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  • @gsansoucie
    @gsansoucie 6 лет назад +1

    This has become my favorite program.

  • @n5iln
    @n5iln 12 лет назад +1

    It's been proven that CW can get through when no other mode can. I didn't have to test on CW to get my Extra, but I still copy CW whenever I get the chance, I use Morse Runner to keep my speed and accuracy up, and I've just inherited an Elecraft KX1 which will go into my EmComm "go bag". Anyone who says Morse is a dead mode hasn't done enough pre-planning for emergencies.

  • @peterrod5239
    @peterrod5239 5 лет назад

    for simplicity in a contest if its readable it will be a 599. therefore in a logging program the only thing that would change is the call letters and if apply the serial number state etc. all these guys that use a cw program also know how to copy without it. the program only useful if the copy is solid once qrm or qsb sets in the program is useless. so learn how to copy in your head. and yes these guys could copy really fast cw in their head because they copy words not letters. they been doing this for years. if you really serious about cw get the KOTCH MORSE TRAINER app. i got it on my phone and it has help me tremendously.

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 11 лет назад +2

    599 means as much as when you greet people with "how are you?". It's meaningless because you don't really care how the person feels. You just say it. That's what 599 has become. Just a "hello" greeting. It used to refer to a signal report but not anymore...especially during contests!

  • @descore7578
    @descore7578 12 лет назад

    Morse Runner is great, I only discovered it today and am having a lot of fun with it, only been licensed for a year and a half and taken part in a couple of CW contests, this Morse Runner comes extremely close to the real thing and you can always practice! Good fun to take a 5 minutes session once in a while.
    Thanks for a very instructive video, ideal to show non-ham friends and family who don't understand what it's all about :)

  • @DirkPA1BD
    @DirkPA1BD 17 лет назад

    This is a great program.
    Use it now for 2 years and I love it.
    Running now at a speed of 25wpm.
    Thanks for the video.
    73 de Dirk-PA2C

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 16 лет назад

    They are random calls taken from a database. So they are REAL calls but are randomly sent.

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 16 лет назад

    To verify whether the calls or the reports I copied are correct? The program tells me if it's ok or not by writing NIL if I copied something wrong...

  • @rpalmeri
    @rpalmeri 13 лет назад

    @artifactingreality The point is to contact as many stations, in as many countries, as possible. Each contact must include the station's call sign, a signal report, and a serial no.
    73, AA4SY

  • @k0rc
    @k0rc 16 лет назад

    FYI: When that 9A5 was calling off freq at 2:25, you could have used the left/right arrow keys (or maybe it's up/down) to tune your receiver.

  • @bennguyen1313
    @bennguyen1313 4 года назад

    So does Morse Runner (and/or N1MM Logger+) decode the incoming morse automatically from the sound card or is it used for transmitting out to the sound card? I'm interested in decoding from an SDR source (HDSDR , SDR# or SDR Console).

    • @w0mm
      @w0mm 4 года назад

      Morse Runner does not decode anything. Nor does N1MM Logger. It just recreates what you could hear in a contest, nothing else. And it doesn't transmit either.

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 17 лет назад

    TEST is sent because this is a CONTEST. By sending it I'm telling people that I'm in a contest and I'll give them a contact #. They should also be prepared to give me one.

  • @kc9mav
    @kc9mav 16 лет назад

    In the program you call cq and then you get a response did the program get their permission or are they not valid calls.

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 17 лет назад

    Contests are well-known for pushing the speed to at least 30 WPM. Some stations give your report at over 40 WPM ;)
    I might create another video at a lower speed when I find the time. Tnx for your comment!

  • @macintosh16
    @macintosh16 17 лет назад +1

    No I mean morse code has accents just as thought you were listening to a foreign accent whilst they were speaking english. For example we could always tell the difference between russians (very fast bug keys but very russian....) Japanese (bit like their music) Greek (could not miss this one) and so on.....I think it comes from their music rythum's if you know what I GKA we would listen to so many variations on a daily basis. I would work at least 5-10 ships per hour on a good day.

