At 42 I went to a fertility doctor. Trying to conceive our now almost 7 year old. Had all the testing done.. amh test -egg reserves , hsg where they shoot dye into your fallopian tubes to make sure there wasn’t any blockages. But the doctor told me as we age we may still cycle and have egg follicles but the quality of them most likely isn’t good enough to result in a baby. He told me think of it as a gumball machine with “special” gumballs. Only the special ones could result in a baby and our numbers diminish as we age. Even on Femara if the egg quality wasn’t there chances were very slim. Luckily my numbers were good and 2 years later we got our Journey!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oh so you’re saying I spent all that money for nothing? 🤣It’s a test to see how many eggs have left in your reserve. If your numbers are not good they would not proceed in further testing. Mine were, they said one they’d expect for a woman in her 30’s so we had further testing, everything was great and now have our beautiful 7 year old. She’s a blessing and I feel like I won the lottery!! ❤️❤️❤️ please be kind!
My mother got pregnant with my sister at 61 and going through menopause . My mother’s mom had my mom when she was 66 and going through menopause. It can happen and if it does,” I see it as a blessing g of God!”
@@ruthmartinez4812 whaaaat They call you a geriatric mother if you have a first baby at 30, what do they call 61 and 66 then? Just as brutal I suppose…. Just kidding folks no insult intended, unless it’s to my geriatric mother self… ha ha ha
I was told by my doctor that 3 years ago I had the hormones of a 30 year old. And that I could likely get pregnant up until the age of 57 years old. Set a thanks so
My story will get everyone laughing. When my grandmother passed we were at the formal lunch that was put on , and I saw some drama going on with my 5 daughters, they weren’t loud but my oldest Amber was grilling all about something. I asked Amber, all she told me is not the place and we would talk later. We are all in the car later, she said with her sisters all there she found a used pregnancy test under the sink at my house. She figured one of her sisters got pregnant. Well, I had to let them know it was my test, I hadn’t had my period, my tubes were tied, but my neighbor confided to me, this happened to her and frankly I couldn’t get a test fast enough. Well I thought it was funny……..🤷🏼♀️
I actually got pregnant @53 unfortunately it ended in disappointment. It’s funny how quickly you accept it then are sad when it’s gone, you then realize, how on earth could I have done this 🤦🏼♀️
I’m so sorry! 💔That happened to me at 42 years old. Made it to 9 weeks. Was a total surprise, then we decided to actually try for another. Went through extensive testing. Everything came out great with all that. And now we have our Journey who will turn 7 Oct 21st. Same birthday as her great Grandma and Uncle. She was meant to be! ❤️ I’m sorry for your loss. I know that pain!! 😔
@@belladonnanightshade8685 Oh yeah absolutely mother nature you are very devious. Almost every woman ever born has one child and in the process of birthing they declare never again. They mean it too Yet such a short time later they are doing it all over again. For me it was real trauma that made me bawl my eyes out every time I tried to speak it. and I’m seriously not a bawler. Then all of a sudden something takes a hold of you and squeezes you unconscious. Then you wake up like an intercontinental ballistic missile seeking another lil life inside you. Like your life depended on it. Some seriously crazy stuff going on there.
You absolutely can get pregnant at 51. Easily. I have spoken to so many women across my career who’ve had what I call the ‘last egg in the basket’ pregnancy and are shocked as heck. It’s actually a really dangerous time for us at this age because our ovulation tends to be random so we can’t actually pinpoint a cycle anymore. It’s way more chaotic. Also often due to risks the drs have taken us off hormonal contraceptives so that also increases the risk. Seriously, early 50s is a risk time for pregnancy. Not kidding xxx
I'm new here are those your grandchildren with you the reason I ask is because I was a grandmother at 42 they are a blessing! I was 50 and went into menopausal!
Welcome!! 🤗 I had my youngest daughter at 44. My children are 6, 17, 25 and 28. 2 daughters, 2 sons. My one and only grandson turned a year old Sept 25th. ❤️
I had my 5th kiddo at 39 and my 6th at 43. My oldest kiddo was turned 16 3 weeks before my youngest was born. So I now have a 19, 14, 12, 10, 7, and 3 year old. It's all good!
I'm 58 and up until the past year or two I had this recurring dream (more like a nightmare!) where I found out that I was pregnant and due to give birth soon but had never gotten any prenatal care nor was I ready to be a mother again to a newborn well into my 50's. I would wake up and realize that it wasn't real and feel so relieved. I can't imagine getting pregnant at 50+ but I know that it happens. I had my tubes tied at 36 so the chances of that happening to me were slim to none, so I do not know why I was having that dream.
Oh my! I can’t imagine being pregnant or having a baby at 51! That means you’ll be 69 when he reaches adulthood! May you have good health and a healthy baby!
Yep Co Q 10. Good for the heart and giving you energy. So when you first take it start to take it. Take it as early in the AM as you can so your sleep isn’t interrupted too much.
My periods ended about age 50 hubby had a vasectomy or I would have gotten tubal I can’t imagine pregnancy at the age I was already a grandma god bless you
No mammography will be undertaken if there is a possibility that a woman of child bearing age and capability might be pregnant. Routine question that some might consider if relevant in advance of their attendance!
@@graniabenge2814 Yeah ha ha ha, I went in to have a spinal CT of my whole spine. The receptionist says any chance you could be pregnant ? I said no, not at all. Not really thinking about it. I just wanted to get in and get it done and be gone.Then went into one of the change rooms and I quickly noticed the little sign with the baby in the womb saying “Do you know I here Mum” Got me thinking of the massive guilt a mother that didn’t know and had the rays, would feel. I was there being all forgiving and Zen and next minute I learn I almost did it too. My first child was a cooking and I was so mad at myself.
