100% Historically Accurate Vikings in Warhammer 3.

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 397

  • @Swedishmafia101MemeCorporation
    @Swedishmafia101MemeCorporation Год назад +1867

    As a Scandinavian I can confirm this is how we all live our daily lives. I'm watching this video from a phone I looted from the cold dead hands of an Elven spearman.

    • @Darakyoutane
      @Darakyoutane Год назад +54

      Is your name ragnar too? Ragnar swordson?

    • @joaogomes9405
      @joaogomes9405 Год назад

      Elven of course being the Norwegian word for weak danish peasant

    • @URKCEHinoSuu
      @URKCEHinoSuu Год назад +32

      You mean 'British' spearman?

    • @ArctikToast
      @ArctikToast Год назад +24

      I challenge you to a duel to the death for that phone!

    • @H4FF
      @H4FF Год назад +24

      Poor John, first gets punted and then his phone stolen.

  • @olesams
    @olesams Год назад +40

    10:46 "Swordsson".
    Literally "son of Sword"
    His poor mother.

  • @Agm1995gamer
    @Agm1995gamer Год назад +34

    imagine you getting conquered and your whole city burns and the foe's leader just yells "I RAZE THIS PLACE IN THE NAME OF.... one of our gods or whatever".

  • @johncarney1263
    @johncarney1263 Год назад +818

    I had no idea the Vikings "used werewolves as scouts" and "were well-versed in fire magic", thanks for the history lesson Zerkovich! 😂

    • @Gorbz
      @Gorbz Год назад +47

      Of course! How else were they so good at burning and pillaging?

    • @centeringcube
      @centeringcube Год назад +12

      I wonder if the werewolf can use magic too

    • @johncarney1263
      @johncarney1263 Год назад +4

      @@Gorbz 🤣

    • @Atreas40000
      @Atreas40000 Год назад +1

      It is known.

    • @secret0fsecrets739
      @secret0fsecrets739 Год назад

      You southlanders sure are illiterate huh.

  • @PatrickOMulligan
    @PatrickOMulligan Год назад +431

    An elf free Ulthuan... Never has a more nobler goal been concieved.

    • @LOL-zu1zr
      @LOL-zu1zr Год назад +13

      It was written in the great plan I am sure of it

    • @Pilvenuga
      @Pilvenuga Год назад +6

      These norscan boys cleansed England of the english, a great day indeed!

    • @lechking941
      @lechking941 Год назад +1

      untill the rats arive. hm i would love to try that BUT most of em are kind of far from that mess

    • @shmekelfreckles8157
      @shmekelfreckles8157 Год назад +3

      That was my goal in my first ever WH2 campaign. Well, I almost did it, half of the Ulthuan was under Malekith and I really didn’t want to fight him with my gun zombies.

    • @nocturnaljoe9543
      @nocturnaljoe9543 Год назад

      @@Pilvenuga And they did it without flooding the country with people from the south. Amazing.

  • @dezrektor777
    @dezrektor777 11 месяцев назад +6

    13:34 Historically accurate viking lord riding the mammoth across England

  • @gglanouille3060
    @gglanouille3060 Год назад +61

    RIP John the Elf. A star has stopped shining today, and legend says it's because it got ran over by a horse.

  • @kolpere1625
    @kolpere1625 Год назад +486

    I hope one day, even if is not loreful, we would see uncorrupted norscans ready to kick out their corrupted neighbours.

    • @SquirtleSquady
      @SquirtleSquady Год назад +41

      I've been hoping for that for a long time

    • @meyr1992
      @meyr1992 Год назад +17

      you got dwarves for that

    • @marquisrivas5821
      @marquisrivas5821 Год назад +11

      You can do this with the OvN Truthsayers of Albion mod.

    • @immasword
      @immasword Год назад +85

      Some norscan tribes worship non chaos gods such as ulric or ursun so its loreful

    • @NickDAngeloUX
      @NickDAngeloUX Год назад +21

      Kataph’s Kraka Drak Dwarfs mod is kinda one to follow this. Although its a dwarf faction, your goal is to conquer nórsca and while doing so you have the opportunity to construct buildings that allow you to recruit norscans looking for payback against Chaos!

  • @Njolmir90Greybeard
    @Njolmir90Greybeard Год назад +80

    I loved the «Å faen» when the elves attacked 😂

  • @olafthemoose9413
    @olafthemoose9413 Год назад +61

    I wish wulfrik had the ship horde mechanic that the vampire coast had. Would allow you to go for a more pillaging and wandering playstyle as opposed to the classic "unite the tribes and then push south into the empire" approach

    • @OverlordOfToxicity
      @OverlordOfToxicity Год назад +2

      same for Lokhir and Alberic.

