hmmm, the head antenna is too thick, its very thin and sharp in the game, other than that overall is good. How is the balance ? From the video it looks very stable even with that huge backpack unit. Shame they dont include a stand base.
Thank you for watching! The antenna may have been made thicker to prevent damage. The balance is not bad, but it becomes more stable if you equip it with weapons.
Just ordered mine! So excited!!
Thank you for watching!
hmmm, the head antenna is too thick, its very thin and sharp in the game, other than that overall is good. How is the balance ? From the video it looks very stable even with that huge backpack unit. Shame they dont include a stand base.
Thank you for watching!
The antenna may have been made thicker to prevent damage.
The balance is not bad, but it becomes more stable if you equip it with weapons.