AMAZING. I've basically been replaying one of these remixes over and over again because it was so good. Thanks to this extended version, I never have to do that again. 🤣
Did of y’all used to listen to that one lesser known remix with Laughing Jack’s model with a black background? It was so awesome sounding but the uploader deleted it, and I haven’t been able to find it *_anywhere_* on the internet!! :,,(
AMAZING. I've basically been replaying one of these remixes over and over again because it was so good. Thanks to this extended version, I never have to do that again. 🤣
Did of y’all used to listen to that one lesser known remix with Laughing Jack’s model with a black background? It was so awesome sounding but the uploader deleted it, and I haven’t been able to find it *_anywhere_* on the internet!! :,,(
Where is the with laught version?