Torah = our commandments. Prophets (Nevi'im) = all the ways we can mess up. Writings (Ketuvim) = all the ways we can get it right and fix what we did wrong. Amazing. Thanks so much.
IDK if it's a good idea for him to be making anti-Christian videos while at the same time having Israel begging Christians for their support during this conflict
@@jeffdavis-nc1sn Jews always have the right to not be proselytized by Christians. If Christians don’t respect that then they don’t really love us like they say.
Shalom Rabbi Singer if you happen to notice a pull on your coat It's just me holding on to it. Thanks for everything you do and all your videos. Please keep me in your prayers I'm in Germany at the moment my Mother is very sick. Thanks
Thank you so much for everything you do Rabbi! I sincerely wish I could give more at this time. So much love and prayers to you and all of our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel.
Donate to the poor and the suffering of the people of Israel. That would be a noble cause Just use your brain and think for once, why God would randomly create humans with great inequality like the rich/poor or healthy/diseased or educated/illiterate etc.,? It doesn't make any sense at all. If he created such to test us, then he clearly is a psycho and doesn't deserve any veneration. Only the law of karma and the cycle of life and death is plausible as compared to the fairytales and the violent stuff of the Abrahamic cults. Respect fellow humans and show compassion irrespective of their religious beliefs, that's what a truly good person is. None of the Abrahamic cults teach that.
Thank you so much for explaining why the order of the law and the prophets and the writings is such I didn't know that the writings was the antidote from what the profits are saying the problems were thank you so much❤
@@Xhopp3r 1. God forbids idol worship. 2. Praying to saints or Mary or Jesus who are creations instead of praying only to God who is the creator is idol worship in Judaism and Islam and in some Christian sects. 3. Jews and Muslims love Christians by explaining that the messiah in Tanakh is a human biological descendant of the messiah king David through the messiah king Solomon meaning the messiah is not God and not a Trinity with God. 4. Jews and Muslims love Christians by explaining that the messiah in the Quran is a human who did not descend from the messiah king David because a person who has no biological father inherits no tribe in Judaism. 5. Jews and Muslims love Christians by explaining that in Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus said he did not die on the cross meaning no one sacrificed him and he explains that he is a human and he is not God. 6. Jews and Muslims love Christians by explaining that not all Christians believe that Jesus is God or that Jesus is a Trinity with God.
@@Xhopp3r See 1. Appalled Christian Caller! "You call my religion idolatry?" Rabbi Tovia Singer responds. See 2. Rabbi Tovia Singer slams Church for erecting a barrier between man and God. See 3. Did the early Jews believe In a Triune God? Rabbi Tovia slams pastor John Piper. Progressive revelation.
This response is very important because it explains an esential discrepancy in the Christian bible, and that error leads to not follow the logical order of the books that shows the way to salvation and that explains why chronicles, prophets , proverbs and psalms have a particular role in repentance and salvation
@patriceagulu8315 @patriceagulu8315 the your opinion that without you we would be history, doesn't changed the fact that you don't fight to protect us you don't fight because you "love" us, you're fighting for your religious ideas, you have some end goal here, you're killing the Jews same as the Muslims, the difference is that they are killing physically and you spiritually. We have no problem that the Christians are ruling the world "today", but "in the end of days" salvation will come to US, and then WE will be ruling, as the prophets has promised, we have patient.
Deuteronomy 11:12 *a land for which the LORD your God cares; the eyes of the LORD your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year* Psalms 121:4 NKJV *Behold, He who keeps Israel Shall neither slumber nor sleep* Keep safe Rabbi we love you u talk truth ipray Isreal win over attackers
Correction: Paul did not say do not keep the law, just the opposite when he said "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?" Romans 6:1-3 KJV Not just that but God calls us to Holiness, for he said, "For be thee Holy, for I am Holy", plus everything the Prophet Isaiah spoke about the coming Messiah came to pass, even every single detail, and physical history proves it.
In the future, the Messianic king will arise and renew the Davidic dynasty, restoring it to its initial sovereignty. He will build the Temple and gather the dispersed of Israel.
Mishlĕ (Proverbs) 30:4 Who has gone up to the heavens and come down? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who established all the ends of the earth? What is His Name, And what is His Son’s Name, If you know it? Tehillim (Psalms) 22:16 [16] For dogs have surrounded Me; A crowd of evil ones have encircled Me, Piercing My hands and My feet; [18] They divide My garments among them, And for My raiment they cast lots. Tehillim (Psalms) 2:2 [2] The sovereigns of the earth take their stand, And the rulers take counsel together, Against יהוה and against His Messiah, and say, [6] But I, I have set My Sovereign on Tsiyon, My set-apart mountain. [7] “I inscribe for a law: יהוה has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have brought You forth. [12] Kiss the Son, lest He be enraged, And you perish in the way, For soon His wrath is to be kindled. Blessed are all those taking refuge in Him. Tehillim (Psalms) 118:21-23 [21] I thank You, For You have answered me, And have become my deliverance. [22] The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief corner-stone. [23] This was from יהוה, It is marvellous in our eyes. [26] Blessed is He who is coming in the Name of יהוה! We shall bless you from the House of יהוה.
The name of God's son is NOT Jesus! His name is ISRAEL Ex. 4:22: "And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, ISRAEL IS MY SON, even my firstborn.” Hosea 11:1: "When ISRAEL was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my SON." Israel is God's son! Psalm 22:16: "For dogs have surrounded me; a band of evildoers has encompassed me, like a lion they are at my hands and feet." YOUR VERSION IS MSTRANSLATED! There is no piercing of hands and feet mentioned anywhere in the Psalm. The lion theme also runs in verse 14.
@@psandbergnzyour masoretic text is deliberately falsified after the time of Jesus to change Psalm 22. The Dead Sea scrolls prove this as they pre exist both Christianity and your masoretic text and they confirm the pierced translation is accurate. If you research it yourself before talking nonsense you would know.
@@robertfrank6058 ,you only display your ignorance! The DSS does NOT have "pierced" anywhere in Psalm 22, but aligns fully with the masoretic text. Verse 16 should run (in both the masoretic text and the DSS) in the English translation: "Like a lion, they are at my hands and my feet". Note that the "lion" theme continues from verse 13 (but in that verse, your English translation gets it right (the Hebrew: ka'ari", meaning "like a lion", occurs in both verses). Moreover, there is nothing Christological in the psalm. The psalm describes the trials and tribulations of David. There is no Christian theme anywhere in the psalm! Can you show me where the anguish and suffering described in the psalm are related to the redemption of the world or its salvation, or to the forgiveness of sin? The essential theme of Christianity is entirely missing. There is no blood sacrifice for forgiveness of sin or vicarious suffering implied anywhere in it. The psalm shows that God delivers the suffering person (David) from harm and death (verses 22- 28), so that his prayers are ANSWERED, which is why the psalm ends with the theme of gratitude and thanksgiving to God for deliverance from harm. Jesus was not delivered from death, but tortured to death! There is no Christian theme running anywhere in the psalm. There is also no resurrection mentioned or hinted at. The psalm is not about Jesus. Btw, did Jesus ever liken himself to a "worm" (verse 6)? Is that your divine son of God - a worm?? There is not a single verse in the entire Hebrew Bible that points to or prophesies Jesus. Once the Christian prophetic claims are examined IN CONTEXT, they all collapse, one after the other, and your Jesus evaporates from the text, and this happens throughout the Bible (not just plasm 22). That is why Christians run away from context. Context always refutes the Christian claim.
They don’t want you to find the solution to sin because it will mean their offering plates will dry up. Like Roman Catholics said you had to buy salvation trinkets or offer so much to the church before Martin Luther came along and said saved by faith through grace. People still felt obligated to put in 10% or more to fatten up their priests and inlay Gold crosses in everything. 🤢
Shalom Rabbi Tovia how are you doing during these times. Hi WiLliam. Wonderful to learn some more. SA also going through weird times floods winds fires ect.
@@matthewpenn407: You need to realize, research, and accept, that the "NT" is absolutely NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God, and it blasphemously and idolatrously preaches AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai. NO FURTHER SCRIPTURES (i.e. NO "NT"!) were given to mankind by God AFTER Mt. Sinai, since He specifically told us that the words He gave to us there (Hebrew scriptures) are ETERNAL, meaning NO OTHER WORDS were to be expected from Him. God also specifically told us NOT to follow ANY OTHER teaching than what is in those Hebrew scriptures. "Christianity" IS another teaching, therefore we are NOT to follow what it teaches - God's orders! PLEASE buy a Hebrew Bible (says "Stone Edition TANACH" on the cover), and Rabbi Singer's books, as well as Rabbi Stuart Federow's book "Judaism and Christianity - A Contrast", to help you understand why Christianity did NOT come from God.
*Philippians ch1 v18* But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every *way* whether from *FALSE!* motives or true *Christ* is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice,
*Your 'god' was just a false prophet who didn't even fulfill his own prophecies, made mistakes, and didn't even know the bible - and you made him to be 'god'.* *Want proof of all of the above?*
Help me please! I am the scapegoat of a disfunctional super evangelical family. My brothers are both pastors in their community. Now that HaShem has shown me the truth… am I supposed to expose it to my brothers and sisters, knowing that they will not accept It? Or should I just let them go on in their way? I am sincerely struggling with this! 😢
You know what a Christian Theology degree gets you in the real world? Maybe, just maybe a managerial position at a MacDonald's franchise. According to studies by the Alban Institute and Fuller Seminary, 50 percent of ministers drop out of ministry within the first five years and many never to go back to church again (Meek et al., 2003, p. 340). Meek, K., McMinn, M., Brower, C., Burnett, T., McRay, B., Ramey, M., et al. (2003, Winter). Maintaining personal resiliency: Lessons learned from evangelical protestant clergy. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 31.4(9), 339-47.) A Duke University study found that 85% of seminary graduates entering the ministry leave within five years and 90% of all pastors will not stay to retirement. And let’s not forget, someone has to graduate last from seminary, would that person, be one of your brothers?
@@abc_6Honestly? That's so unkind and unhelpful. And you are referring to people as dirty, infected. Isn't that the horrific narrative that has caused six million Jewish souls to be killed. Please, please don't speak like that about anyone.
@@Michaelbrown-j4l None of the prophecies in the Jewish bible about the messiah who inherits the tribe of David applies to Jesus because Jesus had no biological father. The only way a Jewish son can inherit a tribe in Judaism today and 2000 years ago in the time of Jesus and 3300 years ago in the time of Moses is through your biological father. . Jesus is Jewish because his mother is Jewish however Jesus inherits no tribe because Jesus has no biological father which is the only way tribe is inherited by a Jewish son. . A Jewish son cannot choose a tribe and a Jewish son cannot change their tribe. A Jewish woman who marries a non Jew will produce a Jewish son who inherits no tribe. A Jewish woman who has a virgin birth will produce a Jewish son who inherits no tribe. A Jewish woman who has a virgin birth and a non biological Jewish father will produce a Jewish son who inherits no tribe. . It is because Jesus inherits no tribe that Jews today know that the claim that Jews 2000 years ago said Jesus was from the house of David was written by people who did not know that a son without a biological father inherits no tribe in Judaism. . Today most Christians do not know that a Jewish son from a virgin birth meaning without a biological father inherits no tribe in Judaism. . All prophecies about the messiah from David mentioned in the Jewish bible do not apply to anyone who did not have a biological father because they inherit no tribe in Judaism. . All prophecies about the messiah from David mentioned in the Jewish bible do not apply to anyone who did not descend from a biological father through the messiah king David and through the messiah king Solomon because it is a promise which God said God will not change.
@@Michaelbrown-j4l The promise that all the messiahs anointed kings of Israel will come from the House of David forever. See. Can the Jewish Scriptures save Christianity from the Birth? Rabbi Tovia Singer responds.
