Religious Israelis: What are the borders of the land of Israel?

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @AdamBer-ir6eg
    @AdamBer-ir6eg 10 месяцев назад +46

    It is insane what a religion can do to people?!!!! I'm really confused whether these people have brains and common sense !

    • @miruu28
      @miruu28 8 месяцев назад

      Everyone has a religion, following one is innate.
      Theirs however has been corrupted by the devil himself.

    • @tsopuaifa
      @tsopuaifa 5 месяцев назад +1

      All they know and studied is religion not society and the world. :(

    • @lillotusplays
      @lillotusplays 4 месяца назад +2

      they described the religion, but didnt all say what they personally believed. u r making it sound like they are all trying to enlarge israel rn lol. also dont forget half of israelis r not very adherent.

    • @newdawn4439
      @newdawn4439 3 месяца назад +1

      You should have told us what the correct borders are, because they spoke based on their written and known history. If you have something otherwise, provide it

    • @cl9615
      @cl9615 Месяц назад +1

      They’re describing what the ancient borders would have been not what they should be right now. Try some critical thinking sometimes, it’s nice.

  • @cessealbeach
    @cessealbeach Год назад +116

    All the Oxygen belongs to us too, its in the Torah

    • @waeloth
      @waeloth Год назад +9

      This is why you are always in fight with the others, you can’t live in peace.

    • @burzumimmortal5667
      @burzumimmortal5667 Год назад +8

      @@waeloth bro he's joking . Why you're so serious?

    • @FairyCRat
      @FairyCRat 6 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@burzumimmortal5667In fairness that reply is kinda funny too

    • @yarasobhy8468
      @yarasobhy8468 5 месяцев назад


    • @newdawn4439
      @newdawn4439 3 месяца назад

      Sorry for your pain

  • @tFighterPilot
    @tFighterPilot Год назад +54

    The borders of Greater Israel is, at the very least, the solar system. In time it will be the Milky Way galaxy.

    • @tFighterPilot
      @tFighterPilot Год назад +1

      @Shani hodia גם אני, זה לא עושה אותי חסר חוש הומור

    • @Salam-df7ml
      @Salam-df7ml Год назад

      @Shani hodia shut up you land thieving terrorist and go eat a shawarma !

    • @nic_cage
      @nic_cage 8 месяцев назад +1


    • @cl9615
      @cl9615 Месяц назад

      We’re talking about an area the size of New Jersey. Should we talk about the conquest of land done by the Arabs?

    • @antizionistvvv
      @antizionistvvv Месяц назад

      @@cl9615 lol deceptive slimy wej

  • @nfamouswiz
    @nfamouswiz Год назад +30

    And if the Palestinians answered this way, you would call them terrorists. Awesome double standards.

    • @starhopper1706
      @starhopper1706 Год назад +11

      One is a terrorist based on actions, not on religious beliefs alone.

    • @ambs37q38
      @ambs37q38 Год назад

      @@starhopper1706 isrealians are terrorest by actions

    • @rxtr664
      @rxtr664 Год назад +9

      @@starhopper1706 Really? When was the last time you were stopped, in Israel, by a Palestinian officer?

    • @starhopper1706
      @starhopper1706 Год назад +3

      @@ambs37q38 No

    • @starhopper1706
      @starhopper1706 Год назад +4

      @@rxtr664 If you insist on creating a society where any man, woman or child can be the next terrorist, don't whine about the consequences of that choice.

  • @qamar1898
    @qamar1898 3 месяца назад +4

    I’m deeply so concerned about the safety of the world with these people existing

  • @saranafshin
    @saranafshin Год назад +65

    how about Alaska?

    • @koolfe3018
      @koolfe3018 Год назад +7

      not interested, thnx though

    • @DartLuke
      @DartLuke Год назад +5

      It was Russian once

    • @rxtr664
      @rxtr664 Год назад +3

      @@koolfe3018 You're going to be very interested in the (hopefully near) future

    • @HelenaM7
      @HelenaM7 Год назад

      @@DartLuke 🤣🤣but that is true

    • @astutik8909
      @astutik8909 Год назад +1

      Or did you mean al aqsa???

  • @Serjo777
    @Serjo777 Год назад +35

    A little constructive criticizm: Don't interrupt people while they are answering, and don't use suggestive questioning and/or putting words into their mouths, that makes it feel a bit unprofessional.

    • @Daniel-jv1ku
      @Daniel-jv1ku Год назад +6

      And quite disappointing because the respondents start giving interesting answers and then they get interrupted.

  • @SplinterAce
    @SplinterAce Год назад +9

    When you don't know the answer so you just stand there chewing gum

  • @The_Voice_of_Reason748
    @The_Voice_of_Reason748 Год назад +25

    "If I don't steal it then someone else will"
    ~ Yakob the Israeli Settler from NY 2021 ~

    • @Gideon01
      @Gideon01 Год назад

      There is nothing more pathetic than Israel-haters who still parrot that stupid "Yakob" crap in 2023. As if it meant anything in 2021.

  • @eyad31ify
    @eyad31ify Год назад +14

    This is the true extremism.

  • @JenaBakalov
    @JenaBakalov Год назад +10

    They speak as it’s a piece of cake not coutures, these people are in a different galaxy

    • @tFighterPilot
      @tFighterPilot Год назад +1

      They refer to what's in the bible. That's what they were asked. They didn't say what their vision is. Obviously, none of them want to give up Eilat.

  • @suzumarko4289
    @suzumarko4289 Год назад +12

    God is not real estate agent, jews is funny

  • @fahadalfailkawi
    @fahadalfailkawi Год назад +7

    🤣🤣🤣 the jews are funny…just cuz its mention in your book that doesn’t mean its right

  • @jackalandunisiy
    @jackalandunisiy Год назад +8

    ﴿وَإِذ تَأَذَّنَ رَبُّكَ لَيَبعَثَنَّ عَلَيهِم إِلى يَومِ القِيامَةِ مَن يَسومُهُم سوءَ العَذابِ إِنَّ رَبَّكَ لَسَريعُ العِقابِ وَإِنَّهُ لَغَفورٌ رَحيمٌ﴾ [الأعراف: ١٦٧]
    (167) And [mention] when your Lord declared that He would surely [continue to] send upon them until the Day of Resurrection those who would afflict them with the worst torment. Indeed, your Lord is swift in penalty; but indeed, He is Forgiving and Merciful.
    Quran 7 : 167
    Just waiting for the second Amalekites because their disobedience to God's law

  • @jasonsmall5602
    @jasonsmall5602 Год назад +69

    The question is a little ambiguous. It could be taken as "what are the promised borders of Israel" or "what were the historical borders of Israel", as both are in Tanach / according to Judaism?

    • @bundevsawhney7578
      @bundevsawhney7578 Год назад +6

      I think that ambiguity is why there wasn't really an exact answer given overall, it's probably unclear in general what was actually controlled vs promised

    • @Leyla_Bat_Murrah
      @Leyla_Bat_Murrah Год назад +1

      *Matthew 10:34-35*
      34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
      35 For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law

    • @Leyla_Bat_Murrah
      @Leyla_Bat_Murrah Год назад

      *Luke 14:26*
      If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple

    • @Leyla_Bat_Murrah
      @Leyla_Bat_Murrah Год назад

      *Luke 19:27*
      But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them-bring them here and kill them in front of me.

    • @Leyla_Bat_Murrah
      @Leyla_Bat_Murrah Год назад

      *John 15:6*
      If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned

  • @charlesgerety1403
    @charlesgerety1403 Год назад +11

    Keep up exposing Jewish hypocrisy and Jewish Supremacist Corey 👏👏

    • @jacobweinstein9136
      @jacobweinstein9136 Год назад +1

      Keep walking one foot into the grave, you mouth-breathing racist.