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 16 лет назад

    No offense. The good thing about this program is that you can work on your speed and on your pileups. And for those who get their general (or even extra) ticket without knowing code they're missing a lot. It's up to them to try it to discover a great way to work DX.

  • @artifactingreality
    @artifactingreality 14 лет назад

    @artifactingreality I don't understand. It's just a program that simulates random strings in morse code and you have to see if you can decode them? Why would you want to do that?

  • @macintosh16
    @macintosh16 17 лет назад

    At Portishead Radio (GKA) we used morse code proffesionally from ship to shore. The one thing we learned that a) Morse code has accents b) Russians were the fastest c) 25 words per minute is about the normal pace...not 150 words per minute!!!

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 16 лет назад

    Those calls are legal calls and available anywhere on the net.

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 17 лет назад

    Yes indeed, Morse code has accents. I learned code in France where I was taught by F6CWW to send è à ç etc. Each language that has diacritics will have special code for those letters...

  • @TonMachielsen
    @TonMachielsen 7 лет назад

    Can you re-do this video and explain which keys you are pressing and what Morse Runner is actually sending? This will help beginners (like me) understand what exactly is happening.

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 14 лет назад

    @bizzzybee The program recreates what you would hear on the bands and nothing else. It is not connected to a receiver. You can look up "cw software learn" on Google and you'll get a list of programs to learn Morse code. Lots of them are free. You may want to get in touch with a ham radio club in your neighborhood. Someone will be able to help you. Good luck!

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 16 лет назад

    There's no signal because there's not transmitter. This is a software to practice copying calls, nothing else. As a matter of fact I have this program on a flash drive and I run it wherever I feel like it as long as I can find a WindoZe machine (or Linux with Wine). It's not transmitting anything.

  • @kc9mav
    @kc9mav 16 лет назад

    I have the program but is it legal for them to to give callsigns like that.

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 17 лет назад

    If you look at the program window you'll see that I send only at 30 WPM...and that's about standard for contest operation (Sprint contest is way faster than that!)

  • @ve3enx95
    @ve3enx95 4 года назад

    1:06 You have a good ear to tell the difference between V and H at 30 wpm! :-)

  • @DesultoryDilettante
    @DesultoryDilettante 17 лет назад

    Why do you sent TEST after your CQ call? (I'm not a ham, just know the code).

  • @YV6BXN
    @YV6BXN 5 лет назад

    I think is the best program to improve cw skills in a contest .... excelent YV6BXN

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 16 лет назад

    Yes there's an RIT function. I could have used also a wider filter than the 450Hz one I use in the video. Some stations in that program call off frequency for sure ;-)

  • @ZLjedanSLO
    @ZLjedanSLO 15 лет назад

    Hi , I like to know where i can get this program

  • @honigmonster
    @honigmonster 16 лет назад

    It's said that the programme is so good and almost realistic that it's going to be used in the world hscw championships, but I'm not too sure. I thinks rufXP is presently used. I could be wrong though. Our club station is in the database
    ( DF0RI ) :OP
    Steve DL1YAL

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 16 лет назад

    Indeed, I could have used the keys to tune my receive on him but decided not to as I would not have had enough space to explain what I was doing...

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 17 лет назад

    It is...just Google it and you'll find VE3NEA's site where you can download it.

  • @poly_hexamethyl
    @poly_hexamethyl 5 лет назад

    Is it normal to send RST 599 even for the ones that aren't coming in too good? Some of these didn't really seem like 599 to me?

    • @w0mm
      @w0mm 5 лет назад +2

      599 doesn't mean anything anymore...for sure it doesn't reflect the signal strength. See the answer I gave 6 years ago.

    • @patmb2011
      @patmb2011 5 лет назад

      @@w0mm aw c'mon . . . 599 doesnt mean anything anymore? thats jst not tru sir. the reason (as u well know) everyone gets the same signal report during a contest is b'cuz it is a CONTEST. a contest is not a QSO chat where we tell each other what rig and antenna we are using and what color our house is. the idea of a contest, in this case, is to make more contacts than the next guy. the exchange is kept simple and fast. the same signal report is given to everybody. i mean, in a CONTEST who cares how strong ur signal is? save that for a half hour rag chew. the "context" of a signal report during a contest has changed... but a signal report is still a signal report. question T8C04 on the Technician exam for 2018 addresses this :)

    • @w0mm
      @w0mm 5 лет назад +1

      @@patmb2011 That's exactly what I meant: it doesn't mean anything in a contest. And your call is?