    • @olafthemoose9413
      @olafthemoose9413 Год назад +5

      @@OverlordOfToxicity Lokhir has his black arc already he's doing fine.

    • @OverlordOfToxicity
      @OverlordOfToxicity Год назад +3

      @@olafthemoose9413 Lokhir should control black arc, by himself instead mynor general.

    • @sootcoot8712
      @sootcoot8712 11 месяцев назад

      @@OverlordOfToxicity I think theres a mod for Alberic to get horde ship. Atleast the previous games had that mod for him.

  • @Noblesix84
    @Noblesix84 Год назад +51

    Sounds more like what Ysgramor did to the Elves than anything Viking, but still very enjoyable. Makes me want to give Norsca a go, haven't in a long time.

  • @skankhunt42-copy
    @skankhunt42-copy Год назад +9

    Just watched some recent videos of yours, Zerk and I just love you and your reaction about the Elfs. :D That "bleaurgh" always makes me smile in solidarity!

  • @ASpaceOstrich
    @ASpaceOstrich Год назад +109

    Sword of Khaine is such a cool mechanic. Kinda wish all the legendary weapons had something similar where they could be stolen. Like imagine if it was possible for Grimgor to steal Ghal Maraz?

    • @lordadorable1140
      @lordadorable1140 Год назад +29

      The inquisition wants to know your location

    • @lechking941
      @lechking941 Год назад +8

      @@lordadorable1140 *look down man-things, squeek not a breath*

    • @NotInterXX
      @NotInterXX 7 месяцев назад +3

      Yeah, but Ghal Maraz is a quest battle for Karl. The Sword of Khaine I think is better, because elves HAVE to draw it, but then anyone can claim it.

  • @calebwilliams586
    @calebwilliams586 Год назад +4

    Im so dissapointed that the formation Vikings were so proud of was so bad.
    Cant believe they didnt account for dragons.

  • @Mulpje
    @Mulpje Год назад +34

    Loving all the effort you are putting in these videos!

  • @hectordrake2882
    @hectordrake2882 Год назад +28

    I learned so many new things about the Vikings. Amazing.

  • @LittleRifflemanX
    @LittleRifflemanX Год назад +1

    Berserkers high on mushrooms dont believe the flaming bird is real and just ignore it... that's premium content right there

  • @seanpkrueger
    @seanpkrueger Год назад +5

    John the Elf had so much backspin applied he bounced backwards on the landing.

  • @davids.8909
    @davids.8909 Год назад +4

    Absolutely loved the video! I adora thematic campaigns and armies, and Norsca as well. What a jackpot of a vid. Lovely content as usual!

  • @JayTobas
    @JayTobas Год назад +3

    Seeing John scream and FLY was the highlight of this video for me.

  • @schnitzelfritzel6287
    @schnitzelfritzel6287 Год назад +3

    19:57 as a Geat I'd like to apologize for what my ancestors did to John. He was a pure soul and he did not deserve such brutality. May he come across the rainbow road in search for his heaven.

  • @Plutophob1a
    @Plutophob1a Год назад +3

    the "å faen!" at 3:58 caught me so off-guard i managed to spill my drink

  • @Niebler
    @Niebler Год назад +11

    Great video, Zerk!
    If you are open for ideas I think it would be super fun to watch a Sartosa run-through of mortals only (except for artillery/vampire units) using allied Empire/cathay gun units and ogre mercenaries.
    Maybe establishing a pirate coast somewhere like Cathay or Southlands.

    • @Nikolas5842
      @Nikolas5842 Год назад +1

      Cool idea Sartosa humans (and now Ogres too) were always the most interesting to me. The real pirates, too bad they didn't expanded on that idea more.

    • @Candlemancer
      @Candlemancer Год назад

      There's a mod for mortal artillery and guns, that way you can be all mortal except vampires

  • @Mark-pn9xy
    @Mark-pn9xy Год назад +1

    Great video, the thematic self-constrained play throughs are highly entertaining!

  • @coaiemandushman1079
    @coaiemandushman1079 Год назад +5

    3:58 OH FAN!
    That was so unexpected.

    • @valhall89
      @valhall89 Год назад +2

      As a norwegian i can confirme that he said it just right;D

  • @tankjr84
    @tankjr84 Год назад +2

    Loving these themed gameplay vids.

  • @Tachii31
    @Tachii31 Год назад +4

    6:30 Ah yes, the ol' viking tactic of just yeeting a boat through enemy infantry on the battlefield.