  • @manon562
    @manon562 Год назад +11

    That's the problem with religious people: regardless of whether something is ethically right or wrong, just because a "Holy Book" said something, therefore it's right. That includes killing, women abuse, land appropriation and so on.

    • @yigalgurevitch2936
      @yigalgurevitch2936 Год назад +1

      completely agree

    • @yigalgurevitch2936
      @yigalgurevitch2936 Год назад

      @Hummer to have the possibility to live in a society by living and letting live is the principle requires a set of ethics, otherwise, society lives by dog eat dog principle.

    • @yigalgurevitch2936
      @yigalgurevitch2936 Год назад +1

      feel is an important component that plays on our moral decisions, like feeling pain, or empathy.
      you work all day long and got paid. your money is stolen therefore it is good and well...😏🙄

    • @manon562
      @manon562 Год назад +1

      @Hummer Listen, let's not get into abstract philosophy of this and that. I believe in pragmatism and not in unending and...with all due respect useless abstracts stuff. Otherwise we can argue that something is not white, it might be pink for another.

    • @yigalgurevitch2936
      @yigalgurevitch2936 Год назад +1

      @Hummer without a feeling of pain or empathy for example. We would not take into account that we need laws.

    @AWAMALNAS Год назад +4

    If you will go in a religious way this land belongs to muslims not jewish . Every single prophet was muslim .

    • @AdamAdamHDL
      @AdamAdamHDL Год назад +1

      Only one prophet was Muslim. The rest were Jews. Islam was born in Medina and Mecca, not Jerusalem. The Muslims not only stole the land off the Jews but they try to steal their prophets too.

    • @أبويزيد-ض5ي
      @أبويزيد-ض5ي 11 месяцев назад

      You are right

    • @أبويزيد-ض5ي
      @أبويزيد-ض5ي 11 месяцев назад


  • @The_Voice_of_Reason748
    @The_Voice_of_Reason748 Год назад +4

    From Jewish Tanakh.... "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy[a] all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’

  • @porsche911sbs
    @porsche911sbs Год назад +64

    The last interviewee is really into the idea of an Israeli empire.

    • @GrandFyre
      @GrandFyre Год назад +1

      Why don’t Muslims ever admit their fake prophet Muhamed wrote passages in the Quran that allow Muslims to steal any land they want? Muhamed stole the land from Arab Jews of Khaybar, Banu Quraiza where present day Saudi Arabia is. This led the way for other Muslims to steal the lands and homes of Jews in Yemen, Morocco, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan. The Middle East was originally Jewish and Christian, but somehow hundred of years later it “magically” became mostly Muslim? Is it because the people loved Islam so much they voluntarily conveted? Or because Muhamed’s Caliphs continued to go town to town and force everyone by the threat of rape, murder and torture to convert? And you say it’s the Jews who wanted an “empire”? 😂😂😂

    • @tbishop4961
      @tbishop4961 Год назад +26

      He made it quite clear that his vision was one of voluntary inclusion

    • @bogumilaskowron2680
      @bogumilaskowron2680 Год назад

      There is not israeli empire there is small country build on stolen Palestinian land

    • @mokied
      @mokied Год назад +16

      @@tbishop4961 that's debatable

    • @tbishop4961
      @tbishop4961 Год назад +9

      @@mokied I'm not sure how unless you just weren't paying attention

  • @NordwinterMihlberger
    @NordwinterMihlberger Год назад +6

    #FreePALESTiNE i am a german. ich bin ein Deutscher !!!!!!!!!!

    @FNFNFN99KKK Год назад +5

    I totally see why these people are hated and kicked out everywhere they went. Full of hate towards non-Jews and superiority complex.

  • @LiranBarsisa
    @LiranBarsisa Год назад +13

    The promised land, or the land that was ruled?
    Each has multiple answers...

  • @cctoycc8114
    @cctoycc8114 10 месяцев назад +3

    You can't love these people they emmitt hate every time they speak

  • @taramadhat9516
    @taramadhat9516 11 месяцев назад +6

    Imagine one day a jew nock on your house in iraq and say my great great grandfather lived there get out 😨😨😨.😢 😢

    • @Snpiedog
      @Snpiedog 9 месяцев назад +3

      The Iraqi probably looks more similar to the Jew's great great grandfather than the so called "Jew" does😂

  • @YousTubo
    @YousTubo 8 месяцев назад +1

    Palestinian: give me house back 😂
    Israelis: You know we really need Egypt, Jordan a little bit of Syria…

  • @daptomycinabd541
    @daptomycinabd541 Год назад +21

    So what we understand is there is no clear Answer.. Israel has no borders

    • @Evantrop
      @Evantrop Год назад

      How about current borders?Ok for you/

    • @ottokarhubner4559
      @ottokarhubner4559 Год назад

      The religious people don't know it. Just guess about the secular ones who make more than 60% of Israelis population. Such a shame.

    • @rxtr664
      @rxtr664 Год назад +5

      @@Evantrop Except they never actually stopped from expanding into Palestinian territories

    • @ofrikalif4938
      @ofrikalif4938 Год назад +3

      @@rxtr664 you mean the territories that Israel took from jordan in the six days war?

    • @rxtr664
      @rxtr664 Год назад +1

      @@ofrikalif4938 I mean the territories that expand beyond what the international community deemed to be Palestinian

  • @sustainableliving6319
    @sustainableliving6319 Год назад +3

    So the benchmark is.. ‘where the 12 tribes once lived’… but those areas were probably ever changing… and what about the people living there before the 12 tribes..

    • @nic_cage
      @nic_cage 8 месяцев назад +2

      "We don't talk about them". History starts the moment it's convenient to us 😂

  • @DougWinfield
    @DougWinfield Год назад +16

    I can see why so many didn't want to answer the question. This is why Herzl wanted a secular state without a formal role for religious extremists. A country governed by agreements and the laws of men, not ancient covenants with God.

    • @solvingpolitics3172
      @solvingpolitics3172 Год назад +8

      Name an Arab country that is even remotely close to Israeli secularism?

      @BFGUITAR Год назад +5

      @@solvingpolitics3172 that's a pretty low bar

    • @stripedrajang3571
      @stripedrajang3571 Год назад

      Doug, you're implying that Jewish men, or men in general, know much more than God himself, and that men have no need of God nor His wisdom. Is that what you're saying?

    • @yigalgurevitch2936
      @yigalgurevitch2936 Год назад

      in so far Israel is still secular. but if Netanyahu is not going to come around, that would be tragic.

    • @stripedrajang3571
      @stripedrajang3571 Год назад

      @@yigalgurevitch2936, let's say it's true, that Israel is completely secular. Wouldn't that be the cause of all, if not most, of their problems? That's basically saying that the Jews are spitting in God's face, purely disrespecting Him, and telling Him that they, the Jews, that are only flesh and bone mortal men, can make decisions far much better than God can. It's like blasphemy on top of blasphemy mixed with arrogance and stupidity and a touch of delusion, is it not?

    @AWAMALNAS Год назад +2

    Wrong question . Question should what are the borders for israel decided by UN on 1948

    • @tsopuaifa
      @tsopuaifa 5 месяцев назад

      They don't care for the UN. They believe that the UN is bullshit. They might be right.

  • @youngeagle5953
    @youngeagle5953 Год назад +16

    at :46 " Even if it's not the land of Israel we shouldn't give it to the Arabs." European colonial settlers mentality . " If I don't steal your house someone else will steal it ." Yacub , A settler from New York

    • @youngeagle5953
      @youngeagle5953 Год назад +1

      @Shani hodia Lying is Zionists' most effective weapon. Wake up and free yourself from Zionism.