    • @patmb2011
      @patmb2011 5 лет назад +1

      then i misunderstood... sorri. umm, which call sign did u want :) got the Novice in 1959 KN9AND... NØCLG a year later... KCØPK in about 1985 cnat rem' the exact date anymore (it's tough getting old). that call has since changed, but i still have a ticket... jst prefer to keep it off the Internet though :) FWIW, i enjoyed ur vid' immensely... if u dont kno CW, u dont kno "dit" ;) hey, didnt mean to critisize. back in the day.. we made our own radios (ther were NONE to buy!) and everyone rely'ed on signal reports so see if our signal had a chirp...... sadly, mine usually did. '73

  • @iz7geg
    @iz7geg 9 лет назад

    this is only a method to make super quick "599 123 tu "qso, not for qrq morse code if you want to make qso at hight speed with very fast contester they are not able to make cw qrq

  • @TomZentra
    @TomZentra 11 лет назад

    Have you ever noticed how stations never report signals accurately? I am one of the few operators that don't believe in 599 politeness. I would rather report what I hear.

  • @driverx125
    @driverx125 16 лет назад

    what do u do to get it verifid

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 16 лет назад

    To give callsigns like what?

  • @derwalski
    @derwalski 7 лет назад +1

    CW is the essence of amateur radio, I hope.

    • @mixel777
      @mixel777 7 лет назад

      CW is just one modulation form, I think RF & antenna engineering far more important aspects.

  • @892guns
    @892guns 10 лет назад

    how do you do it so fast. I'm a pilot and i listen to one code at a time once or twice while cross referencing it with my map.

    • @w0mm
      @w0mm 10 лет назад

      It's like a foreign language or an instrument: the more you practice the better you get :)

  • @cwdxer
    @cwdxer 13 лет назад

    WPX style, love it. Second favorite from CQWW

  • @DesultoryDilettante
    @DesultoryDilettante 17 лет назад

    I know what macintosh16 is talking abt. I was a radio op at NMG (New Orleans US Coast Guard) for 3 yrs ('70-'73) and the Cubans and Mexicans sent like they talked - rapido, and all over the place. The Russians were always excellent - sometimes too fast. The Germans very proper.
    I remember the usual operating speed as around 18-20 wpm.

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 14 лет назад

    @artifactingreality What's your point?

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 17 лет назад

    I see that we have a Rush-head in the pile-up ;) Yup, I decided to loop the intro to YYZ as an intro to my vid...

  • @benhaven
    @benhaven 10 лет назад

    Guess I'm getting old, as code seems cool. I've never heard it that fast! Gonna buy a code reader.

  • @dlcox2
    @dlcox2 10 лет назад

    I know it's a contest, but if the Croatian station was so hard to receive, why give 599?

    • @w0mm
      @w0mm 10 лет назад +2

      Same as why you say "how are you?" when you greet someone and you really don't care how the person feels ;-)

    • @w0mm
      @w0mm 10 лет назад

      And your call is...?

    • @dlcox2
      @dlcox2 10 лет назад +1

      w0mm KC9WYF, Dave. Pleased to meet you

    • @w0mm
      @w0mm 10 лет назад

      David Cox II
      Nice to meet you Dave. Please call me in the contests if you hear me (or when I operate from NR5M).

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 17 лет назад

    It's like a foreign language. You just have to practice a lot to reach fluency...If you can copy 12 WPM you should be able to reach 20 WPM in a few weeks (or months depending on how much you practice ;) Good luck!