Yes they will as well as MRI’s, XRay’s if needed as well as chemotherapy if needed. Being pregnant you absolutely according to the ruling councils need these if there is a chance you have cancer. Many can get worse and become untreatable if the pregnancy continues. Some even have surgery now we work close with Oncology and coordinate delivery with chemo treatments. Now we try not to do these but in some cases it is a life and death situation we have to do these procedures. There are many studies that show especially after the first trimester it is safe. Sometimes even in the first as well. Please, if your Doctor orders one get it they do not want to harm your baby.
I get like that when I go to the doctors and hospitals. They call it the White Coat Syndrome. It happens when you have anxiety, especially when you’re scared of what the doctors will say or if they found something wrong. Your nerves take over and you can’t help to think that there’s something seriously wrong with you and you can’t help but to think the worst. My anxiety medication helps me to cope with anxiety it doesn’t completely eliminate the fears I have, it just helps me from having a severe panic attack especially in public. Therapy helps as well. It might be something you can consider as a way to help you with your anxiety and give you some peace of mind. Just a suggestion.
Aww my heart goes out to you. My daughter has severe anxiety issues. She has something called emetophobia. Fears of throwing up. Anything associated with it like burping even upsets her. She’s on meds and does therapy. Anxiety is a tough one! ❤️
I WORK for the doctor, and have been there since 1987, and I STILL have really bad Whitecoat syndrome 😂. My boss (and doctor) thinks it’s hilarious 🤣….
@@arneciachatmon9757 I’m pretty sure “white coat syndrome” refers to a scientific and measurable rise in BP and HR and maybe something else, maybe perspiration when confronted with Drs or medical situation. As I understand it’s an example of a conditioned response. Our bodies do such without a conscious thought process. Think this could be an example of Pavlovs Conditioned response. Don’t quote me, learned all of this over 50 years ago.Memory is starting to get a little tattered around the edges. Not to mention I am in hospital as high as a kite on allsortsofstuff right now. It’s like trying to think through a concrete block, kinda feelin……. Ha ha ha
I have known this to happen alot!!! And each and ever case were amazing and mind blowing miracles. I think we don't hear more of this now because doctors scare women. I wish I could list each story here because they are just joyful to hear,but I will just tell one. My husband's friend's wife , her mom had a career as a executive secretary at a well known American company for over twenty years and did not marry until she was 48 yrs old. The woman thought she could not have children ,but to her surprise she got pregnant at 50 and had a baby girl . then had another baby girl ( the woman I know) at 52. These two girls had the best childhood and were the envy of their classmates because each weekend they would go camping and digging for cyrstals. The girls were born in between 1959 and 1962 ,so this was before fertility treatment.
I knew a young woman who was always complaining that her parents should not have chosen to have a baby at the age of 50, having old parents was unfair as her friends had younger looking parents. I looked at her oddly and pointed out that if they had not chosen to have her, she would not even have a life to enjoy, she would not exist and neither would her children!
Hell to the nah. I would definitely be upset at this point with all of the kids adults. I haven’t had a cycle in about 7 years. My cycle stopped at 45-ish
I had a hysterectomy in 2018 I had endometriosis really bad and after my son it was urgent. Me and my husband were not careful and I went to the doctor of course everything was out but my doctor was so old he forgot and moved his office and couldn’t locate my chart. Haha needless to say after a wasted ultrasound I got peace of mind lol 😂
How on earth could you possibly think you might be pregnant without a uterus? That’s actually comical or is it embarrassing to think you don’t understand reproduction.
@@IndigoCave28I couldn’t imagine being pregnant at 51 … 😮 it’s not the best for the child , not as much energy and all .. I was a grandma at that age .. if anyone out there wants to or has .. blessings to you and yours ❤
My daughter has not had any children yet and she's 41, she doesn't think it's ever going to happen. But make sure if you don't want a baby, that you take birth control because yes! it can happen. And it can happen even if your on 5 birth control pills a day, like I was. I was a few days away from 29, when I had my last child.
I have low thyroid since twenty fpur four i am sixty eight mine was off two years was dizzy two years around clock my ankles feet swelled up so bad it affects your whole body from brain heart beat . I also take colesterol meds since twentyfour my mom two my sisters have tyroid its hereditary
For the blood pressure you have the same thing as me, it's called "White coat syndrome", just googled it :) My blood pressure is always hight at the GP, now he knows, at home it's always normal. I have low thyroid, so I'm taking eltroxin since 2012, it's a pain in the ass...
@@Pamsplace73 Same. so he made me wear a cuff for 24h to check my blood pressure ( it was very not comfortable to sleep with it at night), everything was normal...than he took it himself and it was high, so he told me it's the white coat he knows lol
Im 44 and went to find out if i could get my tubes untied to have one more and learned that when they tied my tubes, they actually took them out😢. I ended up having some other issues and had a hysterectomy in February. Guess it just wasn't meant to be
I am so sorry to hear that! How horrible to find out that they took them out!!! If I could hug you I would! I know how it feels to long for another child. Believe me, if God blessed me with another, my arms would be WIDE open! We tried hard for out last at the age of 44. She definitely is a blessing and I let her know all the time that she is! My little Journey!