    • @youngeagle5953
      @youngeagle5953 Год назад

      @Shani hodia History is Relevant: The Israeli New History and its Legacyвидео.html

    • @yigalgurevitch2936
      @yigalgurevitch2936 Год назад

      good catch, here is more to add to your list.
      Palestinian Islamic Scholar Mohammed Afeef Shadid: Our Right Of Return Is Not Only To Palestine; We Must Use Palestine As A Starting Point To Conquer The World, Deliver It From Darkness To Light
      Dr. Subhi Al-Yaziji, Dean Of Koranic Studies At Islamic University Of Gaza, On Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV: We Hope To Conquer Andalusia (i.e. Spain) And "To Raise The Banner Of The Caliphate Over The Vatican, The 'Rome' Of Today"

    • @cinnaminson0653
      @cinnaminson0653 Год назад

      @Shani hodia you are not jew, gentile woman.

  • @royghosn18
    @royghosn18 10 месяцев назад +4

    These people are insane

  • @someonet8865
    @someonet8865 Год назад +6

    They can dream lol but God is the King of the lands and the lands belongs to him. Muslims will have the final victory

    • @MdTahmid-bv2xf
      @MdTahmid-bv2xf 8 месяцев назад

      You're Muslim☪️ from which Country⁉️🤔

    • @MdTahmid-bv2xf
      @MdTahmid-bv2xf 8 месяцев назад

      Are'u one of the Palestinians ( Westbank/Gaza )⁉️

    • @tanyajacobs9974
      @tanyajacobs9974 Месяц назад


  • @manetho5134
    @manetho5134 Год назад +15

    The last guy is a lunatic

    • @mikidias
      @mikidias Год назад

      Absolutely‼️ 🤯 😰

    • @Evantrop
      @Evantrop Год назад +1

      All religious are lunies.

      @ENTERTAININGVIDEOS1 Год назад +1

      Hitler was also lunatic & in the end times some power will be in the hands of lunatics!!
      Until they will be wiped out like Hitler & his followers!!!

    • @hanna319
      @hanna319 Год назад +6

      like the lunatic who conquered half of the world in the 7th century ?

    • @mikidias
      @mikidias Год назад

      Sorry to disappoint you and to inform you, but, we're already at the end times‼️ 🙄

  • @pinguinocomentador9743
    @pinguinocomentador9743 Год назад +6

    Apartheid regime

  • @seeingred1409
    @seeingred1409 Год назад +17

    They all should know. They have the map of "Greater Israel" on the 10 agorot coin. It covers Amman, Beirut, Baghdad, Damascus and northern Saudi Arabia.

    • @TheTruth-ko9ov
      @TheTruth-ko9ov 10 месяцев назад +6

      The Great delusion

    • @sumfatt640
      @sumfatt640 10 месяцев назад

      the great Genocide, massive displacement and war crimes, then they play the victims and call those who defend themselves (( terrorists )

    • @woooGazza
      @woooGazza 9 месяцев назад


    • @nic_cage
      @nic_cage 8 месяцев назад

      They don't want to limit themselves to these places 😂

    • @hemafalcon629
      @hemafalcon629 8 месяцев назад +2

      You forgot cairo as well
      From the nile to the "euphrates"

  • @callummcmac4079
    @callummcmac4079 Год назад +12

    China is Israel as well.

  • @dogbert52
    @dogbert52 Год назад +9

    Very interesting.

    • @yigalgurevitch2936
      @yigalgurevitch2936 Год назад +1

      mind-blowing even for me.

    • @timurcan2210
      @timurcan2210 Год назад +1

      let's be neighboor instead of arabs

    • @NotLikeWhatYouThink
      @NotLikeWhatYouThink Год назад

      Well we know long time ago..isreal flag show where their border was when trump recognized jerusalem as city of isreal he do big mistake its wrong bcs christian islam own it too by doing that you allowed them to claim solely right on it suppose jerusalem belong to they behind the one ignite war in those country bcs want to take those land..people say those group hezbollah hamas and other resistant group bad actually they the one who stop to deal with them was remind them of 10 commandment and recited any verses from any scripture torah bible al quran that their privilages already striped by God given to the arabs prophet ishmael lineage..the funny part was they isreal so indulge with it..Allah planned really great you know what?the last prophet was arab prophet muhamad and his messenge or revelation was for all human..doesnt matter what race from where..Allah giving guidance to who ever He want even b4 bnei isreal exist its clearly they not special🤣they planned Allah planned too..Another funny thing..isreal prophet only 5 thousand something majority prophet Allah/Eloh send was 124 000 either arab and among other races..if want to claim border yeah its funny bcs Allah not involve in broker estate😂this earth belong to God..thats why human they died they buried under ground bcs they own from thing plant and spead out on the ground cow goat fish etc even though you and i not creator of it we just utilized what Allah create and prepare for us to live on earth but many greedy people think God the one who own them its funny isnt??..we human too made out of clay we pooped,urinated,etc also smelly ha..ha..shouldnt brag that you better than others🤣

    • @AdamBer-ir6eg
      @AdamBer-ir6eg 10 месяцев назад


  • @Littlewing1977
    @Littlewing1977 10 месяцев назад +5

    Lebanon and Beirut was Christian majority and like the Paris of the Levant until the religious Jews started taking land away from Palestinians using terrorism against the people of Palestine & even the British. This turned many who fled to Lebanon militant. This guy trying to say Lebanon was bad before Modern Israel is being deceptive like most in this video

  • @ArnoldTeras
    @ArnoldTeras Год назад +4

    It doesn't seem fair that Arabs have 22 countries, and the Jews haven't even reclaimed the Israelite lands of Manasseh, Gad and's so wrong, guys. :(

    • @gottod6895
      @gottod6895 11 месяцев назад +1

      The number Arabs by today's standards is 446 million people , while jews are 16.1 million, if you devide the number of arabs by the number of jews, the result is more than 27, all in all, the number of countries is irrelevant.

  •  Год назад +4

    they dıdnt say trurth.Let me tell you clearly. All of Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and a part of Turkey. I'm not sure if there is a piece of Iran

    • @royghosn18
      @royghosn18 10 месяцев назад +4

      Yea good luck with that buddy 😂😂😂😂 you guys are luck the British even gave you Palestine

  • @legolasflamier1542
    @legolasflamier1542 Год назад +4

    Haredi supposedly read the torah all day and yet cant answer this easy question lmfao

  • @RudydeGroot
    @RudydeGroot Год назад +21

    If you are religious, you can also argue that 'Israel' means not only Israel, but also the people who joined them (and will join them) in being G'ds people. So a large area will be necessary in future messianic times, where 'borders' will not play any significant political role anymore.

    • @Viclip24
      @Viclip24 Год назад +7

      Lmao 😂😂

    • @user-km9bx3gf3z
      @user-km9bx3gf3z Год назад +2

      I have actually thought about this a lot, israel also refers to the Jewish nation. as long as we have jerusalem i think we will be ok

    • @Viclip24
      @Viclip24 Год назад +16

      @@user-km9bx3gf3z the whole land ain't even yours

    • @user-km9bx3gf3z
      @user-km9bx3gf3z Год назад +3

      @@Viclip24 ok 😄

    • @Viclip24
      @Viclip24 Год назад

      @@user-km9bx3gf3z just go back to Europe or whatever you came from because no matter what happens that land must get back to the hands of Muslims

  • @miladseyedghoreishi4091
    @miladseyedghoreishi4091 Год назад +1

    I thought that Israelis where forbidden by god himself to have their own land and to disperse.

  • @kalebj7001
    @kalebj7001 Год назад +3

    What's Israel's borders?
    British: 👀

  • @toassistindo
    @toassistindo Год назад +9

    Good thing the Israeli state isn’t based on religious law

    • @kenmken
      @kenmken Год назад

      Unfortunately it's policy still seems to systemically destruct Palestinian identity and expand into their territory. Seems like its weirdly compliant with "religious law"

    • @rxtr664
      @rxtr664 Год назад +6

      It seems to be heading that way though

    • @toassistindo
      @toassistindo Год назад +1

      @@rxtr664 what laws are changing to be halachic?

