Talking about the Black Experience with the medical field.. As a First Nations Indigenous woman from the poorest reservation in the U.S., I gotta say that my people are going through a lot of the same, with a history of smallpox blankets, forced sterilization all the way up to the early 2000's, newborns stolen from their mothers, even now. And most Indigenous people have high pain tolerances, and we are very well-known for our stoicism. Which is detrimental to proper medical treatment. If treatment can be reached. If anyone trusts the doctors enough to go.
A lot of minority experiences mirror each other. Forced sterilization was also done to black people. My father is half native and my mom is one quarter. What seems to happen is that one race seems to vilified more than the others, making a rift between us.
My Great Grandma was a Choctaw Indian American. I wish I knew more about her. Thank You for sharing this. I understand why my family handled a lot of things like they did.
Yeah the more rural a place the much harder it is to have access to internet or cell networks. Also food deserts. It's truly disturbing. I still remember hearing that last year at the height of the pandemic one reservation requested more medical supplies to deal with covid and they were sent body bags.........sickening
US government doctors did sterilization on Black women, Indigenous women, Puerto-rican women, Mexico American women, and feeble minded white women, as they said.
I (as a white woman) could not believe how different my black husband was treated at the doctors when I went with him. He couldn't get his leg pain taken seriously till I went with him or get his anxiety treated until I went with him. And it only took a single visit apiece to get results when I was there as apposed to YEARS of trying to get help on his own!!!
The really sad thing is I have learn more about Black American History from the Daily Show than I ever learn in my 12 years in the public school system of Michigan
@@unsolicitedopinions7769 ah some people still do, like in 2021 someone said at my workplace, "How come your skin is soft , I thought blacks had thicker skin?" And many nodded..all people working in a hospital
@@aninfinitelyvixxedvip6 that’s so sick. We’re “all humans” when it’s time to ignore racism but then people say things like this wholeheartedly as if it’s based in something scientific or realistic. Smh
@@unsolicitedopinions7769 yeah I was quite shocked, but the thing that shocked me more was that they are really normal people, nice even, and clearly did not mean anything bad with it. And the wonderment..
2:38 💋Best adult contact site💘👇 Click Here 》》 livegirls19. com 《《 Leurs états de santé respectifs les empêchent de s'approcher trop près l'un de l'autre. 在整個人類歷史上,強者, 富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市~sae和鄉村中的弱者,無力防守和貧窮成員。 然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其𝔻𝔸融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。 他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木)來調味食物煮的時候 1619443350
And her family is still not getting paid for it her story came out in a book and the person who wrote the book on their family got paid publicity. And after her story she got notice and Oprah donated to get her a head stone. They use her till today. They never tried to cure her but used her stem cell.
Is her family getting reparations?!!! Some, I didn't see previous comments. Her family at the minimum deserves reparations for the torture and continued use of their ancestors cells.
Umm.. you are put in that position.. it's hard for black men to get jobs . Because our women are so willing to work for racist.. learn a bit more.. no disrespectful
Same thing with grocery stores. The White neighborhood next to our town has every major grocery store brands while our town have only have some Spanish markets.
"The most disrespected person in America is the black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected person in America is the black woman." -Malcom X
I heard a story this week about a clinic that stopped doing online bookings and switched to walk-up only. This way they could actually target the neighborhood they were in.
I believe it. There were areas that opened to all adults of all ages but when indigenous people called they were told they weren't 'elders' or needed to have their tribal enrollment number & identification.😑😑
As a white girl with a P.O as a father (21 years and counting) who is so so so ready to retire and get out of this toxic profession, I'm really glad to be able to share videos like this with him. Thank you Trevor, I cant personally speak for any people of color and their experiences so i appreciate with all my heart these videos trying to educate white and other races about how it is to be black or brown in America.
@@p4rvussy101 i specifically said I cant speak for anyone of color because I don't have those life or cultural experiences. Just because i don't specifically encounter racism, I can be and am an ally and anti racist. I was raised in racism and that means i have to check myself every single day for any biases or dispositions I have and correct them. I'm trying to be a part of the solution instead of feeding the problem.
@@p4rvussy101 i can't speak for anyone else but myself, but I will always be an ally and will always be anti racist and will speak out against it when I see it.
Thank you Trevor for spreading Truth and the real history of American history. The struggles of black women would have destroyed w hite woman if they had to deal with half of this
@@succubuslmao2050 You don't know most white people are racist. And that assumption is racist as well. So to explain what my point is seems like a bad choice.... time spent with a hypocritical person. If you admit you're a racist and that you have no way of backing up your racist statement, then maybe we can talk. Til then have fun with your Trevor Noah Hate Club friends.
If black women are stuggleing why have kids at a young age, thats the last thing you should do if your sturggling. Therefor , having kids young is proof your not struggling
And this is where being able to access your public library is so important. When this pandemic shut ours down I couldn't easily renew my state benefits.
The latter is worse because it adds insult to injury. Imagine your car broke down in the road and the police drive by, exclaim "that's your problem, deal with it" and abandon you there. That's bad. But if they roll up, get angry with you for 'choosing' to stop in the middle of the road and proceed to fine you before leaving you stranded, well, that's worse. Overt racism is refusing to solve a known problem; covert racism is refusing to even acknowledge there is a problem. It's racism garnished with patronizing bs.
Google how gynecology was perfected to the science it is now: because of black women being experimented on without any anesthesia becasue of the false belief of our tolerance for pain.
I live in Rome and all of this means NOTHING to me since I left America. Having to make wt people "comfortable" with my blackness???😂 If someone is crazy enough to need me to alter my authentic self to make them comfortable, then I don't need or want to be anywhere near them 💯 they're crazy
@@peterstoops5683 @Peter Stoops About 905,400, give or take, perhaps roughly ~1 million would be more accurate (despite being less precise). I thought it would be an easy answer, just a quick search on Google, annnnddd... it took me close to half an hour to figure it out. I finally discovered that about 1.5% of Italians are black, then googled the current population of Italy (60.36 million), then did the math (60,360,000 x 0.015 = 905,400.) Way earlier on I saw something saying that about a million Italians are either black or African immigrants, I wasn't sure which one the article was referring to tbh, but in the end that would've been right, lol. Italy doesn't count its population by colour, although the ethnicity of nearly all (~95%) Italians is Italian (white). As an American, I wish people didn't feel that way, everyone should be able to speak (in terms of speaking black/white) however they'd like without any criticism or repercussions. I wish everyone else in my country were more accepting of others and less judgemental.
In the 1950-60 era my stepmother (a white lady) was a real estate agent in Wyoming and devised a way to put black families in homes by using straw buyers that then sold the home using seller financing to the black family. Worked once neighbors' kid began playing with the black family kids. Interesting how kids can integrate regardless of parents. Mental health services are lacking for all but the wealthy regardless of race.
Asi not true anymore if ur very poor on Obama care the state pays your deductubles and u get access to mental health! The problem is though unless ur on disability u can have ur funds garnished if u don't pay the amount insurance doesn't cover! So this is a determent to seeing therapists!
@@oldfogey4679 There are more patients than mental health professionals and if you have to stay within a network it can be extremely difficult to be seen by one, and even if you get seen you are limited to a small number of sessions when therapy really should be done until the patient has made significant progress. However, if money isn't an issue you are able to pay out of pocket for therapy or any service really that's why the wealthy have easier access.
I hope every officer has this in their mind when they interact with marginalized communities. Grateful that some officers stepped forward to do and say the right thing.
@@ezras8889 Yes police officers are not there to offer justice!!! They CANNOT take the law in their hand! Every person deserves a fair trial, even Chauvin got it so why not a minor! Stop normalising murders.