@@Michaelbrown-j4l Things become clear when looking at the difference between the messiah Prophet Jesus Isa in Islam and Christianity. The word messiah meaning anointed for Jesus is a name that foretells the event described in Gospel of Matthew 26:7 where a woman poured perfume on the head of Jesus meaning in the Gospel, Jesus is not anointed as the messiah who descended from the house of the messiah king David through the messiah king Solomon as foretold in the Tanakh Jewish scripture because Jesus had no biological father which is the only way a person can inherit the House of David meaning Jesus is not the messiah who is described in Tanakh Jewish scripture. . The English word messiah and the Arabic word masih in Quran 3:45 come from the Hebrew word Mashiach which means an anointed person like an anointed prophet or anointed priest or anointed king or anointed judge. A messiah or masih or mashiach is not a person who saves people from anything but means a person who has a leadership position. . The difference between the messiah Prophet Jesus in Islam (where Jesus is a prophet NOT from the House of David) and Christianity (where Jesus is a prophet from the House of David). The Quran confirms the Tanakh Jewish scripture and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel. There are thousands of messiahs in history and 2000 years ago Jesus was the messiah meaning the one who was anointed. The Tanakh Jewish Scripture describes many messiahs who are Jewish and non Jewish Kings or priests or prophets or judges who have no connection with messiah David. Kings or priests or judges or prophets who were anointed with oil or who had a leadership position were called a messiah and the majority have no connection to King David. . Jesus is one of thousands of messiahs in history but Jesus cannot be related to messiah king David because Jesus has no biological father through which tribe is inherited in Judaism. A person who is born in a virgin birth has no tribe because in Judaism a tribe is inherited through the biological father and cannot be inherited by adoption through a non biological father or through the mother. . Jesus tells us that the Tanakh is correct and must be followed forever in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3 meaning whatever contradicts with the Tanakh did not come from Jesus or God. This means all claims that a person from a virgin birth inherited the tribe of David through a female like Mary or by adoption through a non biological father like Joseph is wrong and allows the reader to know what confirms the Tanakh and what contradicts the Tanakh. . The Quran confirms the Tanakh where Jesus has no connection to King David because no one who is born without a biological father can inherit a tribe in Judaism meaning Jesus was a Jew without inheritance of any tribe meaning in the Quran Jesus was a messiah like the many messiahs before him who did not descend from David and Jesus confirmed what was revealed by every prophet before him meaning “God is one.” . Sometimes the Gospel contradicts the Tanakh however some publishers of the Gospels have added foot notes explaining problem verses in the past therefore Christians in the present or in future can add foot notes to show verses that cannot be true such as the claim that Jesus descended from David because it contradicts the Tanakh (where a person can only inherit a tribe like David biologically through the father and not by adoption and not through the mother and not by choice) which Jesus said will never change and must be followed forever in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3. In this way a person can find truth by knowing that everything that confirms the Tanakh is correct and everything that contradicts the Tanakh is wrong (Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3) meaning it was added later in the same way as Trinity is wrong because it was added later and it contradicts the Tanank.
HaShem Will Redeem the world ONLY when the world DESERVES redemption. What the Chosen People’s role in this is to be an “or l’goyim…a light unto the nations” by our example of keeping the Torah and trying to teach the nations to stop idolatry. THIS will bring the Geula/Final Redemption, the Messianic Era where there will be world peace and the 3rd and Final BeitHaMikDash / Holy Temple in J’lem built.
@@savtamarlene - I agree, but would expand upon that to say that there is a delusion in that God is NOT redeeming the world at ALL times, never sleeps, and never ends. God's law CANNOT be broken, the prophets are clear on this - blessing through obedience, or curse through rebellion. And again, you can 'rebel' but God always 'wins' and cannot be 'overcome' as some believe - rod of iron has it's purpose too, though in 'pride' there are those who feel that have the rights to 'use' God's rod, and unknowing bring more curses upon themselves as not understanding that we serve a God of peace and love, our strength found in trusting Him - NOT acting on His behalf. He needs no help in vengeance, and only requires us to 'love'. Be still and "I" will fight FOR you. When we took of the 'fruit' - fear entered us. Fear is the beginning of EVErything... of God will bring wisdom, and enough wisdom and perfect love, then nothing to fear. But if that fear causes us to do what God has NOT commanded, then the seeds of evil will be planted, and sonetimes they take a long while to begin to grow. The soil does NOT want to produce this kind of fruit, but it is the 'soil' that determines what will grow. Hiw it is that we treat the 'soil' determines what will come from it. IF we spill hate and dishonor upon it, then hate and dishonor will come from it. And IF we spill blood upon it - then blood will come from it. I see a sad battle happening... because of 24 grandsons of Abraham. But good can come of it as this is Jacob's Troubles and the struggle is with doing and trusting the works of God, or to continue the struggle with man. Everyone needs a place to call home and everybody needs to be loved by their own family. Women always seem to be at the root of our troubles, Eve, Sarah, even Lady Wisdom. There is good reason for this... as the 'woman' that was taken OUT of a man has the (2) seeds with which all of creation is made - sons of God... or more 'seeds' as 'daughters of man'. What is required is grace... for mankind to give grace to God. As grace is given for what is not deserved, but grace given to God is called 'faith', and faith in His promises, and faith that He will give them based upon how the '24' redeem the earth they have been given to 'work'. 24 Tribes, 24 Elders, 24 Books, and 24 Hours - in a day that is divided between darkness and light. Can the covenant between day and night be broken? But what is not obvious is that there are (2) covenants - one for day and one for night... and nobody can work at night - it is night.
It's very interesting.. as a fellow human being in Africa.. it's eye opening.. what if Paul never wrote or said those things in romans .. I think it's possible catholics doctored that .. if can changed the order how can they not doctored some words .. so where from here ... coz even the order in gospels are not chronological
Can someone please explain to my why whenever a new Horror movie comes out at the 🎥. The movie is always based in a Church and not in a Mosque or Synagogue?
Man its time for unity with christian against islam who destroyed ur country, Jesus was Jew , Christian believe your bible, respect Israel situation, im kurdish atheist by the way, i hope well for all Israel people love israel
@@DaltonPyron You are Wrong Christian believe your book while muslims they believe it is corrupted and every jew has to believe in muhamad second Christian loves people, forget what happened in the past but jesus says i comes to the lost ship of Israel, do not judge people judge the new testament thirs look at the muslims hatered towards Jew, so they invaded your land now they want you out of this land here you go my friend if u want more just let me know i post more for you, so find me simillar hatered against jew in new testament! Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews. حَدَّثَنَا قُتَيْبَةُ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ، حَدَّثَنَا يَعْقُوبُ، - يَعْنِي ابْنَ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ - عَنْ سُهَيْلٍ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ " لاَ تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ حَتَّى يُقَاتِلَ الْمُسْلِمُونَ الْيَهُودَ فَيَقْتُلُهُمُ الْمُسْلِمُونَ حَتَّى يَخْتَبِئَ الْيَهُودِيُّ مِنْ وَرَاءِ الْحَجَرِ وَالشَّجَرِ فَيَقُولُ الْحَجَرُ أَوِ الشَّجَرُ يَا مُسْلِمُ يَا عَبْدَ اللَّهِ هَذَا يَهُودِيٌّ خَلْفِي فَتَعَالَ فَاقْتُلْهُ . إِلاَّ الْغَرْقَدَ فَإِنَّهُ مِنْ شَجَرِ الْيَهُودِ " . Reference : Sahih Muslim 2922 In-book reference : Book 54, Hadith 103 USC-MSA web (English) reference : Book 41, Hadith 6985
Rabbi Tovia Singer, I love you more than you know. I got to give it to you, this video is hilarious to me because you said it's almost unheard of for a religious Jew to not keep the sabbath nor eat Kosher. Well, I'm not only Judaism Jewish but Hebrew Blooded, and I maintain obeying God far more than even you will ever know before meeting God, but I 100% truthfully even say vocally "...I eat bacon and work on Saturdays...". However, I not just believe Tanakh to be true, but KNOW God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to be true and the Abrahamic Covenant to be unconditional and eternally true. 😁😉 Like you said, even Jesus of Nazareth said to keep the Torah.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 "If you are a Gentile, you need to study the 7 Noahide laws." As an Atheistic Gent, what calamity, if any might befall me for not deep diving into Noahide?
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 Nothing more then? I mean no burning in Hell for all eternity, stuff like that? One can be "recalled" without the hand of divine intervention at any time, now that is a risk I am willing to take, and so far it seems I am ahead in the game.
Thank you Rabbi for taking time and explaining things with the scripture. I once came across a subject in Tanakh saying that all Tanakh books are sanctified in the Arc Of Covenant in the times when the temple is still active. So, the books are truth, they weren't torched by Hashem in the temple. Even the Levites with a minor sin were burnt alive when they enter the temple. My doubt is, were the new testament books sanctified the same way? If no, how can we consider that those books are true, there is a chance for manipulation of events words and stories.
This answer that I gave to someone else, may help you to be less confused: _NOWHERE did God EVER mention the "Jesus" character to us, NOWHERE did He tell us that we need to be "saved", and NOWHERE did He tell us that He requires HUMAN BLOOD (a purely pagan ritual that God ABHORS!) as atonement for our sins. Also, NO FURTHER SCRIPTURES were given to mankind by God AFTER Mt. Sinai, therefore, Christianity absolutely DID NOT come from God._ _PLEASE buy a Hebrew Bible (says "Stone Edition TANACH" on the cover) and Rabbi Singer's books, as well as Rabbi Stuart Federow's book "Judaism and Christianity: A Contrast", to help you understand why Christianity absolutely did NOT come from God._
The law in the old testament has not been done away with!! The only thing that has changed is that God opens the way through Jesus!! Because he has become the lamb that was slain for the Jews first then the gentiles!! So God through his only begotten son fulfills the law !! So we still keep the commandments in our life!! Because we want to live holy life's Yet by his grace through faith in his son we can obtain adoption as sons and daughters!!
He has spoken about it. What do you want him to say? Listen to what other rabbonim have to say about this. Rabbi Tovia answers questions of THOUGHTFUL people who want to learn about Torah. The more of humanity that understands this and gives up their idolatrous ways, the quicker we will help to bring the Geula/Final Redemption so that these horrendous wars will cease!
@narrowgate4498 This isn’t a political channel talking about politics. His job is to show Christians that they are drowning in a 🌊 full of idols and guide them to worshiping the true G-d.
Daniel and his 3 friends rewrote the OT to bring it back to perfect conditions. The prophecies in the 12 books listed after Daniel are the same words as when the prophets wrote them down. The prophecies only have to do with the transition from the iron/clay kingdom (Da:11:3-Da:12:3) to the everlasting kingdom. Why does that throw some OT only believers into a tail-spin when the meanings have not been altered in any way? It seems to be an excuse to 'bad mouth Gentiles' when the flaw is with OT only believers not being able to clarify what the OT prophecies are saying.
A person who maintains that Christians, by virtue of divine grace, are freed not only from biblical law and church-prescribed behavioral norms, but also from all moral law.
Do one on "Peter's Sheet". It's the Christian Dispensationalism New Covenant excuse to eat bats, rats, and ocean crickets on placemats...a picture of a white sheet with a slew of CHAZERAI on it...and then Christian Broadcasting Netw... have to have shows about if it's okay for Christians to watch Horror Movies....
@@bt-lt4os "Fellowships" can cause weakening of discipline and spiritual guidelines, which has been a weapon of Dispensationalism. The New Covenant says that the Old Covenant is Archaic. The New Covenant is a store bought bottle of sauce. The Old Covenant is a slow simmering sauce. The New Covenant is a Mega Store. The Old Covenant is a Mom and Pop shop. Convenience versus Beauty. Intricacy versus Bleak Modernization...See? It's PROFOUNDLY sweeping...
@@bt-lt4os Cricket Flour and Mealworm Flour are being Marketed and Normalized now in the U.K. Children are helping the environment brainwashed by the New Covenant.
Sometimes I wonder if Paul decided to try to bring down Christianity from the inside since he couldn’t do it from the outside. His whole conversion story could have been BS.