@@Pamsplace73 we have four bio, two adopted and had many fosters. They are all grown now and we currently have 9 grandchildren. If we had been able to have another I'm sure we would have had lots of comments from the peanut gallery but it was a dream that I'm sure God will fill by other means. Maybe another foster or adoption? Who knows
I had my tube reversed to have my third child and it was a second marriage, my hubby had no children so I thought it would be nice to have another for him and I wanted to try for a girl I have two boys from previous marriage, and guess what we had a beautiful baby girl, it was a rough birth because I was trying to have natural last two were c- sections and doctor said it was okay, but ended up emergency c- section. I was so happy the tube reversal worked and had a gorgeous baby. This was almost 30 years ago, we have two adult sons and 1 daughter we are so blessed. And we are grandparents to two beautiful grandsons.
Sorry you were so upset. However, THATS why doctors ask, repeatedly, if you're CERTAIN you want a tubal ligation.It's NOT INTENDED to be reversible !! . They may clamp them, but not often because of the risk of the clampss dislodging. They tend to cauterise ( burn) the ends, as that's usually irreversible, or remove the tubes. If they didn't, in these days of litigation ( especially in the USA mentality) they'd be getting sued, all over the place, by women who have had unwanted pregnancies.
So you’re 70 now and had this child without any assistance, donor eggs, IVF, nothing? You must be one of the small handful of women who are in the world record books if this happened without medical intervention. I’d love to read your story if it’s been documented for the medical journal.
Grandmother had her 12 child when she was 55 yrs old. Thought she was done with all of it. Oh and the doctor tested her back then and told her no. She felt baby moving and she was. Peace!
How old would your grandmother be today? Your grandmother probably passed one of her kids babies off as her own. It was common back in the day. Hence why there are so many women from that era who say they “accidentally” got pregnant long after menopause was over lol. My grandmother claimed that too but it was my aunts baby and she was covering what was the shame of an illegitimate child back then.
Lucky! I got pregnant with twins at 47 and I mistakenly thought I was going to confirm menopause. And doctor confirmed I wasn't yet in perimenopause yet. I'm now 48... And tired of this monthly visitor with all the discomfort and loss of energy. I can barely function when my Aunt Flow visits.
Your chart probably hasn't been updated correctly since having Journey. It happens all the time. The dr office doesn't go in and "resolve" the pregnancy episode.
🤣🤣🤣It’s a vlog. I daily vlog and basically was sharing a funny story with my friends who watch and interact with me daily. I met my best friend through RUclips! ❤️#sweetthreadsgifts
As someone with 5 decades and change on the planet that thought would really upset me. Not the pregnancy per say but the thought of having a child with lifelong disability would really upset me. I should also say I have a friend that had her first and only child at 52 and he was super spoiled but normal,so it isn’t a foregone conclusion. Just a much higher risk…
What would make them think you were pregnant, hahaha I will say if you were sometimes when your older you can enjoy them more but I'm glad your not more cause of health issues over 50.
The doctor forgot to clear out my last pregnancy from 2017 on their charts. 🙄 She’s 6 going on 7… I haven’t been to this particular hospital system since having her. But I had just had bloodwork done 5 days prior with my doctor who referred me. I thought what did they find?? 😳🤣😳
We can do the same here with Goodwill as long as the original tags are still attached and you have a receipt. I used to have my eye out for 2 different people, would buy (especially at the lowest clearance price) if I thought it would meet thier criteria, and return what didnt work on my next trip through. I passed a Goodwill location most days of the week so it was easy for me and more l,easing yet on high traffic, more stop than go days.
She’s a sweet girl! Miss Aberdeen. She showed up after we loss our cat Ron.❤️ Literally the day we picked up his ashes she was on our doorstep. She looks similar to him. She just adopted us. ❤️
It is high, but low in saturated fat. The building block for high Cholesterol is saturated fat. So, shrimp are okay just not in excess. A plate of fries or a donut may not have Cholesterol, but they are bad due to saturated fat. Hope this makes sense.
I love this channel but I also miss videos on your other channel:( Like talking about Joann’s hauls ❤ and Etsy. I had so many not delivered packages recently that I’m beat 😢BTW I’m sending you a tiny gift in a mail :) Hope you like it
Man! I wish I had money for a Joanns haul!!😭 Dani and I were talking we miss the old days. So sad but I have faith that things will get better! I’m sorry to hear that! Have you tried fed ex? I have been using them a lot. I think I’m gonna to switch to them completely. So far they’ve delivered when they said they would. ❤️❤️
Thats great that you had a physical and are trying to change your eating habits to lower your cholesterol level. However, from the meals that you post your meals are laden with fatty foods, heavy gravy and you fry ALOT! All your recipes look delish but taking those supplements and zumba are not going to do the job as long as you continue your meals as you do. I give you so much credit as you home school, work and keep a household. Good luck to you!
I personally see nothing wrong with my meals or how I cook. It’s not like I’m eating all of it! I have been portion controlling a little over 7 months now. I have my Sunday dinner as my cheat day and lost over 15lbs. 🙌 I don’t know if you’ve ever done Zumba but it’s one hell of a workout. I talked with my doctor and he’s on board with everything. He agreed my thyroid is a huge roll looking back through my medical records from my previous doctor. He’s very thorough and I feel in good hands with him!! ❤️
Its great that you have found a physician you trust. There is NOTHING WRONG with what you cook but most of the meals I have seen you post look high in fat and calories and lots of desserts. I haven’t seen vlogs of you making nutritious or low cal meals or snacks. Ive done Zumba and oh yes does it kick your butt but when you do see the weight come off or even its just a few pounds but you feel toner its a great feeling. I didnt see that you mentioned you have lost 15#. THAT IS FABULOUS! It took me a while to lose weight and Ive put a few back on-if my message came off as being rude I apologize-was just commenting on your vlog which are always so honest . Stay well
@@makovy0329 I had an Aunt like YOU - She drove us ALL NUTS ! : ( She *always* gave ''very'' - ''direct'' UN-Solicited Advice : ( I was raised, IF u can't say something Nice. don't say ANYTHING - At all !! I guess that wasn't taught in your Family : ( A Shame ... I also 'do not' recall HER asking for our Dietary etc advice ?
