The Pauline Paradox: Part 3 - Why is Paul So Difficult to Understand? - 119 Ministries

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • The common position of mainstream theology utilizes snippets from Paul's writings to prove that God changed His law. Others teach that Paul is a false apostle and teaches against the Law of God. However, Peter's warning tells us how twisting Paul's letters promotes a lawless doctrine. Here are 6 reasons Paul is difficult to understand.
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Комментарии • 107

  • @taitososefo4307
    @taitososefo4307 2 года назад +22

    Paul's teachings are only difficult to understand without the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
    With the Holy Spirit, everything Paul teaches makes sense.

    • @timothycheng7765
      @timothycheng7765 2 года назад +1

      Sorry for asking. How about what Paul said about women not allowed to teach or to lead over men? Any thoughts?

    • @prettyjohnshill76
      @prettyjohnshill76 2 года назад

      @@timothycheng7765 119 has a video about that. check their channel for that video.

    • @taitososefo4307
      @taitososefo4307 2 года назад +2

      @@timothycheng7765 That's what he teaches and he states that it comes from God.
      The Bible also states that Eve (a woman) is to be a helper suitable for Adam (a man) in Genesis 2:18 NIV. So you see here, God intended the man to lead, while the woman is to assist him in leading, but never to lead (this is for the church)
      Moreover, this leadership is not the same as the world perceives leadership but the way Jesus teaches us how a leader should lead in Matthew 10: 42-45, i.e to lead by serving.

    • @eveningprimrose3088
      @eveningprimrose3088 2 года назад +1

      @@timothycheng7765 I see the wisdom in that. God has established the societal order. Women having authority over men and teaching them upsets that good order. We don't have to understand why. I have found that obedience to God when not understanding the why is rewarded, and it is often rewarded later with the understanding of the why.

    • @MinisterRedPill
      @MinisterRedPill 2 года назад

      @@timothycheng7765 Who cares? Women shouldn't have authority over men. Your feelings mean nothing here.

  • @Psalm-119
    @Psalm-119 2 года назад +8

    ❤️ Praise YAH ❤️

    • @shadowlands8490
      @shadowlands8490 2 года назад

      Praise JESUS and YHWH and the Holy Spirit

  • @damonwereman9297
    @damonwereman9297 2 года назад +12

    Read the Old Testament and put his teachings in historical and cultural perspective and The Holy Spirit will Teach you that All of the New Testament is The Old Testament... Amen.

    • @shadowlands8490
      @shadowlands8490 2 года назад +5

      I agree, Paul practices the righteousness of the holy law. It was very difficult to do, but as a Jew he was trained and a studied believer.
      This will naturally reject all of the Reformed theology practicers. Most of them are as carnal as the world.
      Prideful and arrogant.
      What Paul taught was humility and loyalty to God, as the Jews of the Seven Churches were proven to not be loyal. Loyal to those who were like-minded. Like-spirited men are serving two masters and will not receive that they must be in Christ alone. Which is the root of our Gospel : Saves by faith alone.
      But not everyone's version of Faith alone is accurate. Because we should and must also "put off the old man, the fleshly carnality".

  • @kfoster3616
    @kfoster3616 2 года назад +2

    Wish you would list in the notes the other videos you mention at the beginning. It's rather difficult to search through so many videos that 119 has produced. ty

    • @119Ministries
      @119Ministries  2 года назад +2

      Shalom K Foster,
      The videos on our website have a transcript with them. Everything said in the video is put into the transcript. This might be easier to check out the other videos mentioned. You can find this teaching on the website here:
      We hope this helps.
      Blessings to you and yours.

    • @kfoster3616
      @kfoster3616 2 года назад

      @@119Ministries Thanks so much. I just want to learn....TYA!

  • @northoftoofar3772
    @northoftoofar3772 2 года назад +2

    Have you ever considered responding to "Focus on the Kingdom"? They were instrumental in leading me to the one true God of Israel, but they've been on a serious anti-law tirade as of late, and only rarely do they reply to comments that challenge them.

  • @jenna2431
    @jenna2431 2 года назад +3

    Paul would have been in Jerusalem three times a year. He was contemporary to "Jesus" so he would in fact have been there when Jesus turned over tables and was generally being a thorn in the religious side there. But Paul never once mentions having seen or heard him in person. He never mentions his standing in the religious community in Jerusalem that would probably have afforded him access to the trial (which wouldn't have happened on a high sabbath, but I digress). But Paul rarely mentions anything about Jesus' life or actual teachings - only the death/burial/resurrection and what that supposedly affords to believers. If you're reading this, I was where you are two years ago, when suddenly the entire thing fell apart. These guys taught me to test everything and when I did the entire thing unraveled.

