Najbolji perioood ikadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ŠTO NE OTVORE NEKI RETRO KLUB ŠABANI DA PUŠTAJU SAMO MUZIKU 1997-2005!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ovo mi je omiljeni mix... A Lanicor omiljena pesma...
My first I love Techno. Me and friends took the train from Antwerp to Ghent where we already taken xtc. It kicked in the moment we walked into the room where this set was playing. Umek was unknown here back then till this set has ended. Later that evening we went to see Dave Clarkes also legendary set from that year. Best night ever!
@@alexgrine5814 droga je bila top top , uzmeš jednog i nemoš od straha drugi , pa onda uzmeš pola ....... kasnije su se tablete mogle sa žlicom jesti koliko su nekvalitetne bile . Onda još kasnije se pojavija speed koji je u početku nešto i valja kasnije se pretvorija u tešku mješavina svega i svačega koja ruši mozak . U skladu sa tim je i glazba išla kvragu , poslije 2004 ni glazba više nije valjala . Znači da sumiramo , od 1995 do 2005 je techno ima svoj početak i kraj šta se mene tiče .
ja slusam techno od 96 ako racunamo prodigy ko techno makar su oni crossover ali od 99 po partyima ima moram se slozit sa ostatkom foruma da ovakav techno vise ne postoji i da mozemo bit sretni( neki ) da smo ovakve partyije dozivjeli uzivo!! zivjele kasne 90-e i rane 2000te
I can proudly say I was there, top era of real techno. My god it's a tough one these days to filter out all the business end of techno to get to these levels.. I know times change, but this is what's all about. These grooves and percussion, if you see this YOU are a real one! 🤙
Back in the days when UMEK super glued his finger on the FX Button... This set is a lesson for every new techno dj how it is done the old skool way. This is not only a techno set - on this day umek created history. It influenced me so massive in my own mix style. This set and MayDay 2002 where I witnessed Umek live are milestones in 3 Decks mixing!
kad cujem ovaj set prođe me sto jeza i flashbackovi iz tog doba kad su ovakve stvari bile samo tada....da se malo vratit u to vrijeme...i da bude neki retro samo za sve nas iz tog doba :)
sve spica do spice. nema odmora, tijelo leti na sve strane cijelo vrijeme.. oo kakvi partiji su to bili, neponovljivo. da je samo jos jedan takav za kraj..
#######################################################################п##########################################################################################################################################################################################################################################п##############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################ее###########################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################с#################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################р##############мр##м####м###и# ррмррммр##р###########шрр#р################и и мир и мы можем мы с по мр и р и ршмр и момрр и #шмрор и#############рр и ммммрмр и рммрр и###############мр и м и мы можем мы с мужем орм и ррмммррррр и мгрм#########ммрррмрр и ###мы и рмммм и ргммрррмрмр и мы мммррмо и мы м по рмгр и мр и мы мир и и мы р и ####по римр######################################################################################ормр###рммммр###ммммрм###шр#ро мы можем мы с мужем ир мы можем мы шмрмр мы мои мм рммо #мы можем#############################################################################################################################################мрмо##################
nikad necu zaboravit partijanje uz ovo i kad budem imo 60 god. pustit cu sebi da se prisjetim tih dana. danas je sve u kurcu ne mozes cuti dobru stvarku a i sve rijedje su dobre partije. old school
Definitivno jedan on najjačih satova koje sam čuo non-stop akcija!Još uvijek puštam ovakav techno i neću nikad puštat minimal i ostale pizdarije SAMO VOŽNJA DO KRAJA!
kraj 8. razreda i ovo se slusalo, i dan danas volim taj stari dobri techno. A danasnje generacije slusaju elitne odrede i dj cviju, hvala majko sto si me rodila na vreme
with this set my discovery and great love for techno began... I received the CD mistakenly from a friend and I will never forget the first time I heard the first beats of "7th question" at 1:10... it was done right then and there was no return - I became incurable addicted.
This set just never gets old. The pace. The rhythms. The chants. The Belgium radio commentator, the obvious cheering of the crowd, Umek being at his apogee. It all comes together in this set!
obavezna lektira !!!!! svi pravi party-aneri znaju ovaj set !!! znam da se vremena mijenjaju i umek jos uvijek radi vrhunsku glazbu, ali trebao bi si nekada prije spavanja pustiti ovaj set,mozda ga opere neki flashback i vrati se na staro.