@@ezras8889 to be clear; she was using a knife to defend herself against a group of girls trying to beat on her. SHE is the one that called the cops. If cops can disarm individuals like armed terrorists, serial killers and school shooters, I’m most certain they could’ve disarmed this young lady without taking her life.
The fact that some people don’t see anything wrong with the actions of this police officer towards George Floyd that day speaks volumes. I’m so sick and tired of all this. We blacks are not asking for special treatment. We just want to be treated equally.
@@Comonique curious as to they are. The majority of white ppl want the same however it is more a systematic thing and well the wealthy dont want change...
I've had two different adult sons in the past week get their second vaccinations. When was moderna the second Pfizer. They have both told me they felt as though they've been hit by a truck I have been in bed for 3 days after the second vaccination
The system that allowed George Floyd to be murdered still stands relatively unscathed. Derek Chauvin will face consequences for his crimes, but real justice would be George Floyd and countless other Black people still alive. There is still work to do.
This is amazingly educational for those of us melanin challenged ppl who are trying to learn something to help bridge the gap from this side. This spoke to me. Thanks for sharing wo judgment and the humor is appreciated as it helps to digest the shock of these facts.
@@DarkHarlequin c'mon dude, it's 2021. At this point in our society and in a developed society, an internet access can no longer be considered as a want, but rather a Need for people. At least a few Mbps that would be enough to access crucial information and news. My country's main internet provider had an deal with our government, and placed free WiFi acces point all around the country, people will get a 1GB data pack to use everyday to access the internet. Super useful, and mostly now where the covid vaccine application form is filled online.
@@SC-RGX7 I agree that it should not in a wealthy nation (let alone the worlds wealthiest economy) and yes it's absolutely a need in 2021. Yet here we are...
The car accident part was very real. I was in a car accident 2018 and they would not give me anything for pain. Even tho the doctor and nurses all said I was going to feel worse the next day. I had to make an appointment with my primary doctor to get pain meds and it was the lowest does she could give. I still suffer from severe back pain every single day and every time I go to the doctor they give me meds that don't work.. and I have no type of history of abusing drugs.. I had one doctor tell me if you lose weight that will have your back pain.. Don't get my started on mental health I had a doctor almost laugh in my face when I brought that subject up.
That's so messed up. They treat everyone like they're probably addicts (and it's awful how they treat addicts) when they don't have health insurance. But here you are with a primary doctor (and I'll infer that you therefore have insurance) and they still treat you like that!? Ffs.
@@HaikatrineKat yes I have insurance and still can't get helped.. currently ordering cbd to deal with the pain 100 bucks a month not covered by insurance.
Mea once ur over 55 years old Dr's are legally off the hook it's OK then to hook folks on pain killers! This and racial disrespect maybe why you are still suffering?
I understand what you mean it took me 5 years to get my chronic pain and myriad of other symptoms diagnosed as fibromyalgia an illness i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Doctors (and there were many) didn't take me seriously due to my age gender and race i was in my mid 20's a woman and a chicana in their eyes i was ripe for drug seeking. I just wanted answers. Finally i was diagnosed by a wonderful doctor who left the practice sadly. The pain management doctor was fine but then he got this nurse practioner a white lady who mocked me (literally) and insulted me over the course of several visits on the final visit i started crying out of frustration because the doctor and the nurse (she was watching him like a hawk) decided i no longer needed my pain medication after she insulted me again. He had the audacity to put on my chart that i was hooked on the pain meds when i took them only as directed and never asked for more or a stronger dose I was still in pain but was scared of this vary situation happening. I reported that nurse but got a letter saying basically, they said nothing happened so that was that. I did a lot of research and found Kratom it's a leaf from a tree originally from Malaysia (well the strain i use is from Malaysia) but if the cbd doesn't work check that out the fda wants to ban it because people are using it and it actually helps with pain and it also helps people kick addiction. The only risk is nausea if you take too much but in all the years it's been in the states no one has died from it unlike pain killers. The FDA points out instances where people used hard drugs along with kratom and then died trying to blame that on kratom but it's easily disproven. There is actual data i'm not trying to sell you essential oils or anything lol I hope you find some relief and sorry for writing a novel sending healing energy your way
My aunt and uncle attempted to have house built in 1970 and they were told they couldn't build in the white neighborhood because their house would be better than the white neighborhood had. So sad.
I just watched the show “Them” (which while a far fetched horror story) had a theme of racial tensions in the 1950’s. Even though the show’s fictional, the racially charged scenes were so hard to watch with the awareness that people have been treated so horribly after moving to predominantly white neighborhoods.
@@rasulallah832 What's you're point? Every nation sold thier own people as slaves due to tribal wars or proximity, it even happens today. White on white crime? Anyone?????
And for every comment like you, there's like ten thousand more who don't have the time to comment on youtube about it. Hope ur library and other resources become available soon ♥️
@@agnesstokes1078 I am not a senior, but I ALSO miss going to the library! I'm an introvert who used to live with too many people. I had kind of a mental breakdown during lockdown because I couldn't go to the library for quiet time. Also having all those resources close when I'm working. I can't wait till they open up again, eventho I moved to a quieter house :)
The libraries should be open to those trying to make appointments and whatnot. I mean jeez the bars are open here but not the libraries?! That makes sense. 🙄 Smh
@@ellejenkins9999 I think ours does appointments now, but like... I'm not about to be like, "can I have 4 hours just to sit in the corner with my headphones and my laptop? " Lol
Needs to be a show like this hosted by native Americans giving history and current issues. They've been treated just as bad and in some cases worse. Why have the big networks not done that ? It's way overdue....
All of that "had it worse" stuff needs to stop. The minute you try to make it a competition your true colors show. Wrong is wrong and Native Americans were treated wrong too. If we both drowning I'm not about to give a reason why I should be saved first.
The last segment about living in a segregated society, goes back to when a child begins to learn their identity in school, the learning / social environment can be one of the most traumatizing experiences for many students of color....
It's something like the bias towards the "popular" kids...the ones who define the "in crowd," and always seem to get away with every little wrongdoing while the teacher's looking the other way. But, try to defend yourself against the popular kids...and all of a sudden the teacher sees all rule infractions, and somehow you're the guilty one (sometimes, you're guilty of a crime one of the popular kids committed against you). Attempt to tell the truth, and you're branded a liar. And those people on the "in crowd" who have a conscience and speak up quickly find themselves ostracized, and sometimes implicated as an accessory. With people of color, that same dynamic persists beyond school, even when dressed up with etiquette and respectability...and it's just as wrong, if not more so, because the consequences can be even more dire.
@@Chunkboi ... Being a teacher, I’m sorry you had to go through that! Most teachers wouldn’t do anything to hurt a child... they usually want kids to go home happy! You know how we talked about “ bad apples” the same thing rings true for teachers!
Some teachers speak of metaphorically, their hands being tied, when it comes to how students interact among themselves, but witness the problems, and assesses the situations are of the "norm"among the students. Because of this, many of color feel there is no one in this environment to help them and many will opt to alienate themselves from others because of the toxicity coming from certain cliques of students this unfortunately still is a social reality even today, fthat transfers over into adulthood, and the consequences with authority carries over from such environments, like school, leaving many to adopt the same mentality from those in authority of any kind
@@zizah62 ... ... Oh ok I hear what you’re saying ! I had some problems with 5th graders on that subject! Bullying can be a handful not to mention alienation....I wouldn’t tolerate either one. I chose to be lovingly tough about it and the kids respected me for it. We really didn’t get much help from administration so us teachers were on are own! We African American teachers had a “thing” where kids wanted to be in our classrooms because they needed and wanted tough 💕 love!