    • @redeemed3856
      @redeemed3856 2 года назад +1

      Can u explain what your saying? Are u agreeing with 119 or disagreeing. Are u saying Paul is a fraud because if he was who he claims to be he would have more to say about Jesus’ life...??? I’m not sure what your comment is conveying. 😬

    • @eveningprimrose3088
      @eveningprimrose3088 2 года назад +3

      Gamaliel. See Acts 5:34+ and Acts 22:3. In Acts 5 Gamaliel (Paul's teacher) counseled the religious authorities on what to do about the apostles. He states that there had been several men to arise claiming to be the Messiah in those days, and their activities had come to nothing. It is not inconceivable that Paul would have dismissed Jesus as just another teacher, or at worst a messianic pretender, while Jesus was ministering. There is no need for Paul to witness to anything other than what we have in the scriptures from him.
      As for him being present at the trial...he was just one of probably many devout students of the law. Why would he be at the trial? And a trial wouldn't ordinarily have taken place on Passover, but the religious authorities were doing what they could when they reasoned they could, effectively hiding their actions in the dark (literally) while other good Jews in the city were celebrating a solemn holy meal in their homes.
      The gospels have almost nothing recorded regarding what Jesus did or said after he rose but before he ascended to heaven.
      In general it can be useful to question what is missing from things and why. But if Paul had written differently, would it have enhanced his gospel? As John said, "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which If they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books which were written."
      It doesn't fall apart for me, not at all.

    • @justincase1919
      @justincase1919 2 года назад

      I don't even understand what you're saying.

    • @rhondaheim8549
      @rhondaheim8549 Год назад +2

      After Testing christianity, esp the [Roman] History of "the church," I also moved on from the Messianic / HR to the Ancient Path of The WAY. I Trust in Torah, and use all other writings, including N.T. as the Ruach leads.
      The Ruach Ha'Kodesh Himself is the greatest Rabbi. This is what I've seen in the WORD so many times -- is our Father lovingly wanting a direct relationship with Us!
      Please let me Encourage you to Never give up, our Souls and Eternity are too? important to gamble away!

    • @Dragonfly20233
      @Dragonfly20233 2 месяца назад

      @@rhondaheim8549 What do you mean the ancient path? How is this different than Messianic?

  • @TheDiscerningPath
    @TheDiscerningPath 2 года назад +1

    Ok so with the "Zondervan bible group" How do they reconcile Jesus himself stating in Matthew 5:17, " Do not think that I have come to do abolish the law or the prophets: I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." ESV.

    • @kyleamerica5522
      @kyleamerica5522 Год назад +1

      Look up word plaeroo(fulfill). Means fully preach

  • @willscholten1737
    @willscholten1737 2 года назад +2

    Look up "Constantine's Creed" WOW

    • @JustKate43
      @JustKate43 Год назад

      Yikes! Just read it.

