Castle Combe Track Day In Mev Exocet Turbo

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 17

  • @KitnetUK
    @KitnetUK 3 года назад +1

    That's really good times for your first time their. Very impressive. 🙂

  • @DmitryGorshkov
    @DmitryGorshkov Год назад +1

    Great stuff, thanks for sharing!
    What exactly caused the spin?

    • @racerkully
      @racerkully  Год назад +1

      Was a suspension issue where it was bottoming out that likely caused it… all part of the development and now the car reacts so much better to changes in direction, bumps and curbs

    • @DmitryGorshkov
      @DmitryGorshkov Год назад

      @@racerkully Thank you and best of luck with all of that!

  • @scoobs998
    @scoobs998 3 года назад +1

    I was there that day and span in exactly the same spot ! Great day & nice driving.

    • @racerkully
      @racerkully  3 года назад

      What were you in mate?

    • @scoobs998
      @scoobs998 3 года назад +1

      @@racerkully Grey Cayman R

    • @racerkully
      @racerkully  3 года назад +1

      @@scoobs998 nice!! I’m sure I got abit of footage somewhere with you in..

    • @scoobs998
      @scoobs998 3 года назад

      @@racerkully sounds good if you come across it any time 👍.

    • @martyndavies1482
      @martyndavies1482 3 года назад

      I highsided my bike the exact same way many years ago, the painful memories return…

  • @timpies6592
    @timpies6592 2 года назад +1

    For a second I thought you had a MASSIVE speedo on your dashboard

  • @tobyshefford
    @tobyshefford 3 года назад +2

    some nice driving there money bags ;) don't be afraid to use all the track on the exits though, carry a bit more speed into the apex and let the car run wider dint fight it. I think that's what caused you to spin. see you on track next time.

    • @racerkully
      @racerkully  3 года назад

      Haha thanks mate! Yeh defo could have been abit braver and improvement to be had on the lines too for sure 👌🏼

  • @crabbyck
    @crabbyck 3 года назад

    What motor is in this?

    • @racerkully
      @racerkully  3 года назад

      It’s called a MeV Exocet.

    • @crabbyck
      @crabbyck 3 года назад

      And what is the engine in it?

    • @racerkully
      @racerkully  3 года назад

      @@crabbyck a forged mx5 nb engine 1.8 but fettled with a turbo for that extra bit of spicy sauce