@@zizah62 I can only partially relate...I am caucasian, but I have been in situations where I was ostracized and even self-alienated because I knew that I would not find help from authority. I was even brought into the principal's office for breaking a school window...never mind the fact that I was across the yard from where the incident took place, and would have to have been a major league pitcher to make the distance. I despise prejudice because I've had a taste of it. Hell...I had a time in med school when I used what might be considered a racial slur against African-Americans...which was odd because the attending physician in the clinic (who was African-American) had the surname of Darkey. It was even right there on his ID badge. I swear, I thought the patient was going to hit me.
@Khadiatou Berthe I don't have a clue where gynecology got started, but it sounds pretty bad. I've heard about Tuskeegee and Henrietta Lacks, and I've heard about the eugenics-mental health in 100 to 80 years ago Virginia and North Carolina. But the gynecology part is news to me.
When I learned this, I was in literal tears. I can't even begin to imagine... Torture is exactly what this was and I'm so disgusted that this was yet ANOTHER atrocity that was swept under the rug! In school, they make the treatment of black people limited to slavery and even THEN they tame it down so that it JUST looked like all they had to do was pick cotton. It's disgraceful.
I’m a white person living in Japan, which has its own racial/societal problems And it’s nearly impossible to find a therapist that would understand. I imagine not being able to find someone in your own country that doesn’t understand your problems would be horrible. We need more mental health initiatives.
I hope this opens the eyes of all bad cops. You are a cop, not judge, jury and executioner. If they can't stop being murderers then they need new careers.
@@yoyoma17 You have nothing constructive to add to this discussion..... Empty barrels make the most noises. Oppression and discrimination comes in many forms
The lack of black therapist are so relatable. I’ve been seeking a black therapist since December 2020 and here it is April and still no session. I attempted to meet virtually with a non black therapist but it didn’t work out and now I just stay to myself. 😔
@@livinglife7515 I could barely find myself a psychiatrist though. I can't imagine finding one of color not booked solid. But the right person can come around. I know I will never have the same prejudice, but help is out there and the one that will help the most will find time and make things work for any and every client. Sorry, I hope thats somewhat encouraging it took me years myself I just started seeing a psych that required a therapist. I've been through tens of therapists and numerous psychs who couldn't figure me out. I finally started getting somewhere, before I lost my stepdad. But I'm making it, and I pray someone can find you or you can find them. No-one deserves the loneliness it causes.
Now that I’ve reached the end of this I can say I 100% agree with everything and relate to all of it. The struggles I went through to purchase my house was unbelievable. I also am a black woman that works in corporate and constantly deal with the micro aggressions that were talked about. This entire segment needs to be viewed by as many white ppl as possible. Now I need to go take a moment because this segment was low key triggering.
This absolutely true. I taught at a major med school for several years and medical students would ask some of the most ignorant questions about their black patients. It was a little disturbing
@@SE-gs6gd As a medical graduate, I can't say I've had the experience, but I did my clinicals in NY public hospitals. Yes, some populations do have predisposition to certain inherited's incredibly rare to see Sickle Cell anemia in a Caucasian, but it's not outside the realm of possibility. Also, pulse oximeters definitely need some kind of skin surface baseline for accurate readings.
@@Chunkboi" skin surface" ... NOT skin color. "Sickle cell trait is an inherited blood disorder that affects 1 million to 3 million Americans and 8 to 10 percent of African Americans. Sickle cell trait can also affect Hispanics, South Asians, Caucasians from southern Europe, and people from Middle Eastern countries. More than 100 million people worldwide have sickle cell trait. Unlike sickle cell disease, a serious illness in which patients have two genes that cause the production of abnormal hemoglobin (the substance in red blood cells that helps carry oxygen), individuals with sickle cell trait carry only one defective gene and typically live normal lives."
personal experience: responses to job applications also applies to the Latinx community. When I used my maiden name (very white) I got responses nearly every time. Since changing to my married name, it’s been cut in half
@Not Sure And? Undercover reporting on names of applicants sent to hiring managers that sounded more ethnic were rejected over 50% of the your assumption that people wall themselves off culturally is BS...some people can’t even get into the door based on how their name sounds. Point Scored Team Heather...🧐😁
@Not Sure ok...Are we talking corporate America or a mom and pops local ethnic restaurant? If we are talking corporate America...billy bob gets the job🧐
I love Trevor Noah! Just discovered him yesterday and was amazed that I wasn't bored with his long videos. (I usually find anything more than 10 minutes long.) He has a great knack for educating the public in a fun way. I didn't know that Black community are at a disadvantage in getting home loans, etc. Learn alot of what's happening in the US from him. He's truly funny and definitely intelligent.
Fair point about "strong black women". I mean, I don't want to be seen as some helpless wimp because I'm female, but being strong all the time wears a lady out. We all need permission to ask for help sometimes- ALL of us, regardless of skin tone or what is between our legs.
That sucka for you. Trevor nothing is a terrible source for legitimate information and his humour is awful. Oh well people like you don't deserve any better so you don't have my pity.
@Wild Elmo I watched because it popped following a vid on my YT channel after I finished reviewing a vid. I cannot imagine why YT chose this vid. It is awful. Weak attempts at humor accompanying insane levels of disinformation.
Ok I get it!!! Employers don’t want to hire black people, I’m a black woman, I own a Steak restaurant, 95% of my employees are black. No one came to work today and I had to close for business this shift!!! Which is why I’m watching RUclips videos during the lunch rush at my business!!!
@@ayanamiry0 I don't want any thanks, I'm not worthy of them yet. When the system starts to change and the cruelty abates, then maybe I could accept them. The system has to change; until then, all white people, no matter our intentions, are at least partly responsible because we benefit from it. Please have a happy life, and I hope you have people on your side.
Don't be sorry just be an ally! When you see something say something! If you see a Black person pulled over at a traffic stop please record it. We don't need people to feel ashamed or sorry we need people to help. You personally didn't do anything you just live in this system like the rest of us. We need change!
@@christinaharris9528 I promise I will stand up and speak up. Our silence will do nothing. I promise to give aid to those people in need and refuse to just watch. I will try to be the best ally I can be.
If not broadband or computer, call your local heath department to schedule your vaccine. I am 63 yo black woman who is fully vaccinated. I got the Moderna and am glad I got that one. Also shout out to #cityoffortworthtexas and #jpshospital for making medical care accessible in all minority neighborhoods throughout #tarrantcounty.
@@cesheph I’m in a Midwest rural community where a monopoly on broadband exists on my facility. ATT doesn’t have access to the whole community. Anyway- the minimum contract amount is $70. ☹️
That is one one the many obstacles in our community, when it comes to vaccinations, as stated by the video. Trust, is needed, before the phone call could be made.
Trevor Noah is brilliant! Serious topics. Hilarious, intelligent presentation. Laughter breaks down barriers. Entertaining while teaching is a rare and valuable talent combination.
Yeah he really wasn’t lying. I live in a predominantly white neighborhood, and there’s literally a CVS less than a block away. My family and I are Hispanic, so we go to many Hispanic/Latino(a) stores. Pharmacies in those areas are more than a few blocks away from neighborhoods of people like me (and POC in general).
True where I live, there's a Walgreens and CVS on opposite corners. Within a quarter mile of those is a Kroger, a Medpost, and an independent pharmacy.
Henrietta Lacks shows up in just about every science textbook that deals with the topic of cancer cells. Her family probably doesn't get paid for that either. I've known her name for literally decades. She was a superwoman, she just didn't know that.
Her family did finally get compensated decades later, but of course it is impossible to go back and ask for permission. Those cells are all over the world, they are simply the standard way to begin research on something kind of like human cells.
@@anthonynewsome7094 yeah, nah. I love her passion, her goals, what she accomplished.. the woman epitomized what it meant to achieve a goal. Turning GA blue.. it's infkncredible.. so no. I'm not going to rewrite or rethink what I wrote. She's a legend and deserves to be seen as such.