    • @OmarOsman98
      @OmarOsman98 Год назад

      @@toassistindo The Prime Minister tried

    • @johnmockingyou7547
      @johnmockingyou7547 Год назад

      Yeah right. Should watch the Monkey Shows during some Knesset sessions where the Ultra-Right Wingers are all Holier than Thou 🤨 Reforming the Judiciary is their current agenda to make it easier for them to enact Religious Laws later 😡 Allowing Convicts not on custodial sentence to be Ministers was their 1st step 🤬

  • @yigalgurevitch2936
    @yigalgurevitch2936 Год назад +5

    9:11 "Talking snake" indicates that the Torah is connected to reality 🙄

    • @stripedrajang3571
      @stripedrajang3571 Год назад

      What do you mean?

    • @yigalgurevitch2936
      @yigalgurevitch2936 Год назад

      @@stripedrajang3571 I mean the Torah is filled with fairy tales.

    • @stripedrajang3571
      @stripedrajang3571 Год назад

      Fairy tales? The origin of mankind, and the ethics and morals that mankind should live by, coming from the mouth of God Himself, is "fairy tale" to you?

    • @yigalgurevitch2936
      @yigalgurevitch2936 Год назад

      Do you mean executing people for chopping trees on the Sabbath or treating people as mere property is the moral standard by which humanity should live?
      And how do you know that these are indeed the words of god and not a made-up story and how do you come to the conclusion god is real, can you provide the evidence for god or this another mumbo jumbo mind acrobatics I already encountered a number of times?
      And yes, I consider it to be a fairy tale and nothing else.
      I don't believe in the existence of any god. I find the stories in the Bible and Quran to be immoral and unrealistic.

    • @cinnaminson0653
      @cinnaminson0653 Год назад

      @@stripedrajang3571 no historians agree with that.

  • @DanNaim400
    @DanNaim400 Год назад +3

    Avraham avinu was told to look in all directions and was told all that land is for bnei israel forever…unless one wants to disagree with G-D

    • @hussamabdallah4776
      @hussamabdallah4776 Год назад

      All the lands sound great all world is for you

    • @DanNaim400
      @DanNaim400 Год назад

      @@hussamabdallah4776 yes sir

    • @kenmken
      @kenmken Год назад

      Crazy how you guys can say and believe extremist shit like this then pretend the Arabs are the terrorists

  • @ΔημήτρηςΣπ
    @ΔημήτρηςΣπ Год назад +42

    another chapter from what my imaginary friend promised me

    • @cemdo9292
      @cemdo9292 Год назад +3

      Couldn’t agree more

    • @matiasbrachini8741
      @matiasbrachini8741 Год назад +2

      ahahahahaha 😄😄😄😄😄 always

    • @yosefkorn
      @yosefkorn Год назад

      What about the usa.
      They did a land grab, no one seems to mind

    • @Leyla_Bat_Murrah
      @Leyla_Bat_Murrah Год назад

      *Matthew 10:34-35*
      34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
      35 For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law

    • @Leyla_Bat_Murrah
      @Leyla_Bat_Murrah Год назад

      *Luke 14:26*
      If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple

  • @shainazion4073
    @shainazion4073 Год назад +3

    Wow, So late, I was worried that Corey forgot??

    • @MykaGhg
      @MykaGhg 3 месяца назад

      Go back to Europe. Or even before Madagascar like a certain man wanted

  • @augustsoomre4795
    @augustsoomre4795 4 месяца назад

    Neljas Moosese raamat 6:Õnnistussõnad
    22 Ja Issand rääkis Moosesega, öeldes:
    23 „Räägi Aaroni ja ta poegadega ning ütle: Õnnistades Iisraeli
    lapsi, öelge neile nõnda:
    24 Issand õnnistagu sind ja hoidku sind!
    25 Issand lasku oma pale paista sinu peale ja olgu sulle armuline!
    26 Issand tõstku oma pale sinu üle ja andku sulle rahu!
    27 Nõnda pandagu minu nimi Iisraeli laste peale ja mina õnnistan
    Teine Ajaraamat 7:14 ja kui siis minu rahvas, kellele on pandud minu nimi,
    alandab ennast ja nad palvetavad ja otsivad minu palet ning
    pöörduvad oma kurjadelt teedelt, siis ma kuulen taevast ja annan
    andeks nende patu ning säästan nende maa.
    15 Nüüd on mu silmad lahti ja mu kõrvad panevad tähele
    palvetamist selles paigas.
    16 Nüüd olen ma valinud ja pühitsenud selle koja, et minu nimi
    oleks seal igavesti. Mu silmad ja mu süda on seal iga päev.
    Psalmid (Laulud)122:Palve Jeruusalemma hea käekäigu eest
    1 Palveteekonna laul Taavetilt.
    Ma rõõmustasin, kui mulle öeldi:
    „Lähme Issanda kotta!”
    2 Meie jalad seisid su väravais,
    3 Jeruusalemm, kes oled ehitatud
    nagu hästi kokkuliidetud linn,
    4 kuhu läksid üles suguharud,
    Issanda suguharud tunnistuseks Iisraelile
    tänama Issanda nime.
    5 Sest sinna on seatud aujärjed kohtumõistmiseks,
    aujärjed Taaveti kojale.

    6 Paluge rahu Jeruusalemmale!
    Käigu hästi nende käsi,
    kes sind armastavad!
    7 Rahu olgu su müüride vahel,
    hea käekäik su kuninglikes kodades!
    8 Oma vendade ja oma sõprade pärast
    tahan ma nüüd öelda: Rahu sinule!
    9 Issanda, meie Jumala koja pärast
    tahan ma otsida sulle head.
    Jesaja 30:Issand tõotab oma rahvale armu anda
    18 Ja ometi ootab Issand,
    et teile armu anda,
    ja jääb kõrgeks,
    et teie peale halastada,
    sest Issand on õiguse Jumal,
    õndsad on kõik, kes teda ootavad.
    Jeesus 36:10 Kogu kõik Jaakobi suguharud
    ja olgu nad pärijad nagu muistegi!
    11 Halasta, Issand, rahva peale,
    kellele on antud sinu nimi,
    ja Iisraeli peale,
    keda pead esmasündinuks!
    12 Halasta oma pühamu linna, Jeruusalemma,
    oma hingamispaiga peale!
    13 Täida Siion sinu ülistusega
    ja oma rahvas sinu auhiilgusega!
    14 Anna tunnistus oma esmalooduile
    ja tee tõeks, mis sinu nimel on ennustatud!
    15 Tasu neile, kes sinu peale loodavad,
    ja sinu prohvetid jäägu usaldusväärseks!
    16 Kuule, Issand, nende palvet, kes sind anuvad,
    sinu rahvale kuuluva Aaroni õnnistuse pärast,
    17 et kõik, kes maailmas elavad, tunneksid,
    et sina oled Issand, igavene Jumal!
    Baaruk 5: Sest Jumal juhib Iisraeli rõõmuga
    oma auhiilguse valgusesse,
    halastuse ja õigusega,
    mis temalt tuleb.”
    Saalomoni Tarkuseraamat
    11: Halastamise põhjus
    23 Sina halastad aga kõigi peale,
    sest et sa suudad kõike,
    ja vaatad mööda inimeste pattudest,
    et nad meelt parandaksid.
    24 Sest sina armastad kõike, mis olemas on,
    ega põlga midagi, mida sa oled teinud,
    sest sina ei olegi loonud midagi,
    mida sa ise vihkaksid.
    25 Sest kuidas saaks midagi püsida,
    kui sina ei tahaks,
    või kuidas säiliks see,
    keda sina ei ole kutsunud?
    26 Sina aga säästad kõiki,
    sellepärast et nad on sinu omad,
    Issand, hingede armastaja.
    Estri raamatu lisad 3:2 „Issand, Issand, kõigeväeline Kuningas! Sinul on meelevald kõige
    üle ja ei ole kedagi, kes võiks sulle vastu astuda, kui sina tahad
    Iisraeli päästa!
    6 Ja nüüd, Issand, Jumal ja Kuningas, Aabrahami Jumal, hoia oma
    rahvast, sest meid jälgitakse, et meid hävitada, ja neil on himu teha
    lõpp sellele, mis on algusest peale olnud sinu pärisosa!
    7 Ära põlga oma pärisosa, kelle sa enesele lunastasid Egiptusest!
    8 Kuule minu palvet ja ole armuline oma pärisosale! Pööra meie lein
    pidurõõmuks, et elavaina lauldes ülistaksime sinu nime, Issand, ja
    ära sule nende suud, kes sind kiidavad!”
    9 Kogu Iisrael hüüdis kõigest jõust, sest neil oli surm silma