    • @Dragonfly20233
      @Dragonfly20233 2 месяца назад

      See the thing about the Constantine's Creed is that records in Eusebius shows us that Constantine and the whole gang of early fathers who went on to develop the Constantine Creed were heavily about Paul. I understand what 119 is trying to do to bring confusion Paul has created into proper context but, to be honest, it makes me like one of those in the group that doesn't trust Paul bc whatever his motivation was it has been used for thousands of years by the enemy to confuse and lead astray. God's word is clear. Christ's words are clear. We don't have any trouble understanding the actual apostles but yet we put so much stock and time and effort into proving Paul isn't a bad guy that we haven't stopped to ask ourselves if maybe his confusing message(while gracious Peter tried to explain) has been leading people to their own man-made religion since Paul lived. Paul never met Christ. Never met the apostolic criteria. Claims Christ appeared to him in the desert and taught him for 3 years in spirit form even though no one has any record of Christ appearing in spirit form after the resurrection and Christ Himself said he would not return until the end times. AND Christ told the apostles to be wary of one coming in His name from the desert and even speaks in Rev 2 to the Church of Ephesus telling them they did good to run off the false apostle preaching against the law. Paul, in his own words, said he never preached anywhere that someone had already preached and we know from his own words he was run out of Ephesus and they tried to stone him for preaching against the law. What I don't understand about 119 is why they aren't testing the man himself. They are testing his words to see if they can be contrived to not go against Christ but not actually testing the man to see if even deserves our time. Think of it this way- John Smith of mormonism says the EXACT same thing as Paul. It's literally a line from Paul's playbook. Jesus came to me. He only shared these things with me and I am who everyone should listen to even though his words are contrary to Christ and scripture. Paul has no authority and pretending like he does makes the mistake of inviting a wolf into the camp. People think Paul is an apostle but he's not. He was a self-proclaimed apostle and Peter called him a brother. A brother is not an apostle or he would have called him as such. Just bc Peter acknowledged Paul(despite constantly trying to clarify Paul's words) doesn't mean that Paul is an authority. He was a fellow worker. Maybe the apostles did not heed Christ's warning about the false apostles and let into the camp a wolf we are still dealing with today. Why aren't we testing the man and his story? Literally no one can attest to what Paul saw. One person said he saw Paul see something but he neither heard nor saw anything. This is NOT how Christ works. God is all about witnesses and Paul's are super weak and they show a Christ that does not line up with what we know about Christ. Paul may be misunderstood at best but at worst he could be the wolf in Rev 2.

  • @budyharianto8229
    @budyharianto8229 Год назад

    Why Paul is so misunderstood then?.. is his Letter too greek interpreted?.. is that why nt wright write the NPP (new perspectives on Paul)??...

    @BADDMIXX 2 года назад

    The Holy Spirit Needs Credit. Not Theology AKA MAN!

  • @jasonstewart7834
    @jasonstewart7834 2 года назад +1

    Because Paul is a false apostel. Just focus on Peter, James, John, Jude Who actually respect the Torah instead of discouraging it like Paul who btw never even met Jesus

    • @eveningprimrose3088
      @eveningprimrose3088 2 года назад +4

      I find it hard to believe that just because you and others cannot make Paul's words agree with your understanding of the gospel you slander him so! Keep humility and faith that God preserves his word, and keep seeking!

    • @jasonstewart7834
      @jasonstewart7834 2 года назад

      @@eveningprimrose3088 its not just his words not agreeing, its his whole personality. He is suspect.
      Galatians 5:12 " I wish those who unsettle you would mutilate themselves!" Pauls words. Is this God's word? Would God say this? Accusing Peter of being a hypocriete to Christians in Galatia, saying Barnabas is one as well, John Mark not liking paul. James the Just not liking paul and suspecting him in acts 21. Plus the Jewish christians in 2th century who said he was like the anti christ. Yet he has 14 books in the NT, all for this ex Christian persecuter who never even seen Jesus and claims to have his own gospel which he didn't receive from the other apostle. I don't think God had anything to do with the catholic Church and the anti semetic Church fathers who decided what was orthodox and what was heretic.

    • @eveningprimrose3088
      @eveningprimrose3088 2 года назад +1

      @@jasonstewart7834 those are good points.
      Do you dispute that by the laying on of his hands people received the Holy Spirit, and he also raised a dead man back to life? Also, Peter called Paul's letters "scripture."
      I admit that Paul might not have been very likable, and he might have been combative, and he was impatient and ungracious with John Mark. But for that matter, Jesus was pretty combative with the Pharisees, Scribes, and teachers of the law. Jesus also had harsh words for the multitudes who followed him just because he had healed and fed them miraculously. His message was also hard for many Jews to accept. He said some things that seemed to them not to comport exactly with the OT scriptures.
      I wonder if we are prejudiced by the false commandment, "Thou shall be nice." We think that being "nice" is almost equal to being loving, and that is in many instances not true.
      Just some more things to think about.

    • @JustKate43
      @JustKate43 Год назад +2

      @@jasonstewart7834 I know it’s 11 months later, but hope you get this.
      I think the issue with Paul is the “thorn in his side” that he admits to, his weakness. He’s battling this, and I think that’s why there’s confusion coming from him. He’s a Man! We have to always go back to Yahusha’s teaching to test what Paul is saying.

    • @JustKate43
      @JustKate43 Год назад

      @@jasonstewart7834 2 Corinthians 12:7
      The Thorn in the Flesh
      7 And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure.

  • @justincase1919
    @justincase1919 2 года назад +7

    For me, it's common sense, when one person tells you to obey God and another says you don't have to, it should be obvious who is speaking God's word and who isn't.