  • @cwdxer
    @cwdxer 12 лет назад

    I use morse runner to warm up for major contests like WPX

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 16 лет назад

    If you want to finish last you sure can do it manually...if you want to finish first you'd better do everything automatically...And you still have to copy at 30+ WPM anyway ;-)

  • @sparky42
    @sparky42 14 лет назад

    @artifactingreality If it's not your hobby it's hard to explain the passion we have for radio communications. There are a million aspects of amateur radio and w0mm just wanted to demonstrate one. The hobby encompasses a myriad of interesting things that range from communicating with other local hams to bouncing a radio signal off the surface of the moon ! I love to utilize the ionized trail of meteorites to help with some forms of communications.we can also speak with astronauts aboard the ISS

  • @k0rc
    @k0rc 16 лет назад

    I see you already talked about RIT. And my time mark should have been 3:00.

  • @zimmerking2
    @zimmerking2 17 лет назад

    Great video! It drove me nuts, though - I learned to copy in the military at about 800 Hz audio pitch. I kept wanting to turn the dial up a bit! hi. Since Morse is no longer a requirement, and most people run slower than 30 wpm, it'd be nice if you did another one at 18-22 wpm. tnx es 73 de k4zi

  • @artifactingreality
    @artifactingreality 14 лет назад

    whats the point?

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 12 лет назад +1

    Welcome to the hobby and I look forward to working you in the contest (most probably from NR5M - see my video about his station). 73 de W0MM

  • @kf5nro
    @kf5nro 10 лет назад

    Code is cool. I wish more people worked code without there being a contest on. It is kind of a can't beat em join em thin. I'll give this program a try to break down the numbers vs. letters wall. HAM radio has a high learning code these days due to the lack of community as in days of old.

  • @MrNorm46
    @MrNorm46 16 лет назад

    Very nice es tu fer taking the time to make this excellent video.73,Norman/Kb9ygd.

  • @globedimmer8286
    @globedimmer8286 6 лет назад

    Thanks for sharing this practical instructional video. Great windows app for improving ones cw copying skills. DE AH0D 73 TU . .

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 15 лет назад

    You can Google it and it'll give you sites to d/l it. GL.

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 17 лет назад +1

    Beeping?!?! What beeping? I hear music and rhythm ;)

  • @Wavesfriends11
    @Wavesfriends11 14 лет назад

    Very good video thank-you 73's John and Dorota

    @XPRTTT 15 лет назад

    Ahh, Finland got in the vid too :D

  • @neet919
    @neet919 15 лет назад

    that is great good to know for future

  • @Volcarion
    @Volcarion 17 лет назад

    too much BEEPING! cool though

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 13 лет назад

    @arizonamontana Beats WoW for sure ;-)

  • @kc9mav
    @kc9mav 16 лет назад

    Roger that thanks!

  • @ua1cbm
    @ua1cbm 11 лет назад

    Thanks for grear video. HPE CU in contest! 73!

  • @kenburdickcpa
    @kenburdickcpa 11 лет назад

    too stressful for me Ken KB5T

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 16 лет назад

    But of course! ;)

  • @dhidhi1000
    @dhidhi1000 15 лет назад

    ? n intendi

  • @sp6ml
    @sp6ml 17 лет назад

    Good job 73 cu

  • @bd0ah
    @bd0ah 17 лет назад

    good Software !!!

  • @jimpainter9935
    @jimpainter9935 6 лет назад +1

    Lose the bells

  • @aeonios
    @aeonios 17 лет назад


  • @CaTuber
    @CaTuber 17 лет назад

    Good example!
    r 5nn tt1 tu

  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 13 лет назад

    @arizonamontana World of Warcraft = WoW

  • @Volcarion
    @Volcarion 17 лет назад


  • @w0mm
    @w0mm 17 лет назад

    TU es CU in pile-up :)

  • @kc9mav
    @kc9mav 16 лет назад

    I have the program but is it legal for them to to give callsigns like that.

  • @brennank6bfl684
    @brennank6bfl684 5 лет назад

    how do you decode this.

    • @w0mm
      @w0mm 5 лет назад +1

      I use my brain, or at least the working part ;-)

    • @brennank6bfl684
      @brennank6bfl684 5 лет назад

      Yeah I just found that out I am not good enough for that thanks

  • @kc9mav
    @kc9mav 16 лет назад

    Roger that thanks!