  • @1mm-mm168
    @1mm-mm168 Год назад +5

    ALLAH Say : " Moses said to his people, “Seek help from Allah and be patient. The earth belongs to Allah; He gives it as an inheritance to whom He wills of His slaves, but the outcome is for those who fear Allah.”
    ------->>> FREE PALESTINE

    • @leahrachael2396
      @leahrachael2396 Год назад +2

      Not Allah. Yahweh. They are not the same.

    • @1mm-mm168
      @1mm-mm168 Год назад +1

      @@leahrachael2396 Prove that Yahweh is the one who was talking to Abraham and any prophet?
      - U R relying on writings written by the rabbis more than 1,000 years after the death of Moses Peace B upon him

    • @tamaralexander9379
      @tamaralexander9379 Год назад +1

      @@1mm-mm168 Prove that Allah talked to MUhamad.

    • @1mm-mm168
      @1mm-mm168 Год назад +1

      @@tamaralexander9379 it's Easy Like Japanese
      ------>>> The revelation that Moses, peace be upon him, received is real, but no one knows where the Torah went COZ it was not written during the life of the Prophet Moses, but rather after his death more than 1000 years
      - While the revelation that came down to the Prophet Muhammad, which is the Qur’an, was written during the life of the Prophet Muhammad and he reviewed it on those who used to write it COZ he did not know how to read or write, but he memorized the Qur’an was from the Holy Spirit Gabriel

    • @1mm-mm168
      @1mm-mm168 Год назад +1

      @Shani hodia Where have I heard this before?
      Yes, from a Jewish girl who used to curse a lot and curse God every day COZ she was ignorant of either the Torah or the Qur’an.
      ------>>> ALLAH Say : " Those who disbelieved from the Children of Israel were cursed on the tongue of David and Jesus son of Mary. That was because of their disobedience and their persistence in transgression.
      They did not forbid one another from committing evil deeds. Terrible was indeed what they used to do!
      You see many of them taking those who disbelieve as allies. Terrible was indeed what they have done for themselves, for they have incurred Allah’s wrath and they will abide in the punishment forever.
      If they had believed in Allah and the Prophet, and what has been sent down to him, they would not have taken them as allies, but most of them are evildoers. "

  • @ahmetmehmet6711
    @ahmetmehmet6711 Год назад +1

    bro unite with israel and took control with democracy that shit is easy

  • @burakayan3360
    @burakayan3360 Год назад +4

    why are they hesitant to answer such simple a question?

    • @nic_cage
      @nic_cage 8 месяцев назад +4

      They don't want to limit themselves in case they want to add the USA, Europe etc later on 😂😂😂

    • @burakayan3360
      @burakayan3360 8 месяцев назад

      @@nic_cage ahhaah maybe. lol.
      but as far as i see, they already control much of the world.
      compared to their population

  • @The_Voice_of_Reason748
    @The_Voice_of_Reason748 Год назад +3

    From Jewish Tanakh.... "But all the young girls who have not known man by lying with him keep alive for yourselves"

  • @Leyla_Bat_Murrah
    @Leyla_Bat_Murrah Год назад

    *Romans 3:7*
    For if the truth of God has increased through my *LIE* to His glory, why am I also still judged as a sinner?

  • @AhmedXbox
    @AhmedXbox Год назад +3

    مجانين 🇵🇸

  • @newdawn4439
    @newdawn4439 3 месяца назад

    They answered based on written history. Not religion

  • @frihedkrlighednrhed3483
    @frihedkrlighednrhed3483 Год назад +8

    May Iran🇮🇷 and Palestine🇵🇸 have a happy and peaceful life once they are done being attacked by Zionists and Terrorists🤲🏻🤲🏻.. Victory to our PEACE OUR Ummah🤲🏻🤲🏻❤️❤️Ya Allah Dear God🤲🏻🤲🏻
    PEACE TO REAL HUMANS..🤲🏻✌🏻❤️🕋🕋☪️☪️

  • @n7eet
    @n7eet Год назад +2

    0:48 this sums up the colonial west and their struggle to give back what they took.

  • @yaakovgrunsfeld
    @yaakovgrunsfeld Год назад +7

    There are at least 4 different answers in Judaism
    There is the land promised to Abraham which is the Nile to the euphrates but this is not all for the jews.Lot and Edom and Yishmael have a part in that.
    Then there is the land promised in parashat matot masei which is the well known one that people were referencing which is in theory what should have captured in the times of Joshua. Then there is what is called kedusha rishona by the Talmud which is what was actually captured by Joshua and Kedusha Shinya which is what was controlled by the Hasmonean dynasty. There is lengthy debate in the Talmud about which of the latter two is relevant
    See tosafot Zevahim 60b

    • @cinnaminson0653
      @cinnaminson0653 Год назад +7

      Does the Talmud address the conquest of downstate New York at all?

    • @nic_cage
      @nic_cage 8 месяцев назад +1

      The correct answer is "whatever is bigger" 😂

    • @polglobinfo175
      @polglobinfo175 3 месяца назад

      How about you take alllll that with the Talmud and stick them all in your a@#

  • @Leyla_Bat_Murrah
    @Leyla_Bat_Murrah Год назад

    *Matthew 10:34-35*
    34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
    35 For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law

  • @YTFreePalestine
    @YTFreePalestine Год назад +5

    Corey : according to Judaism what are the borders of the land of israel
    Random israeli :- well according to our torah , from here to here, but we will expand and not limit our self's to a book.
    But still attach our arugment of existence in this land to that book in which we will later expand it cause, why not?
    Oppression leads to Revolution .

  • @ravivmadar2422
    @ravivmadar2422 Год назад +6

    Poor Lebanon ! All countries want to occupy you 😪 🇱🇧❤

    • @dogbert52
      @dogbert52 Год назад +1

      May you and your family fall into the hands of hisbulla.

    • @phoeniciangod3629
      @phoeniciangod3629 Год назад +2

      Funny they claim tyre and sidon belonged to the jewish kingdom🤦🏻‍♂️
      They didn't read the torah of course my friend, just driven by envy nothn else...

    • @tamaralexander9379
      @tamaralexander9379 Год назад +1

      @@phoeniciangod3629 Envy of Lebanon? Lol

    • @lev9086
      @lev9086 Год назад +1

      we don't want Lebanon

    • @phoeniciangod3629
      @phoeniciangod3629 Год назад +2

      @@tamaralexander9379 landscape, water, fertile soil, beautiful mountains, many rivers etc. Yes bro

  • @ResilientWon
    @ResilientWon Год назад +2

    Speak to the mistreatment of non Jews in Israel. Do you condone the behavior? It's not the way Id think God's "chosen" would act.

  • @phoeniciangod3629
    @phoeniciangod3629 Год назад +3

    Tyre and Sidon belonged to israel?