The Old Testament wasn't "arranged" by Jews themselves. Their books were just disorganized collections of scrolls, neither was there a canon that would list the approved texts in a specific order. The first attempt to organize the texts was the Septuagint, and this became the version adopted by the early church. Jews did not get down to it themselves until the emergence of the Masoretic text between the 7th and the 10th centuries CE. The oldest surviving Masoretic copy is the 11th century Leningrad Codex. The idea of ordering the books is closely related to the Roman invention of the Codex. Scrolls are not easily organized. And it was the early church that adopted and spread its writings in the form of the codex. Frankly, were it not for Christians, their adoption and endless copies of the Old Testament they produced, and the challenge they issued to Jews, Judaism would be long dead and forgotten.
Rabbi Tovia, I genuinely appreciate your insights, and I wonder if, in the spirit of open dialogue, there might be room for considering alternative perspectives. It appears to me that there might be some misinterpretation of Paul's teachings, both among Christians and in your own analysis. I say this with utmost respect, and I must mention that I've dedicated significant academic study to this subject, holding two degrees in it. Now don't get me wrong, you are accurately pointing out flaws in Christian theology, but I'm not sure your conclusions are any less wrong, but from your own dogma. Thanks!
Paul was a one man show who at best was self deceived and who twisted the tenakh. There was no one who could attest to his supposed "revelation" on the road . He was not a student of Gamaliel . A number of epistles that he supposedly wrote were not written by Paul.
Hi conservativevoiceify 🙏 What if we'll leave interpretations, or Paul's letters aside and speak about the real issue - was Jesus God or wasn't he. May I prove why he wasn't? God's blessings.
10:57 Hello Rabbi, I listen to your videos and find them quite interesting. But forgive me for saying this. I would never have been able to see my self-righteousness in what you preach. I would have continued projecting my bad characteristics unto others. I needed the Holy Spirit to come upon me and reveal to me what I needed to see. How do you help others understand who they are? And how do you know for certain who you are? Jesus showed me who I am, by teachings in the New Testament.
You ask your god, jesus for guidance and jews ask their God, the God of israel to guide them and show them what they need to see and He guides them. The God of israel is not less capable than jesus.
@@minooam7089 My God is the Father of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There is no other God. But truly I want to know. Since us Gentiles we’re not able to keep the law because of our sinful nature which we were born into and because God is such a loving and just God he created a way for us. How is it that Judaism are able to keep the law without having to constantly repent. And feel secure about having ever lasting life in heaven? This is not judging this is trying to understand your faith.
@@nancyfluger1636If you’re so sure, then why are you here? Are you here to mock Rabbi Singer and HaShem? Are you here to proselytize? Or are you here because you have some hidden doubts and questions about the nonsense your xian bible tells you? I think subconsciously you are NOT as sure as you profess to be. I would never go on a xian or moslem channel and degrade what they say and believe..because I KNOW in my heart and soul that my G-D IS G-D. I have nothing too prove to anyone. You can keep on believing as you choose…and let me do the same.
@@nancyfluger1636 Nancy, I'm sorry this will be packed with information, but as you showed real curiosity ...🙏 *As for sin - see what God tells us:* *Isaiah 55:7-9* Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. *Let them turn to the Lord,* and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will *freely pardon.* (!!!!) 8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord 9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. *(you were taught these two verses, but you were never taught they speak of God's forgiveness, I'm sure, those three verses go together!).* *Read the interpretation:* *For My thoughts are not your thoughts:* Mine and yours are not the same; therefore, I say to you, “The wicked shall give up his way,” and adopt My way… My laws are not like the laws of man [lit. flesh and blood]. *As for you, whoever confesses in judgment is found guilty, but, as for Me, whoever confesses and gives up his evil way, is granted clemency (Proverbs 28:13).* *Ezekiel 18:21-23* “But if a wicked person *turns away from all the sins they have committed and keeps all my decrees and does what is just and right,* that person will surely live; they will not die. 22 *None of the offenses they have committed will be remembered against them*. Because of the righteous things they have done, they will live. 23 *Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign Lord. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live?* *Also see Ezekiel 33* 11 Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, people of Israel?’ ... 14 And if I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ but they then turn away from their sin and do what is just and right- 15 if they give back what they took in pledge for a loan, return what they have stolen, follow the decrees that give life, and do no evil-that person will surely live; they will not die. 16 None of the sins that person has committed will be remembered against them. They have done what is just and right; they will surely live. *God has no need for blood to forgive.* You really think God cannot forgive without shedding of blood?? How were the people of Ninveh saved?? No sacrifices, repentance is the key. ___________________________________________________ *'No remission of son without blood'* Let me show you how Paul fooled all of you. Flour was used as *a sin offering* as well, simply flour! It didn't contain any blood. *So Paul's claim that there's no remission of sin without blood is null and void!* *See Leviticus 5:* 11 “‘If, however, they cannot afford two doves or two young pigeons, they are to bring as an offering for their sin a tenth of an ephah[b] of the finest *flour for a sin offering.* They must not put olive oil or incense on it, because *it is a sin offering.* 12 They are to bring it to the priest, who shall take a handful of it as a memorial[c] portion and burn it on the altar on top of the food offerings presented to the Lord. *It is a sin offering.* 13 *In this way the priest will make atonement for them for any of these sins they have committed, and they will be forgiven.* The rest of the offering will belong to the priest, as in the case of the grain offering.’” See ?? It's all there, you've all been wrongly taught that 'blood' is the only way the way to get atonement. All God ever wanted is repentance and following his law (a law for the jews and a separate law for gentiles which consists of 7 basic laws). ___________________________________________________ *Regarding sacrefices:* Firstly you need to remember that not all sacrefices were for sins. Most weren't; there were several reasons to sacrefice to God, mostly as giving thanks. Secondly you need to know that the sacrefice itself wouldn't have been accepted by God unless true repentance was shown and only unintentional sins could be accompanied by sacrefices, but without repentace, those will be rejected and hated by God. Thirdly - God didn't want any of it, he enabled it to us, so that we will actually feel we did something to make us worthy of forgivness, because only when you give something do you feel it is really true. *Here are a few verses that show you that God does not require sacrefices:* *Psalm 40* 7 Sacrifice and offering you did not desire- *but my ears you have opened- burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not require.* *Seems familiar right ? See how Paul changed that as he did many other texts:* “Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, *but a body you prepared for me;* *Isiah **1:11* 11 *Of what use are your many sacrifices to Me?* says the Lord. *I am sated with the burnt-offerings of rams and the fat of fattened cattle; and the blood of bulls and sheep and hegoats I do not want.* *1st Samuel **15:22* 22 And Samuel said, *"Has the Lord (as much) desire in burnt offerings and peace-offerings, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than a peace-offering; to hearken (is better) than the fat of rams.* *Hosea 6:6* 6 *For I desire loving-kindness, and not sacrifices, and knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.* *Psalms 51:18-19* 18 *For You do not wish a sacrifice, or I should give it; You do not desire a burnt offering.* 19 *The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;* O God, You will not despise a broken and crushed heart. Blood is sacred there's no denying it, do you think God would need the blood of a human being who He planted His soul in to forgive when he said clearly that nothing has to be given other than repentance and following his law? Not only that, he takes the Good things you do in life and credits it to you against the evil you do!! You need to understand that blood has little importance in God's eye as a forgivness aid, as sacrefice wouldn't have been accepted by Him without true repentance. His forgiveness cannot be precieved by any mortal 🙏. *Think which God you are worshiping. It is not the true God of Israel.* *God doesn't change his mind* ___________________________________________________ *Why no 'original sin'* This will be a bit complicated to explain as the Jewish faith does not precieve "the original sin" as Christianity does. We are all born 'a clean slate'. We are not sinners. Sin cannot be inherited. "The soul that sins is the soul that shall die.". If you think you are 'a sinner' because of Adam's and Eve's sin, you are mistaken. Sin cannot be inherited: *Ezekiel 18:4* "For everyone belongs to me, the parent as well as the child-both alike belong to me. *The one who sins is the one who will die."* *Deuteronomy 24:16* "Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents; *each will die for their own sin."* *These verses shows how God detests human sacrefice:* *Deuteronomy 12:* 31 You must not worship the Lord your God in their way, because in worshiping their gods, *they do all kinds of detestable things the Lord hates. They even burn their sons and daughters in the fire as sacrifices to their gods.* *Jeremiah 19:* 5 They have built the high places of Baal *to burn their children in the fire as offerings to Baal-something I did not command or mention, nor did it enter my mind.* Human sacrefice is an abomination to God! You think that would suddenly change ? God does not change his mind ! And he never said anything about it ! You need to understand that blood has little importance in God's eye as a forgivness aid, as sacrefice wouldn't have been accepted by Him without true repentance. As we go through life we accumulate sin (still, this does not make us constant sinners) and our soul is tarnished due to those sins. Those trials given from God are our chance to cleanse our soul BEFORE we have to face judgment from God when our day comes, the more it is cleansed the less punishment we will be given and the good things one does God writes in his favour, against the sins he committed. An important thing you should know: Not all sin demands the 'death' penalty'. There are only a few sins that do. There are several degrees to sin, basically: the intentional, and the unintentional, and there's also a difference in wether it's a transgression against what is part of the 'written law' or the 'oral law' when the latter is less severe, but gentiles only need to follow 7 of God's laws. ___________________________________________________ There's so much more... and I bet leviticus 17 is one issue you would like to be answered as well, as to where we know that prayer brings God's forgivness without shedding of blood or a need for atonemen, or that it can be replaced with charity - I have all these answers for you as well, if you'd like, just let me know. God is merciful 🙏🙌 Turn to Him directly 🙏✨
Psalm 145 is omitting the Vav and psalm 34 omits the Nun ... they are both in Alephbetic acrostic... I find that interesting since Vav represents the second sign IYAR (# 2 )♉ ...And Nun represents Chesvan( #8) ♏ the( 🕗 )the eighth sign . If you look at the clock you will see there is a straight line between them . Opposites yet partners... What is the Sod when you read and compare the 2 verses ...shouldn't the omitted Vav in psalm 34 ( between verses 6&7 ) and the omitted Nun between verses 13 &14 in psalm 145 be a sign of something... ? Psalm 40 has 18 verses..Earth & Water signs . ♉ #♏ 2 +8 = 10: 1+0 =1 All is part of The Holy 1there is no other.
Paul/Saul was first and foremost a Jewish ,Rabbinic Pharisee as you know ,a member of the Sanhedrin.Taught by Gameliel,as you know.He was absolutely accepted by men...such as you,UNTIL he professed the Jewish Messiah,Yeshua,Called him.2023 years later,you are still persecuting him...WHY?i pray for you Rabbi,may the Love of Yeshua bless and keep you
The church leads people by their emotion,by their hearts. So the self evident nature of the Tanach was,is and always be antithetical to cristian teaching so it had to be conflated. Jeshurun needs to take heed of being led by emotion(Proverbs) and haughtinéss(Deuteronomy)
Even when i identified as Christian i stringy disliked paul. What was wrong with hom? The Christians i knew said they followed yeshua but constantly followed paul. I got sick of that crap
Thank you rabbi for all your videos! .. with the 3rd temple about to return, and the red heifers of age, the viewers need to humble themselves to God! The veiwers need to learn and obey the truth about whom God is and they need to appreciate the truth you are speaking from torah and tanakh!, orthodox judiasm! The true God knows who takes steps of obedience towards him! The true God knows who loves him and who fears him! As the holy priesthood of Aaronic priesthood! And the holy commandments are so beautiful and true! ... so many law makers and chaplains need to sincerely seek a life of obedience to God! ( they will turn their weapons of war into plowshares) nato and all nations know we live in times where humans have weapons of mass destruction! ( i trained at ft McClellan Alabama, as a 54 echo a nuclear-biological-chemical expert active duty army !) ...the truth of worship to God and truth of obedience to God is much more important then people accept! Thank you rabbi tovia singer for all your videos!
