30 Minute Guide How To Stress Test Your CPU

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 13

  • @martymedia8722
    @martymedia8722 22 дня назад

    what cpu cooler and thermal paste are you using? thanks so much for the vid

    • @tisikygaming
      @tisikygaming  22 дня назад

      Hello! The cpu is cooled using Alphacool Eisblock waterblock in a full custom loop. 💦

    • @martymedia8722
      @martymedia8722 21 день назад +1

      @@tisikygaming Oh wow very cool! thanks for the reply!

  • @TheBenlueks
    @TheBenlueks 6 месяцев назад +1

    i think ineed some cooling. what is CCD 0 i had a temp of 91 and cores temp was 81

    • @tisikygaming
      @tisikygaming  6 месяцев назад

      Yes cooling is necessary for the CPU.

  • @nickorozco4301
    @nickorozco4301 8 месяцев назад

    Hey I am running this test with the parameters you have, but I am experiencing occasional flickering wondering if this is something you have experienced. Read online that it could be RAM related. I have G Skill 3600CL14 with fclock set to 1800, but I noticed that the bios is reporting 1.48V despite me setting it to 1.45V which I am seeing is recommended. Thoughts?

    • @tisikygaming
      @tisikygaming  8 месяцев назад

      Flickering indicates unstable settings. What cpu do you have and what settings are you testing?

    • @nickorozco4301
      @nickorozco4301 8 месяцев назад

      @@tisikygaming I have the same CPU you have and I am running the same test parameters

    • @tisikygaming
      @tisikygaming  8 месяцев назад

      @@nickorozco4301 And what sort of flickering? Does it happen all the time or only during a cpu stress test? Is the ram set to xmp? I would try manually setting the ram speed, timings and voltages.
      I would also look at your GPU cable and overclock if you have one set.

    • @nickorozco4301
      @nickorozco4301 8 месяцев назад

      @@tisikygaming flickering of my desktop. Happens every few seconds and I do have XMP enabled

    • @tisikygaming
      @tisikygaming  8 месяцев назад +1

      @@nickorozco4301 Could be GPU related if it’s overclocked (or monitor cable). Or it could be your PSU. Is it an old PSU? To rule out the cpu you can try reset cpu to optimised default.

  • @mickzR1
    @mickzR1 Год назад +2

    haha either i'm high or you sound a bit like Eddard Stark

    • @tisikygaming
      @tisikygaming  Год назад +2

      Ha! Quality. To me we sound nothing alike, but then again both me and Sean Bean who plays Ed Stark are from roughly the same place in the UK. Ill take that as a compliment