I am impressed in the way you summarize each step as well as how professionally you explain each step. I wouldn't be able to come up with these tips myself. You've been really helpful. However, I realize that after audition, there another step where after you've been accepted, you start playing rounds along with others and each time they will be eliminating players. How does that work? I believe they're called finals. Like, are you assigned music at random along with others and race with them? I want to understand like the process in which auditions go through.
This is great! I had to prep for my audition on a time crunch. These tips helped a ton!
6:52 I love it. TMEA all region/area and all state again! This is a lot of fun.
Thanks for all these insightful suggestions!!
Thank you for watching!
I am impressed in the way you summarize each step as well as how professionally you explain each step. I wouldn't be able to come up with these tips myself. You've been really helpful. However, I realize that after audition, there another step where after you've been accepted, you start playing rounds along with others and each time they will be eliminating players. How does that work? I believe they're called finals. Like, are you assigned music at random along with others and race with them? I want to understand like the process in which auditions go through.
Great tips ! 👏🏻👍🏼👏🏼👏🏽👍🏾👍😉
Great problem solving tips!
this helped so so so much! Thankyou so much!!