    • @svenshanah
      @svenshanah 2 года назад +3

      Like Ex-Mega-Church Pastor G. Steven Simons (Triumph in Truth) says, "Ha'Satan doesn't deceive you into believing The Bible... "I've been deceived into believing The Bible" - "I'm told, "NOW you're just a LAW keeper".."and you know what I say, "if you're not a Law Keeper what are ya? You're a Law Breaker!"
      "I'm told ''you're draggin' people off into BONdage''.."and you know what I say, "it's not BONdage if you want to".. "I gotta "want to" heart" '-)

    • @justincase1919
      @justincase1919 2 года назад

      I don't know about the " deceived into believing the Bible " part, maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're saying, but Amen to the rest.

  • @brianfixitguy2494
    @brianfixitguy2494 2 года назад +6

    Howdy..sent survey response to 119.
    Christs Spirit is what reveals Christ to me.
    I no longer have condemnation for failing law..He enpowers me to Follow Yeshua and my mistakes are lessons for me..Being FILLED TO OVERFLOWING is BEAUTIFUL..HE MAKES ME CAPABLE TO FULFILL WHOLE LAW..TORAH..FESTIVALS AND FEASTS..
    ABBA is so

  • @truthbetold2354
    @truthbetold2354 Год назад +1

    I understand Paul to be speaking of the sacrificial law being fulfilled by Jesus. All moral law is eternal. Circumcision is part of the physical sacrificial law being that it is a sacrifice of flesh and spilling of blood for the old covenant.
    I also can't reconcile how Paul says that eating food sacrificed to idols isn't an offense to God or sin but only can make a brother stumble by thinking it has power in practice so avoid doing it only to avoid a stumbling block to a new believer and then Jesus in revelation speaks specifically to it being a sin period and a practice that leads to condemnation in the letter to churches. How does this make sense? 🤔

  • @my_set_apart_life
    @my_set_apart_life 2 года назад +2

    It’s not that we are having him to be unstable, him saying one thing and in the next book saying another makes him seem unstable. A pretty good video nonetheless

  • @Bobbychildree
    @Bobbychildree 2 дня назад

    You point out that Hebrews 8:13 does not contain the word “covenant”, but covenant is indeed the antecedent to which Paul is referring in verses 6-12. Paul is clearly (to me at least) teaching that the Old Covenant written on tablets of stone is passing away and being replaced by the New Covenant written on hearts of flesh. There are many nuances involved, but we no longer live by a checklist but now have the Living Word imbedded in our hearts. It’s the same covenant, but it is now alive within us through salvation in Yeshua. I once lived quite nicely by precepts carved in stone, but when I was born again the life of the Spirit of God instantly brought life to my spirit which was dead in transpasses and sin. There was literally an explosion of life in my innermost being. Sixty years later that life is still flowing out of me like living water. My life is not the life of the Stone once struck, but it is the life of the Stone spoken to. I indeed live by the New Covenant written on my heart of flesh. The Old died that day, and I’m so glad it did!

  • @rosettajones5435
    @rosettajones5435 2 года назад +2

    Amen Good morning 119 ministery am listening all makes sense, God's words are true .God is not a lier neither the son of man .

  • @dvalist
    @dvalist 2 года назад +2


  • @gideonopyotuadebo2304
    @gideonopyotuadebo2304 2 месяца назад

    Paul try preaching syncretism between Godliness and idolatrous greecoroman cultures and created confusion with anti law gospel.

  • @TheHebrew
    @TheHebrew 2 года назад +1

    Thank you again for your great teaching and insight. Many blessings and Shabbat Shalom.

  • @charles-v3764
    @charles-v3764 2 года назад +3

    Is this a re-visit or a new teaching? I have already watch around 7 videos in this series.

    • @119Ministries
      @119Ministries  2 года назад +9

      This newly remastered teaching is more concise, with some phrasing changed here and there from the original. It more closely resembles the Pauline Paradox book.

    • @shadowlands8490
      @shadowlands8490 2 года назад

      A continuing heresy. To place you back under the Mosaic Torah and bondage.
      Temple law was bondage, the Ten Commandments are not the same as the Levitical Temple and ordinance law.
      This channel mentions a continuing feud between the Talmud Jews and the Catholic/Calvinist freemason system.
      We are not under the Levitical law of the old Temple. Jesus fulfilled that. When Jesus was Glorified, the Old law was obsolete.
      Not abolished. I will agree with that.
      Yet the old law is not capable of being practiced.
      The law of Spirit, the Law of the Liberty of Christ is in place.