I'm a Latina ' I got the first dose . I'm fine waiting for my 2dose. Let get back to normal time. Trevor points in this video. Thank you. We are humans and we on earth is giong thru. 😊❤💯
Latino's don't like black people & often share sentiments with racist white people on "What black people are" & "What black people do". Do NOT trust these racist latinos, they want to whiten their race after all.
The distrust of medical professionals is also rooted in present day mistreatment by these individuals. One time I as a Black woman went to the doctor to get a COVID test. I remember my physician walking into the exam room to take a throat swab. Rather than gently guide the swab along my throat, he jabbed the swab into the back of my throat so hard, I started to bleed. I told him, “Ouch doc, that really hurt.” His response, instead of employing empathy and apologizing, said the equivalent of “Oh well, it seems fine.” Then proceeded to conclude our session and leave the room. I felt so hurt misused and confused over my gaslighting experience. I hope I never see that man again. But it’s likely I will
I don’t watch TV any more. Tried to watch the other night but there is nothing worth watching. I’m going to cancel my satellite service next month. I’m tired of paying $160 a month for nothing. Anything I care to watch is on the internet. Times change.
@@darrenbenson2606 @Darren Benson I just stream everything. I bought a smart tv and I just cast my shows. I have a website that has everything for free but I used to have Netflix. It's been three years now and I went from $130 to $53 with fees and taxes. I would recommend the change.
Talking about the Black Experience with the medical field.. As a First Nations Indigenous woman from the poorest reservation in the U.S., I gotta say that my people are going through a lot of the same, with a history of smallpox blankets, forced sterilization all the way up to the early 2000's, newborns stolen from their mothers, even now. And most Indigenous people have high pain tolerances, and we are very well-known for our stoicism. Which is detrimental to proper medical treatment. If treatment can be reached. If anyone trusts the doctors enough to go.
A lot of minority experiences mirror each other. Forced sterilization was also done to black people. My father is half native and my mom is one quarter. What seems to happen is that one race seems to vilified more than the others, making a rift between us.
My Great Grandma was a Choctaw Indian American. I wish I knew more about her. Thank You for sharing this. I understand why my family handled a lot of things like they did.
Yeah the more rural a place the much harder it is to have access to internet or cell networks. Also food deserts. It's truly disturbing. I still remember hearing that last year at the height of the pandemic one reservation requested more medical supplies to deal with covid and they were sent body bags.........sickening
@Malahn You speak the truth.
US government doctors did sterilization on Black women, Indigenous women, Puerto-rican women, Mexico American women, and feeble minded white women, as they said.
I (as a white woman) could not believe how different my black husband was treated at the doctors when I went with him. He couldn't get his leg pain taken seriously till I went with him or get his anxiety treated until I went with him. And it only took a single visit apiece to get results when I was there as apposed to YEARS of trying to get help on his own!!!
continue to share this story
We go through this daily. We have first convince certain people that the pain is real.
I need to pay a white man to play my husband
@@piinkz30 ☠️😂😂
@@piinkz30 girl what ? 😂🤣
Oh my the amount of truth in this short video is overwhelming 😔
The really sad thing is I have learn more about Black American History from the Daily Show than I ever learn in my 12 years in the public school system of Michigan
Fact check
Sad, yet so true.
Then u arent learning history
I agree ,me too
To believe that a human being can't feel pain due to melanin... the gynecology thing was heartbreaking. Stopping to breathe through the anger.
Supposedly they thought babies couldn’t either at one point. So not just because of that. It’s crazy anyway though.
@@DB-sy6xc they literally thought melanin made the skin thicker. Yes, that is why when it came to gynecological studies.
@@unsolicitedopinions7769 ah some people still do, like in 2021 someone said at my workplace, "How come your skin is soft , I thought blacks had thicker skin?" And many nodded..all people working in a hospital
@@aninfinitelyvixxedvip6 that’s so sick. We’re “all humans” when it’s time to ignore racism but then people say things like this wholeheartedly as if it’s based in something scientific or realistic. Smh
@@unsolicitedopinions7769 yeah I was quite shocked, but the thing that shocked me more was that they are really normal people, nice even, and clearly did not mean anything bad with it. And the wonderment..
I hate that I have to show this to my kids one day, but they must understand why we parent them the way we do. Thank you Trevor.
Wow... that was existentially disturbing.... 😳
How about teaching them what everyone else is learning. You're teaching victimization.
@@debracottrill7989 your obliviously the person who doesn't get it. Just say nothing if you don't. Did you not listen to anything said!!!
2:38 💋Best adult contact site💘👇
Click Here 》》 livegirls19. com 《《
Leurs états de santé
respectifs les empêchent
de s'approcher trop
près l'un de l'autre.
他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木)來調味食物煮的時候 1619443350
You also show them what a lavish life style black sports stars and black artits and black celebrities live? They are living the life 🙂
Henrietta Lacks' cells should make her a living saint as those cells are still used in medical research today.
But instead she was scrubbed away....
And her family is still not getting paid for it her story came out in a book and the person who wrote the book on their family got paid publicity. And after her story she got notice and Oprah donated to get her a head stone. They use her till today. They never tried to cure her but used her stem cell.
Is her family getting reparations?!!!
Some, I didn't see previous comments. Her family at the minimum deserves reparations for the torture and continued use of their ancestors cells.
Not to mention the billions of dollars that they've made off of them!
Black women still working to get respect all around, including from our own.
Facts though! 🖤✊🏾
Umm.. you are put in that position.. it's hard for black men to get jobs . Because our women are so willing to work for racist.. learn a bit more.. no disrespectful
That is so true especially in this company that I worked for in this state I live. The slogan is All about The South....
Think about that.
This is a strawman argument at best.
@@RestStopRocks How is this facts???
People like you, genuinely interested in humankind, are a beacon of light for the future to come.
Making us laugh while giving us real history lesson! Trevor, you are pure gold!!!
For real lol 👑
Same thing with grocery stores. The White neighborhood next to our town has every major grocery store brands while our town have only have some Spanish markets.
That's because the high amount of theft in your neighborhood. The smart corporations don't want to be stolen from. Simple and smart.
"The most disrespected person in America is the black woman.
The most unprotected person in America is the black woman.
The most neglected person in America is the black woman."
-Malcom X
He also said dont trust the media!
Cap its black children
He also would have killed mixed ppl
Malcom X was a racist.
@@HashknightGaming what in the white people are u talking about lmafo
I heard a story this week about a clinic that stopped doing online bookings and switched to walk-up only. This way they could actually target the neighborhood they were in.
I believe it. There were areas that opened to all adults of all ages but when indigenous people called they were told they weren't 'elders' or needed to have their tribal enrollment number & identification.😑😑
As a white girl with a P.O as a father (21 years and counting) who is so so so ready to retire and get out of this toxic profession, I'm really glad to be able to share videos like this with him. Thank you Trevor, I cant personally speak for any people of color and their experiences so i appreciate with all my heart these videos trying to educate white and other races about how it is to be black or brown in America.
oh don’t speak for me girl , i’m brown and you don’t need to talk against the ‘systemic racism’ in america 😂
@@p4rvussy101 i specifically said I cant speak for anyone of color because I don't have those life or cultural experiences. Just because i don't specifically encounter racism, I can be and am an ally and anti racist. I was raised in racism and that means i have to check myself every single day for any biases or dispositions I have and correct them. I'm trying to be a part of the solution instead of feeding the problem.
@@p4rvussy101 i can't speak for anyone else but myself, but I will always be an ally and will always be anti racist and will speak out against it when I see it.
Trevor was raised in South Africa, he came here because its the best country in the world what ever color you are
@@peterstoops5683 not really the best but alr 😭😂
Thanks for this piece on black women and the acknowledgement of our many contributions,
my brother.
I’m going to have to give Leo Deblin a call. That brother always got the hook up.
