I’ve got a atco28h it’s maximum width I can use I know they are twice as much looking at these when I get a shed my old one been living outside Have u done any research into repairing of batteries
How much grass are you cutting? On our slope, with the full array of batteries, we comfortably cut half an acre of wettish grass. While the slope definitely impacts the batteries, by far the biggest drain is when you go through thick, wet clumps that lock up the cutting blades. So it comes down to the amount of grass you're cutting and how long/wet it is.
@@MyHomeFarm I’ve got three lawns total 300 ish square metres two sloping I can cut just on down hill turn round on tarmac only struggle I get is wheel slipping with my atco 28h on up hill bit as it climbs the 3inch75mm kerb otherwise no problem only problems in last 7years I nearly tipped it over I don’t do sideways anymore. I’m thinking do more little and often with mulch plug I’ve ordered should work better than the mops I shove in now ,,, no doubt it can cope with the slopes with 15ah batteries if need they selling discount batteries over winter
If the same happens with this as with my older stiga battery stuff: The older batteries are not available anymore, the newer ones do not fit in the older stuff. So you can throw away all your older equipment and buy new ones. So be warned! Buy garden equipment from a manufacturer that sells batteries that fit for more than a few years! Never any stiga product for me anymore!
I think Stiga’s current battery platform will be around for some time to come. But you’re right. If a platform changes and those batteries are discontinued that could be very problematic.
@@MyHomeFarm They should at least make an adapter or something so that you can use newer batteries in your old equipment! What they do is not environment friendly! Because of my old stiga stuff was still working fine! Only because of the batteries i had to throw it away! Even the recycling store didn't want it because of those batteries. Sure, they can't sell good products without batteries.
The producer of the old range with lasted only a year or 3 went bankrupt. The current system which is in use for a year of 5 now is produced by STIGA themselves. So they won't have a need to change anymore. Great products, my entire range garden power tools will change to STIGA.
I have one of these with 3 x 7.5 & 1 x 5amphr batteries, only 6 weeks old but selling it. James, Somerset
as socket for charging is the same as c300/c500 (384e/548e) models - is it possible to charge it by fast charger 18A ?
I’ve got a atco28h it’s maximum width I can use I know they are twice as much looking at these when I get a shed my old one been living outside
Have u done any research into repairing of batteries
Can anyone confirm the charging behaviour - does it charge all packs simultaneously or just one at a time to max, then move to the next one?
What country are u I’m actually looking for one
We’re in the UK
@@MyHomeFarm just never heard of dealer u said
Are you sure your c500 was 4 wheel drive?? Mine is only rear wheel drive.
correct, it is rear wheel drive only
I double checked and the C500 is indeed rear wheel. It was just a lot more powerful and handled our sloping field easily.
They have just reduced too £2999 with only 3x5ah batteries and no free tools I’ve just ordered one . My garden isn’t big I’m just knackered
Not sure if I seen at £2999 minus 10% with four batteries I’m sick now lol don’t know how true best I don’t know
It's perfect for a smaller garden to be honest and now your grass won't outgrow your energy levels 😅
@@MyHomeFarm and not as smelly might just buy a extra 5ah battery see how it runs I’m on a bit of a slope my atco 28h copes ok
How much grass are you cutting? On our slope, with the full array of batteries, we comfortably cut half an acre of wettish grass. While the slope definitely impacts the batteries, by far the biggest drain is when you go through thick, wet clumps that lock up the cutting blades. So it comes down to the amount of grass you're cutting and how long/wet it is.
@@MyHomeFarm I’ve got three lawns total 300 ish square metres two sloping I can cut just on down hill turn round on tarmac only struggle I get is wheel slipping with my atco 28h on up hill bit as it climbs the 3inch75mm kerb otherwise no problem only problems in last 7years I nearly tipped it over I don’t do sideways anymore. I’m thinking do more little and often with mulch plug I’ve ordered should work better than the mops I shove in now ,,, no doubt it can cope with the slopes with 15ah batteries if need they selling discount batteries over winter
If the same happens with this as with my older stiga battery stuff: The older batteries are not available anymore, the newer ones do not fit in the older stuff. So you can throw away all your older equipment and buy new ones. So be warned! Buy garden equipment from a manufacturer that sells batteries that fit for more than a few years! Never any stiga product for me anymore!
I think Stiga’s current battery platform will be around for some time to come. But you’re right. If a platform changes and those batteries are discontinued that could be very problematic.
@@MyHomeFarm They should at least make an adapter or something so that you can use newer batteries in your old equipment! What they do is not environment friendly! Because of my old stiga stuff was still working fine! Only because of the batteries i had to throw it away! Even the recycling store didn't want it because of those batteries. Sure, they can't sell good products without batteries.
The producer of the old range with lasted only a year or 3 went bankrupt. The current system which is in use for a year of 5 now is produced by STIGA themselves. So they won't have a need to change anymore. Great products, my entire range garden power tools will change to STIGA.
Further to last comment careful on slope to left or right for tipping over