    • @tamaralexander9379
      @tamaralexander9379 Год назад +2

      No they don't. U can keep those s--t holes

    • @ef2718
      @ef2718 Год назад

      1:01 "In the north, it's almost to Tyre" - almost ==> clearly Tyre and Sidon had not belonged to Israel.

    • @akragas4394
      @akragas4394 Год назад

      Sidon was located within the boundaries given to the tribe of Asher (Joshua 19:28),

  • @Leyla_Bat_Murrah
    @Leyla_Bat_Murrah Год назад +1

    *John 15:6*
    If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned

  • @JoeyBrilliant
    @JoeyBrilliant Год назад +15

    The entire Jewish collective consciousness, history and culture for +3500 years has been geared towards either fighting people off the land of Israel or fighting to get back to the land of Israel. So many ignorant people here have no idea who we are or anything about us. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱❤❤

    • @Mer1912
      @Mer1912 Год назад +3

      I couldn’t agree more. It’s always been about returning to the land of Israel. That narrative is so essential that it was written down in both the Christian Bible and the Quran (which was written almost 600 years after the destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem).

    • @rxtr664
      @rxtr664 Год назад +9

      "Collective consciousness" 😂
      Middle Eastern Jews were closer to Muslim/Arab culture than they were to the European salad.
      And I'm not even mentioning Ethiopians and other minorities...
      Shared a "Collective consciousness" my a$$

    • @Mer1912
      @Mer1912 Год назад +6

      @@rxtr664 the Jews of the Middle East are the same Jews everywhere else. Jews come from the Middle East. They read the same books, practice same traditions, use a single language to communicate with each other over thousands of miles in between them.

    • @ambs37q38
      @ambs37q38 Год назад

      Shut up terrorest intifada is coming and palastinians will return their land sooner or later

    • @rxtr664
      @rxtr664 Год назад +3

      @@Mer1912 🤣
      Are you like, 9 ? I'm not Israeli and even I know that. Most Israelis don't live like traditional Jews, let alone most Europeans before "the return"

  • @jadeite20
    @jadeite20 Месяц назад

    you were trying so hard to make them say a part of turkey too, but they did not. these people just want to exist based on what I watched

  • @Linda43
    @Linda43 Год назад +9

    A Blessed Shavuah Tov To All Am Yisroel And Friends Of Zion From The Jordan River To The Mediterranean Sea 🇮🇱✡️🇮🇱✡️🇮🇱✡️
    * Troll alert
    Linda's troll is back

    • @shainazion4073
      @shainazion4073 Год назад +3

      Is it really you? Or memorex?

    • @tagbarzeev8283
      @tagbarzeev8283 Год назад +2

      @@shainazion4073 It's really me.

    • @bogumilaskowron2680
      @bogumilaskowron2680 Год назад +1

      Steckel nazi troll

    • @shainazion4073
      @shainazion4073 Год назад +3

      @@tagbarzeev8283 I was asking Linda as her troll redoes his/her channel to copy Lindas.

    • @Linda43
      @Linda43 Год назад


  • @jamsterhamster1584
    @jamsterhamster1584 10 дней назад

    They are describing the biblical borders of the ancient kingdom of israel

  • @frankmerolillo3880
    @frankmerolillo3880 Год назад +4

    The borders are written in the king James bible. And they are way larger than they are Today.

    • @cinnaminson0653
      @cinnaminson0653 Год назад +2

      Yes, they now include downstate New York.

    • @frankmerolillo3880
      @frankmerolillo3880 Год назад +2

      @@cinnaminson0653 I hope you all are thankful to the Lord Jesus Christ because he is mentioned a lot in the bible. But I don't recall New York City in the bible but if you got the money to buy land in New York I am sure someone will sell it. God bless you Always.

  • @adamm2909
    @adamm2909 Год назад +2

    It’s impossible to satisfy this people
    The first thing god told them don’t steal don’t be greedy
    There’s a reason!!!

  • @Emcee_Squared
    @Emcee_Squared Год назад +15

    The borders of ancient Israel were all the way to Tel Dan in the north east, it did not include the coastal cities of sidon, tyre, or Acre. It included Dor which is near ancient meggido. The southern coastal border extended to but did not include Joppa/Yafo. It also did not include Ashdod, ashkkelon, or gaza as those were part of the Philistine states. In the east, the tribal lands of Menasheh, Rueben, and Gad extended into Jordan past the river, but did not include the capital Amman. To the southeast, it extended halfway down the Dead Sea to the border with moab. The major southern cities were jericho and bethel. South of that was the kingdom of Judah, which was a separate kingdom, but some say it was all United under king David. In the kingdom of Judah you had Jerusalem, Lachish, hebron, and it’s southern border was beer sheva. Beyond that were the lands of the Philistines to the west, the lands of Amalek to the south, and at the very southern tip of the Dead Sea in the southeast was the border with edom. Of course from the time of saul to the last kings of judah, the border changed many times, as it got bigger and smaller.

    • @rxtr664
      @rxtr664 Год назад +2

      Which model, do you think, the israeli jews chose this time around?

    • @mohabatkhanmalak1161
      @mohabatkhanmalak1161 Год назад +2

      Ancient Israel was a small kingdom, and who were not a waring nation. They could not afford to be at war with any of their neighbors, and its my opinion that they made peace and trade treaties with all their neighbors, which went on for several centuries. The Babylonian and later the Roman invasions were exceptions.

    • @yosefgreen3130
      @yosefgreen3130 Год назад +1

      @@mohabatkhanmalak1161 guess work is not needed. We have documented sources. And King Solomon ruled the entire world, and the kingdom of David will rule again

    • @thehuguenot5615
      @thehuguenot5615 Год назад

      Someday it'll be the entire world with Jesus as king

    • @yosefgreen3130
      @yosefgreen3130 Год назад +3

      @@thehuguenot5615 no

  • @daMacadamBlob
    @daMacadamBlob Год назад

    I have a suggestion for Israelis: Do you observe Shabbat?

    • @Hila00
      @Hila00 Год назад

      The religious yes and some of the secular
      I am religious (even ultra-Orthodox)
      And today is Shabbat, and I keep Shabbat!💗🇮🇱

  • @Sam-ey9uj
    @Sam-ey9uj Год назад +12

    The last guy is everything that's wrong with Israel today, if you look at all the major modern Israeli-Palestenian conflicts, they've almost all been initiated by Orthodox religious Jews and their violent racist ideology, not by Arabs and not by secular Israelis, religious Jews in Israel are a danger to everyone in the region but the Israeli government won't do anything about them cause they have the numbers and they are in sync and united in their word, so dominant right-wing parties and politicians will always need to keep them satisfied for their VOTING POWER

    • @salRL-eb3zc
      @salRL-eb3zc Год назад +3

      Why? Because it bothers you that there are religious Israelis? . Just two days ago, 6 people were murdered while leaving a synagogue by a terrorist. Is the terrorist not an extremist?!?

    • @MaryamofShomal
      @MaryamofShomal Год назад +2

      Same as here in the US. The Republican Party has descended into a white supremacist pseudo-Christian fascism, seeking to impose a racist theocracy upon all of us. And just like us, Israel is turning into a fascist theocracy.
      I’m Iranian-American who was born in Iran to a secular family, shortly after the mullahs took our country hostage, so I know better than most what a fascist theocracy looks and feels like.
      The irony is that as the US and Israel descend into fascism and theocracy - my fellow Iranians back home are fighting for freedom and secular democracy.