@@cindyglass5827 yes i am direct and i dont apologize for being so unless I am accused of being rude which i told her if thats how my message sounded i apologized. When people have you tube channels and post their lives they will receive good,bad or indifferent opinions. There was no hate in my comment.
@@makovy0329 I never said there was 'any' Hate ... but, after receiving your reply [to me] what comes though very clearly is, I made a mistake in my assessment of you - You are 3x's worse than my Aunt ; that said - you are Full of Pride, Too rough, curt, rude & ''again'' an UN-solicited Advice Giver ! [period] ..... While i understand the 'nature' of YT [good/ bad etc comments left] that ''does not'' mean that one has to capitalize on this and have a free for all ~ ... What 'should' speak to ''You'' at this moment is that 2 commented on your comment/advice/assessments of her & IF You had/have 'any' Humility & self introspection skills what-so ever, you'd see what I am speaking to ~ .... At the end of the day, I believe that 'most' yt'brs are hard working singles or families just trying to be Happy & /or 'get bye' with daily chores, bill paying, meal making, putting food on the table, keeping a roof over their head etc - Life can be tough - esp. now a days ~ N.B. You catch more Flies w/ Honey than Vinegar ; ) BUT, hey - like '''u''' said ''you're'' direct and u dont apologize for being so ... : 0 sad
Unless of course your tubes have damaged or blockage, or have been removed. Or you have fibroids, endometrial polyps, scar tissue, or an abnormally shaped uterus, PCOS, went through menopause or have infertility issues. One of my best friends have tried pretty much all of her adult life for a child. Had all the tests done on her and her husband. No babies. Unexplained infertility. So it takes more than just having the equipment unfortunately. :(
I think 🤔 a woman 👩 can still get pregnant 🤰 even if she’s going menopause. Once menopause is done ☑️ then having babies 👶 is done.
At 42 I went to a fertility doctor. Trying to conceive our now almost 7 year old. Had all the testing done.. amh test -egg reserves , hsg where they shoot dye into your fallopian tubes to make sure there wasn’t any blockages. But the doctor told me as we age we may still cycle and have egg follicles but the quality of them most likely isn’t good enough to result in a baby. He told me think of it as a gumball machine with “special” gumballs. Only the special ones could result in a baby and our numbers diminish as we age. Even on Femara if the egg quality wasn’t there chances were very slim. Luckily my numbers were good and 2 years later we got our Journey!❤️❤️❤️❤️
@@Pamsplace73 Theres no test for egg quality, wish there could be but to date, there isn’t one.
Oh so you’re saying I spent all that money for nothing? 🤣It’s a test to see how many eggs have left in your reserve. If your numbers are not good they would not proceed in further testing. Mine were, they said one they’d expect for a woman in her 30’s so we had further testing, everything was great and now have our beautiful 7 year old. She’s a blessing and I feel like I won the lottery!! ❤️❤️❤️ please be kind!
Happens, had a boy at 24 had tried for 15 years and never thought ….number two at 49 by Gods grace and total jurisdiction😮
My mother got pregnant with my sister at 61 and going through menopause . My mother’s mom had my mom when she was 66 and going through menopause. It can happen and if it does,” I see it as a blessing g of God!”
@@ruthmartinez4812 whaaaat They call you a geriatric mother if you have a first baby at 30, what do they call 61 and 66 then? Just as brutal I suppose…. Just kidding folks no insult intended, unless it’s to my geriatric mother self… ha ha ha
@@njsmkmmsthatsit3518 I was a geriatric mum at 34 when I had baby number 3 😂😂
I didn’t know that was a real thing. That’s beautiful and sad. Being almost 80 still raising a child? Hard!
Not fair to the kids. You are too old at that age to responsibly have kids!!
I’m 41 years old going have my baby march 2025 it’s always a blessing to have a baby
I had my twins at 40
My mama had me at 41, and having a mature mother was wonderful! 🥰
I really liked the music you played during the laps around the goat pen!
I was told by my doctor that 3 years ago I had the hormones of a 30 year old.
And that I could likely get pregnant up until the age of 57 years old. Set a thanks so
My story will get everyone laughing. When my grandmother passed we were at the formal lunch that was put on , and I saw some drama going on with my 5 daughters, they weren’t loud but my oldest Amber was grilling all about something. I asked Amber, all she told me is not the place and we would talk later. We are all in the car later, she said with her sisters all there she found a used pregnancy test under the sink at my house. She figured one of her sisters got pregnant. Well, I had to let them know it was my test, I hadn’t had my period, my tubes were tied, but my neighbor confided to me, this happened to her and frankly I couldn’t get a test fast enough. Well I thought it was funny……..🤷🏼♀️
🤭My kids would freak! Mine are (almost) 28, 25, 17 and almost 7! ❤️ I’m looking forward to having my husband to myself 🤣🤣 11 more years! 👩🏼❤️💋👨🏻
@@maryketter2227 Yeah terrifying yet thrilling all rolled into one……..
I just stumbled upon this video. I am so glad I did! I was literally LMAO. By the way, you don't look anywhere near 51! I just subscribed as well.