Thank you Trevor for spreading Truth and the real history of American history. The struggles of black women would have destroyed w hite woman if they had to deal with half of this
well, that's racist.
@@GARY84ROCKS and so are most white people... your point?
@@succubuslmao2050 You don't know most white people are racist. And that assumption is racist as well. So to explain what my point is seems like a bad choice.... time spent with a hypocritical person. If you admit you're a racist and that you have no way of backing up your racist statement, then maybe we can talk. Til then have fun with your Trevor Noah Hate Club friends.
2:32 ۞―P̳r̳e̳m̳i̳u̳m̳ ̳P̳r̳i̳v̳a̳t̳ ̳S̳e̳x̳―۞
➡️➡️️ 》》 livegirls19. com 《《
♠【﹄💖𝐊𝐋𝐈𝐊≔⫸LINK 💖﹃】 ♠みゃあこさん!ฅ( ̳• •̫ • ̳ฅ)ニャン !❤️ 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。
來調味食物煮的時候 1619427807
If black women are stuggleing why have kids at a young age, thats the last thing you should do if your sturggling. Therefor , having kids young is proof your not struggling
And this is where being able to access your public library is so important. When this pandemic shut ours down I couldn't easily renew my state benefits.
This is by far the best Daily Show you have done. You get the Bronzeville/Black Chicagoan Historical Society award for the year!
I'm not sure which makes me more angry. The overtly racist people or the ones that deny it exists and get angry when its pointed out
what they demand is the fun without the consequences hence, the pushback
That makes absolutely no sense. We are doomed
The latter is worse because it adds insult to injury. Imagine your car broke down in the road and the police drive by, exclaim "that's your problem, deal with it" and abandon you there. That's bad. But if they roll up, get angry with you for 'choosing' to stop in the middle of the road and proceed to fine you before leaving you stranded, well, that's worse. Overt racism is refusing to solve a known problem; covert racism is refusing to even acknowledge there is a problem. It's racism garnished with patronizing bs.
The latter
Thank you for these informative videos! They are embarrassingly, painfully and importantly educational; keep them coming!
His videos aren't informative in the slightest. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Google how gynecology was perfected to the science it is now: because of black women being experimented on without any anesthesia becasue of the false belief of our tolerance for pain.
I'm just sick. Physically sick. So much torture I have learned about in the last 2 years. ☘🌎🌏🌍☘
FACTS!!!! 💯💯💯
I studied this in medical school. Very sad, egregious, sickening and disgusting!!! 😡
If doctors think that imagine what the police believe
That's the truth right there!
With this, now I am sure the polices think shooting black people is injecting them with vitamin pills 💔
We don’t have to imagine it. We saw George Floyd, mike brown, Castille, gray, breonna, Blaine, countless others.......etc.etc.....ugh!,
I live in Rome and all of this means NOTHING to me since I left America. Having to make wt people "comfortable" with my blackness???😂 If someone is crazy enough to need me to alter my authentic self to make them comfortable, then I don't need or want to be anywhere near them 💯 they're crazy
what percentage of italy is black people?
@@peterstoops5683 @Peter Stoops About 905,400, give or take, perhaps roughly ~1 million would be more accurate (despite being less precise).
I thought it would be an easy answer, just a quick search on Google, annnnddd... it took me close to half an hour to figure it out. I finally discovered that about 1.5% of Italians are black, then googled the current population of Italy (60.36 million), then did the math (60,360,000 x 0.015 = 905,400.) Way earlier on I saw something saying that about a million Italians are either black or African immigrants, I wasn't sure which one the article was referring to tbh, but in the end that would've been right, lol.
Italy doesn't count its population by colour, although the ethnicity of nearly all (~95%) Italians is Italian (white).
As an American, I wish people didn't feel that way, everyone should be able to speak (in terms of speaking black/white) however they'd like without any criticism or repercussions. I wish everyone else in my country were more accepting of others and less judgemental.
As a European myself, don’t tell me Italians love the blacks in their country, or any European country for that matter. 🙄
@Impersonal Brahman
Yeah, for real. 🤦🏻♀️ She is trying to make you believe that🤣🤣🤣
YOU, Dear Trevor, are a global treasure!! Keep on telling us all the truth!!
One of the Best Daily show episode.
In the 1950-60 era my stepmother (a white lady) was a real estate agent in Wyoming and devised a way to put black families in homes by using straw buyers that then sold the home using seller financing to the black family. Worked once neighbors' kid began playing with the black family kids. Interesting how kids can integrate regardless of parents. Mental health services are lacking for all but the wealthy regardless of race.
Asi not true anymore if ur very poor on Obama care the state pays your deductubles and u get access to mental health! The problem is though unless ur on disability u can have ur funds garnished if u don't pay the amount insurance doesn't cover! So this is a determent to seeing therapists!
I do believe that racism is a mental illness because the hate has to be nurtured for it to sustain
@@oldfogey4679 There are more patients than mental health professionals and if you have to stay within a network it can be extremely difficult to be seen by one, and even if you get seen you are limited to a small number of sessions when therapy really should be done until the patient has made significant progress. However, if money isn't an issue you are able to pay out of pocket for therapy or any service really that's why the wealthy have easier access.
WoW! A+++ in the History of Blacks in America 🥰 plus another A+++ for making me ROTFL at the hilarious way it’s presented
The Roy Woods church segment took me all the way out☠💀🤣
😂😂😂.. Hilarious
Yes, that's why they write it, but thank you for your insight.
The only cross in my network is Jesus 🤣
I died! I need to clip that segment out 😅😅😅
🤣🤣🤣 he was turnt
You should put this in a primetime special because they need to get this and they are not seeing this where you are now. Great stuff! 👏🏾
I hope every officer has this in their mind when they interact with marginalized communities. Grateful that some officers stepped forward to do and say the right thing.
@@ezras8889 Yes police officers are not there to offer justice!!! They CANNOT take the law in their hand! Every person deserves a fair trial, even Chauvin got it so why not a minor! Stop normalising murders.
@@ezras8889 to be clear; she was using a knife
to defend herself against a group of girls trying to beat on her. SHE is the one that called the cops. If cops can disarm individuals like armed terrorists, serial killers and school shooters, I’m most certain they could’ve disarmed this young lady without taking her life.
Let me guess you are okay with cops investigating themselves and almost never finding anything wrong.
@@ezras8889 Why are you so mad at the Chauvin conviction?
The fact that some people don’t see anything wrong with the actions of this police officer towards George Floyd that day speaks volumes. I’m so sick and tired of all this. We blacks are not asking for special treatment. We just want to be treated equally.
The problem is that they don’t see us as equal unless we are effecting the economy. Then we count.
With dignity!! With respect!!!! With compassion!!! We all want a New World! No more ab/use of others!
@@Comonique curious as to they are. The majority of white ppl want the same however it is more a systematic thing and well the wealthy dont want change...
They don't know what Equal is. I believe this is where we implement "Teach People How To Treat You" !!!
That second Moderna jacked me up.Chills, fever and allergic reaction. My recommendation is take it on a Thursday
Me too got Pfizer. My body felt like someone beat me up. Tylenol helped.
I take my second on the 30th. I was told to take the next day off. Seems the second dose has this effect on many...
Took the Pfizer, the first one hit harder than the second, but it wasn't that bad.
I've had two
I've had two different adult sons in the past week get their second vaccinations. When was moderna the second Pfizer. They have both told me they felt as though they've been hit by a truck I have been in bed for 3 days after the second vaccination
Great show ! You touched on a lot of points between black and white cultures 👍🏽
Thank you Trevor....we need to keep these conversations going...💗
The system that allowed George Floyd to be murdered still stands relatively unscathed. Derek Chauvin will face consequences for his crimes, but real justice would be George Floyd and countless other Black people still alive. There is still work to do.
Still out here selling comments that aren't yours I see
No kidding! Now we have Oklahoma banning recording cops and publishing it.
