Do you by chance tested if that works for Android/iPhone out of the box? I want to create an AP with my phone and use mDNS to resolve the ESP32 which connects to it.
I will answer that myself. No. Android as the only platform does not and issues have been flooded for at least 8 years now, with zero reaction from Google. Most prominent issue:
You can use Mqtt protocol or websockets for realtime connection for to connect the esp to your website, that depends if your website permits to supports those protocols, i hope the answer helps you
Can the async library do captive portals?
is there anything I can do to redirect a website using esp8288?
Do you by chance tested if that works for Android/iPhone out of the box? I want to create an AP with my phone and use mDNS to resolve the ESP32 which connects to it.
I will answer that myself. No. Android as the only platform does not and issues have been flooded for at least 8 years now, with zero reaction from Google. Most prominent issue:
I already have a website, is it possible to display the information of ESP32 (temperature ...) in my own DNS? And in real time?
You can use Mqtt protocol or websockets for realtime connection for to connect the esp to your website, that depends if your website permits to supports those protocols, i hope the answer helps you
Does this work in AP mode?
I'm wondering this too. I can't get mDNS to work unless I'm doing something wrong.
I am using a ESP32 camera. I don`t know the reason why but it does not even upload the code, any idea why?