Thanks for subbing!❤️
I actually got pregnant @53 unfortunately it ended in disappointment. It’s funny how quickly you accept it then are sad when it’s gone, you then realize, how on earth could I have done this 🤦🏼♀️
I’m so sorry! 💔That happened to me at 42 years old. Made it to 9 weeks. Was a total surprise, then we decided to actually try for another. Went through extensive testing. Everything came out great with all that. And now we have our Journey who will turn 7 Oct 21st. Same birthday as her great Grandma and Uncle. She was meant to be! ❤️ I’m sorry for your loss. I know that pain!! 😔
@@Pamsplace73 🫶🏻
@@belladonnanightshade8685 Oh yeah absolutely mother nature you are very devious. Almost every woman ever born has one child and in the process of birthing they declare never again. They mean it too Yet such a short time later they are doing it all over again. For me it was real trauma that made me bawl my eyes out every time I tried to speak it. and I’m seriously not a bawler. Then all of a sudden something takes a hold of you and squeezes you unconscious. Then you wake up like an intercontinental ballistic missile seeking another lil life inside you. Like your life depended on it. Some seriously crazy stuff going on there.
You absolutely can get pregnant at 51. Easily. I have spoken to so many women across my career who’ve had what I call the ‘last egg in the basket’ pregnancy and are shocked as heck. It’s actually a really dangerous time for us at this age because our ovulation tends to be random so we can’t actually pinpoint a cycle anymore. It’s way more chaotic. Also often due to risks the drs have taken us off hormonal contraceptives so that also increases the risk. Seriously, early 50s is a risk time for pregnancy. Not kidding xxx
I'm new here are those your grandchildren with you the reason I ask is because I was a grandmother at 42 they are a blessing! I was 50 and went into menopausal!
Welcome!! 🤗 I had my youngest daughter at 44. My children are 6, 17, 25 and 28. 2 daughters, 2 sons. My one and only grandson turned a year old Sept 25th. ❤️
Monthly bill!!! Too funny. Wish I hadn’t gone through menopause cuz I’d use that one. 😂😂😂
I’m 39, really wanting another child (at least one more), this gives me hope 🙏🏼
GOD bless🙏❤️my mom had me at 39 and my little sister at 40. She’s now 69 and is a strong woman💞
I got second child at 38
@@codechtapia341140 and have a 2.5 month old 😊
Read the book "It starts with the egg." Very helpful and informative!
I had my 5th kiddo at 39 and my 6th at 43. My oldest kiddo was turned 16 3 weeks before my youngest was born. So I now have a 19, 14, 12, 10, 7, and 3 year old. It's all good!
I'm 58 and up until the past year or two I had this recurring dream (more like a nightmare!) where I found out that I was pregnant and due to give birth soon but had never gotten any prenatal care nor was I ready to be a mother again to a newborn well into my 50's. I would wake up and realize that it wasn't real and feel so relieved. I can't imagine getting pregnant at 50+ but I know that it happens. I had my tubes tied at 36 so the chances of that happening to me were slim to none, so I do not know why I was having that dream.
Oh my! I can’t imagine being pregnant or having a baby at 51! That means you’ll be 69 when he reaches adulthood! May you have good health and a healthy baby!
Yeah you might want to actually watch the video.
Thank you for putting the music up ❤❤❤ beautiful music to match your beautiful family. Love all the animals 😊
Thank you!! ❤️
My niece had a baby at 56 after being told 15 years prior she chave more children
That is wonderful!! What a blessing!
Really? Without assisted reproductive procedures? Doubtful and would have put her in the medical record books.
I.m so glad I found your channel again.I didn't know what happened and it's good to see you again.
Had my last one at 40. It wasn’t planned nor did I want another baby but I don’t believe in abortion. She’s 3 and such a sweetie pie.
It was planned by God…glad you didn’t kill your baby. Not sure why people think they have control over this. Enjoy your sweet girl.
Yep Co Q 10. Good for the heart and giving you energy. So when you first take it start to take it. Take it as early in the AM as you can so your sleep isn’t interrupted too much.
Bless you , I can’t imagine
Best wishes 💜
I like your chicken earrings.....It was cute how the chickens were waiting for you to let them out.
My periods ended about age 50 hubby had a vasectomy or I would have gotten tubal I can’t imagine pregnancy at the age I was already a grandma god bless you
No mammography will be undertaken if there is a possibility that a woman of child bearing age and capability might be pregnant. Routine question that some might consider if relevant in advance of their attendance!
@@graniabenge2814 Yeah ha ha ha, I went in to have a spinal CT of my whole spine. The receptionist says any chance you could be pregnant ? I said no, not at all. Not really thinking about it. I just wanted to get in and get it done and be gone.Then went into one of the change rooms and I quickly noticed the little sign with the baby in the womb saying “Do you know I here Mum” Got me thinking of the massive guilt a mother that didn’t know and had the rays, would feel. I was there being all forgiving and Zen and next minute I learn I almost did it too. My first child was a cooking and I was so mad at myself.
Yes they will as well as MRI’s, XRay’s if needed as well as chemotherapy if needed. Being pregnant you absolutely according to the ruling councils need these if there is a chance you have cancer. Many can get worse and become untreatable if the pregnancy continues. Some even have surgery now we work close with Oncology and coordinate delivery with chemo treatments. Now we try not to do these but in some cases it is a life and death situation we have to do these procedures. There are many studies that show especially after the first trimester it is safe. Sometimes even in the first as well. Please, if your Doctor orders one get it they do not want to harm your baby.
Take an😂other test just to be sure . I have very high BP when I go to the Doctor .