@@MountainLWolf Wouldn't that violate the 1st amendment?
I love the police!
Thank you for this show Trevor you the best I’m 14 and I watch you for the truth .
The change in his fro every time clips change has me dying!
This is amazingly educational for those of us melanin challenged ppl who are trying to learn something to help bridge the gap from this side.
This spoke to me. Thanks for sharing wo judgment and the humor is appreciated as it helps to digest the shock of these facts.
Just say born without melanin. 🙄 Theres nothing challenging about you not having it.
Trevor and TDS has done it again! 07/2022 absolutely needs this....amazing work. This is why I love your show. Keep up the great work⭐
This was such a great informative show. Trevor is so funny yet this is sad to listen to.
Great job Mr.Noah thank you.
America: boast being the most advanced country in the world
Also America: sorry we don't have internet for you
'The US is a fantastic place to live... if you have a lot of money!' is still the most simple yet fitting description I have heard.
I find I’m usually embarrassed to be an American.
@@DarkHarlequin c'mon dude, it's 2021. At this point in our society and in a developed society, an internet access can no longer be considered as a want, but rather a Need for people. At least a few Mbps that would be enough to access crucial information and news. My country's main internet provider had an deal with our government, and placed free WiFi acces point all around the country, people will get a 1GB data pack to use everyday to access the internet. Super useful, and mostly now where the covid vaccine application form is filled online.
@@SC-RGX7 I agree that it should not in a wealthy nation (let alone the worlds wealthiest economy) and yes it's absolutely a need in 2021. Yet here we are...
@@DarkHarlequin makes you think a lot
excellent segment Trev and crew, appreciate it
The car accident part was very real. I was in a car accident 2018 and they would not give me anything for pain. Even tho the doctor and nurses all said I was going to feel worse the next day. I had to make an appointment with my primary doctor to get pain meds and it was the lowest does she could give. I still suffer from severe back pain every single day and every time I go to the doctor they give me meds that don't work.. and I have no type of history of abusing drugs.. I had one doctor tell me if you lose weight that will have your back pain.. Don't get my started on mental health I had a doctor almost laugh in my face when I brought that subject up.
That's so messed up. They treat everyone like they're probably addicts (and it's awful how they treat addicts) when they don't have health insurance. But here you are with a primary doctor (and I'll infer that you therefore have insurance) and they still treat you like that!? Ffs.
@@HaikatrineKat yes I have insurance and still can't get helped.. currently ordering cbd to deal with the pain 100 bucks a month not covered by insurance.
Mea once ur over 55 years old Dr's are legally off the hook it's OK then to hook folks on pain killers! This and racial disrespect maybe why you are still suffering?
I understand what you mean it took me 5 years to get my chronic pain and myriad of other symptoms diagnosed as fibromyalgia an illness i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Doctors (and there were many) didn't take me seriously due to my age gender and race i was in my mid 20's a woman and a chicana in their eyes i was ripe for drug seeking. I just wanted answers. Finally i was diagnosed by a wonderful doctor who left the practice sadly.
The pain management doctor was fine but then he got this nurse practioner a white lady who mocked me (literally) and insulted me over the course of several visits on the final visit i started crying out of frustration because the doctor and the nurse (she was watching him like a hawk) decided i no longer needed my pain medication after she insulted me again. He had the audacity to put on my chart that i was hooked on the pain meds when i took them only as directed and never asked for more or a stronger dose I was still in pain but was scared of this vary situation happening. I reported that nurse but got a letter saying basically, they said nothing happened so that was that.
I did a lot of research and found Kratom it's a leaf from a tree originally from Malaysia (well the strain i use is from Malaysia) but if the cbd doesn't work check that out the fda wants to ban it because people are using it and it actually helps with pain and it also helps people kick addiction. The only risk is nausea if you take too much but in all the years it's been in the states no one has died from it unlike pain killers. The FDA points out instances where people used hard drugs along with kratom and then died trying to blame that on kratom but it's easily disproven. There is actual data i'm not trying to sell you essential oils or anything lol I hope you find some relief and sorry for writing a novel sending healing energy your way
My aunt and uncle attempted to have house built in 1970 and they were told they couldn't build in the white neighborhood because their house would be better than the white neighborhood had. So sad.
I just watched the show “Them” (which while a far fetched horror story) had a theme of racial tensions in the 1950’s. Even though the show’s fictional, the racially charged scenes were so hard to watch with the awareness that people have been treated so horribly after moving to predominantly white neighborhoods.
This is no longer the 1070s.
@@kristalefler4931 It's actually all true, nothing far fetched about it, NOTHING!!!
In 1562, Black local rulers started selling slaves from Africa!
@@rasulallah832 What's you're point? Every nation sold thier own people as slaves due to tribal wars or proximity, it even happens today. White on white crime? Anyone?????
That's so true but I'm caught in the middle as long as the library's are closed I haven't got access to a computer unless I go to Staples and pay
And for every comment like you, there's like ten thousand more who don't have the time to comment on youtube about it.
Hope ur library and other resources become available soon ♥️
@@SavageMinnow So do I. I'm a senior and miss going to the library because they have so many things I could participate in
@@agnesstokes1078 I am not a senior, but I ALSO miss going to the library! I'm an introvert who used to live with too many people. I had kind of a mental breakdown during lockdown because I couldn't go to the library for quiet time. Also having all those resources close when I'm working. I can't wait till they open up again, eventho I moved to a quieter house :)
The libraries should be open to those trying to make appointments and whatnot. I mean jeez the bars are open here but not the libraries?! That makes sense. 🙄 Smh
@@ellejenkins9999 I think ours does appointments now, but like... I'm not about to be like, "can I have 4 hours just to sit in the corner with my headphones and my laptop? " Lol
Needs to be a show like this hosted by native Americans giving history and current issues. They've been treated just as bad and in some cases worse. Why have the big networks not done that ? It's way overdue....
They should pitch a show
I it’s almost like the Native American do not exist,
I feel you. The last time I heard from you all was the covid border prevention.
All of that "had it worse" stuff needs to stop. The minute you try to make it a competition your true colors show. Wrong is wrong and Native Americans were treated wrong too. If we both drowning I'm not about to give a reason why I should be saved first.
@@kiddchris9579 I like your drowning analogy. Beautiful
I am grateful for trevor and the writers he has brought fourth and the knowledge
Thank you for posting this Trevor ❤❤
The last segment about living in a segregated society, goes back to when a child begins to learn their identity in school, the learning / social environment can be one of the most traumatizing experiences for many students of color....
It's something like the bias towards the "popular" kids...the ones who define the "in crowd," and always seem to get away with every little wrongdoing while the teacher's looking the other way. But, try to defend yourself against the popular kids...and all of a sudden the teacher sees all rule infractions, and somehow you're the guilty one (sometimes, you're guilty of a crime one of the popular kids committed against you). Attempt to tell the truth, and you're branded a liar. And those people on the "in crowd" who have a conscience and speak up quickly find themselves ostracized, and sometimes implicated as an accessory.
With people of color, that same dynamic persists beyond school, even when dressed up with etiquette and respectability...and it's just as wrong, if not more so, because the consequences can be even more dire.
@@Chunkboi ... Being a teacher, I’m sorry you had to go through that! Most teachers wouldn’t do anything to hurt a child... they usually want kids to go home happy! You know how we talked about “ bad apples” the same thing rings true for teachers!