Jesus preached with Torah, he didn’t carry a 16th-century King James Christian Bible with him or any of Uncle Paul of Tarsus's letters! , Fun fact: He also didn’t have blonde hair and blue eyes!, plus we don’t know what he did the first 30 years of his life
One thing you all try to do is box everyone in together, I am not Catholic now do I believe in any pope. I am a Christian we didn’t rearrange anything I believe in Gods Words as is
We are this stupid n criticism world .Here these some people should read Hebrew Bible well .They speak ill about Other faiths where they couldn't find SUBSTANCE in others books of faith .One cannot change bunch of people .Seek and Find God thru prayers n miracle 😊
Speak more please. So that the bible was a type of organised living of the Nation of Israel. What about the Temples to the Goddesses. Why were these destroyed, excluded from all religions? Thank you.
I think the males of mankind decided to eliminate the female aspect in order to dominate, instead of wanting to work totally side by side... Made of the rib ~ made from the side🤔💭
How about taking a break from Christian disputations and spend some time focusing on the endemic to hatred that seems to run throughout the entire Quran and it’s Islamic followers of the perfect man mohamoud Who is recruited two of personally beheaded Jews in Kai bar. Come on Rabbi Singer!
After centuries of Jewish persecution torture and torment commited by christians, the only refuge this marginalized ethnic and racial community found was in the islamicly governed territories and empires. There is a consensus proliferated among historian academic circles that the islamically governed territories where the only theocratically legislated area where Jews Muslims and Christians co-existed in relative peace. The Jewish golden age where Jewish contributions to arts and sciences flourished and where the most Prolific where accomplished under the tolerant attitude Muslims had towards them since they respect them as (people of the book). Many historiance propagte and insinuate that the existence of Jews would probably be more negligible if it weren't for the Muslims.
I wish I could get the audience so I could straighten this mess out. When Paul.says that the gentiles would be justified by faith, he meant in the same way that Abraham was... by nature, doing the works of the law. As for the curse vs. faith references, Paul is saying that the law should be followed by having FAITH in the law that it is 'good' and that God's WORD will 'manifest' what it's purpose is... to prosper us, give us a hope, and so on. The point here is that IF one follows the rules all begrudgingly... then WHERE is one's love, trust, and faith in God. I would add that Jesus is called LORD (not God) and the 'word', because He is supposed to represent the 'manifestation' of what it looks like to follow the law - if one seeks to accomplish the 'spirit' of the law... vs. the 'letter' of the law. The 'spirit' of the law allows for more freedom... like for Rahab to lie, because of the 'intent' behind the actions, and is why David begs God to 'search His heart'.
*Jesus was just a false prophet who didn't even fulfill his own prophecies, made mistakes, and didn't even know the bible.* *Want proof of all of the above?*
Have you read any of Rabbi Singer’s books? You can read them online. I’m sure you haven’t. He has done a thorough job of answering all of your questions. But you have to willing to open your mind and heart to the TRUTH… not what you have been brainwashed to believe. Go ahead…I DARE you! I DOUBLE DARE you!!!
we are saved by the blood Christ Jesus, said that those who kept the law would be reward greatly, but are salvation is not by our works, it is solei by the blood of Jesus the Christ. The law and the prophets are summed up by these 2 commandments, Matthew 22 : 35-40 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, 36Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38This is the first and great commandment. 39And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. This set's you free from the temple laws, seeing how they can no longer be observed, the temple being destroyed. in 70 ad.
In the future, the Messianic king will arise and renew the Davidic dynasty, restoring it to its initial sovereignty. He will build the Temple and gather the dispersed of Israel.
Instead of finding fault in christianity why dont you pray for your own country which is at war now. Even at this moment this man is sitting and finding fault in Christians. Unbelievable. There are so many dying in your own country. Go and pray for them and ask your people to also pray for them. If you are a true God's preacher then do that first instead of thanking only those who give donations for you. Go and get a life.
This channel is not targeted against Christians. It's to combat missionary activities that seek to convert Jews to Christianity. It's also an educational resource where Christians with questions can call and ask the Rabbi for answers. If Christians would not actively try and convert Jews, the Rabbi would not need to have this mission or this channel. I'm sorry you are offended but imagine how offensive it is to the Jewish people - who have nearly been annihilated once and we're just slaughtered again - to have people actively trying to convert Jewish souls. I don't mind what you believe and respect you. I would not try and steal your faith from you. But I can't count the number of Christians who have tried to steal mine from me. It will never happen but it still offends me to the core of my being every time when someone mistranslates Torah to me. And you know, I don't say that's not true and here is what is. I leave them be. That's what the Jewish people ask. Leave us be. We don't have a soul to spare and if the current news doesn't show that, I don't know what will. And, it is futile anyway. There will always be a righteous remnant. If you are not seeking questions about Judaism, this channel isn't meant for you
@AM-mw2wu there two wars going on in Israel, a physically and a spiritually, we CANNOT ignore the spiritual war because of the physical. Opposite, the spiritual war is more important than physical!
@@CHAILIFE yes, this channel always targets only Christians. The Christians of the whole world are fasting and praying for the Israelites and you people are here insulting and hating Christians. Is this the time for this. This tovia is a rabbi. Doesn't he have the common sense? Israel wants all help from Christian countries, jews want to study and make money in Christian countries but they also want to hate and insult Christians, even at this peak time. Shame.
@AM-mw2wu thanks for your "respect" I guess you're secular and you don't appreciate eternal life. but from a religious perspective eternal life is multiple more valuable than our physical live, not even to be compared, and without eternal life our life is worthless!! And as long Christians doesn't put aside their weapons to kill our souls, if so who knows how many souls we will lose. In a war there is no place for calculations what the Jewish haters would say, do you expect Israel now to make such calculations? Absolutely not, right? Thanks for your "respectful" recommendation to to behave like adults... But "respectfully" I deny it based on the religion which I strongly believe and it's my PRIDE!!
Thats a very weak hypothesis; hardly an christian reads the bible in the order in which it is presented, there are no weekly parashat, which keep a particular order.
@@goldengun9970 the Kaduri note is true!!!!! true,true,real true..... 😁. Hasn't got to do anything with missionaries or church-totaly different topics!
Jewish bible passages. " Let us go down and confuse there to tongues " " let us create man in our own image " " God appeared to Moses in a burning bush, from the bush the Angel of the Lord said " " The Lord said to my Lord " " Gods spirt was grieved " " God said, Your throne, O' God will last for ever " i can go on and on, this God is not simply one God. a trinity makes more sense, and i believe in Kabbalah they know this and hide what it truly means least the christians see it and make an up roar
It is clear that Tovia gets desperate when he has to go to Paul's words in seeking to disprove Y'shua, as though there is something equal comparing them. Y'shua said that He always spoke words of Spirit and Life, flesh (soul and worse) profits nothing.
Nobody should listen to what comes out of this guy's mouth. Do people not know what he has been accused of? How can someone like him teach others about Torah when he so quickly goes against its commandments? And saying that Paul thought that keeping the Sabbath was hard is ridiculous. That is the entire point of the New Testament, that jews were keeping the traditions but were completely corrupt in their dealings with their neighbor
Corrupt in the ways they were dealing with thier neighbors? History shows us exactly who thier neighbors were. Isreal was under the occupation of the romans who nailed and crucified thousands of Jews. The neighbors that were trying to force their pagan worship of thier pagan man god Ceasar and thier many gods that they worshiped. The very neighbors that ended up destroying the temple and enslaving over 100k Jews. Jesus kissed the feet of the romans didn't speak a word against them instead spoke against his own people no wonder the romans made him a god as well they were quite well known for inventing gods.
The strictures wasgive to Shem Israeli, Not your people, Now if you cleve to Israelite, but to preach a gospel that the jewish people are the Israelite are wrong. Please tell the truth.
Torah = our commandments. Prophets (Nevi'im) = all the ways we can mess up. Writings (Ketuvim) = all the ways we can get it right and fix what we did wrong. Amazing. Thanks so much.
Absolutely enlightening! Totally transforms the way I read Tanakh
I hope you are keeping safe during all of this craziness
My "friends" keep their eye on me.
HaShem will keep you safe
@@ToviaSinger1thank you for letting us know when you can. Missing Jerusalem every day. Be back as soon as I can.
IDK if it's a good idea for him to be making anti-Christian videos while at the same time having Israel begging Christians for their support during this conflict
@@jeffdavis-nc1sn Jews always have the right to not be proselytized by Christians. If Christians don’t respect that then they don’t really love us like they say.
Shalom Rabbi Singer if you happen to notice a pull on your coat It's just me holding on to it.
Thanks for everything you do and all your videos.
Please keep me in your prayers I'm in Germany at the moment my Mother is very sick.
Your mother is in my prayers. What is her name and her mother's name? Thank you for your support.
Veronika Kelley
Thank you so much for everything you do Rabbi! I sincerely wish I could give more at this time. So much love and prayers to you and all of our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel.
@patriceagulu8315what do you mean?
Thank you so much for your support! Shalom
@@ToviaSinger1 thank you for enlightening me. Shalom
Donate to the poor and the suffering of the people of Israel. That would be a noble cause
Just use your brain and think for once, why God would randomly create humans with great inequality like the rich/poor or healthy/diseased or educated/illiterate etc.,? It doesn't make any sense at all. If he created such to test us, then he clearly is a psycho and doesn't deserve any veneration.
Only the law of karma and the cycle of life and death is plausible as compared to the fairytales and the violent stuff of the Abrahamic cults.
Respect fellow humans and show compassion irrespective of their religious beliefs, that's what a truly good person is. None of the Abrahamic cults teach that.
I am so thankful you're here ! You're so needed! Baruch HaShem!
Todah Rabba!
Thank you so much for your support! Shalom
You are a gift. Your knowledge is powerful and moving.
When ever you hear, “As it turns out..” you know you’re in for a treat! 🙌🏾
Dear Rabbi, you are a wealth of information, and I appreciate your wisdom and clarity. God bless you.
Great lesson, great video! Thank you.
Thank You Rabbi Singer!
Thank you Rabbi
Good job on your end. Thanks for all you do for your fellow humans.
Thank you my Cohen
Thank you rabbi, stay safe and to your family .
Baruch Hashem.
BH, You always make my day and always give me Ko'ach/Kochmah Thanks Rav, for helping this shabbos kosher born and bred yid. Singer.
Be safe and well during these dark times.
Love you rabbi tovah singer
Thank you so much for explaining why the order of the law and the prophets and the writings is such I didn't know that the writings was the antidote from what the profits are saying the problems were thank you so much❤
❤️ Stay safe, rabbi.
@@Xhopp3rDo you think God wants you harassing good people in the comments section? Maybe there's something kinder and more positive to be doing.
@@Xhopp3r 1. God forbids idol worship.
2. Praying to saints or Mary or Jesus who are creations instead of praying only to God who is the creator is idol worship in Judaism and Islam and in some Christian sects.
3. Jews and Muslims love Christians by explaining that the messiah in Tanakh is a human biological descendant of the messiah king David through the messiah king Solomon meaning the messiah is not God and not a Trinity with God.
4. Jews and Muslims love Christians by explaining that the messiah in the Quran is a human who did not descend from the messiah king David because a person who has no biological father inherits no tribe in Judaism.
5. Jews and Muslims love Christians by explaining that in Gospel of John 20:17 Jesus said he did not die on the cross meaning no one sacrificed him and he explains that he is a human and he is not God.
6. Jews and Muslims love Christians by explaining that not all Christians believe that Jesus is God or that Jesus is a Trinity with God.
@@Xhopp3r See 1. Appalled Christian Caller! "You call my religion idolatry?" Rabbi Tovia Singer responds.
See 2. Rabbi Tovia Singer slams Church for erecting a barrier between man and God.
See 3. Did the early Jews believe In a Triune God? Rabbi Tovia slams pastor John Piper. Progressive revelation.