    • @fenorlex1126
      @fenorlex1126 6 месяцев назад +2

      Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

  • @therealdoomsage
    @therealdoomsage Год назад +4

    "The Norscans do realise that if they kill us all, the island is just going to sink and take them all with it, right?"

  • @Flackamus
    @Flackamus Год назад +7

    Rip to John the elf, he died the way any elf should. Getting run over by a large angry semi Norwegian man on an even bigger horse.

  • @MidwesternMarauder94
    @MidwesternMarauder94 Год назад

    love this video. Definately helped give me ideas for a Norscan campaign!

  • @danielmcconnell5991
    @danielmcconnell5991 Год назад

    These vidoes are so good Zerkovich such a tear atm keep up!

  • @Rasselon
    @Rasselon Год назад +1

    Great content! I think this campaign tomfoolery is the second most fun thing after Turin's multiplayer recaps :)

  • @bovarfririksson2449
    @bovarfririksson2449 Год назад +4

    really love these videos any hope for a campaign live stream

  • @jovamaz2189
    @jovamaz2189 Год назад +1

    100% historically accurate that Vikings would throw longships at the English during battle.

  • @Marduk1813
    @Marduk1813 Год назад +2

    This series is great. Its almost a bit like you old campaign lets plays, but in a more condensed way. Highly enjoying it!
    Also, agreed on old flamestorm. Looked much better then the new version.

  • @Jamiex305
    @Jamiex305 Год назад +11

    I love these series !

  • @emmakelley5371
    @emmakelley5371 8 месяцев назад

    I just want to say I love your sports commentary style of battle narration.

  • @slamiAbi
    @slamiAbi 4 месяца назад

    I love how you do your own rules but also break them a „little bit“ 😂😂😂
    Keep going Brother.
    Love to watch your videos!!

  • @pierrew8429
    @pierrew8429 Год назад

    I fking love ur videos. Entertaining af.
    Thanks for all ur humorfull videos ure doing everytime. Hopefully it wont end

  • @regiliok
    @regiliok Год назад +1

    the bit about john being punted had me in tears from laughing

  • @inductivegrunt94
    @inductivegrunt94 Год назад +9

    Chad Viking Norscans vs Virgin English High Elves. Raid pillage and burn all of Ulthuan!
    Peak historical accuracy here and top quality content. Especially with moments like 19:50, poor John.

    • @meyr1992
      @meyr1992 Год назад +1

      i dont think high elves represent the english

    • @Moncrom
      @Moncrom Год назад +1

      What about the taking the women ?

  • @adammclaughlin845
    @adammclaughlin845 Год назад +1

    As an Englishman, I can confirm we still keep watches on dark winter nights, watching the ocean, waiting for the werewolves and spellcasters.

    • @Real-Grandpa
      @Real-Grandpa 8 месяцев назад +1

      As a Norwegian the only thing i'd send to your shores is a hug 💪

  • @D-REALM
    @D-REALM Год назад +1

    as a mushroom i can confirm the sightings of big birds.

  • @kendokendo6762
    @kendokendo6762 5 месяцев назад

    I'm legal!y feeling good and wanted to say how much I enjoy thischannel. Thank you and cheers mate

  • @chrisbergonzi7977
    @chrisbergonzi7977 Год назад

    This was Awesome....really enjoyed it...thanks pal...

  • @telezon7206
    @telezon7206 Год назад

    These are really creative and i've loved every one of them

  • @AlexLorentzenloganjamesalex
    @AlexLorentzenloganjamesalex Год назад

    7:58 I just had a campaign, playing as Archaon, Using Kholek to assault the chorfs. Whatever that settlement is that protects the north end of the dark lands. I siege it, the army is too big I break the siege. . . Somehow I am on the other side of the settlement from where I attacked, now inside the dark lands with no way out. . .

  • @Minderswog
    @Minderswog Год назад +1

    Yes, Åfan is my reaction to many things in total war games aswell 3:58

  • @Q-Sjokolade_Melk
    @Q-Sjokolade_Melk Год назад +1

    As a Norwegian i can call this an absolute win, because i indeed can fire magic, and i have my lwb werewolf scout.

  • @NorscaWolves
    @NorscaWolves Год назад +42

    The norsca rework needs to include an official reskin for the maurader units. They should be wearing furs, leather and plate considering they live in a land of perpetual snow and ice. They shouldn't be half dressed. It'd go a long way to making them more thematically appropriate and separating them from Warriors of chaos.
    The reskin and a heavy focus on their unique units like Skin wolves, Frost trolls and Mammoths. These are unique cool units that also help differentiate Norsca from WoC. The rework is desperately needed ASAP.

