The JarJar Chase bundle actually gives a minimum of 100 shards and a maximum of 145, so it is on average closer to $0.32 per shard, making it a pretty good deal.
Oopsie. 5 attempts per day would mean 168 days, which is the end of November. If someone bought some shards to get the extra marquee drops, 5 sims per day should safely hit the November 2 target. If not, about a month of 10 sims will be needed.
The total crystal cost for Nov 2 is actually around the number shown for Feb 2 at 11:45. Without no refreshes at all, you finish at the end of November if you need all 280. If you got a bunch of extra shards at the marquee, then everyone is done well before Nov 2 with no refreshes.
Thanks for the cost-per-shard breakdown at the end. When I do the math for shard farming It's usually just about time, and I ignore cost, but it's nice to see that info. The new marquee structure throws an extra step in here for me since every one of my gungans ended up with a different total of shards by the end of the event. Regardless, thanks for this info.
What I'd still like to understand after this video is how the 4 gun guns will overlap. Are you assuming you don't start farming until one is finished? Because the energy used to farm will be more of course when you have 2 or 3 toons farmed at once. The shard refreshes will be the same individually but not the normal energy. For crystals spent it makes a difference...which is why I think farming Boss Nass hard right away will keep the total energy cost in crystals down. It has to.
Interesting, If I went for it, I could probably get them by August, certainly Nov. Not as hard as I thought...assuming the Raid comes out end of July / beginning of August of course.
Thanks - I always enjoy these types of videos!
The JarJar Chase bundle actually gives a minimum of 100 shards and a maximum of 145, so it is on average closer to $0.32 per shard, making it a pretty good deal.
Don't they pretty much always release teams as 2 on hard nodes, 1 ship energy, 1 cantina?
For the attempts/day calculation you only added 30 days per iteration, but shouldn't that be around 90 days added each time?
Yeah, pretty sure there’s more than 60 days between August 2 and February 2…
Yeah November 2nd is 184 days from now, not 80. So this math is wildly off.
Oopsie. 5 attempts per day would mean 168 days, which is the end of November. If someone bought some shards to get the extra marquee drops, 5 sims per day should safely hit the November 2 target. If not, about a month of 10 sims will be needed.
The total crystal cost for Nov 2 is actually around the number shown for Feb 2 at 11:45. Without no refreshes at all, you finish at the end of November if you need all 280. If you got a bunch of extra shards at the marquee, then everyone is done well before Nov 2 with no refreshes.
Mount the Gungan!
This was a really helpful video to avoid panic farming for the second Jar Jar event. Things like this help non-whales.
Thanks for the cost-per-shard breakdown at the end. When I do the math for shard farming It's usually just about time, and I ignore cost, but it's nice to see that info. The new marquee structure throws an extra step in here for me since every one of my gungans ended up with a different total of shards by the end of the event. Regardless, thanks for this info.
Love it, I think this calculation could be updated with the current bonus drops ;D
TY for doing all the math and thinking....these were the questions I had...mathing ain't easy
What I'd still like to understand after this video is how the 4 gun guns will overlap. Are you assuming you don't start farming until one is finished? Because the energy used to farm will be more of course when you have 2 or 3 toons farmed at once. The shard refreshes will be the same individually but not the normal energy. For crystals spent it makes a difference...which is why I think farming Boss Nass hard right away will keep the total energy cost in crystals down. It has to.
Great math, beautiful math. Thanks
Xaereth, I would love to know if you can find that exact post where Meatface said the JJB event was coming on a 3 month schedule...
This is The Way of the Gungan
You’re the man. Great video.
Incase I have missed it have you got a video about what zetas / omi / mod suggestions to make the team work ?
Interesting, If I went for it, I could probably get them by August, certainly Nov. Not as hard as I thought...assuming the Raid comes out end of July / beginning of August of course.
Gun Mounted Gungans
For Phalanx, it's 50, 140, 230 days. Looks like you bumped by 30 instead of 90.
It may not be sexy but this was very helpful. Thank you.
Unless that Gungan team doesn't have jar jar, then a knife might work idk
I like your comment before video usually makes me laugh so thanks
3x energy refreshes is 25+50+100= 175. Not 150. For Boss Nass at least.
I did a few math things wrong. I'll put out a correction video in a couple days, my apologies until then 🙏
great stuff, appreciate you
Yousa Point Is Well Seen
My issue is I’m too reliant on normal
energy to get kyro shock prods. Can’t spare the energy for all these hard farms 😢
The bronziums is why i need that, my bottleneck now is bronziums and basically all i farm is that node, dunno why more ppl aren't bronzium poor tbh
Math Mounting!
Did you take into account how the marquee are set-up now? Lot of us not starting at 3* on Gungans.
Mounting the algorithm again lol
That joke was so bad it made my laugh. I guess it really worked then. 😂
Does this advice still work if I don't want to farm Gungans, and I'm just doing it because I have to? lol
classic horse