    • @dnnrod1807
      @dnnrod1807 2 года назад +1

      @@shadowlands8490 What is the word Fulfill in the original greek??? It is of the definitions of that word means to Fully Preach (see Strongs) ....Yeshua did not come to abolish but to "fully preach" Yeshua kept the law perfect. If what you are saying was correct you are saying he "fulfilled" it..meaning finished it...same thing as abolishing ...bringing to an end...that wouldn't make sense. "I did not come to abolish the law but to end/fulfill/complete/finish...the law"....

    • @shadowlands8490
      @shadowlands8490 2 года назад

      @@dnnrod1807 Yes and Jesus said not to follow the Temple practices. He said to follow Him.
      Thank you for the discussion.

    • @shadowlands8490
      @shadowlands8490 2 года назад

      @@dnnrod1807 The Levitical law is not preached, it is made obsolete.
      Especially by the ending of all Temple rites and ritual ordinances.
      As well as the authority of the Levites. Jesus said His is the Order and High Priesthood of Melchizedek.
      The Gospel is preached. Not the old law.
      He did state to keep the Commands, and statutes. But these are not Levitical law.
      I am aware you didn't understand much of my comments. That is disheartening, but not surprising.
      Keep growing in the True Gospel. This channel isn't teaching it correctly.

  • @rosettajones5435
    @rosettajones5435 2 года назад +1

    Thank you 119 ministery

  • @jbossman008
    @jbossman008 2 года назад +2

    Great work soldier

    • @shadowlands8490
      @shadowlands8490 2 года назад

      This channel is full of cognitive dissonance. They said self professed theologians say one thing one minute and another thing the next. I see the same thing from them.
      And 119 lied themselves because they aren't telling you of the changes of some "text" and have admitted to placing you back under the old law.
      We are not under the old law. We are under the Law of the Spirit which. The Hebrew Scriptures' mention. The Spirit of the Law. Look it up.
      Beast of this gnostic Judaizing channel.
      We are not under the Temple law. If you are... Then you have a seriously false religion because you aren't practicing making "purification ordinances" the Temple every Passover and Feast of Atonement.
      The High Priest of The Levites aren't covering your sins for you.
      Because under the Old law Jesus has not come. Paul wasn't hard to understand. Paul spoke correctly, and this channel is condescending. The Torah Law is Bondage , the Holy Law of the Spirit is Holy Liberty.

  • @harantish
    @harantish 2 года назад +1

    are there updates in the series or are these just re-uploads? better video quality perhaps?

    • @119Ministries
      @119Ministries  2 года назад +2

      This newly remastered teaching is more concise, with some phrasing changed here and there from the original. It more closely resembles the Pauline Paradox book.

  • @andrewcarter418
    @andrewcarter418 2 года назад +2

    I wasn't able to make my last text appear due to lack of time. Anyone can choose to be a a part of the bride-which, is supported in Torah. One of many examples is, Numbers 15:14-16,26,29,30.

    • @shadowlands8490
      @shadowlands8490 2 года назад

      Ah, so they did change the Hebrew with the Greek Septuagint

    • @shadowlands8490
      @shadowlands8490 2 года назад

      This change is false then, because they have never said anything about the change from Septuagint LXX format from the true Hebrew Scriptures'.
      Either be consistent, instead of saying one thing one minute , and then the next something contrary..

    • @andrewcarter418
      @andrewcarter418 2 года назад

      @@shadowlands8490 I am consistent and and gave Scriptures.

    • @shadowlands8490
      @shadowlands8490 2 года назад

      @@andrewcarter418 I know, I agree with your comment. I was speaking of the video topic. That the Greek was changed.
      Which is what they just said regarding the fact Paul said the Law of God was Bondage. But the Law of the Torah was not bondage but Holy.
      The channel admitted a corrupted text. Not me or you.
      But they didn't say that the Levite Law is not the Holy Law of God.
      The Mosaic Law.was the Ten Commandments, which is God's Law.
      The Levite law.givem by Moses to Aaron is the Levitical law and is abolished. Abolished by the New testament and New Covenant.
      We are not to follow the old law of the Temple , namely because the Temple doesn't exist anymore.
      Which is why I agree with your comment, that we can only be a part of the Bride because the Son of God the Saviour fulfilled the Old Levitical law. He abolished the Levite law, and Revealed the Spirit of the Law of Christ (which Paul mentioned).
      The points this video makes proves the old law is obsolete. One cannot be a member of the Bride of Christ and under the choke of the Old Levitical law.