    • @shorewall
      @shorewall Год назад +4

      I think the units are based off of minis from the upcoming tabletop release from Games Workshop. There are great mods that give the Norscans better clothes and armor.

    • @shmekelfreckles8157
      @shmekelfreckles8157 Год назад +1

      Norsca are just literally chaos marauders as a separate faction, they don’t need any other flavour

    • @Nikolas5842
      @Nikolas5842 Год назад +4

      Frost Wyrm was always my favourite Norsca unit, and one of the most coolest dragons. I would like them as mount for Lords instead of just Mammoths and Mammoths.

    • @Nikolas5842
      @Nikolas5842 Год назад +1

      @@shmekelfreckles8157 cap

    • @markbelew1376
      @markbelew1376 Год назад

      Yeah, currently they just look like generic evil fantasy barbarians. Actual Norse helmets looked pretty cool, so why not give them Norse-inspired helmets?

  • @jonathanbonicel1654
    @jonathanbonicel1654 Год назад +2

    Please salute to honor soldier John the Elf:
    R.I.P. John

  • @Nikolas5842
    @Nikolas5842 Год назад +2

    I hope that Norsca will finally get their dlc with more human units, more on the Vikings side. Also maybe playable Skeggi as a faction (who were more "civilised" norscans) which tamed and even rided some dinosaurs.

  • @squidtugboat3689
    @squidtugboat3689 Год назад +3

    20:16 rip Jhon the elf

    @IKBENEENPAARD Год назад +1

    Norsca is by far my favourite race! They are so hated in the community so love to see this vid!

  • @mudbaconvideos
    @mudbaconvideos Год назад +1

    Excellent commentary for this video 😂

  • @Jomus85
    @Jomus85 7 месяцев назад +1

    Could you do a Sartosa game with the overhaul mod they have and you play as a historical pirate/privateer

  • @magosmallen2973
    @magosmallen2973 Год назад

    Zerkovich: "Ulthuan is my England."
    Me: "So you're going to lose?"

  • @therealdoomsage
    @therealdoomsage Год назад +2

    As an elf main I have only this to say:
    John will be back.

  • @darkwolf3810
    @darkwolf3810 Год назад

    Bruh you got me with that "who needs tactics when you're a viking? Just hit things until are dead"

  • @switi38
    @switi38 Год назад

    Love these new formats :)

  • @mariopena1719
    @mariopena1719 4 месяца назад

    19:49 😂omg that whole part was great and that scream tho!!! lol 😂😂😂

  • @Nizz966
    @Nizz966 Год назад +1

    Instead of a close nit wedge I believe the Romans opted for a long straight line that can encircle the flank of the opposing army if your worried about being flanked
    After a lot of trial and error

  • @RJLbwb
    @RJLbwb Год назад

    I love educational videos like this.

  • @cheekarp2180
    @cheekarp2180 Год назад

    Great video, thank you!

  • @tracesosebee5485
    @tracesosebee5485 Год назад +1

    I'm trying to think about how I would counter this strategy if I were the elves. My thought would be to drive a large portion of my troops after you, but then set up another army to cut you off on your other side, perhaps via ambush, but mostly to drive you onto the water south and/or west of the donut, then race an army towards Norsca to tear apart your infrastructure

  • @Masquerade1200
    @Masquerade1200 Год назад +2

    loving these themed gimicky army videos

  • @jannovy7229
    @jannovy7229 6 месяцев назад

    17:55 You could have attacked the settlement, and the reinforcing army wouldn't have option to escape. I'm surprised so many people don't know that.

  • @TheDallaslp
    @TheDallaslp Год назад

    Using Johann Heggs (Amon Amarth singer) "Great Heathen Army" soundbit would've been perfect

  • @jimdads1131
    @jimdads1131 Год назад

    Love your creative videos

  • @guilliman1990
    @guilliman1990 Год назад

    that end screen where morathi is happy is gold

  • @eldermoose7938
    @eldermoose7938 Год назад

    this your most satisfying video, Finally the dream of an elf free Ulthuan is realized.

  • @siralpin
    @siralpin Год назад +1

    R.I.P. john u were a good man/elf

  • @novarat4089
    @novarat4089 4 месяца назад

    its all fun and pillaging until you see twelve elven armies on the horizon making a beeline for your exact location

  • @Easie34
    @Easie34 Год назад

    "Sailing 40 days and nights or 3 turns" got me 😂

  • @RealEvilLordExdeath
    @RealEvilLordExdeath Год назад +1

    Norsca needs a big buff amd a big dlc, they should be much more then just Chaos Lite

  • @slayerdark0
    @slayerdark0 Год назад

    This video was on another level

  • @guilliman1990
    @guilliman1990 Год назад

    absolutely top quality content 11/10

  • @fianjames6622
    @fianjames6622 Год назад +1

    Glad to finally see gameplay from a historical TW game again.