I get like that when I go to the doctors and hospitals. They call it the White Coat Syndrome. It happens when you have anxiety, especially when you’re scared of what the doctors will say or if they found something wrong. Your nerves take over and you can’t help to think that there’s something seriously wrong with you and you can’t help but to think the worst. My anxiety medication helps me to cope with anxiety it doesn’t completely eliminate the fears I have, it just helps me from having a severe panic attack especially in public. Therapy helps as well. It might be something you can consider as a way to help you with your anxiety and give you some peace of mind. Just a suggestion.
Aww my heart goes out to you. My daughter has severe anxiety issues. She has something called emetophobia. Fears of throwing up. Anything associated with it like burping even upsets her. She’s on meds and does therapy. Anxiety is a tough one! ❤️
I WORK for the doctor, and have been there since 1987, and I STILL have really bad Whitecoat syndrome 😂. My boss (and doctor) thinks it’s hilarious 🤣….
@@arneciachatmon9757 I’m pretty sure “white coat syndrome” refers to a scientific and measurable rise in BP and HR and maybe something else, maybe perspiration when confronted with Drs or medical situation. As I understand it’s an example of a conditioned response. Our bodies do such without a conscious thought process. Think this could be an example of Pavlovs Conditioned response. Don’t quote me, learned all of this over 50 years ago.Memory is starting to get a little tattered around the edges. Not to mention I am in hospital as high as a kite on allsortsofstuff right now. It’s like trying to think through a concrete block, kinda feelin……. Ha ha ha
I love all the bee close ups❤️🐝❤️🥰
I have known this to happen alot!!! And each and ever case were amazing and mind blowing miracles. I think we don't hear more of this now because doctors scare women. I wish I could list each story here because they are just joyful to hear,but I will just tell one. My husband's friend's wife , her mom had a career as a executive secretary at a well known American company for over twenty years and did not marry until she was 48 yrs old. The woman thought she could not have children ,but to her surprise she got pregnant at 50 and had a baby girl . then had another baby girl ( the woman I know) at 52. These two girls had the best childhood and were the envy of their classmates because each weekend they would go camping and digging for cyrstals. The girls were born in between 1959 and 1962 ,so this was before fertility treatment.
I knew a young woman who was always complaining that her parents should not have chosen to have a baby at the age of 50, having old parents was unfair as her friends had younger looking parents. I looked at her oddly and pointed out that if they had not chosen to have her, she would not even have a life to enjoy, she would not exist and neither would her children!
Hell to the nah. I would definitely be upset at this point with all of the kids adults. I haven’t had a cycle in about 7 years. My cycle stopped at 45-ish
I had a hysterectomy in 2018 I had endometriosis really bad and after my son it was urgent. Me and my husband were not careful and I went to the doctor of course everything was out but my doctor was so old he forgot and moved his office and couldn’t locate my chart. Haha needless to say after a wasted ultrasound I got peace of mind lol 😂
How on earth could you possibly think you might be pregnant without a uterus? That’s actually comical or is it embarrassing to think you don’t understand reproduction.
I had my tubes tied and cauterized at 30 then I had my fourth child at 40 🙄. He’s my favorite 😂😂
How's that even possible?
@@meghanh2511 I had a serious surgery 8 years after I had my tubes tied and the meds to help me recover healed the tubes. Crazy
🤣🤣🤣🤣 love the last little side comment
We don't dictate the souls that are meant to come to us,God does.@@meghanh2511
Love that he’s your favorite 😂😂😂
Happy Birthday🎂🎁🎊🥳🎉
Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️
happy belated bday !! That would be scarey at 51 !! tfs xoxo
Thank you!! For real tho... LOL!
@@IndigoCave28I couldn’t imagine being pregnant at 51 … 😮 it’s not the best for the child , not as much energy and all .. I was a grandma at that age .. if anyone out there wants to or has .. blessings to you and yours ❤
Cute animals
Lol that would be quite the scare lol 😂
My daughter has not had any children yet and she's 41, she doesn't think it's ever going to happen. But make sure if you don't want a baby, that you take birth control because yes! it can happen. And it can happen even if your on 5 birth control pills a day, like I was. I was a few days away from 29, when I had my last child.
Why would anyone take 5 birth control pills a day? It has no benefit and if anything might just cause some nausea or vomiting or headaches.
I have low thyroid since twenty fpur four i am sixty eight mine was off two years was dizzy two years around clock my ankles feet swelled up so bad it affects your whole body from brain heart beat . I also take colesterol meds since twentyfour my mom two my sisters have tyroid its hereditary
For the blood pressure you have the same thing as me, it's called "White coat syndrome", just googled it :) My blood pressure is always hight at the GP, now he knows, at home it's always normal. I have low thyroid, so I'm taking eltroxin since 2012, it's a pain in the ass...
Yesss!! I have been taking my BP at home and it’s perfect. 117/74 I go the the doctor it’s ⬆️ 😑
@@Pamsplace73 Same. so he made me wear a cuff for 24h to check my blood pressure ( it was very not comfortable to sleep with it at night), everything was normal...than he took it himself and it was high, so he told me it's the white coat he knows lol
Im 44 and went to find out if i could get my tubes untied to have one more and learned that when they tied my tubes, they actually took them out😢. I ended up having some other issues and had a hysterectomy in February. Guess it just wasn't meant to be
I am so sorry to hear that! How horrible to find out that they took them out!!! If I could hug you I would! I know how it feels to long for another child. Believe me, if God blessed me with another, my arms would be WIDE open! We tried hard for out last at the age of 44. She definitely is a blessing and I let her know all the time that she is! My little Journey!