@@Xhopp3rG-D Knows your heart. Be very careful what you think and say. Warning to the wise. Are you?!
@@Xhopp3rwhat is yr problem. Have you though if you have escaped God's wrath? Take the stake out of your own eye first
This response is very important because it explains an esential discrepancy in the Christian bible, and that error leads to not follow the logical order of the books that shows the way to salvation and that explains why chronicles, prophets , proverbs and psalms have a particular role in repentance and salvation
Thank you rabbi
Baruch HaShem❤
Rabbi Tovia singer - Christianity is the religion of man who stopped thinking
@patriceagulu8315 no history, God is a dead human carcass
@patriceagulu8315they are not here for us , they're here to fight for the "gospels" (their own words)
@patriceagulu8315There is no history of previous prophets deifying dead human carcasses
@patriceagulu8315 @patriceagulu8315 the your opinion that without you we would be history, doesn't changed the fact that you don't fight to protect us you don't fight because you "love" us, you're fighting for your religious ideas, you have some end goal here, you're killing the Jews same as the Muslims, the difference is that they are killing physically and you spiritually.
We have no problem that the Christians are ruling the world "today", but "in the end of days" salvation will come to US, and then WE will be ruling, as the prophets has promised, we have patient.
Thank you Rabbi for this video. Baruch HaShem!
I always thought that the old testament was the Hebrew bible I had no idea ...
God has and will always bless the Jewish people.
Deuteronomy 11:12
*a land for which the LORD your God cares; the eyes of the LORD your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year*
Psalms 121:4 NKJV
*Behold, He who keeps Israel Shall neither slumber nor sleep*
Keep safe Rabbi we love you u talk truth ipray Isreal win over attackers
Correction: Paul did not say do not keep the law, just the opposite when he said "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?" Romans 6:1-3 KJV Not just that but God calls us to Holiness, for he said, "For be thee Holy, for I am Holy", plus everything the Prophet Isaiah spoke about the coming Messiah came to pass, even every single detail, and physical history proves it.
In the future, the Messianic king will arise and renew the Davidic dynasty, restoring it to its initial sovereignty. He will build the Temple and gather the dispersed of Israel.
Mishlĕ (Proverbs) 30:4
Who has gone up to the heavens and come down? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who established all the ends of the earth? What is His Name, And what is His Son’s Name, If you know it?
Tehillim (Psalms) 22:16
[16] For dogs have surrounded Me; A crowd of evil ones have encircled Me, Piercing My hands and My feet;
[18] They divide My garments among them, And for My raiment they cast lots.
Tehillim (Psalms) 2:2
[2] The sovereigns of the earth take their stand, And the rulers take counsel together, Against יהוה and against His Messiah, and say,
[6] But I, I have set My Sovereign on Tsiyon, My set-apart mountain. [7] “I inscribe for a law: יהוה has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have brought You forth.
[12] Kiss the Son, lest He be enraged, And you perish in the way, For soon His wrath is to be kindled. Blessed are all those taking refuge in Him.
Tehillim (Psalms) 118:21-23
[21] I thank You, For You have answered me, And have become my deliverance. [22] The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief corner-stone. [23] This was from יהוה, It is marvellous in our eyes.
[26] Blessed is He who is coming in the Name of יהוה! We shall bless you from the House of יהוה.
The name of God's son is NOT Jesus! His name is ISRAEL Ex. 4:22: "And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, ISRAEL IS MY SON, even my firstborn.”
Hosea 11:1: "When ISRAEL was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my SON." Israel is God's son!
Psalm 22:16: "For dogs have surrounded me; a band of evildoers has encompassed me, like a lion they are at my hands and feet."
YOUR VERSION IS MSTRANSLATED! There is no piercing of hands and feet mentioned anywhere in the Psalm. The lion theme also runs in verse 14.
@@psandbergnzyour masoretic text is deliberately falsified after the time of Jesus to change Psalm 22. The Dead Sea scrolls prove this as they pre exist both Christianity and your masoretic text and they confirm the pierced translation is accurate. If you research it yourself before talking nonsense you would know.
@@robertfrank6058 ,you only display your ignorance! The DSS does NOT have "pierced" anywhere in Psalm 22, but aligns fully with the masoretic text. Verse 16 should run (in both the masoretic text and the DSS) in the English translation: "Like a lion, they are at my hands and my feet". Note that the "lion" theme continues from verse 13 (but in that verse, your English translation gets it right (the Hebrew: ka'ari", meaning "like a lion", occurs in both verses).
Moreover, there is nothing Christological in the psalm. The psalm describes the trials and tribulations of David. There is no Christian theme anywhere in the psalm! Can you show me where the anguish and suffering described in the psalm are related to the redemption of the world or its salvation, or to the forgiveness of sin?
The essential theme of Christianity is entirely missing. There is no blood sacrifice for forgiveness of sin or vicarious suffering implied anywhere in it. The psalm shows that God delivers the suffering person (David) from harm and death (verses 22- 28), so that his prayers are ANSWERED, which is why the psalm ends with the theme of gratitude and thanksgiving to God for deliverance from harm. Jesus was not delivered from death, but tortured to death! There is no Christian theme running anywhere in the psalm. There is also no resurrection mentioned or hinted at. The psalm is not about Jesus.
Btw, did Jesus ever liken himself to a "worm" (verse 6)? Is that your divine son of God - a worm??
There is not a single verse in the entire Hebrew Bible that points to or prophesies Jesus. Once the Christian prophetic claims are examined IN CONTEXT, they all collapse, one after the other, and your Jesus evaporates from the text, and this happens throughout the Bible (not just plasm 22). That is why Christians run away from context. Context always refutes the Christian claim.
They don’t want you to find the solution to sin because it will mean their offering plates will dry up. Like Roman Catholics said you had to buy salvation trinkets or offer so much to the church before Martin Luther came along and said saved by faith through grace. People still felt obligated to put in 10% or more to fatten up their priests and inlay Gold crosses in everything. 🤢
Shalom Rabbi Tovia how are you doing during these times. Hi WiLliam. Wonderful to learn some more. SA also going through weird times floods winds fires ect.
Romans 14:2
@@matthewpenn407: You need to realize, research, and accept, that the "NT" is absolutely NOT scripture that was given to mankind by God, and it blasphemously and idolatrously preaches AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai. NO FURTHER SCRIPTURES (i.e. NO "NT"!) were given to mankind by God AFTER Mt. Sinai, since He specifically told us that the words He gave to us there (Hebrew scriptures) are ETERNAL, meaning NO OTHER WORDS were to be expected from Him. God also specifically told us NOT to follow ANY OTHER teaching than what is in those Hebrew scriptures. "Christianity" IS another teaching, therefore we are NOT to follow what it teaches - God's orders!
PLEASE buy a Hebrew Bible (says "Stone Edition TANACH" on the cover), and Rabbi Singer's books, as well as Rabbi Stuart Federow's book "Judaism and Christianity - A Contrast", to help you understand why Christianity did NOT come from God.
@@janishart5128 I know that. I just also happened to know why christians don’t eat kosher.
@@matthewpenn407: Ah, OK. Well, when you just plop a NT reference in the comment section without telling us why, we won't know what you mean.
Thanks sir
*Philippians ch1 v18*
But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every *way* whether from *FALSE!* motives or true *Christ* is preached. And because of this I rejoice.
Yes, and I will continue to rejoice,
*Your 'god' was just a false prophet who didn't even fulfill his own prophecies, made mistakes, and didn't even know the bible - and you made him to be 'god'.*
*Want proof of all of the above?*
Is this chameleon pauls licence to lie?
I do support your there a Ministry like yours in Jamaica... please let me know
... thanks much
Help me please! I am the scapegoat of a disfunctional super evangelical family. My brothers are both pastors in their community. Now that HaShem has shown me the truth… am I supposed to expose it to my brothers and sisters, knowing that they will not accept It? Or should I just let them go on in their way? I am sincerely struggling with this! 😢
You know what a Christian Theology degree gets you in the real world? Maybe, just maybe a managerial position at a MacDonald's franchise.
According to studies by the Alban Institute and Fuller Seminary, 50 percent of ministers drop out of ministry within the first five years and many never to go back to church again (Meek et al., 2003, p. 340). Meek, K., McMinn, M., Brower, C., Burnett, T., McRay, B., Ramey, M., et al. (2003, Winter). Maintaining personal resiliency: Lessons learned from evangelical protestant clergy. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 31.4(9), 339-47.) A Duke University study found that 85% of seminary graduates entering the ministry leave within five years and 90% of all pastors will not stay to retirement. And let’s not forget, someone has to graduate last from seminary, would that person, be one of your brothers?
Anyone who has the power to compel others to act in the correct way is obligated to do so.
Purchase a disinfectant anti-idolatry spray and spray the hell out of them. Then you’re good to go 👍😊
@@abc_6Honestly? That's so unkind and unhelpful. And you are referring to people as dirty, infected. Isn't that the horrific narrative that has caused six million Jewish souls to be killed. Please, please don't speak like that about anyone.
I will pray for you and your family. 💙
Thank you Rabbi , I wish you were my Rabbi.❤
If you are here learning with him then he is! May we both merit to meet our Rabbi in person soon :)
@@Michaelbrown-j4l None of the prophecies in the Jewish bible about the messiah who inherits the tribe of David applies to Jesus because Jesus had no biological father.
The only way a Jewish son can inherit a tribe in Judaism today and 2000 years ago in the time of Jesus and 3300 years ago in the time of Moses is through your biological father.
Jesus is Jewish because his mother is Jewish however Jesus inherits no tribe because Jesus has no biological father which is the only way tribe is inherited by a Jewish son.
A Jewish son cannot choose a tribe and a Jewish son cannot change their tribe.
A Jewish woman who marries a non Jew will produce a Jewish son who inherits no tribe.
A Jewish woman who has a virgin birth will produce a Jewish son who inherits no tribe.
A Jewish woman who has a virgin birth and a non biological Jewish father will produce a Jewish son who inherits no tribe.
It is because Jesus inherits no tribe that Jews today know that the claim that Jews 2000 years ago said Jesus was from the house of David was written by people who did not know that a son without a biological father inherits no tribe in Judaism.
Today most Christians do not know that a Jewish son from a virgin birth meaning without a biological father inherits no tribe in Judaism.
All prophecies about the messiah from David mentioned in the Jewish bible do not apply to anyone who did not have a biological father because they inherit no tribe in Judaism.
All prophecies about the messiah from David mentioned in the Jewish bible do not apply to anyone who did not descend from a biological father through the messiah king David and through the messiah king Solomon because it is a promise which God said God will not change.
@@Michaelbrown-j4l The promise that all the messiahs anointed kings of Israel will come from the House of David forever.
See. Can the Jewish Scriptures save Christianity from the Birth? Rabbi Tovia Singer responds.
@@Michaelbrown-j4l Things become clear when looking at the difference between the messiah Prophet Jesus Isa in Islam and Christianity.
The word messiah meaning anointed for Jesus is a name that foretells the event described in Gospel of Matthew 26:7 where a woman poured perfume on the head of Jesus meaning in the Gospel, Jesus is not anointed as the messiah who descended from the house of the messiah king David through the messiah king Solomon as foretold in the Tanakh Jewish scripture because Jesus had no biological father which is the only way a person can inherit the House of David meaning Jesus is not the messiah who is described in Tanakh Jewish scripture.
The English word messiah and the Arabic word masih in Quran 3:45 come from the Hebrew word Mashiach which means an anointed person like an anointed prophet or anointed priest or anointed king or anointed judge.
A messiah or masih or mashiach is not a person who saves people from anything but means a person who has a leadership position.
The difference between the messiah Prophet Jesus in Islam (where Jesus is a prophet NOT from the House of David) and Christianity (where Jesus is a prophet from the House of David).
The Quran confirms the Tanakh Jewish scripture and explains the story of Jesus in the Gospel.
