Building a live steam model of 'Russell' running on the Welsh Highland Railway, for my garden Railway and coal fired. Silver soldering the main steam pipe.
You don't find that, over time, the oil eats into the rubber grommets? We had a bad time with our refueling aircraft in that regard in the 1950's (KC-97G's). Also, the low temps at higher altitude hardened the rubber seals, but that's another story.
If the joint is close fitting, then there is diffusion from the parent metal into the silver soldered joint and from the joint into the metal, The result is that it always takes more heat to melt a previously soldered joint than it did to make it.
Thanks for your comment. The spanners are BA size and I've accumulated them over the years. You can get them on Ebay or buy them at model engineering suppliers like Macc Models, they have a great mail order catalogue at
Toll gebaut. Gratuliere!
You are great
You don't find that, over time, the oil eats into the rubber grommets? We had a bad time with our refueling aircraft in that regard in the 1950's (KC-97G's). Also, the low temps at higher altitude hardened the rubber seals, but that's another story.
Hi John, some 'o' rings oil will eat into. It depends on the material. I can't remember what these are made of but they last quite well.
If the joint is close fitting, then there is diffusion from the parent metal into the silver soldered joint and from the joint into the metal, The result is that it always takes more heat to melt a previously soldered joint than it did to make it.
Interesting, I didn't know this.
Where does one get a set of those tiny spanners you use?? Also love the videos amazing work on the engines!
Thanks for your comment. The spanners are BA size and I've accumulated them over the years. You can get them on Ebay or buy them at model engineering suppliers like Macc Models, they have a great mail order catalogue at
thank you so much! that's incredibly helpful.
How easy was building the regulator and valves
The regulator was bought ready made from Roundhouse Engineering and the valves from Macc Models. They are reasonably priced and saved a lot of time.
Are You Gonna Put Buffers on it?
Funny you should ask because the next video Part 14 is about how I make these important components.
Gandy Dancer Productions Okay! XD