@@Pamsplace73 we have four bio, two adopted and had many fosters. They are all grown now and we currently have 9 grandchildren. If we had been able to have another I'm sure we would have had lots of comments from the peanut gallery but it was a dream that I'm sure God will fill by other means. Maybe another foster or adoption? Who knows
I had my tube reversed to have my third child and it was a second marriage, my hubby had no children so I thought it would be nice to have another for him and I wanted to try for a girl I have two boys from previous marriage, and guess what we had a beautiful baby girl, it was a rough birth because I was trying to have natural last two were c- sections and doctor said it was okay, but ended up emergency c- section. I was so happy the tube reversal worked and had a gorgeous baby. This was almost 30 years ago, we have two adult sons and 1 daughter we are so blessed. And we are grandparents to two beautiful grandsons.
Sorry you were so upset. However, THATS why doctors ask, repeatedly, if you're CERTAIN you want a tubal ligation.It's NOT INTENDED to be reversible !! . They may clamp them, but not often because of the risk of the clampss dislodging. They tend to cauterise ( burn) the ends, as that's usually irreversible, or remove the tubes. If they didn't, in these days of litigation ( especially in the USA mentality) they'd be getting sued, all over the place, by women who have had unwanted pregnancies.
I got pregnant with my sixth at age 58. She is 11 now and a miracle!
That’s wonderful!! ❤️❤️❤️I have a soon to be 7 year old. I was 44 when I had her. She’s a wonderful blessing!! ❤️❤️❤️
So you’re 70 now and had this child without any assistance, donor eggs, IVF, nothing? You must be one of the small handful of women who are in the world record books if this happened without medical intervention. I’d love to read your story if it’s been documented for the medical journal.
Grandmother had her 12 child when she was 55 yrs old. Thought she was done with all of it. Oh and the doctor tested her back then and told her no. She felt baby moving and she was. Peace!
How old would your grandmother be today? Your grandmother probably passed one of her kids babies off as her own. It was common back in the day. Hence why there are so many women from that era who say they “accidentally” got pregnant long after menopause was over lol. My grandmother claimed that too but it was my aunts baby and she was covering what was the shame of an illegitimate child back then.
I went through menopause early … I finished my period at 47 .. 😊
I have a few friends that did as well. My mom was 55. I am sure it’s right around the corner for me!
I was also in my early forties….My 50 year old daughter and her sister 45 are just strarting this
Me too! I, was 47 when My Period stopped.
Lucky! I got pregnant with twins at 47 and I mistakenly thought I was going to confirm menopause. And doctor confirmed I wasn't yet in perimenopause yet. I'm now 48... And tired of this monthly visitor with all the discomfort and loss of energy. I can barely function when my Aunt Flow visits.
I was 38 when I was declared through menopause 😮
Your chart probably hasn't been updated correctly since having Journey. It happens all the time. The dr office doesn't go in and "resolve" the pregnancy episode.
You are absolutely right!!!
Keep walking and stay hydrated! ❤
I eat oatmeal with honey cinnamon and sometimes almonds. No milk. I prefer it that way. Sometimes I have a cold.
I would have a heart attack lol
I also went through menopause early, my periods stopped at 40.
I'm new to your channel and I must say, that was a LONG time to say you're NOT pregnant!
🤣🤣🤣It’s a vlog. I daily vlog and basically was sharing a funny story with my friends who watch and interact with me daily. I met my best friend through RUclips! ❤️#sweetthreadsgifts
Cut back on the meats, eat lots of food with fiber and drink green smoothies. Cut back on the coffee too, Dunkin donuts. Feel better
❤️❤️ I love a good smoothie! I don’t drink Dunkin that often. Can’t afford it!! 🤣🤣
As someone with 5 decades and change on the planet that thought would really upset me. Not the pregnancy per say but the thought of having a child with lifelong disability would really upset me. I should also say I have a friend that had her first and only child at 52 and he was super spoiled but normal,so it isn’t a foregone conclusion. Just a much higher risk…
I had similar numbers. My doc put me on that to
I would have peed my pants lol
Your chicken crack me up😂
Congratulations 🎉
That's hard to run around the goat pin that many times. Great job.
It’s up hill too! 🫣 We’ve done it a few times now!
Im 56 and in menopause. I wonder.....
Apples are excellent for health, in a variety of ways.❤
You still could be bc urinre test isnt always correct and blood work can be accurate
There didn’t clear out my last pregnancy. It was still on record from 2017.
Bless your heart 💕💕💕
bless you! They don't want to radiate a fetus at your mammo! that simple that complex. so they ask.
Blood tests are more accurate Have you contacted your doctor?
Yes, everything is good including my cholesterol that I thought was high. I only need to be on vitamin D.
Eating raw garlic lowers blood pressure naturally. Your blood pressure looks good though. 120/ 76 is wonderful
What would make them think you were pregnant, hahaha I will say if you were sometimes when your older you can enjoy them more but I'm glad your not more cause of health issues over 50.
The doctor forgot to clear out my last pregnancy from 2017 on their charts. 🙄 She’s 6 going on 7… I haven’t been to this particular hospital system since having her. But I had just had bloodwork done 5 days prior with my doctor who referred me. I thought what did they find?? 😳🤣😳
You don't look 51.
I went through menopause very early my last period at 38
I'm holding out luck I go through early menopause. I have bad periods
I was 38 too
I say hey if Janet Jackson can do it, well then why can’t us regular folks do it?
Because Janet Jackson didn’t do it, she had a donor.
