Powerful du'a for our parents - Imam Mohamed Faysal (Surat Nooh /Noah verse 28)

  • Опубликовано: 14 ноя 2019
  • Please, don't forget me in your prayers. Sister Aminah K.
    In the closing blessed Verse, Prophet Noah (as) thus invoked God Almighty:
    "O Lord! Forgive me and my parents and all those who enter my home as believers and all the believing men and women. And to the wrong doers grant no increase but perdition!"
    Invoking God Almighty for forgiveness reflects that he is saying that he spent hundreds of years in incessantly imparting his Prophetic call and forbore all the hardships in the Cause of Allah, though he had to invoke God Almighty to forgive him since he might had had neglected some priority (tark ula).
    The invocation reflects that Noah (as) did not regard himself as totally free from blame. Such friends of God Almighty, after making some many efforts in Allah’s Cause still think that they might have made mistakes, but, unlike people who within their small capacities magnify themselves to the extent that they regard God Almighty obliged to grant them His Grace, Allah’s friends are never entangled with vanity and egotism.
    Prophet Noah (as) actually invoked God Almighty to forgive some people: himself, lest he had neglected some priority, his parents as a token of his gratitude for their troubles, for all those few who believed in his Prophetic call and embarked the Ark which was his home, and finally for all believing men and women in the world down the centuries, thus establishing his ties with all the believers worldwide and at all times. Nonetheless, he accords particular emphasis to the destruction of the wrong doers, implying that they deserved such torment.
    It is worthy of note that Qur’an exegetes are not unanimous concerning the precise sense of the Arabic nominal form bayt in this context, but different exegetes have suggested four senses: private home, mosque, Noah’s Ark, his religion.
    It is narrated in this vein from Imam Sadiq (as) as saying that the word bayt herein implies
    "guardianship" (wilaya),
    namely whoever enters it he enters the Prophets’ homes.19 It is narrated from Imam Ridha (as) that the mosque at Kufa was Noah’s abode and those who entered his home are in fact those who enter the mosque at Kufa.20 According to a tradition, Imam Husayn (as) did not slay some of the foes at Karbala’, saying that he would not slay the foes whose offspring would include the believers.21
    Finally, the story of Prophet Noah (as) possesses copious reflection in Arabic and Persian literature and particular emphasis has been accorded to the tempest and his Ark as a means of deliverance for the believers.22 It is also worthy of note that his name designates that he invoked God Almighty and lamented for many years so that his people might be impressed and believe in God Almighty.
    O Lord! When the tempest of Your Wrath comes, deliver us by the Ark of Your Mercy and that of the Noble Prophet of the Islamic faith (S) and his Ahl al-Bayt (as).
    It is narrated from the Noble Prophet (S) as saying:
    "My Ahl al-Bayt are like Noah’s Ark, whoever embarks it will find salvation and whoever denies it will be destroyed.
    Source: www.al-islam.org/enlightening...

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