There are thousands of messiahs in history and 2000 years ago Jesus was the messiah meaning the one who was anointed.
The Tanakh Jewish Scripture describes many messiahs who are Jewish and non Jewish Kings or priests or prophets or judges who have no connection with messiah David.
Kings or priests or judges or prophets who were anointed with oil or who had a leadership position were called a messiah and the majority have no connection to King David.
Jesus is one of thousands of messiahs in history but Jesus cannot be related to messiah king David because Jesus has no biological father through which tribe is inherited in Judaism.
A person who is born in a virgin birth has no tribe because in Judaism a tribe is inherited through the biological father and cannot be inherited by adoption through a non biological father or through the mother.
Jesus tells us that the Tanakh is correct and must be followed forever in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3 meaning whatever contradicts with the Tanakh did not come from Jesus or God.
This means all claims that a person from a virgin birth inherited the tribe of David through a female like Mary or by adoption through a non biological father like Joseph is wrong and allows the reader to know what confirms the Tanakh and what contradicts the Tanakh.
The Quran confirms the Tanakh where Jesus has no connection to King David because no one who is born without a biological father can inherit a tribe in Judaism meaning Jesus was a Jew without inheritance of any tribe meaning in the Quran Jesus was a messiah like the many messiahs before him who did not descend from David and Jesus confirmed what was revealed by every prophet before him meaning “God is one.”
Sometimes the Gospel contradicts the Tanakh however some publishers of the Gospels have added foot notes explaining problem verses in the past therefore Christians in the present or in future can add foot notes to show verses that cannot be true such as the claim that Jesus descended from David because it contradicts the Tanakh (where a person can only inherit a tribe like David biologically through the father and not by adoption and not through the mother and not by choice) which Jesus said will never change and must be followed forever in Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3.
In this way a person can find truth by knowing that everything that confirms the Tanakh is correct and everything that contradicts the Tanakh is wrong (Gospel of Matthew 5:17 - 5:20 and Gospel of Matthew 23:1 - 23:3) meaning it was added later in the same way as Trinity is wrong because it was added later and it contradicts the Tanank.
@@Michaelbrown-j4lWill you finally GET LOST?! ENOUGH!!!
Something new I learned
Wow! Redeem the world! I thought it was to be a blessing... only God can redeem the world. whoa baby!!
HaShem Will Redeem the world ONLY when the world DESERVES redemption. What the Chosen People’s role in this is to be an “or l’goyim…a light unto the nations” by our example of keeping the Torah and trying to teach the nations to stop idolatry. THIS will bring the Geula/Final Redemption, the Messianic Era where there will be world peace and the 3rd and Final BeitHaMikDash / Holy Temple in J’lem built.
@@savtamarlene - I agree, but would expand upon that to say that there is a delusion in that God is NOT redeeming the world at ALL times, never sleeps, and never ends. God's law CANNOT be broken, the prophets are clear on this - blessing through obedience, or curse through rebellion. And again, you can 'rebel' but God always 'wins' and cannot be 'overcome' as some believe - rod of iron has it's purpose too, though in 'pride' there are those who feel that have the rights to 'use' God's rod, and unknowing bring more curses upon themselves as not understanding that we serve a God of peace and love, our strength found in trusting Him - NOT acting on His behalf. He needs no help in vengeance, and only requires us to 'love'. Be still and "I" will fight FOR you. When we took of the 'fruit' - fear entered us. Fear is the beginning of EVErything... of God will bring wisdom, and enough wisdom and perfect love, then nothing to fear. But if that fear causes us to do what God has NOT commanded, then the seeds of evil will be planted, and sonetimes they take a long while to begin to grow. The soil does NOT want to produce this kind of fruit, but it is the 'soil' that determines what will grow. Hiw it is that we treat the 'soil' determines what will come from it. IF we spill hate and dishonor upon it, then hate and dishonor will come from it. And IF we spill blood upon it - then blood will come from it. I see a sad battle happening... because of 24 grandsons of Abraham. But good can come of it as this is Jacob's Troubles and the struggle is with doing and trusting the works of God, or to continue the struggle with man. Everyone needs a place to call home and everybody needs to be loved by their own family. Women always seem to be at the root of our troubles, Eve, Sarah, even Lady Wisdom. There is good reason for this... as the 'woman' that was taken OUT of a man has the (2) seeds with which all of creation is made - sons of God... or more 'seeds' as 'daughters of man'.
What is required is grace... for mankind to give grace to God. As grace is given for what is not deserved, but grace given to God is called 'faith', and faith in His promises, and faith that He will give them based upon how the '24' redeem the earth they have been given to 'work'.
24 Tribes, 24 Elders, 24 Books, and 24 Hours - in a day that is divided between darkness and light. Can the covenant between day and night be broken? But what is not obvious is that there are (2) covenants - one for day and one for night... and nobody can work at night - it is night.
*2nd Corinthians ch12 v16*
“But be that as it may, I did not burden you myself. Nevertheless, crafty fellow that I am, I took you in by *DECEIT*
It's very interesting.. as a fellow human being in Africa.. it's eye opening.. what if Paul never wrote or said those things in romans .. I think it's possible catholics doctored that .. if can changed the order how can they not doctored some words .. so where from here ... coz even the order in gospels are not chronological
Can someone please explain to my why whenever a new Horror movie comes out at the 🎥. The movie is always based in a Church and not in a Mosque or Synagogue?
Man its time for unity with christian against islam who destroyed ur country, Jesus was Jew , Christian believe your bible, respect Israel situation, im kurdish atheist by the way, i hope well for all Israel people love israel
Except most Muslims aren't that bad, and at least they worship only one God, and not three.
You are Wrong Christian believe your book while muslims they believe it is corrupted and every jew has to believe in muhamad
second Christian loves people, forget what happened in the past but jesus says i comes to the lost ship of Israel, do not judge people judge the new testament
thirs look at the muslims hatered towards Jew, so they invaded your land now they want you out of this land here you go my friend if u want more just let me know i post more for you, so find me simillar hatered against jew in new testament!
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:
The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.
حَدَّثَنَا قُتَيْبَةُ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ، حَدَّثَنَا يَعْقُوبُ، - يَعْنِي ابْنَ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ - عَنْ سُهَيْلٍ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ " لاَ تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ حَتَّى يُقَاتِلَ الْمُسْلِمُونَ الْيَهُودَ فَيَقْتُلُهُمُ الْمُسْلِمُونَ حَتَّى يَخْتَبِئَ الْيَهُودِيُّ مِنْ وَرَاءِ الْحَجَرِ وَالشَّجَرِ فَيَقُولُ الْحَجَرُ أَوِ الشَّجَرُ يَا مُسْلِمُ يَا عَبْدَ اللَّهِ هَذَا يَهُودِيٌّ خَلْفِي فَتَعَالَ فَاقْتُلْهُ . إِلاَّ الْغَرْقَدَ فَإِنَّهُ مِنْ شَجَرِ الْيَهُودِ "
Reference : Sahih Muslim 2922
In-book reference : Book 54, Hadith 103
USC-MSA web (English) reference : Book 41, Hadith 6985
@@DaltonPyronChristians believe jesus was god
So how can their be 3 gods?
The spirt is gods spirit not a god lol
You have no common sense
it does not matter how many god do you believe, what is use of believing one god who teaches kill non muslims or atheist like me!
@@ZinduZatismIdan Amedi, singer/actor is an Israeli Kurdish Jew. Have you heard of him? he interviewed on Kurdish TV.
Rabbi Tovia Singer, I love you more than you know. I got to give it to you, this video is hilarious to me because you said it's almost unheard of for a religious Jew to not keep the sabbath nor eat Kosher. Well, I'm not only Judaism Jewish but Hebrew Blooded, and I maintain obeying God far more than even you will ever know before meeting God, but I 100% truthfully even say vocally "...I eat bacon and work on Saturdays...". However, I not just believe Tanakh to be true, but KNOW God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to be true and the Abrahamic Covenant to be unconditional and eternally true. 😁😉
Like you said, even Jesus of Nazareth said to keep the Torah.
Dear Rabbi, do you have a student in Indonesia named Ahmad Kainama? He claimed to be your student
Send him my love!
@@ToviaSinger1 ah I see, so you DID know him.
Rabbi I'm new to your channel. Ive been studying the Torah using the Torah for dummies is that a good reference? Any recommendations? Thanks
See. Which is the best translation of the Tanakh? Rabbi Tovia Singer
If you are a Gentile, you need to study the 7 Noahide laws.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 "If you are a Gentile, you need to study the 7 Noahide laws."
As an Atheistic Gent, what calamity, if any might befall me for not deep diving into Noahide?
@@BeachsideHank One whose unrepentant sins outnumber his merits is liable to die immediately in his wickedness, by the Hand of Heaven.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 Nothing more then? I mean no burning in Hell for all eternity, stuff like that?
One can be "recalled" without the hand of divine intervention at any time, now that is a risk I am willing to take, and so far it seems I am ahead in the game.
Thank you Rabbi for taking time and explaining things with the scripture.
I once came across a subject in Tanakh saying that all Tanakh books are sanctified in the Arc Of Covenant in the times when the temple is still active. So, the books are truth, they weren't torched by Hashem in the temple. Even the Levites with a minor sin were burnt alive when they enter the temple.
My doubt is, were the new testament books sanctified the same way? If no, how can we consider that those books are true, there is a chance for manipulation of events words and stories.
Do you think the NT as the word of God ?? Jesus himself made mistakes.
Judaism begins and ends with Moses.
This answer that I gave to someone else, may help you to be less confused:
_NOWHERE did God EVER mention the "Jesus" character to us, NOWHERE did He tell us that we need to be "saved", and NOWHERE did He tell us that He requires HUMAN BLOOD (a purely pagan ritual that God ABHORS!) as atonement for our sins. Also, NO FURTHER SCRIPTURES were given to mankind by God AFTER Mt. Sinai, therefore, Christianity absolutely DID NOT come from God._
_PLEASE buy a Hebrew Bible (says "Stone Edition TANACH" on the cover) and Rabbi Singer's books, as well as Rabbi Stuart Federow's book "Judaism and Christianity: A Contrast", to help you understand why Christianity absolutely did NOT come from God._
The law in the old testament has not been done away with!! The only thing that has changed is that God opens the way through Jesus!! Because he has become the lamb that was slain for the Jews first then the gentiles!! So God through his only begotten son fulfills the law !! So we still keep the commandments in our life!! Because we want to live holy life's Yet by his grace through faith in his son we can obtain adoption as sons and daughters!!
How come Tovia is silent about what’s happening in Israel?
He has spoken about it. What do you want him to say? Listen to what other rabbonim have to say about this. Rabbi Tovia answers questions of THOUGHTFUL people who want to learn about Torah. The more of humanity that understands this and gives up their idolatrous ways, the quicker we will help to bring the Geula/Final Redemption so that these horrendous wars will cease!
@narrowgate4498 This isn’t a political channel talking about politics. His job is to show Christians that they are drowning in a 🌊 full of idols and guide them to worshiping the true G-d.
He actually has spoken about it.
Want do you want him to say? You want him to make a full video condemning Hamas or the IDF?
@@Dennis-ns1yx He would NEVER condemn the IDF.
Daniel and his 3 friends rewrote the OT to bring it back to perfect conditions. The prophecies in the 12 books listed after Daniel are the same words as when the prophets wrote them down. The prophecies only have to do with the transition from the iron/clay kingdom (Da:11:3-Da:12:3) to the everlasting kingdom. Why does that throw some OT only believers into a tail-spin when the meanings have not been altered in any way?
It seems to be an excuse to 'bad mouth Gentiles' when the flaw is with OT only believers not being able to clarify what the OT prophecies are saying.
Thank you
your words are so personal...I will try to find an compassionate Dermatologist and get off the unfiltered cigarettes.
Tell us the solutions too sin problems God knows we need answers
Gentiles need the 7 Noahide commandments.
What does antinomian mean?