I remember the first time I heard about this matter, it was somewhere in Austria, on the way to an internship from Slovakia to Italy she always cheers me up when I hear her
Ovaj set sam slušao na lokalnoj radio stanici,petkom bila emisija od 22h.Uspeo sam da snimim na kasetu koju i danas imam.Pre dvadeset i dve godine.Preslušano sa društvom milion puta.To je tehno!🥳🤗
it was my first ever I love techno I went too, damn the memories of that party and this set still alive after all these years. Was glad that I knew Umek just before from a set he played at a smaller club in Belgium and convinced my friends to check this guy out.
bodycount00 Moram se složiti,valjda u svakoj glazbi mora biti tako-uvod,zaplet,rasplet i kraj. Itekako mi je drago da sam bio aktivni sudionik prva tri čina
auu kad se ovo slusaloooo :D jedan od najboljih partija!! 2001 je gorila kad je ovo izaslo :))) zar sam toliko ostario :D nema veze i dalje se slusa ovo poslije 12 godina :D
Classic. One of the best sets ever Made. Absolutely love this, now 20 years later
Me too bro ! Pure TECHNO ! Good old days !
Yes, i remember old times, now i only listen from my sofa and loud 🔊
I love this techno
Will love it forewer
Jedan od boljih setova frrrrr
Wish umek never left this style he was one of the hardgroove ogs
to this day,most popular set in Balkan !
bodycount00 Marco Carola-7th Question jedna od najjačih stvari ikad
+makarinjo najjaca
+bodycount00 ubedljivo
Cox @ exit 2005 je popularniji ;)
uros je uros ;)
Good old tecnno Umek is the king of TECHNO
We need old techno back !!!!!!!!!
Sta reci....di je nesta ovaj techno......koji lipi dani.....UMEK uvik razvaljuje ali ovaj set je jedan od onih koje pamtis do kraja zivota
Wow 17 years ago and still sounds fresh ;)
nmmc 909 yes mate , it was fucking awesome
And always will!!!
21 years brooooooooo yeah keep it spinning
Najbolji perioood ikadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ŠTO NE OTVORE NEKI RETRO KLUB ŠABANI DA PUŠTAJU SAMO MUZIKU 1997-2005!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ovo mi je omiljeni mix... A Lanicor omiljena pesma...
My first I love Techno. Me and friends took the train from Antwerp to Ghent where we already taken xtc. It kicked in the moment we walked into the room where this set was playing. Umek was unknown here back then till this set has ended. Later that evening we went to see Dave Clarkes also legendary set from that year. Best night ever!
... jako dobar techno , najbolji techno se pusta tih godina isto tako je najbolja droga bila tih godina :D , ......kasnije je sve poslo k vragu
Baš tako nakon duplih Mitsubishija sve je ošlo u k....
@@alexgrine5814 droga je bila top top , uzmeš jednog i nemoš od straha drugi , pa onda uzmeš pola ....... kasnije su se tablete mogle sa žlicom jesti koliko su nekvalitetne bile . Onda još kasnije se pojavija speed koji je u početku nešto i valja kasnije se pretvorija u tešku mješavina svega i svačega koja ruši mozak . U skladu sa tim je i glazba išla kvragu , poslije 2004 ni glazba više nije valjala . Znači da sumiramo , od 1995 do 2005 je techno ima svoj početak i kraj šta se mene tiče .
Najbrže mi prodje nocna smena u pekari uz dobrog starog umeka
ja slusam techno od 96 ako racunamo prodigy ko techno makar su oni crossover ali od 99 po partyima ima moram se slozit sa ostatkom foruma da ovakav techno vise ne postoji i da mozemo bit sretni( neki ) da smo ovakve partyije dozivjeli uzivo!! zivjele kasne 90-e i rane 2000te
Tako je !!
Robert Kuže upravo tako, do neke 2004 2005 otprilike, sad se ovakvi partiji traze povecalom
Robert Kuže Gjuro 2 u Zagrebu piči ovakvu tehnjavicu :)
Robert Kuže jao kad se sjetim od 2001 do 2007 ,,,a sad u iraku,,,
Robert Kuže Zadnji party na kojem sam bio Oldies Goldies u Ambasadi Gavioli 30,01,2010. Umek , Kanzyani,Sputnik, Veztax ... pravi techno.