My Salvation Army let’s you return for store credit within 7 days if something doesn’t work
We can do the same here with Goodwill as long as the original tags are still attached and you have a receipt. I used to have my eye out for 2 different people, would buy (especially at the lowest clearance price) if I thought it would meet thier criteria, and return what didnt work on my next trip through. I passed a Goodwill location most days of the week so it was easy for me and more l,easing yet on high traffic, more stop than go days.
a lot of chikys wowee what state are you in 1st time seeing you
love grey tabby cat
She’s a sweet girl! Miss Aberdeen. She showed up after we loss our cat Ron.❤️ Literally the day we picked up his ashes she was on our doorstep. She looks similar to him. She just adopted us. ❤️
Lol 😂monthly bill 😂
Cholesterol don't eat shrimp it's horrid for cholesterol.
Isn't that a myth my doctor said it is ? Hope so I eat lots😮
It is high, but low in saturated fat. The building block for high Cholesterol is saturated fat. So, shrimp are okay just not in excess. A plate of fries or a donut may not have Cholesterol, but they are bad due to saturated fat. Hope this makes sense.
Change your life baby. That’s what they used to call it.
I love this channel but I also miss videos on your other channel:(
Like talking about Joann’s hauls ❤ and Etsy. I had so many not delivered packages recently that I’m beat 😢BTW I’m sending you a tiny gift in a mail :) Hope you like it
Man! I wish I had money for a Joanns haul!!😭 Dani and I were talking we miss the old days. So sad but I have faith that things will get better! I’m sorry to hear that! Have you tried fed ex? I have been using them a lot. I think I’m gonna to switch to them completely. So far they’ve delivered when they said they would. ❤️❤️
Aww, you don’t have to send me anything! But I appreciate you thinking of me. ❤️❤️Thank you!!
MY SON is 51 years old. .
hello. I am missing something...why did u change channels?
Shadow banned
Milk glass
Thats great that you had a physical and are trying to change your eating habits to lower your cholesterol level. However, from the meals that you post your meals are laden with fatty foods, heavy gravy and you fry ALOT! All your recipes look delish but taking those supplements and zumba are not going to do the job as long as you continue your meals as you do. I give you so much credit as you home school, work and keep a household. Good luck to you!
I personally see nothing wrong with my meals or how I cook. It’s not like I’m eating all of it! I have been portion controlling a little over 7 months now. I have my Sunday dinner as my cheat day and lost over 15lbs. 🙌 I don’t know if you’ve ever done Zumba but it’s one hell of a workout. I talked with my doctor and he’s on board with everything. He agreed my thyroid is a huge roll looking back through my medical records from my previous doctor. He’s very thorough and I feel in good hands with him!! ❤️
Its great that you have found a physician you trust. There is NOTHING WRONG with what you cook but most of the meals I have seen you post look high in fat and calories and lots of desserts. I haven’t seen vlogs of you making nutritious or low cal meals or snacks. Ive done Zumba and oh yes does it kick your butt but when you do see the weight come off or even its just a few pounds but you feel toner its a great feeling. I didnt see that you mentioned you have lost 15#. THAT IS FABULOUS! It took me a while to lose weight and Ive put a few back on-if my message came off as being rude I apologize-was just commenting on your vlog
which are always so honest
. Stay well
@@makovy0329 I had an Aunt like YOU - She drove us ALL NUTS ! : ( She *always* gave ''very'' - ''direct'' UN-Solicited Advice : ( I was raised, IF u can't say something Nice. don't say ANYTHING - At all !! I guess that wasn't taught in your Family : ( A Shame ... I also 'do not' recall HER asking for our Dietary etc advice ?
@@cindyglass5827 yes i am direct and i dont apologize for being so unless I am accused of being rude which i told her if thats how my message sounded i apologized. When people have you tube channels and post their lives they will receive good,bad or indifferent opinions. There was no hate in my comment.
@@makovy0329 I never said there was 'any' Hate ... but, after receiving your reply [to me] what comes though very clearly is, I made a mistake in my assessment of you - You are 3x's worse than my Aunt ; that said - you are Full of Pride, Too rough, curt, rude & ''again'' an UN-solicited Advice Giver ! [period] .....
While i understand the 'nature' of YT [good/ bad etc comments left] that ''does not'' mean that one has to capitalize on this and have a free for all ~ ...
What 'should' speak to ''You'' at this moment is that 2 commented on your comment/advice/assessments of her & IF You had/have 'any' Humility & self introspection skills what-so ever, you'd see what I am speaking to ~ ....
At the end of the day, I believe that 'most' yt'brs are hard working singles or families just trying to be Happy & /or 'get bye' with daily chores, bill paying, meal making, putting food on the table, keeping a roof over their head etc - Life can be tough - esp. now a days ~ N.B. You catch more Flies w/ Honey than Vinegar ; )
BUT, hey - like '''u''' said ''you're'' direct and u dont apologize for being so ... : 0 sad
If you have ovaries and a uterus you can get pregnant. Come on ladies
Unless of course your tubes have damaged or blockage, or have been removed. Or you have fibroids, endometrial polyps, scar tissue, or an abnormally shaped uterus, PCOS, went through menopause or have infertility issues. One of my best friends have tried pretty much all of her adult life for a child. Had all the tests done on her and her husband. No babies. Unexplained infertility. So it takes more than just having the equipment unfortunately. :(
No you can’t, that’s absolutely inaccurate.
Probably pre menopause
I am sure I have to be with these hot flashes!! 🤣 Now if we can just stop with the monthly’s that’d be cool!! 🤣🤣🤣
Just throwing this out there......I had four pregnancies and the urine test showed negative for all four.
Do you eat bananas they helped me with my blood pressure
@@bridgwll haha eat omg stupid phone
I have been eating oatmeal too.
Try Chia Seeds
Great idea! I love chia! We used to buy mama chia in a bottle. It was so good.