    • @andrewcarter418
      @andrewcarter418 2 года назад

      @@shadowlands8490 As far as being abolished, does this include the Fourth commandment? I am curious as to what you think on this.

  • @aldtrao3544
    @aldtrao3544 Год назад

    I wish you would not say that no NT scriptures had been written at the time Peter was writing, for it is obvious in Peter’s own words that at least several of Paul’s letters had already been written (when he refers to them as Scripture); also at least two of the Gospels (Matthew and Mark) had already been written at that time. In any case, thank you for offering these teachings. I am testing them.

  • @rosettajones5435
    @rosettajones5435 2 года назад

    It is written ,Thus said the Lord God ;He that heareth,let him hear;and he that forbeareth,let him forbear ;for they are a rebellious house
    Ezekiel ch 3 vs 27.

  • @bobbibonner
    @bobbibonner 2 года назад +2

    Thank you so much for this series! I love your teaching style! I love how you lay out the facts/truths

  • @mmoore3807
    @mmoore3807 2 года назад

    You lost at the error of dispensationqq

    • @shadowlands8490
      @shadowlands8490 2 года назад

      Yes, because the old law called the Levitical law is obsolete and abolished.
      The Mosaic Law of the Ten Commandments is still intact.
      Aaron was the Aaronic Levitical lineage. The Levite tribe lost their authority to Judah. Jesus is related to Levites, but is Judean and His Law is not the Levite law.
      Paul isn't difficult to understand.. the Equip staff isn't wrong. This channel is false if they don't mention this important doctrine. New Covenant is not the old Covenant, the Law of God is not the Levite law.

    • @eveningprimrose3088
      @eveningprimrose3088 2 года назад

      It is so important to keep in mind that there is a new covenant! Reading the entire Bible with this in mind helps greatly.
      The "old covenant" is for an earthly theocracy. The new covenant pertains to a heavenly kingdom. Jesus said that his kingdom is *not of this world*. The kingdom of God is within/among US.

    • @Dragonfly20233
      @Dragonfly20233 2 месяца назад

      @@eveningprimrose3088 yet, everything Jesus teaches us by His words is about our temporal life here on Earth. He isn't telling us to zen out and not worry about earthly stuff the way Paul does. He tells us how to live with our neighbor and be a friend and die for one another and make everything about people and to love God and then He defines loving God as following His commands. None of that sounds esoteric. It all seems pretty practical and down to earth-literally.

    • @eveningprimrose3088
      @eveningprimrose3088 2 месяца назад

      @Dragonfly20233 I completely agree with you, except I don't know about Paul saying differently. Paul gave many words of counsel about the nitty-gritty daily walk.

  • @truthwarrior4BarAbba
    @truthwarrior4BarAbba 2 года назад +4

    One reason Paul is difficult to understand is because he's a false apostle.

    • @bromosapien3688
      @bromosapien3688 2 года назад +1

      Yes and yup. God job brother.

    • @shadowlands8490
      @shadowlands8490 2 года назад +1

      No, give proof of this anywhere in the old testament. This channel is a servant of the gnostic talmudists of israel and new york. I'm not seeing anything that denies the old Levitical law being replaced and abolished.
      Galatians 2
      Galatians 5 gives much evidence proving to be so.
      Hebrews does say we are not under the old Temple system as well. So give evidence contrary?

    • @eveningprimrose3088
      @eveningprimrose3088 2 года назад +8

      According to Peter, Paul is authoritative. The original apostles avowed him. Just because you in your mind cannot make his words square with what you think you know does not mean Paul was false; it means that you need to keep seeking the truth.

    • @truthwarrior4BarAbba
      @truthwarrior4BarAbba 2 года назад

      @@eveningprimrose3088 according to prophecy of the Old Testament And Prophecy of the book of Revelation, Paul is, was and will continue to be a false apostle.
      Maybe You should search for the Truth.

    • @truthwarrior4BarAbba
      @truthwarrior4BarAbba 2 года назад

      @@eveningprimrose3088 and according to Peter himself, he was weak.
      Read the parable of the sower... and those seeds who fell on rocky ground...rocky ground AKA Peter