  • @Mikey-mike
    @Mikey-mike 3 месяца назад

    When the first electric chair for capital punishment was being made, the makers and people involved were asked what the process of execution should be called.
    Most all suggested electricution.
    Edison suggested, "Westinghouse'd."

  • @thomasciarlariello
    @thomasciarlariello 2 месяца назад

    Us of East European heritage were treated like dirt.

  • @walterbrownstone8017
    @walterbrownstone8017 3 месяца назад

    Difference in cultures exactly. One was part of the lawyer culture and one was not. This fact must be covered up.

  • @ernestdempsey9441
    @ernestdempsey9441 3 месяца назад

    I am in Tesla camp.

  • @kambal6746
    @kambal6746 3 месяца назад +5

    👉The fakt that Tesla was a horrible businessman does not mean that Tesla was a great philosopher. Tesla did not believed in electron, he was mainly an inventor, similar to Edison...

  • @orsoncart802
    @orsoncart802 3 месяца назад +2

    Hello! 😁

  • @jimihendrix991
    @jimihendrix991 3 месяца назад +1

    ''...Edison and Tesla: A Difference of Culture...''
    This is a pointless discussion without mentioning George Westinghouse...

  • @rvvancouverisland4602
    @rvvancouverisland4602 3 месяца назад +8

    Edison specialized in being a dochebag. A very successful one.

  • @gnosticbrian3980
    @gnosticbrian3980 3 месяца назад +5

    Eddison had not the slightesty shame in patenting devices invented invented by others.

  • @cuthbertallgood7781
    @cuthbertallgood7781 3 месяца назад +5

    The idea that Edison and Tesla were rivals is silly. Edison barely knew Tesla existed and they rarely had any interaction. This modern idea that Edison was somehow anti-science is complete nonsense. Along with all his inventions, Edison literally invented the modern research division. Of course he was also interested in commercialization, which is why he was so much more productive than Tesla. Make no mistake -- Tesla cared very, VERY much about money. He just wasn't any good at it. Tesla was a genius, no doubt, but in terms of productivity and positive impact on the world, Edison is worth 10 Teslas.
    The slander against Edison has to stop. It's nonsense. He's inarguably one of the greatest geniuses in history, along with being spectacularly productive.

    • @nonlinearplasma1370
      @nonlinearplasma1370 3 месяца назад

      The main battle between the 2 was won by Tesla. If Tesla hadn't released his patent then he could have buried GE with royalties. The fact he gave it away to ensure the survival of westernhouse is commendable as it's difficult to give up money for the greater good of the idea.

    • @GrahamAstles
      @GrahamAstles 3 месяца назад

      Maybe so, but he still led the world down a route that stalled after 100 years, with little or no serious research into alternative energy production (and no, I do not mean zero-point sci-fi stuff). His focus was making money at minimal cost, and we have not moved on from that. Still, hindsight is a wonderful thing.

  • @miciglaric
    @miciglaric 3 месяца назад +3

    I was in Smiljan at Tesla born house. What Tesla wanted is to give free eletricity to all with wireless transmision.

    • @TheMachian
      @TheMachian  3 месяца назад

      Thanks for sharing this.

  • @steveo5295
    @steveo5295 3 месяца назад +3

    Yes they were definitely different, European (Scientific) and American (Capitalistic), with one working for "The Greater Good" and the other working for "The Bottom Line and Profit. Two different sides of the same coin, but both are necessary even though one side of the Coin was damaged😒 in the process...

    • @mightisright
      @mightisright 3 месяца назад

      "The Greater Good." That's a laugh. More like "working for guaranteed pay" versus "betting on yourself." We know both of these names because they produced something tangible. We don't know the names of the hundreds of "scientists" and "tinkerers" who produced nothing of note.

    • @steveo5295
      @steveo5295 3 месяца назад

      We both know that Edison bought patients and tweeted them calling them his inventions. Capitalists aren't great Scientists or Inventors, paying for someone else's brain power isn't "Genius" it's just smart business sense...

    • @cuthbertallgood7781
      @cuthbertallgood7781 3 месяца назад +2

      Profit is what gives us the greater good and is what gave us the modern world of abundance and prosperity. At least, the countries that embrace Capitalism have abundance and prosperity. Not one country has EVER produced the "greater good" without Capitalism, and that includes Europe, whose safety nets are financed by Capitalism.