  • @URKCEHinoSuu
    @URKCEHinoSuu Год назад +2

    You know Zerk.... Those Brits WERE self-righteous, and live on an island. These High Elves ARE self-righteous and ALSO live on an island!
    So yes! Thank you for recolonizing that island!

    • @ASpaceOstrich
      @ASpaceOstrich Год назад +1

      That is actually the parody. Elves are England, and the Dark Elves are America, being the twisted evil colonial offshoot with the heavy use of slavery.

    • @goransekulic3671
      @goransekulic3671 Год назад

      @@ASpaceOstrich Could also be Greece and Rome?

    • @URKCEHinoSuu
      @URKCEHinoSuu Год назад

      @@ASpaceOstrich lemme guess. The Aztecs are the Lizardmen.

  • @ryaneggert112
    @ryaneggert112 Год назад

    This campaign basically sums up how Grombindals campaign goes lol. White dwarf straight to bully knife ears

  • @foxplot7287
    @foxplot7287 Год назад

    I used to bring these builds to mp as Chaos before Norsca were even added, got a couple wins too!

  • @Shawnvars
    @Shawnvars Год назад

    Great vid brother, keep it up. Has anyone else noticed the new archer AI?

  • @jauzau7312
    @jauzau7312 Год назад +1

    John fought bravely, but alas the danger was too dire and he succumbed to the horse. Rest easy John.

  • @The_Phantom_Merchant
    @The_Phantom_Merchant Год назад +1

    On one hand, as a Dark Elf player I grimace at the filthy short-lifers standing on the grounds that rightfully belong to the Witch King. On the other hand, it's happening to the Asur, my hated enemies so I take the good with the bad.

  • @PsychoEkan
    @PsychoEkan Год назад +1

    As a scandinavian I can confirm that we are well versed in fire magic and hate elves

  • @GamerGrovyle
    @GamerGrovyle Год назад +2

    Fun Fact: The Swedish word for "Donut" is the same for both "Monk"

  • @georginhoweahvic3977
    @georginhoweahvic3977 Год назад

    What a great video that was~!

  • @jrmundgandr9539
    @jrmundgandr9539 Год назад

    Enjoyed this one very much

  • @محمد-ذ3ص3ث
    @محمد-ذ3ص3ث Год назад +1

    Hello is it possible to make an update video on best mods for immortal empires.
    New units packs and heroes. Please.

  • @alexchurchfield2901
    @alexchurchfield2901 Год назад

    Last time I played wulfrik (I usually play throg) i made it my mission to wipe out all elves from existence. I'm glad that you too see this as a noblr goal

  • @WackyIraqi777
    @WackyIraqi777 Год назад +2

    It is a fact, and all historians know this, that the only reason we don't have elves today is because the vikings killed them all.

  • @georges6324
    @georges6324 Год назад +2

    i like those types of vids can you do same British empire tactics and more napoleon

  • @PenguinWithInternetAccess
    @PenguinWithInternetAccess Год назад

    "Ulthuan is our England"
    Albion : *am I a joke to you ?*

  • @adrianaslund8605
    @adrianaslund8605 Год назад +1

    The vikings didn't use cavalry. Not because they didn't have horses. It's just a nightmare to ship horses on boats. Not worth it.

  • @divout6688
    @divout6688 Год назад +2

    As a Swede the lack of mammoths are horrifying. How do you guys think we get around if not on Mammoth-back?

    • @dontcheckthisbox2753
      @dontcheckthisbox2753 9 месяцев назад

      Apparently Wulfrik thought the same, and kept finding giant mammoths to ride while pillaging around the donut.

  • @FistsofGodfrey
    @FistsofGodfrey Год назад +1

    “ just like in real life”😂

  • @RebelCannonClub74
    @RebelCannonClub74 Год назад

    There should be a cutscene of king Elf Council accidentally letting the cakes burn then being berated by an angry peasant girl.

  • @50043211
    @50043211 Год назад +1

    As a Dwarf player of 30 years by now, I love your blatant hatred of ZeElfen!

  • @Dwilson1282
    @Dwilson1282 10 месяцев назад

    can’t help but see the similarity between this run and the way EVERY AI faction plays against the player lol

  • @Tuck213
    @Tuck213 Год назад

    Very nice history lesson Zerk