I can proudly say I was there, top era of real techno. My god it's a tough one these days to filter out all the business end of techno to get to these levels.. I know times change, but this is what's all about. These grooves and percussion, if you see this YOU are a real one! 🤙
Back in the days when UMEK super glued his finger on the FX Button... This set is a lesson for every new techno dj how it is done the old skool way. This is not only a techno set - on this day umek created history. It influenced me so massive in my own mix style. This set and MayDay 2002 where I witnessed Umek live are milestones in 3 Decks mixing!
Grew up listening to him and Valentino Kanzyani…goats of house and techno in Slovenia
@@bornagain1009 Valentino Kanzyani is Slovenian or from Hungary ??!
@@pharaon6718 slovenian
@@bornagain1009 kje si prošt stara sabla?!
spot on
Uvijek mi osmijeh vraća na lice samo kada se sjetim tih godina i ludila,hahaha na šta smo ličili.....izobličeni 😃😃😃
hahaha i dalje nakon 100 godina najdrazi set :D
Bas tako care. Iskrivljeni i SRECNI . UP UP DO neba....
Izobliceni i sritni, emocije na 300%:))
Neki od nas i dan danas 😁 i ako imam 30 godina tek.... ovaj set slusam od kad je izaso ...
Techno 1995-2003 RIP!
realy sad but true
Where are this music now!!!???
All electronic genres are different, still plenty off cool music there
1993-2005 but that's my opinion of course
Ti si rodjen ocito 2008.Brate nemas pojma
Ovaj cd je bio trazeniji od severininog pornica :) 😀 😃 🙂
Sai che hai ragione ..cazzo lo so quasi a memoria.....Forza Uroš Che sei un demonio Della Tecno...saluti da Portorose
ovaj sam cd ižuljao više nego ruku na severinin pornić🤪💪👊
J4 n
I was there! Had a friend at the bar and a bag of mitsubishi's, all stars aligned for an epic night.
glad you survived
sunce ti žarko...i dalje se spržiš😎❤
Licno sam bio vise puta na Umek predstavi svaki put osjecao sam se kao haljinka na striku lik je zesca sprzotina to su bile zlatne godine ljep pozdrav
ma lomi ga breeeeeeee.
Slusam ga sa uzivanjem kao i prvi put kad sam ovo cuo. Steta sto nema vise ovog techna...
najjaci ♥
I dan danas mi u autu svira. Čisto remek-djelo.
J'écoute encore ce set en 2023 et je ne m'en lasse pas !!! I LOVE TECHNO 💖💖💖
.....😂😂😂😂😂😂how old are u dickhead 😂😂😂😂
Najbolji mix u celokupnoj istoriji covecanstva.....posle ovog mixa muzika je prestala da la techno
bravo za komentar
sasaurug djordjevic salamat DJ ha.
Ovo je vrhunsko, ali ima ih jos puno iz tog perioda 1998 - 2005. Imam u konobi 2 pune kartonske kutije CD sto sam skinuo u tom periodu. 😁
Covek je objasnio kako se to radi.... my respect! :)
kad cujem ovaj set prođe me sto jeza i flashbackovi iz tog doba kad su ovakve stvari bile samo tada....da se malo vratit u to vrijeme...i da bude neki retro samo za sve nas iz tog doba :)
Kraljikica i mene duart dolazi 28 u zg nadam se sa ce me podsjetit
dok je umek peglao PEGLA je bila VRUČA :)
sve spica do spice. nema odmora, tijelo leti na sve strane cijelo vrijeme.. oo kakvi partiji su to bili, neponovljivo. da je samo jos jedan takav za kraj..
tijelo leti na sve strane,baš tako,bravo boka,uroš je pravi,viva slovenia
Sigurno jedan od najboljih techno setova ikad.
nije mozda nego je :)
uroš obvlada
O da
Can’t believe I was here 23 years ago. When “Gatek” dropped I completely lost it. ❤️
najbolji set ikad, vrati me u djetinstvo u sekundi, hvala UMEK!