    • @steveo5295
      @steveo5295 3 месяца назад +3

      Oh I agree with you 100% no business can survive without profit, as a business owner myself I ran a business for over 17yrs. But if Capitalism for only profit and if your bottom line doesn't care how you get there, then poor working conditions and cheaply made products that fall apart can be dangerous, perhaps even deadly. Don't forget about bank failures, inflation, depression and poor living conditions...

    • @Itsgone99
      @Itsgone99 2 месяца назад

      ​@@cuthbertallgood7781profit is what transferred someone's energy to you without you having to bear the sin of eating their corporeal form.
      There is no greater good with business and profit, only reciprocating vampirisms amongst the ruins of dead & old men's dreams which haunt and trap each successive generation of youth and retards their growth.

  • @nonlinearplasma1370
    @nonlinearplasma1370 3 месяца назад +1

    Would you be interested in discussing a mechanism for creating the magnetic solar cycle using Superconductivity of a plasma lattice at the center of the Sun? It utilises the magnetic declination that is created by the helical trajectory of cooper pairs at 1.1° around a Spheroidal lattice core.

  • @dsm5d723
    @dsm5d723 3 месяца назад

    In the physical architecture of the world, this comes down to wires for energy transmission versus using the air as a spark gap. More money in copper than air. Governments in modernity have become energy crime gangs, and Edison helped that along nicely. Too bad nobody has experimented with scaling the Tesla Turbine to power AC generators. Too bad nobody has experimented with different gases and vapors in the Tesla Turbine. My intuition is that flashing hydrogen from water at the intake of a Tesla Turbine might help solve the stable hydrogen problem with temperature. The exhaust is cold steam. The Turbine was Tesla's favorite invention, and it wasn't even electrical in nature.

  • @clmasse
    @clmasse 3 месяца назад

    Tesla is very popular right now, but Nernst would be a good example too.

  • @peterplotts1238
    @peterplotts1238 3 месяца назад +1

    Edison was a successful American inventor and entrepreneur who also happened to be a ruthless, greedy bastard. It's important to remember that his negative personal traits existed independently of his American nationality and scientific genius. However, I agree with Dr. Unzicker that Edison and Tesla represent two philosophies.

    • @cuthbertallgood7781
      @cuthbertallgood7781 3 месяца назад

      Completely untrue, and you have absolutely no evidence to support your belief. Everything you think you know about Edison is based on a cartoon that some random fool drew and it became a meme. Edison was one of the greatest geniuses in history and was completely modern in terms of science.

    • @SuperMYSHKIN
      @SuperMYSHKIN Месяц назад

      @@cuthbertallgood7781 awesome.

  • @Mikey-mike
    @Mikey-mike 3 месяца назад

    I lke the story of Edison and Tesla.

  • @johnlord8337
    @johnlord8337 3 месяца назад +1

    It was noted that Edison was a Direct Current person. Tesla was an Alternating Current person. With recent discoveries of the Electro-static (ES) and Electro-gravitic (EG) model, one sees the vastness that Tesla was actually experiencing. With the ES-EG model there are the tensor bosons which have the dual electrical force and gravitational force (do NOT say electro-magnetism, false concept). Almost all of the cosmic energies are composed of AC. Birkelund currents, the stellar engine Be'nard's Convetion, and the tensor bosons being the actual dual action of fusion, ... everything in the cosmos relates to the dual forces.

  • @panmichael5271
    @panmichael5271 3 месяца назад +1

    Rather than depict these as "different" traditions, it would be far better, and more accurate, to say they are "complementary" traditions.

    • @Itsgone99
      @Itsgone99 2 месяца назад

      In the same way the predator/prey dynamic is "complimentary".

  • @bornatona3954
    @bornatona3954 3 месяца назад +1

    Where Tesla was born is very far from serbia
    Take course in geography

    • @MrDomingo55
      @MrDomingo55 3 месяца назад +6

      Wh said he was born in Serbia? To be pendantic, his citizenship was that of Austro-Hungary. His was of Serbian nationality living in what is now Croatia. Area he was born in is known as Krajina, same meaning as that of Ukraine, ie. Borderlands, and in those days the area was heavily populated by Serbian peoples.