Some teachers speak of metaphorically, their hands being tied, when it comes to how students interact among themselves, but witness the problems, and assesses the situations are of the "norm"among the students. Because of this, many of color feel there is no one in this environment to help them and many will opt to alienate themselves from others because of the toxicity coming from certain cliques of students this unfortunately still is a social reality even today, fthat transfers over into adulthood, and the consequences with authority carries over from such environments, like school, leaving many to adopt the same mentality from those in authority of any kind
@@zizah62 ... ... Oh ok I hear what you’re saying ! I had some problems with 5th graders on that subject! Bullying can be a handful not to mention alienation....I wouldn’t tolerate either one. I chose to be lovingly tough about it and the kids respected me for it. We really didn’t get much help from administration so us teachers were on are own! We African American teachers had a “thing” where kids wanted to be in our classrooms because they needed and wanted tough 💕 love!
@@zizah62 I can only partially relate...I am caucasian, but I have been in situations where I was ostracized and even self-alienated because I knew that I would not find help from authority. I was even brought into the principal's office for breaking a school window...never mind the fact that I was across the yard from where the incident took place, and would have to have been a major league pitcher to make the distance.
I despise prejudice because I've had a taste of it. Hell...I had a time in med school when I used what might be considered a racial slur against African-Americans...which was odd because the attending physician in the clinic (who was African-American) had the surname of Darkey. It was even right there on his ID badge. I swear, I thought the patient was going to hit me.
Let's not forget how gynecology was formed...
So happy they removed his statue
And so happy of the making of 'The Mothers of Gynecology' monument
Because we don't feel pain... he tortured that poor woman to death just because he knew he could get away with it.
@Khadiatou Berthe I don't have a clue where gynecology got started, but it sounds pretty bad. I've heard about Tuskeegee and Henrietta Lacks, and I've heard about the eugenics-mental health in 100 to 80 years ago Virginia and North Carolina. But the gynecology part is news to me.
When I learned this, I was in literal tears. I can't even begin to imagine... Torture is exactly what this was and I'm so disgusted that this was yet ANOTHER atrocity that was swept under the rug! In school, they make the treatment of black people limited to slavery and even THEN they tame it down so that it JUST looked like all they had to do was pick cotton. It's disgraceful.
I want to go to your church I think it rocks !!!! First time I've smiled in a long time thanks 🙏🏼
Thank you trevor for speaking up and out!
I’m a white person living in Japan, which has its own racial/societal problems
And it’s nearly impossible to find a therapist that would understand.
I imagine not being able to find someone in your own country that doesn’t understand your problems would be horrible. We need more mental health initiatives.
But it's not your country.
Thank you for this video The Daily Show
Connecting race and income; ignores how black people of the same income as white have racial disparity in every area
I hope this opens the eyes of all bad cops. You are a cop, not judge, jury and executioner. If they can't stop being murderers then they need new careers.
Absolutely..please work at Amazon
Get a life.
@@yoyoma17 You have nothing constructive to add to this discussion..... Empty barrels make the most noises. Oppression and discrimination comes in many forms
@Not Sure wHiTe LiVeS mAtTeR.
@@yaadythommo5548 Amen! " empty barrels make the most noise. " A phrase I also use.
The lack of black therapist are so relatable. I’ve been seeking a black therapist since December 2020 and here it is April and still no session. I attempted to meet virtually with a non black therapist but it didn’t work out and now I just stay to myself. 😔
Exactly I have been looking since November 2019.
It took a year for me to find a psychologist that’s a black woman; definitely couldn’t find a psychiatrist.
Are you on Clunhouse app?
I know I can't possibly be the best replacement. But I will listen without judgement or prejudice. You deserve any of the same help I'm recieving.
@@livinglife7515 I could barely find myself a psychiatrist though. I can't imagine finding one of color not booked solid. But the right person can come around. I know I will never have the same prejudice, but help is out there and the one that will help the most will find time and make things work for any and every client. Sorry, I hope thats somewhat encouraging it took me years myself I just started seeing a psych that required a therapist. I've been through tens of therapists and numerous psychs who couldn't figure me out. I finally started getting somewhere, before I lost my stepdad. But I'm making it, and I pray someone can find you or you can find them. No-one deserves the loneliness it causes.
Now that I’ve reached the end of this I can say I 100% agree with everything and relate to all of it. The struggles I went through to purchase my house was unbelievable. I also am a black woman that works in corporate and constantly deal with the micro aggressions that were talked about. This entire segment needs to be viewed by as many white ppl as possible. Now I need to go take a moment because this segment was low key triggering.
Some Medical Schools still teach some of these thoughts as part of their curriculum... so they have not come that far in 2021...
This absolutely true. I taught at a major med school for several years and medical students would ask some of the most ignorant questions about their black patients. It was a little disturbing
@@SE-gs6gd As a medical graduate, I can't say I've had the experience, but I did my clinicals in NY public hospitals.
Yes, some populations do have predisposition to certain inherited's incredibly rare to see Sickle Cell anemia in a Caucasian, but it's not outside the realm of possibility.
Also, pulse oximeters definitely need some kind of skin surface baseline for accurate readings.
3:57 B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's -L-o-V-e-S-e-X-..❤️⤵️
livegirls19. com
在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1619454977
@@narendrasarkar6368 8h0
@@Chunkboi" skin surface" ... NOT skin color.
"Sickle cell trait is an inherited blood disorder that affects 1 million to 3 million Americans and 8 to 10 percent of African Americans. Sickle cell trait can also affect Hispanics, South Asians, Caucasians from southern Europe, and people from Middle Eastern countries. More than 100 million people worldwide have sickle cell trait.
Unlike sickle cell disease, a serious illness in which patients have two genes that cause the production of abnormal hemoglobin (the substance in red blood cells that helps carry oxygen), individuals with sickle cell trait carry only one defective gene and typically live normal lives."
This was a really great segment! Thanks Trevor!
For me pharmacy is half hour away in both directions. Neighborhood has one convenient store. To get vaccines traveled 1 hour to get it.
2:55 ➡️ livegirls19. com ⤵️
B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's
說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1619440710
Always educational! Thank you Trevor!
Trevor's routine of his grandmother pulling out money from her bra to give to her dear one is so hilarious. So true to life.
My mother still do that too. :)
personal experience: responses to job applications also applies to the Latinx community. When I used my maiden name (very white) I got responses nearly every time. Since changing to my married name, it’s been cut in half
@Not Sure And? Undercover reporting on names of applicants sent to hiring managers that sounded more ethnic were rejected over 50% of the your assumption that people wall themselves off culturally is BS...some people can’t even get into the door based on how their name sounds. Point Scored Team Heather...🧐😁
@Not Sure ok...Are we talking corporate America or a mom and pops local ethnic restaurant? If we are talking corporate America...billy bob gets the job🧐
Please stop using the word Latinx. It doesn't make sense linguistically and needs to just go away. Thanks.👍
@@pinwheelart2825 wow....that’s the same way I feel about the “N” word...👍🏾😁
@Not Sure Billy Bob will get the job before Dequan or Hector while you're trying to be funny. And this is why we say white privilege exists.
34:16 Ok the black pastor therapist skit was wonderful “the only cross in my network is Jesus” I died 😂
This was amazing. Thank you! 🙏🏼
I love Trevor Noah! Just discovered him yesterday and was amazed that I wasn't bored with his long videos. (I usually find anything more than 10 minutes long.) He has a great knack for educating the public in a fun way. I didn't know that Black community are at a disadvantage in getting home loans, etc. Learn alot of what's happening in the US from him. He's truly funny and definitely intelligent.
This was so well done and I love the humour.
Fair point about "strong black women". I mean, I don't want to be seen as some helpless wimp because I'm female, but being strong all the time wears a lady out. We all need permission to ask for help sometimes- ALL of us, regardless of skin tone or what is between our legs.
ah, yes, my fav and only, trust worthy, news channel.... with sass...
Sass as in Syntactically Awesome Style Sheet? 🤷
That sucka for you. Trevor nothing is a terrible source for legitimate information and his humour is awful. Oh well people like you don't deserve any better so you don't have my pity.