Ima ih jos ali da vraca u lude dane moga zivota ❤❤
#######################################################################п##########################################################################################################################################################################################################################################п##############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################ее###########################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################с#################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################р##############мр##м####м###и# ррмррммр##р###########шрр#р################и и мир и мы можем мы с по мр и р и ршмр и момрр и #шмрор и#############рр и ммммрмр и рммрр и###############мр и м и мы можем мы с мужем орм и ррмммррррр и мгрм#########ммрррмрр и ###мы и рмммм и ргммрррмрмр и мы мммррмо и мы м по рмгр и мр и мы мир и и мы р и ####по римр######################################################################################ормр###рммммр###ммммрм###шр#ро мы можем мы с мужем ир мы можем мы шмрмр мы мои мм рммо #мы можем#############################################################################################################################################мрмо##################
YEAAAA i found it! ... finally :-D i listen it back then in 2001 on some internet radio and it took me 13 years to find it .. :-D
Tak⚒️jednego planowanego na rok i tego sie będziemy odnosić⚒️
nikad necu zaboravit partijanje uz ovo i kad budem imo 60 god. pustit cu sebi da se prisjetim tih dana. danas je sve u kurcu ne mozes cuti dobru stvarku a i sve rijedje su dobre partije. old school
Vratite nam techno......
20 godina slušanja elektronske glazbe i dalje mi je jedan od najjačih setova ikada! Tight! Pounding! The Energy! 2019!
20 years ago. Best Techno time i Love Techno ghent. Greetz fromm belgium 🇧🇪
Peak of European techno brought to you by the one and only U M E K
What a classic...hugelie popular in croatia! Reminds me on my beginings... Still gets me moving 20 years later...
Real techno forever🖤
Are u Serb?
@@GaiusPrimusMatius ja sam ti tata
Definitivno jedan on najjačih satova koje sam čuo non-stop akcija!Još uvijek puštam ovakav techno i neću nikad puštat minimal i ostale pizdarije SAMO VOŽNJA DO KRAJA!
Daj nekih ovakvih staruh dobrih mikseva da przi akcija non stop
kraj 8. razreda i ovo se slusalo, i dan danas volim taj stari dobri techno. A danasnje generacije slusaju elitne odrede i dj cviju, hvala majko sto si me rodila na vreme
najbolji set ikad šta je neki dy puštao . umek legendo . kako se partijalo na ovaj set . a tek afteri ufff . pozdrav iz rijeke hr
najbolji techno zadnjih 20 god i sljedecih,amen.
20 years later... Still on point
we still listen this master peace
One of the best techno sets ever!!!!
Still one of the best sets
with this set my discovery and great love for techno began... I received the CD mistakenly from a friend and I will never forget the first time I heard the first beats of "7th question" at 1:10... it was done right then and there was no return - I became incurable addicted.
barabetta so sad that every dj and artist makes other stuff today. like marco bailey , chris liebing , and all others
2000-2007 was the best time
indeed. have still some of the Questions Vinyls. i think Marco Carola had his best time there
Marco Carolla, perfect!!!
Jedan od Meni najdrdZze slusanijih ssetova.
tehno prženje, Umek broj 1 DJ na ovim prostorima. Ovaj mix nisam čuo bar 12-13 godina (prepoznao sam ga po nemačkom voditelju)
This set just never gets old. The pace. The rhythms. The chants. The Belgium radio commentator, the obvious cheering of the crowd, Umek being at his apogee. It all comes together in this set!
Still in 2016 this is the best!!!!
For my friend Hari R.I.P.
U tako maloj zemlji zivai najveci covjek old school techna!!! Ajmoooo bracooooo!!!
Sjecam se ovih dana Predobro, 😘😘😘
The best techno 2000’s❤️♥️❤️ Niš is 2024, stil missing those old days!!!
Oh god,those were the days, i want the good old techno back! Damnation to all dislikers...Thanks for upload.
music of my youth and still is timeles in 2023
Perfect techno mix. Portugal
Ohh good times of techno!
tako je
Oh so many nice days with our friend Umek . I was young crazy and high all the time . PARTY ON !