    • @NoweNowi
      @NoweNowi Год назад +4

      I strongly disagree. The cause to the conflict are Palestinians, who don't want to see a Jewish state in the land of Israel- not even in the 1948 very narrow borders. The Jewish Orthodoxy is made of several groups- many of them would have leaned more to the left wing, if they believed there is a reliable partner. This belief was ruined after the riots of 2000. The group of settlers are good people who want to co-exist (except maybe a very tiny minority), but are usually attacked by the Palestinian side. The problem is with the media, including part of the Israeli media, that blame the settlers, and they don't show the full stories. Another problem is the Palestinian education system that teaches hate, which results in youth and children attacking Jewish civilians, whereas the Jewish education system teaches how to be peaceful and try to solve the conflict. Additionally, there is a problem of violence in the Arab society, which they admit- so even the peaceful Palestinians are afraid to speak about peace with their Jewish neighbors, so they won't be harmed by their own people.

    • @rxtr664
      @rxtr664 Год назад

      @@NoweNowi bla bla bla
      We just saw the f-king video, u lunatic chicken
      Israel has the power, hence they're the ones most responsible for peace in the region. But, Israeli governments kept bending to religious Jews, hence the settlement expansion into the West Bank

    • @OmarOsman98
      @OmarOsman98 Год назад +3

      @@NoweNowi Free Palestine 🇵🇸

  • @joligramm4255
    @joligramm4255 3 месяца назад +1

    The promised land is in central Africa Belgium Kongo 🇨🇩 thank me later and the chosen are already living there

  • @interestingyoutubechannel1
    @interestingyoutubechannel1 Год назад +9

    Mediterranean sea to the Jordan river, Dan (in the upper galilee) & Golan Heights, to Beersheva and Ashkelon.

    • @doomguy6296
      @doomguy6296 Год назад +1

      The Israelites tribes were living also beyond the Jordainian river. Tranjordan is a relatively modern idea

    • @interestingyoutubechannel1
      @interestingyoutubechannel1 Год назад

      @@doomguy6296 borders fluctuated all the time in the ancient world but generally speaking, my description covers our ancestral homeland, 'the land of Israel', not modern 'State of Israel '.

  • @liammurphy7371
    @liammurphy7371 Год назад

    Philistia-Palestine exists in part of its historical borders.

  • @atheea.s7253
    @atheea.s7253 Год назад +3

    Straight of their minds 😂

  • @hussamabdallah4776
    @hussamabdallah4776 Год назад +1

    we must establish new bransh for the Jewish state in U.S, UK (England particularly)

    • @Gideon01
      @Gideon01 Год назад +1

      And you must all go back to the Arabian desert that you invaded the Middle East and North Africa from.

    • @hussamabdallah4776
      @hussamabdallah4776 Год назад +1

      @@Gideon01 why are you triggered blessing of chosen people will come to you goy

    • @dogbert52
      @dogbert52 Год назад +1

      @@hussamabdallah4776 22 ar ab iz lumic states and the pigglets need another one? Maybe colonize france or sweden. Or perhaps germany lol

    • @hussamabdallah4776
      @hussamabdallah4776 Год назад

      @@dogbert52first I sayed Jewish state not Arab I know that you love Jewish 🍆second I specified only two countries U.S and England if anther European country accept the gift of God then why not

    • @whatsgood3854
      @whatsgood3854 Год назад +1

      We?? Who 🤔

  • @shainazion4073
    @shainazion4073 Год назад +13

    From *Genesis 15;18 -21*
    *_"On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, 'To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates -- the land of the Kenites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, Amoritesm Canaanites, Girgashites, and Jebusites."_*

    • @FreedomsNurse
      @FreedomsNurse Год назад +1

      "In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, *Unto thy seed* have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:" Genesis 15:18 KJV
      "Now to Abraham *and his seed* were the promises made. *He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ."* Galatians 3:16 KJV
      (KJV translates the Hebrew correctly: seed is *singular* in Genesis. God Himself will rule the universe from that land at the third coming of Jesus, which is after the millennium.)

    • @malolelei3937
      @malolelei3937 Год назад +8

      And guess what? That promise was fulfilled long ago, through Abraham's son Ismael. Muslims are the dscendants of Abraham through Ismael and all those lands already belong to Abraham's children, the Muslims.

    • @shainazion4073
      @shainazion4073 Год назад +6

      @@FreedomsNurse The Seed of Abraham are through Jacob and are the Israelites. The Christians can be anyone in any land, as anyone can become a Christian.

    • @shainazion4073
      @shainazion4073 Год назад +5

      @@malolelei3937 And guess what, the terms were qualified to only the descendants of Jacob, not Ishmael.

    • @judgedayan9934
      @judgedayan9934 Год назад +2

      @@FreedomsNurse You might "search for truth" but you are living with a LIE. The English word "seed" does not appear in Genesis (Bereshis), the word transliterated from Hebrew is Zeracha and it means "Your descendants" plural. Even the English word "seed" can be singular or plural (in context of a collective noun). The verse in Galatians you quoted is a baldfaced deception! It is one of those numerous verses in the NT that proves that the NT is a collection of Comic Books... no different than the Book of Mormon! In addition, your claim is utter nonsense for another reason; where did Jesus claim to be the ONLY person that was entitled to the Land of Israel as promised to Abraham?

  • @Leyla_Bat_Murrah
    @Leyla_Bat_Murrah Год назад

    *Luke 14:26*
    If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple

  • @lyran8947
    @lyran8947 Год назад +4

    I would suggest to ask non religious questions. Atheism is the only hope for humans to finally see each other as the same with no differences and be able to lIve in peace.

    • @starhopper1706
      @starhopper1706 Год назад +2

      Atheists don't exactly have a blood free history either. And pretending that all cultures or mentalities are "no different" is a recipe for disaster (for you as well).

    • @rxtr664
      @rxtr664 Год назад +2

      Where's the question?
      Also, how is this different from saying that Islam/Christianity/Judaism is the only hope for humans...peace ?

    • @stripedrajang3571
      @stripedrajang3571 Год назад +1

      Atheism is the only hope for humans? Um, wouldn't that screw humans in the long run? Just life after death alone, in the lake of fire, would immediately deter many of us from that stupid statement you made, no offense.

    • @yigalgurevitch2936
      @yigalgurevitch2936 Год назад


    • @stripedrajang3571
      @stripedrajang3571 Год назад

      @@yigalgurevitch2936, you disagree?

  • @kaminobatto
    @kaminobatto Год назад +1

    That last one right there was the only one honest enough to share the real traditional views of religious Jews, and I respect that he had the transparency to speak his honest mind. However, as long as that conquest mindset exists backed up by a religious justification, there is no hope for peace and stability in the region. People have migrated around the world over the eons of history, and if every nation wants to defend its "historical heritage" then the entire world will be engulfed in endless territorial wars. I hope that Israel has grown from merely an indigenous/religious state to a more modern day political state that can clearly see the only way of having Jewish and Arabs to coexist in the region is by signing more normalization agreements like the Abrahamic Accords which gives Jews the freedom to move around and settle wherever they want welcomed and in peace rather than go back to the bloodshed of the 20th century with that conquest/occupation/religious rights mindset. Religious beliefs justify everything in the name of "God," and religious fanatics have no boundaries when it comes to executing "His" will. That's why I don't like religion or believe in any one specific religion at all! It brought humanity nothing but more divide and wars under false and nonsensical mythologies. And just to be clear, I'm talking about all religions here, no exclusions and no offence to the religious out there! The moment we ditch these archaic remnants of our dark past and embrace humanity and mutual gain as a principle of life, we will thrive much better together as humans. However, as long as X believe that he's more entitled than Y because his "God" told him so, there is no hope for a better future! I just think it's really funny how Jews, Christians, and Muslims cannot see how "conveniently exclusive" their respective religions are, and how they played a significant role over the centuries in justifying political wars and gains under "His" blessing! It's just way too convenient for each party to throw their "cultural determinism" in everyone else's faces rather than comparing scripture to today's reality and choosing what's humanly right rather than adopting the convenient stance of "it's not me, it's what my religion says and what God wants!" One day, I'd like to have a chat with "God" if he exists and ask Him which side He is really on, and who are "His people" since everyone seems to conveniently have this claim.... Ahhhhh... If only people used their heads instead of texts from thousands of years back that are so detached from the realities of human condition today... Shame!

