The Balfour Declaration: How 67 Words Shaped the Middle East

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024

Комментарии • 25

  • @charleskesner1302
    @charleskesner1302 7 лет назад +14

    Thanks for reporting on this. Most people do not know about this.

  • @slartibartfast7921
    @slartibartfast7921 Год назад +1

    Extremely helpful in understanding the current situation. Great content

  • @SaerVonG
    @SaerVonG 7 лет назад +4

    Let us not forget how this affected Sudetanland also. They have NO homeland...NO home.have lost their culture forever :(

  • @siaynoqmovement9802
    @siaynoqmovement9802 7 лет назад +5

    It was payment for getting the United States involved in WWI. The question is not what the German's did to the Jews, but what the Jews did to the German's. This is where the animosity originated against Jews in Germany, prior to that moment it was "little Bablyon," and was the most hospitable to Jews country in the world. . . . . . . . that is until the knife in the back.

    • @mfstarboy8690
      @mfstarboy8690 Год назад

      People should know the atrocities done by juice everywhere, but no one does.

  • @Hands2HealNow
    @Hands2HealNow 7 лет назад

    Thank you for broadening our discussion of the origins of the conflict in Palestine.

  • @lavenderlust9856
    @lavenderlust9856 7 лет назад


  • @Yourismouter
    @Yourismouter 7 лет назад +2

    nice to know Shir wrote a book! I'll be sure to get it since next month Christmas is vastly approaching and perhaps we should give his book to our ultra Zionist friends and those who are progressive/liberal on everything except Palestine hehe! but jokes aside shir is a great addition to the real news, we should get his book and I say the UK can celebrate Balfour as long as they give recognition and honor the Nakba anniversary and end arm sales to Israel and end all economic operations that help build illegal settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and end the siege of Gaza.

