The Transformers: 2010 or The Transformers Generation 1: Season 3 was NOT the best Transformers animated series or season but, at least the Japanese people created the sequel series, The Transformers: The Headmasters anime 35-episode TV cartoon series after The Transformers: 2010 anime cartoon series had ended.
0:00 - The instrumental theme of the Japanese dub G1 Transformers opening remains lost media to this day. 😔
Is there an extended version of the S3 opening theme at 4:23? It seems to be exclusive to these commercials
5:54 Enemy?
The Narrator in The Transformers, is from Space Sheriff Sharivan.
Always wanted to hear full season 3 theme like in these Japanese commercials.
it is cool that the bubble gum toys uses the same transformation as the actual G1 toys.
transformer robot in disguise ってダサいBGMがないところも大好きだ
The Transformers: 2010 or The Transformers Generation 1: Season 3 was NOT the best Transformers animated series or season but, at least the Japanese people created the sequel series, The Transformers: The Headmasters anime 35-episode TV cartoon series after The Transformers: 2010 anime cartoon series had ended.
But the main theme is kick ass.