  • @Han-es8qu
    @Han-es8qu 3 месяца назад

    1000 religion Books are all different and promise every thing to their followers.

  • @johnmockingyou7547
    @johnmockingyou7547 Год назад +4

    Ashkelon & Gaza belonged to Egypt. Israel's United Monarchy never did extend that far east of the River Jordan let alone after the split. The Babylonians & Assyrians were over there amongst other Aramean kingdoms/tribes.

    • @shainazion4073
      @shainazion4073 Год назад +2

      It did not ask where the biblical land of Israel was, but where the Land of Israel's borders were according to Torah.

    • @johnmockingyou7547
      @johnmockingyou7547 Год назад +1

      @@shainazion4073 The Torah did not specify exactly where the Flow of Milk & Honey ends i.e. the borders of the Promised Land 🖖🏻

    • @shainazion4073
      @shainazion4073 Год назад +4

      @@johnmockingyou7547 Yes it does, in *Genesis 15:18 - 21*
      *_"On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, "To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, Euphrates -- the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgishites, and Jebusites."_*

    • @johnmockingyou7547
      @johnmockingyou7547 Год назад +2

      @@shainazion4073 Lest you forget, God also promised Ishmael the descendent of Abram(ham) a mighty kingdom of his own 🤭 there's no mention how goes the Division of the Land held by those non-Jewish tribes 😉

    • @johnmockingyou7547
      @johnmockingyou7547 Год назад +1видео.html Enjoy! 😇 Shalom Aleichem from a non-Religious Zionist 🖖🏻

  • @Leyla_Bat_Murrah
    @Leyla_Bat_Murrah Год назад +1

    *Philippians 1:18*
    But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from *FALSE* motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice

  • @nicbahtin4774
    @nicbahtin4774 Год назад +30

    Last guy is a gem a man with self respect morality and brain, never heard so much truth in one answer.

    • @az6802
      @az6802 Год назад +28

      never heard so much delusion

    • @manetho5134
      @manetho5134 Год назад +34

      If a Muslim said he wanted to establish an Islamic Caliphate that included Israel would that be your same reaction?

    • @tbishop4961
      @tbishop4961 Год назад +1

      @@manetho5134 they do, you silly fuqing 🐇

    • @Leyla_Bat_Murrah
      @Leyla_Bat_Murrah Год назад

      *Matthew 10:34-35*
      34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
      35 For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law

    • @Leyla_Bat_Murrah
      @Leyla_Bat_Murrah Год назад

      *Luke 14:26*
      If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple

  • @Leyla_Bat_Murrah
    @Leyla_Bat_Murrah Год назад

    *Luke 19:27*
    But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them-bring them here and kill them in front of me.

  • @syskj
    @syskj Год назад +2

    Jews claim God was a real estate agent! And gave the deed of trust to the Jews 😂😂😂

    • @Linda43
      @Linda43 Год назад

      You are correct

  • @az6802
    @az6802 Год назад +3

    8:32 he means look what happens when Israel GOES to those areas. All those groups formed AFTER the invasion of Israel with one intention; to kick them out

    • @mokied
      @mokied Год назад +1

      Yes, RW Israelis tend to ignore that part.

    • @rxtr664
      @rxtr664 Год назад

      How much are you willing to bet they'll be kicked out, again

    • @az6802
      @az6802 Год назад +1

      @@rxtr664 i bet your moms life they will

  • @Mali90909
    @Mali90909 Год назад +1

    The answer is : the land of Israel is Syria Lebanon Jordan, some of Egypt BECAUSE Yahweh told his people that , so to achieve that they should do the same they did in Palestine kicking all people who live around just because Yahwe (imaginary creature lives in sky) said so

    • @OmarOsman98
      @OmarOsman98 Год назад +1

      يا محمد اطق الله، لو هم يريدون ارادنا نحنو أمةً محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم جاهزين لهاذا الحرب

    • @yigalgurevitch2936
      @yigalgurevitch2936 Год назад +1

      Unfortunately, that imaginary friend enjoys the company of billions of idiots in the world.

  • @Al-Shaheedi
    @Al-Shaheedi Год назад +4

    Arabs can cry

    • @hussamabdallah4776
      @hussamabdallah4776 Год назад +3

      I'm happy that the world knows your greedy nature

    • @hussamabdallah4776
      @hussamabdallah4776 Год назад +1

      @Hummer William Shakespeare wrote a bout you in English Literature describes your greedy nature and German put you in death camps Spaniards burned you after retake their land from Muslims Russians, franch, Romans, Persians and early Muslims did the same all that things confirmed that you behaved in bad manners during all time of history

    • @hussamabdallah4776
      @hussamabdallah4776 Год назад +2

      @Hummer Europeans didn't end slavary the machines and capitalism did

    • @yigalgurevitch2936
      @yigalgurevitch2936 Год назад

      your argument is based on a fictional play about a Jew who lives in Italy, while William Shakespeare resides in England. he never visited Italy nor met any Jew, as there was not a single Jew in England at the time. yeah, a pound of flesh is a true documentary just like Quran is. you probably feel like someone caught with pants down by now🙄
      to be a little more precise, Judaism is not as greedy as Islam is. your words "Spaniards... retake their land from Muslims." kind of gives away. historically, Islam was spread by a sword, where it conquered half the world. do you imagine Islam vis a vis Judaism, will win in the contest which is less greedy? 😏

    • @hussamabdallah4776
      @hussamabdallah4776 Год назад +2

      @@yigalgurevitch2936 The difference is that the Muslims recognized the sovereignty of the Spanish and the Balkans over their lands after decades of occupation, completely opposite to you after thousands of years of occupying the land of Canaan and fighting the first Palestinians, you came to build your state on the bodies of the indigenous people and dream of expanding more as shown in the video

  • @dirkknibbe8024
    @dirkknibbe8024 Год назад +2

    The borders of Israel are written in Ezekiel 47:13-23. And the borders of Abraham’s descendants are written in Genesis 15:18.

  • @bryceruppe9260
    @bryceruppe9260 Год назад

    "And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself." SAINT LUKE 24:27.

  • @HelenaM7
    @HelenaM7 Год назад +2

    I only watched this video because of him 4:01 😍but God bless Israel!✡✝ Jesus Christ is Lord❤🙏

  • @FreedomsNurse
    @FreedomsNurse Год назад +6

    Notice how they can't answer. I guess the one guy at the end was the most honest and basically said he wants Israel to rule the world. Anyway, the Bible says that only those who believe in Jesus Christ are Jews. "For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God."

    • @Evantrop
      @Evantrop Год назад +1

      Yes very great idea to generelize all citizens of Israel by couple of religious morons.

    • @hanna319
      @hanna319 Год назад +1

      it's not that simple.
      And the last guy never said anything about controlling the world.
      Also, I think you forgot Jews don't believe in the NT.

    • @meownyan3925
      @meownyan3925 Год назад +2

      @dm Rabbinic Judaism also quote rabbis more than they quote scriptures. Was paul less of a rabbi? No.

    • @scriptaman2888
      @scriptaman2888 Год назад +4

      We don't have the slightest interest in governing you so chill.

    • @tamaralexander9379
      @tamaralexander9379 Год назад +4

      The Hebrew bible say no such thing

  • @lev9086
    @lev9086 Год назад +1

    all of Jordan, syria , and Gaza! sinai aswell .

  • @The_Albanski
    @The_Albanski Год назад +2

    He’s my proposition: Gaza is given to Egypt and the West Bank and Golan Heights are fully incorporated into Israel.