BEST TECHNO SET EVER from UMEK. ( Listening to it the 45th time probably)
najjači set ikad od najjačeg slovenca
zlatno doba techna moje mladosti cage ekipe i svega
Djole burazeru ostali su samo blijedi blicevi u mom istrosenom mozgu. Ponekad navrnem umeka, liebinga, starog Coxa itd da me zelja mine.
hvala za playlist, definitivno njegov najbolji set, na ovo se skakalo i hvatalo vilicu po floru ....... :D
obavezna lektira !!!!!
svi pravi party-aneri znaju ovaj set !!!
znam da se vremena mijenjaju i umek jos uvijek radi vrhunsku glazbu,
ali trebao bi si nekada prije spavanja pustiti ovaj set,mozda ga opere neki flashback i vrati se na staro.
The best techno set ever made
Stvarno jedan od najjačih setova ikad... Koliko se ovo samo puta odvrtilo prije 15 godina :D
One of the best techno sets, period. That tracklist is insane !
Jos uvijek jedan od boljih na balkanskim prostorima
I never get tired of this set. So epic, Umek was one of my favourite back then and still is ❤️
I remember the first time I heard about this matter, it was somewhere in Austria, on the way to an internship from Slovakia to Italy
she always cheers me up when I hear her
set moje mladosti :-)
Ovaj set sam slušao na lokalnoj radio stanici,petkom bila emisija od 22h.Uspeo sam da snimim na kasetu koju i danas imam.Pre dvadeset i dve godine.Preslušano sa društvom milion puta.To je tehno!🥳🤗
Heard this live on the radio and have somewhere the cd of this I❤️Techno edition! Great times!
Miss this kind of techno.
2018 anyone?
Luis Vico me
2019 dude🔥🔥🔥
Greetings from Polad. 2020
I love this one!!! I had it on tape :))))
i've got it on records,damn good times :)
Viv Nagy you will have to give a link to wikipedia what's tape is :-) I had this on MD
it was my first ever I love techno I went too, damn the memories of that party and this set still alive after all these years. Was glad that I knew Umek just before from a set he played at a smaller club in Belgium and convinced my friends to check this guy out.
U remember that? 👽😀
I LOVE TECHNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This set is so epic. Can't let a year go by without playing this one!
this set was big in Czech Republic too - when Umek was smashing it on the decks
Najbolji techno je bio 2001,02,03 i nesto 2004!
Moram se složiti,valjda u svakoj glazbi mora biti tako-uvod,zaplet,rasplet i kraj.
Itekako mi je drago da sam bio aktivni sudionik prva tri čina
Najbolji techno set koji sam čuo u životu je bio Takkyo Ishino u Ambasadi 1998 godine.
top je blo v 90tih letih...sploh v gavijoli pa v celju golovec
najbolji su bili partiji 1999-2003. dok sam bio mlad i lud
točno tako
umek in umek adijo pamet On zna in je pravi majstor love his music the best
je tako,on
je dohtar
VRH slovensko glasbo ...... stvarno je najjaci lik ove nase elektronske estrade axaxaxaxa :)
18 anos depois continua a ser um grande set de Umek I love'it
Got this off audiogalaxy about 2001/2002 - used to love listening to it - great set.
Me too :) it was downloading for 40 hours with a 56k modem.
The good old days :)
Jedan od najboljih setova ikad
Ma šta ti znaš bolan😂😂😂😂
auu kad se ovo slusaloooo :D jedan od najboljih partija!! 2001 je gorila kad je ovo izaslo :))) zar sam toliko ostario :D nema veze i dalje se slusa ovo poslije 12 godina :D
baš mi je drago šta sam išao u to vrijeme na partye i znao se proveseliti 🫠🫨😵😵💫 uz najbolju mjuzu 🎉
One of the bests sets ever!!
Poslje svega jos u jutro na after party,neopisivo
The best after all these years 👏💪🏻
am new to techno ,recently just hooked by vibrancy, then a realized
i just searching for legends
2001... one of the better year of techno!!
Yeah this year plus minus five were amazing ❤️❤️
@@Joypadrick 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - the golden age of techno.
@@rok_koritnik we need old techno like this !!
download this on 2002 !!!i love it!!!surprise to find it on u tube!! awesomeeeee
i never get bored listening to that particular dj set... Umek must have been very happy that night!
Umek!!! Baszott király👌
Ali paše ko šamar budali i nakon toliko dugo vremena :D
I was there!❤