A person who maintains that Christians, by virtue of divine grace, are freed not only from biblical law and church-prescribed behavioral norms, but also from all moral law.
ADONAI ELOHEINU, ADONAI ECHAD, Abba Shuli hu'melecj ha'Olam, ha'Kadosh Baruch hu.🛐🕎
Do one on "Peter's Sheet". It's the Christian Dispensationalism New Covenant excuse to eat bats, rats, and ocean crickets on placemats...a picture of a white sheet with a slew of CHAZERAI on it...and then Christian Broadcasting Netw... have to have shows about if it's okay for Christians to watch Horror Movies....
@@bt-lt4os "Fellowships" can cause weakening of discipline and spiritual guidelines, which has been a weapon of Dispensationalism. The New Covenant says that the Old Covenant is Archaic. The New Covenant is a store bought bottle of sauce. The Old Covenant is a slow simmering sauce. The New Covenant is a Mega Store. The Old Covenant is a Mom and Pop shop. Convenience versus Beauty. Intricacy versus Bleak Modernization...See? It's PROFOUNDLY sweeping...
@@bt-lt4os Cricket Flour and Mealworm Flour are being Marketed and Normalized now in the U.K. Children are helping the environment
brainwashed by the New Covenant.
@@WorshipperOfLife The same voice that spoke to Jim Jones?
@@WorshipperOfLife Gentiles had the 7 Noahide laws thousands of years before your idol.
Sometimes I wonder if Paul decided to try to bring down Christianity from the inside since he couldn’t do it from the outside. His whole conversion story could have been BS.
It claims in the book of Job that he was sinless
The Old Testament wasn't "arranged" by Jews themselves. Their books were just disorganized collections of scrolls, neither was there a canon that would list the approved texts in a specific order. The first attempt to organize the texts was the Septuagint, and this became the version adopted by the early church. Jews did not get down to it themselves until the emergence of the Masoretic text between the 7th and the 10th centuries CE. The oldest surviving Masoretic copy is the 11th century Leningrad Codex. The idea of ordering the books is closely related to the Roman invention of the Codex. Scrolls are not easily organized. And it was the early church that adopted and spread its writings in the form of the codex. Frankly, were it not for Christians, their adoption and endless copies of the Old Testament they produced, and the challenge they issued to Jews, Judaism would be long dead and forgotten.
Isn't King James, William Shakespeare?🤔
Rabbi Tovia, I genuinely appreciate your insights, and I wonder if, in the spirit of open dialogue, there might be room for considering alternative perspectives. It appears to me that there might be some misinterpretation of Paul's teachings, both among Christians and in your own analysis. I say this with utmost respect, and I must mention that I've dedicated significant academic study to this subject, holding two degrees in it.
Now don't get me wrong, you are accurately pointing out flaws in Christian theology, but I'm not sure your conclusions are any less wrong, but from your own dogma.
Paul was a one man show who at best was self deceived and who twisted the tenakh. There was no one who could attest to his supposed "revelation" on the road . He was not a student of Gamaliel . A number of epistles that he supposedly wrote were not written by Paul.
Hi conservativevoiceify 🙏 What if we'll leave interpretations, or Paul's letters aside and speak about the real issue - was Jesus God or wasn't he. May I prove why he wasn't? God's blessings.
10:57 Hello Rabbi, I listen to your videos and find them quite interesting. But forgive me for saying this. I would never have been able to see my self-righteousness in what you preach. I would have continued projecting my bad characteristics unto others. I needed the Holy Spirit to come upon me and reveal to me what I needed to see. How do you help others understand who they are? And how do you know for certain who you are? Jesus showed me who I am, by teachings in the New Testament.
You ask your god, jesus for guidance and jews ask their God, the God of israel to guide them and show them what they need to see and He guides them. The God of israel is not less capable than jesus.
@@minooam7089 My God is the Father of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There is no other God. But truly I want to know. Since us Gentiles we’re not able to keep the law because of our sinful nature which we were born into and because God is such a loving and just God he created a way for us. How is it that Judaism are able to keep the law without having to constantly repent. And feel secure about having ever lasting life in heaven? This is not judging this is trying to understand your faith.
@@nancyfluger1636If you’re so sure, then why are you here? Are you here to mock Rabbi Singer and HaShem? Are you here to proselytize? Or are you here because you have some hidden doubts and questions about the nonsense your xian bible tells you? I think subconsciously you are NOT as sure as you profess to be.
I would never go on a xian or moslem channel and degrade what they say and believe..because I KNOW in my heart and soul that my G-D IS G-D. I have nothing too prove to anyone. You can keep on believing as you choose…and let me do the same.
@@nancyfluger1636 Nancy, I'm sorry this will be packed with information, but as you showed real curiosity ...🙏
*As for sin - see what God tells us:*
*Isaiah 55:7-9*
Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. *Let them turn to the Lord,* and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will *freely pardon.* (!!!!)
8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
*(you were taught these two verses, but you were never taught they speak of God's forgiveness, I'm sure, those three verses go together!).*
*Read the interpretation:*
*For My thoughts are not your thoughts:* Mine and yours are not the same; therefore, I say to you, “The wicked shall give up his way,” and adopt My way…
My laws are not like the laws of man [lit. flesh and blood]. *As for you, whoever confesses in judgment is found guilty, but, as for Me, whoever confesses and gives up his evil way, is granted clemency (Proverbs 28:13).*
*Ezekiel 18:21-23*
“But if a wicked person *turns away from all the sins they have committed and keeps all my decrees and does what is just and right,* that person will surely live; they will not die.
22 *None of the offenses they have committed will be remembered against them*. Because of the righteous things they have done, they will live. 23 *Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign Lord. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live?*
*Also see Ezekiel 33*
11 Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, people of Israel?’
14 And if I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ but they then turn away from their sin and do what is just and right- 15 if they give back what they took in pledge for a loan, return what they have stolen, follow the decrees that give life, and do no evil-that person will surely live; they will not die. 16 None of the sins that person has committed will be remembered against them. They have done what is just and right; they will surely live.
*God has no need for blood to forgive.*
You really think God cannot forgive without shedding of blood?? How were the people of Ninveh saved?? No sacrifices, repentance is the key.
*'No remission of son without blood'*
Let me show you how Paul fooled all of you. Flour was used as *a sin offering* as well, simply flour! It didn't contain any blood. *So Paul's claim that there's no remission of sin without blood is null and void!*
*See Leviticus 5:*
11 “‘If, however, they cannot afford two doves or two young pigeons, they are to bring as an offering for their sin a tenth of an ephah[b] of the finest *flour for a sin offering.* They must not put olive oil or incense on it, because *it is a sin offering.* 12 They are to bring it to the priest, who shall take a handful of it as a memorial[c] portion and burn it on the altar on top of the food offerings presented to the Lord. *It is a sin offering.* 13 *In this way the priest will make atonement for them for any of these sins they have committed, and they will be forgiven.* The rest of the offering will belong to the priest, as in the case of the grain offering.’”
See ?? It's all there, you've all been wrongly taught that 'blood' is the only way the way to get atonement.
All God ever wanted is repentance and following his law (a law for the jews and a separate law for gentiles which consists of 7 basic laws).
*Regarding sacrefices:*
Firstly you need to remember that not all sacrefices were for sins. Most weren't; there were several reasons to sacrefice to God, mostly as giving thanks.
Secondly you need to know that the sacrefice itself wouldn't have been accepted by God unless true repentance was shown and only unintentional sins could be accompanied by sacrefices, but without repentace, those will be rejected and hated by God.
Thirdly - God didn't want any of it, he enabled it to us, so that we will actually feel we did something to make us worthy of forgivness, because only when you give something do you feel it is really true.
*Here are a few verses that show you that God does not require sacrefices:*
*Psalm 40*
7 Sacrifice and offering you did not desire- *but my ears you have opened- burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not require.*
*Seems familiar right ? See how Paul changed that as he did many other texts:*
“Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, *but a body you prepared for me;*
*Isiah **1:11*
11 *Of what use are your many sacrifices to Me?* says the Lord. *I am sated with the burnt-offerings of rams and the fat of fattened cattle; and the blood of bulls and sheep and hegoats I do not want.*
*1st Samuel **15:22*
22 And Samuel said, *"Has the Lord (as much) desire in burnt offerings and peace-offerings, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than a peace-offering; to hearken (is better) than the fat of rams.*
*Hosea 6:6*
6 *For I desire loving-kindness, and not sacrifices, and knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.*
*Psalms 51:18-19*
18 *For You do not wish a sacrifice, or I should give it; You do not desire a burnt offering.*
19 *The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;* O God, You will not despise a broken and crushed heart.
Blood is sacred there's no denying it, do you think God would need the blood of a human being who He planted His soul in to forgive when he said clearly that nothing has to be given other than repentance and following his law?
Not only that, he takes the Good things you do in life and credits it to you against the evil you do!!
You need to understand that blood has little importance in God's eye as a forgivness aid, as sacrefice wouldn't have been accepted by Him without true repentance.
His forgiveness cannot be precieved by any mortal 🙏.
*Think which God you are worshiping. It is not the true God of Israel.*
*God doesn't change his mind*
*Why no 'original sin'*
This will be a bit complicated to explain as the Jewish faith does not precieve "the original sin" as Christianity does. We are all born 'a clean slate'. We are not sinners. Sin cannot be inherited. "The soul that sins is the soul that shall die.".
If you think you are 'a sinner' because of Adam's and Eve's sin, you are mistaken. Sin cannot be inherited:
*Ezekiel 18:4*
"For everyone belongs to me, the parent as well as the child-both alike belong to me. *The one who sins is the one who will die."*
*Deuteronomy 24:16*
"Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents; *each will die for their own sin."*
*These verses shows how God detests human sacrefice:*
*Deuteronomy 12:*
31 You must not worship the Lord your God in their way, because in worshiping their gods, *they do all kinds of detestable things the Lord hates. They even burn their sons and daughters in the fire as sacrifices to their gods.*
*Jeremiah 19:*
5 They have built the high places of Baal *to burn their children in the fire as offerings to Baal-something I did not command or mention, nor did it enter my mind.*
Human sacrefice is an abomination to God!
You think that would suddenly change ?
God does not change his mind ! And he never said anything about it !
You need to understand that blood has little importance in God's eye as a forgivness aid, as sacrefice wouldn't have been accepted by Him without true repentance.
As we go through life we accumulate sin (still, this does not make us constant sinners) and our soul is tarnished due to those sins. Those trials given from God are our chance to cleanse our soul BEFORE we have to face judgment from God when our day comes, the more it is cleansed the less punishment we will be given and the good things one does God writes in his favour, against the sins he committed.
An important thing you should know: Not all sin demands the 'death' penalty'.
There are only a few sins that do.
There are several degrees to sin, basically: the intentional, and the unintentional, and there's also a difference in wether it's a transgression against what is part of the 'written law' or the 'oral law' when the latter is less severe, but gentiles only need to follow 7 of God's laws.
There's so much more... and I bet leviticus 17 is one issue you would like to be answered as well, as to where we know that prayer brings God's forgivness without shedding of blood or a need for atonemen, or that it can be replaced with charity - I have all these answers for you as well, if you'd like, just let me know.
God is merciful 🙏🙌
Turn to Him directly 🙏✨
Psalm 145 is omitting the Vav and psalm 34 omits the Nun ... they are both in Alephbetic acrostic...
I find that interesting since Vav represents the second sign IYAR (# 2 )♉ ...And Nun represents Chesvan( #8) ♏ the( 🕗 )the eighth sign . If you look at the clock you will see there is a straight line between them .
Opposites yet partners... What is the Sod when you read and compare the 2 verses ...shouldn't the omitted Vav in psalm 34 ( between verses 6&7 ) and the omitted Nun between verses 13 &14 in psalm 145 be a sign of something... ?
Psalm 40 has 18 verses..Earth & Water signs . ♉ #♏ 2 +8 = 10: 1+0 =1
All is part of The Holy 1there is no other.