@Wild Elmo I watched because it popped following a vid on my YT channel after I finished reviewing a vid. I cannot imagine why YT chose this vid. It is awful. Weak attempts at humor accompanying insane levels of disinformation.
Lol, trustworthy.
" If you get the Rona, Jesus can't put his hands on you. he's social distancing."
Why america gives lesson of human rights instead it usa should do something in your own country . 💩 =🇺🇸
That was cool
I can vouch for that. I wouldn't want to put my hands on em if they get covid
@@j_ct0 🤣
A men
Very inspiring for me. I am going to write a book on this topic
Ok I get it!!! Employers don’t want to hire black people, I’m a black woman, I own a Steak restaurant, 95% of my employees are black. No one came to work today and I had to close for business this shift!!! Which is why I’m watching RUclips videos during the lunch rush at my business!!!
I loved the commentary on the strong black women and the entire eye opening show.
I am so ashamed to be associated with those who created this system. I want to help. In any way I can. I'm so sorry.
Thank you. Just hearing someone say the system for black women is broken and there are people that realize that and want to help, heals my heart.
@@ayanamiry0 I don't want any thanks, I'm not worthy of them yet. When the system starts to change and the cruelty abates, then maybe I could accept them. The system has to change; until then, all white people, no matter our intentions, are at least partly responsible because we benefit from it. Please have a happy life, and I hope you have people on your side.
Don't be sorry just be an ally! When you see something say something! If you see a Black person pulled over at a traffic stop please record it. We don't need people to feel ashamed or sorry we need people to help. You personally didn't do anything you just live in this system like the rest of us. We need change!
@@christinaharris9528 I promise I will stand up and speak up. Our silence will do nothing. I promise to give aid to those people in need and refuse to just watch. I will try to be the best ally I can be.
Can you elaborate a little more on the shortcomings of the system? I guess where minorities are basically getting, “the short end of the stick”.
If not broadband or computer, call your local heath department to schedule your vaccine. I am 63 yo black woman who is fully vaccinated. I got the Moderna and am glad I got that one. Also shout out to #cityoffortworthtexas and #jpshospital for making medical care accessible in all minority neighborhoods throughout #tarrantcounty.
❤ plus in Texas ATT is offering internet for $25 up to 2 TB of data during the pandemic call 211
@@cesheph I’m in a Midwest rural community where a monopoly on broadband exists on my facility. ATT doesn’t have access to the whole community. Anyway- the minimum contract amount is $70. ☹️
That is one one the many obstacles in our community, when it comes to vaccinations, as stated by the video. Trust, is needed, before the phone call could be made.
Love the research and bringing all of the issues to the forefront so that it can be discussed.
Trevor Noah is brilliant!
Serious topics. Hilarious, intelligent presentation.
Laughter breaks down barriers.
Entertaining while teaching is a rare and valuable talent combination.
Dr. Phil IS the devil's work!!! LOL!
1:57 I mean he’s literally not wrong
There’s a cvs and Walgreens a mile away from my neighborhood
@Todd Wood what? I’m saying I’m in a neighborhood with medical places close to it because my neighborhood is generally white
Yeah he really wasn’t lying. I live in a predominantly white neighborhood, and there’s literally a CVS less than a block away. My family and I are Hispanic, so we go to many Hispanic/Latino(a) stores. Pharmacies in those areas are more than a few blocks away from neighborhoods of people like me (and POC in general).
There are 5 in my small town, and two over the freeway in the neighboring small town.
True where I live, there's a Walgreens and CVS on opposite corners. Within a quarter mile of those is a Kroger, a Medpost, and an independent pharmacy.
Sorry walgreens don't like to get robbed. 🙄👌
Henrietta Lacks shows up in just about every science textbook that deals with the topic of cancer cells. Her family probably doesn't get paid for that either. I've known her name for literally decades. She was a superwoman, she just didn't know that.
Her family did finally get compensated decades later, but of course it is impossible to go back and ask for permission. Those cells are all over the world, they are simply the standard way to begin research on something kind of like human cells.
Thank you Trevor and team for this. I'm not even finished, but I've already learned so freaking much i didn't know.
Thanks for the info! Keep it Coming, Trevor!
Ok, ok... to be fair- Stacy Abrams is absolutely, impossibly INCREDIBLE! ❤ We can all hope to live up to that incredible woman 😍🥰
I need you to rewatch this video and try and figure out why this comment is horrible.
@@anthonynewsome7094 yeah, nah. I love her passion, her goals, what she accomplished.. the woman epitomized what it meant to achieve a goal. Turning GA blue.. it's infkncredible.. so no. I'm not going to rewrite or rethink what I wrote. She's a legend and deserves to be seen as such.
I made my appointment ON MY PHONE and TOOK PUBLIC TRANSIT 12 MILES TO THE SITE! No excuses!
Congratulations, ya want a cookie?
I'm a Latina ' I got the first dose . I'm fine waiting for my 2dose. Let get back to normal time. Trevor points in this video. Thank you. We are humans and we on earth is giong thru. 😊❤💯
@ElGato Volador And she’s not hurting anyone by saying she’s Latina.
@ElGato Volador 🙄
3:8 B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G -L-o-V-e-S-e-X-----۞------------
livegirls19. com 》》 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩 《《
!❤️ 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。
Latino's don't like black people & often share sentiments with racist white people on "What black people are" & "What black people do". Do NOT trust these racist latinos, they want to whiten their race after all.
@@taihenne2116 thank you 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
98% of them are NOT allies at all. I’d trust a white woman first frfr.
The distrust of medical professionals is also rooted in present day mistreatment by these individuals. One time I as a Black woman went to the doctor to get a COVID test. I remember my physician walking into the exam room to take a throat swab. Rather than gently guide the swab along my throat, he jabbed the swab into the back of my throat so hard, I started to bleed. I told him, “Ouch doc, that really hurt.” His response, instead of employing empathy and apologizing, said the equivalent of “Oh well, it seems fine.” Then proceeded to conclude our session and leave the room. I felt so hurt misused and confused over my gaslighting experience. I hope I never see that man again. But it’s likely I will
You can report that doctor. Health care should be as comfortable as possible. Or request a change in doctors.
The one place I'd actually wanna visit if I ever end up in the US is a black barber shop - I've heard so many fun stories about those :D
Gonna miss Trevor the youtuber
I don’t watch TV any more. Tried to watch the other night but there is nothing worth watching. I’m going to cancel my satellite service next month. I’m tired of paying $160 a month for nothing. Anything I care to watch is on the internet. Times change.
Don't speak of it! 😭
Same. He's amazing as a youtuber
@@darrenbenson2606 @Darren Benson I just stream everything. I bought a smart tv and I just cast my shows. I have a website that has everything for free but I used to have Netflix. It's been three years now and I went from $130 to $53 with fees and taxes. I would recommend the change.
I don't understand?
I wonder how many liquor stores are in these communities, compared to pharmacies.
And that is the conundrum....🤨
💯 that part!!
@Not Sure Also may I ask what actions result in liquor stores on every other two blocks? Because I'm tired of going across town.
Greetings from Uzbekistan!
Hello from Oregon!
Hello from West Bengal, India
@@KeelyIleanBaker Wow nice! I hope the situation in your state isn't the same compared to other states.
@@masroorahmadbani1712 wow, India! I had Indian friends. So vibrant country.
Hello from Kansas 👋🏽
Wonderful performance by Roywood Jnr.
Trevor your Satire birthday s so on point! Thank you and sharing.🥰
Economic empowerment is so so so important.
"Jesus can't put his hands on ya. He's social distancing!" 😂😂😂
He’s been social distancing for 2000 years. He’s had enough of Human f*ckery. Let the man rest
This is such a great show start to finish
This is so informative and profound. Thank you Trevor!!!
Thank You Trevor✌
You are such a wonderful example of a young men with class....