  • @oghuzkhan5117
    @oghuzkhan5117 7 лет назад +1

    Modern Zionism has its roots in a 17th century false Jewish messiah by the name of Sabbatai Zevi who claimed to be the promised savior of the Jews that has come to establish the Jewish kingdom in the promised land known then as Palestine. Zevi was a very controversal figure, he not only trashed the Talmud but said to do opposite what God said to do in the Talmud. "Sin" and "guilt" were no more and everything and anything was allowed; the commandments of God in the Torah were now null because according to him the messianic age has arrived and he was the one who was going to redeem them.
    As Jerry Rabow wrote in page 110 of his book "50 Jewish Messias" published by Gefen of Jerusalem, (source Barry Chamish): "Through all of this, Shabbatai Zevi continued to issue proclamations of the theological changes wrought by the coming of the messianic age. Shabbatai's new prayer was, 'Praised be He who permits the forbidden.' Since all things would be permitted in the age of the messiah, Shabbatai declared many of the old restrictions of the Torah no longer applicable. He abolished the laws concerning sexual relationships. He eventually declared that all of the thirty six major biblical sins were now permitted and instructed some of his followers that it was their duty to perform such sins in order to hasten the Redemption."
    Zevi or Zvi was a kabbalist and occultist who deceived most of the Jews of his time and those who came after him. He was born on Aug. 9, 1626, in Smyrna, Turkey. In 1666 he converted to Islam with some of his followers and took the name Aziz Mehemet. Most of the Jews were disappointed but he told them that he had to become Muslim in order to convert the Muslims to Judaism, and then he turned around and told the Turks and the Sultan that he was to keep in close contact with the Jews in order to convert the Jews to Islam. Thus he was free to go wherever he liked and do whatever he wanted.
    Zevi was betrayed to the Turks by another Jewish messiah from Poland. Zevi revealed to this Polish messiah the prophecy given by his close associate, Nathan Ghazzati the prophet, that Zevi was destined to become the ruler of the Ottomam Empire. Instead, Zevi was exiled to a small village in Albania were he died. But the followers of Shabbataism indeed became the real rulers of modern Turkey, albight in an invisible subtle way.
    Zevi's influence among the Jews did not die with his death, many still believed this wizard of deception who legitimized deception as a mean to achieve one's goals. Rebbe Berechiah, an extremist, succeded Zevi and took over his movement of Shabbataism.
    Barry Chamish, in his article "The Deutsch Devils," (December 31, 2003), posted in his web-site (, says that "the Shabbatai followers continued their hidden life in the Turkish sect of the Donmeh, whose activities continue to this day, as reported extensively this year, even by the straid Jerusalem Post. One of the Donmeh followers was Jacob Frank (1726-1726), who would transform Europe and the world into a Shabbataian hell barely a century later."
    Jacob Frank succeeded Rebbe Berechiah and in eighteen century brought the Donmeh ideaology To Europe. He made an alliance near/in Frankfurt, Germany, with Jesuit Adam Weinhaupt (founder of the Illuminatti and the usurper of the Freemasonic lodges worldwide, specially that of England and Scotland) and the Rothschild empire.
    Barry Chamish, in his above mentioned article, mentions Rabbi Antelman saying in his book To Eliminate the Opiate: "A movement of complete evil now took hold. The Jesuits' goal was the destruction of the Protestant Reformation leading to a return of one pope sitting in judgement on all mankind. The Rothschilds goal was to control the wealth of the planet. And the Frankist vision was the destruction of Jewish ethics to be replaced by a religion based on the exact opposite of God's intentions [or high-class Satanism]. When these factions blended, a bloody war against humanity, with the Jews on the front lines, erupted."
    In the book "The Messianic Idea in Judaism" by the Jewish professor Gershon Scholem (1971 edition, page 126) the author writes about Jacob Frank: "In all his actions [he was] a truly corrupt and degenerate individual" and as "one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history."
    Jacob Frank considered himself to be another messiah. He claimed to be an incarnation of the the Jewish patriarch Jacob. He ordered his 13,000 followers to become Catholics and infiltrate the Catholic church. He referred to the Catholics as the "Esau," the brother of biblical Jacob while he and his followers were the biblical Jacob. To the Christian Catholics he told that it was time for a reconciliation between "Jacob" and "Esau." While he told his followers secretly that as Jacob deceived Esau in the story of the Bible, so by the way of deception we will establish a Jewish anti-christ kingdom in Palestine.
    Rabow, in page 130 of his book mentions: "The Frankists also become involved in international political intrigue, and sent secret emissaries to the Russian government and the Eastern Orthodox Church offering to help in the overthrow of Poland and the Catholic Church."
    Jerry Rabow gives more details in his "50 Jewish Messiahs" (source Barry): "He [Frank] extended the paradoxical teachings of Shabbati Zvi that the coming of the messianic age had transformed sexual prohibitions of the Bible into permissions and even obligations. According to Frank, engaging in sexual orgies now became the means to purify the soul from its sins. Debauchery became theraphy...Frank convinced his followers that the only way for their special form of Judaism to survive was for them to outwardly become Christians, just as the Donmeh had descended into the world of Islam...In February, 1759, the Frankists told the [Catholic] Church they were ready to be baptized."
    On page 121 of Rabow's book, it is mentioned: "The Donmeh now converted the Shabbatain Purim into an annual orgy, when members exchanged spouses for a ceremony called 'extinguishing the lights.' The Donmeh justified their Purim orgies, and their regular practise of sharing wives and engaging in other sexual activities, by citing biblical precedants."
    The Jewish Encyclopedias defines Donmeh as "the Turkish word for 'apostate' and refers to the Jews of the Near East who followed Sabbatai Zevi into Islam in 1666, but secretly remained Jews who continued practicing Jewish rituals but worshiped Sabbatai as the Messiah and incarnation of God."

  • @carolliubicich3153
    @carolliubicich3153 9 месяцев назад


  • @progressholistic7126
    @progressholistic7126 7 лет назад

    UK satellite is real.

  • @ahmedkhedr699
    @ahmedkhedr699 Год назад

    Zionism has to go.
    ZIonism isn't the same as Jewish.