💦 🌎 it all adds up...Todah ...Shabbat Shalom
Paul/Saul was first and foremost a Jewish ,Rabbinic Pharisee as you know ,a member of the Sanhedrin.Taught by Gameliel,as you know.He was absolutely accepted by men...such as you,UNTIL he professed the Jewish Messiah,Yeshua,Called him.2023 years later,you are still persecuting him...WHY?i pray for you Rabbi,may the Love of Yeshua bless and keep you
When is the Messiah of Judaism that is a political figure and just a human being supposed to come on the scene exactly?
Only G-D knows ,
When the world DESERVES to be redeemed!
One should not try to determine the appointed time for Mashiach's coming.
The church leads people by their emotion,by their hearts. So the self evident nature of the Tanach was,is and always be antithetical to cristian teaching so it had to be conflated.
Jeshurun needs to take heed of being led by emotion(Proverbs) and haughtinéss(Deuteronomy)
BINGO! Summed that up perfectly!!!
According to the Torah, do Jews support genocide ? (counting all those considered idolaters and those who do not keep the sabbath) honest question.
Jews are commanded to wipe out the descendants of Amalek in Deuteronomy 25:19.
Even when i identified as Christian i stringy disliked paul. What was wrong with hom? The Christians i knew said they followed yeshua but constantly followed paul. I got sick of that crap
Look into islam
A false prophet alone in a cave. @@Rath9765
Thank you rabbi for all your videos! .. with the 3rd temple about to return, and the red heifers of age, the viewers need to humble themselves to God! The veiwers need to learn and obey the truth about whom God is and they need to appreciate the truth you are speaking from torah and tanakh!, orthodox judiasm! The true God knows who takes steps of obedience towards him! The true God knows who loves him and who fears him! As the holy priesthood of Aaronic priesthood! And the holy commandments are so beautiful and true! ... so many law makers and chaplains need to sincerely seek a life of obedience to God! ( they will turn their weapons of war into plowshares) nato and all nations know we live in times where humans have weapons of mass destruction! ( i trained at ft McClellan Alabama, as a 54 echo a nuclear-biological-chemical expert active duty army !) ...the truth of worship to God and truth of obedience to God is much more important then people accept! Thank you rabbi tovia singer for all your videos!
king Saul is wrong in the case of Zion
Jesus preached with Torah, he didn’t carry a 16th-century King James Christian Bible with him or any of Uncle Paul of Tarsus's letters! ,
Fun fact: He also didn’t have blonde hair and blue eyes!, plus we don’t know what he did the first 30 years of his life
*Would you dub a false prophet who didn't even know the bible God ??*
One thing you all try to do is box everyone in together, I am not Catholic now do I believe in any pope. I am a Christian we didn’t rearrange anything I believe in Gods Words as is
We christians are proud of our jewish roots
Your roots are pagan/Hellenised, which is why the entire NT was written in Greek.
I do agree... human sacrifice is NOT acceptable. Maybe they only murdered 1/3 of Jesus? 😂
We are this stupid n criticism world .Here these some people should read Hebrew Bible well .They speak ill about Other faiths where they couldn't find SUBSTANCE in others books of faith .One cannot change bunch of people .Seek and Find God thru prayers n miracle 😊
2 Esdras shows too much truth
> 06:03
Speak more please. So that the bible was a type of organised living of the Nation of Israel. What about the Temples to the Goddesses. Why were these destroyed, excluded from all religions? Thank you.
God is not a woman.
Technically God is not a Man either.... For God is Spirit, neither Man (kind) or born of Man (kind)🤔💭
I think the males of mankind decided to eliminate the female aspect in order to dominate, instead of wanting to work totally side by side... Made of the rib ~ made from the side🤔💭
How about taking a break from Christian disputations and spend some time focusing on the endemic to hatred that seems to run throughout the entire Quran and it’s Islamic followers of the perfect man mohamoud Who is recruited two of personally beheaded Jews in Kai bar. Come on Rabbi Singer!
After centuries of Jewish persecution torture and torment commited by christians, the only refuge this marginalized ethnic and racial community found was in the islamicly governed territories and empires. There is a consensus proliferated among historian academic circles that the islamically governed territories where the only theocratically legislated area where Jews Muslims and Christians co-existed in relative peace. The Jewish golden age where Jewish contributions to arts and sciences flourished and where the most Prolific where accomplished under the tolerant attitude Muslims had towards them since they respect them as (people of the book). Many historiance propagte and insinuate that the existence of Jews would probably be more negligible if it weren't for the Muslims.
If that was the case what for did we make atonement on Yom Kippur every year?
Torah Neviem Ketuvim = Tanakh
כן. תורה נביאים וכתובים = התנ"ך.
I wish I could get the audience so I could straighten this mess out. When Paul.says that the gentiles would be justified by faith, he meant in the same way that Abraham was... by nature, doing the works of the law. As for the curse vs. faith references, Paul is saying that the law should be followed by having FAITH in the law that it is 'good' and that God's WORD will 'manifest' what it's purpose is... to prosper us, give us a hope, and so on. The point here is that IF one follows the rules all begrudgingly... then WHERE is one's love, trust, and faith in God. I would add that Jesus is called LORD (not God) and the 'word', because He is supposed to represent the 'manifestation' of what it looks like to follow the law - if one seeks to accomplish the 'spirit' of the law... vs. the 'letter' of the law. The 'spirit' of the law allows for more freedom... like for Rahab to lie, because of the 'intent' behind the actions, and is why David begs God to 'search His heart'.
*Jesus was just a false prophet who didn't even fulfill his own prophecies, made mistakes, and didn't even know the bible.*
*Want proof of all of the above?*
Have you read any of Rabbi Singer’s books? You can read them online. I’m sure you haven’t. He has done a thorough job of answering all of your questions. But you have to willing to open your mind and heart to the TRUTH… not what you have been brainwashed to believe. Go ahead…I DARE you! I DOUBLE DARE you!!!
we are saved by the blood Christ Jesus, said that those who kept the law would be reward greatly, but are salvation is not by our works, it is solei by the blood of Jesus the Christ. The law and the prophets are summed up by these 2 commandments,
Matthew 22 : 35-40
Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, 36Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38This is the first and great commandment. 39And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
This set's you free from the temple laws, seeing how they can no longer be observed, the temple being destroyed. in 70 ad.
In the future, the Messianic king will arise and renew the Davidic dynasty, restoring it to its initial sovereignty. He will build the Temple and gather the dispersed of Israel.
Instead of finding fault in christianity why dont you pray for your own country which is at war now. Even at this moment this man is sitting and finding fault in Christians. Unbelievable. There are so many dying in your own country. Go and pray for them and ask your people to also pray for them. If you are a true God's preacher then do that first instead of thanking only those who give donations for you. Go and get a life.
This channel is not targeted against Christians. It's to combat missionary activities that seek to convert Jews to Christianity. It's also an educational resource where Christians with questions can call and ask the Rabbi for answers. If Christians would not actively try and convert Jews, the Rabbi would not need to have this mission or this channel. I'm sorry you are offended but imagine how offensive it is to the Jewish people - who have nearly been annihilated once and we're just slaughtered again - to have people actively trying to convert Jewish souls. I don't mind what you believe and respect you. I would not try and steal your faith from you. But I can't count the number of Christians who have tried to steal mine from me. It will never happen but it still offends me to the core of my being every time when someone mistranslates Torah to me. And you know, I don't say that's not true and here is what is. I leave them be. That's what the Jewish people ask. Leave us be. We don't have a soul to spare and if the current news doesn't show that, I don't know what will. And, it is futile anyway. There will always be a righteous remnant. If you are not seeking questions about Judaism, this channel isn't meant for you
If you don't pray here on RUclips, that means he doesn't pray? What do you even talkin about?!
@AM-mw2wu there two wars going on in Israel, a physically and a spiritually, we CANNOT ignore the spiritual war because of the physical. Opposite, the spiritual war is more important than physical!
@@CHAILIFE yes, this channel always targets only Christians. The Christians of the whole world are fasting and praying for the Israelites and you people are here insulting and hating Christians. Is this the time for this. This tovia is a rabbi. Doesn't he have the common sense? Israel wants all help from Christian countries, jews want to study and make money in Christian countries but they also want to hate and insult Christians, even at this peak time. Shame.
@AM-mw2wu thanks for your "respect" I guess you're secular and you don't appreciate eternal life. but from a religious perspective eternal life is multiple more valuable than our physical live, not even to be compared, and without eternal life our life is worthless!! And as long Christians doesn't put aside their weapons to kill our souls, if so who knows how many souls we will lose. In a war there is no place for calculations what the Jewish haters would say, do you expect Israel now to make such calculations? Absolutely not, right?
Thanks for your "respectful" recommendation to to behave like adults... But "respectfully" I deny it based on the religion which I strongly believe
and it's my PRIDE!!
😃That's why Yahushua NEVER said you must join a church or follow a religion!
אני ישראל חי
Jesus said himself the prophets all point to me. You can be justified by the Lord Jesus Christ...
Sirius the great
Thats a very weak hypothesis; hardly an christian reads the bible in the order in which it is presented, there are no weekly parashat, which keep a particular order.
I pray to God of Abraham Isaac and jacob to open the spiritual eyes of this great Rabbi.
Hi REAL Rabbi! So, a Martian walks into a bagel shop and says: "Hey, you folks have these here, too?" 💞💪🕎🚸
Rabbi KADURI, Rabbi KADURI !!!!!!!!
Rabbi Singer made a video on Rabbi Kaduri just for you. Go ahead, educate yourself
@@goldengun9970 well, he's not the only one :)
I've seen the note , it's true!
@eloygarcia8111 we aren't going to forgive missionaries for besmirching R Kaduri's name or anything else they do
@@goldengun9970 the Kaduri note is true!!!!! true,true,real true..... 😁. Hasn't got to do anything with missionaries or church-totaly different topics!
Jewish bible passages.
" Let us go down and confuse there to tongues "
" let us create man in our own image "
" God appeared to Moses in a burning bush, from the bush the Angel of the Lord said "
" The Lord said to my Lord "
" Gods spirt was grieved "
" God said, Your throne, O' God will last for ever "
i can go on and on, this God is not simply one God. a trinity makes more sense, and i believe in Kabbalah they know this and hide what it truly means least the christians see it and make an up roar
The order of the books of the old testament is given in the Septuagint, and this is a jewish Document. Its not s deception of the church.
I had a different source for the order of the book but i cannot bring it here
The penalty for theft for a Bnei Noach is death. A Jew however must only pay twice what he stole.
Jewish obligations are more restrictive and numerous.
What’s the reference? (death penalty for theft)
It is clear that Tovia gets desperate when he has to go to Paul's words in seeking to disprove Y'shua, as though there is something equal comparing them. Y'shua said that He always spoke words of Spirit and Life, flesh (soul and worse) profits nothing.
Nobody should listen to what comes out of this guy's mouth. Do people not know what he has been accused of? How can someone like him teach others about Torah when he so quickly goes against its commandments?
And saying that Paul thought that keeping the Sabbath was hard is ridiculous. That is the entire point of the New Testament, that jews were keeping the traditions but were completely corrupt in their dealings with their neighbor
Corrupt in the ways they were dealing with thier neighbors? History shows us exactly who thier neighbors were. Isreal was under the occupation of the romans who nailed and crucified thousands of Jews. The neighbors that were trying to force their pagan worship of thier pagan man god Ceasar and thier many gods that they worshiped. The very neighbors that ended up destroying the temple and enslaving over 100k Jews. Jesus kissed the feet of the romans didn't speak a word against them instead spoke against his own people no wonder the romans made him a god as well they were quite well known for inventing gods.
The strictures wasgive to Shem Israeli, Not your people, Now if you cleve to Israelite, but to preach a gospel that the jewish people are the Israelite are wrong. Please tell the truth.
PLEASE learn how to write a COHERENT sentence - I have no idea what you just said!