Yup, the only thing she regrets is getting caught. Let’s see how she’ll handle herself in the real world working a real job and along side those she use to bully and belittle.
Original outcome: After Mandy lost everything, she got evicted from her apartment. The landlord shows her former apartment to Cass. She lost the Porsche, the sponsors, the agent and the manager. She is forced to look for a job. But due to her idiocy, no one wants to hire her because of her bad references.
As a person with food allergies, you are SUPPOSED to let your server know about ANY food allergies BEFORE your order and not make threats to the server that you will trash them if you don't get your way. That was the girl's first mistake. She also needs to learn manners, for real!
The fact that this bully is being the face of anti-bullying is just astounding. If that form of bullying is suffering consequences it’s called karma. So she has no one to blame but herself
As someone with a dairy allergy, I would NEVER EVER treat a waiter or waitress like that. First of all, the waiter/waitress doesn't need to ASK if you have any dietary restrictions, you have to tell them. So spoiled, I can't even imagine
Many places have signs that specifically tell customers that if they have an allergy to let the staff know; in fact, most places now list whether a type of order might contain something that is known to be an allergy.
As someone who was bullied when they were a child. I definitely have to say to those who are bullied, don't let anyone take your confidence away from you, this gives the bully power. Also, if the bullying is bad to the point where it's making you feel relentless, things like affirmations and channeling your anger productively can help you.
I was bullied when i was a kid too but i just tried not to let it get to me. Now in my twenties I really don't care what people say and I'm way more confident and feel better about myself. I hope you can feel better too.
@@Aroaceenby I definitely do feel way better about myself now since I've started doing stuff not just for my physical health but my mental health as well because that's just as important. But the thing is I realized that the bullies had something going on in their lives and expressed their anger by taking it out on me.
@@yogalover2753 i struggle with my mental health but I'm not giving up and I'm gonna make it a goal everyday to enjoy life and be happy with who i am and love myself and if that isn't the most real shit ever get outta my face. Glad to hear it. 😊
I got bullied at school by these 3 girls but they were just jealous. When anyone bullies you are not worth it and the bullies are just got nothing better to do
@@yasirabdi1622 "Nice dress, did you buy it at Forever 21" was definitely a compliment from the Instagram girl. Mandy took it as an insult PURELY because SHE doesn't like that store. As her friend said, 'she probably meant it in a nice way'... she did. It was a compliment. The girl had no way to know that MANDY didn't like the Forever 21 store. So there was no need for Mandy to insult her - she could have just ignored her or replied 'no, I didn't buy it at Forever 21. I never shop there - I prefer [Clothing store].' There are always ways to NOT be nasty to people who may have offended you purely by accident.
@@dmf1301That’s what I was gonna say that she meant it as a compliment like asking if she got her outfit from Forever 21 but instead Mandy took it as an insult
I am 45 now, but growing up i was bullied relentlessly and when i think about it now it still brings back horrible memories😢. Kindness costs nothing. Pick someone up when they are down instead of kicking them. Your words hurt and can make or break someone. You never know what a person is going through. Social media influencers are only as popular as the people who follow them. So show those people respect, kindness and love! Your never above anyone.
the constant thing with bullies I notice is that they never remember the people they bullied, yet the people who were bullied *usually* remember the bullies. It's so frustrating how someone can f*ck up someone elses life but not understand the sigificance their words and actions can cause long term issues.
The influencer is hot! As long as she is nice to other beautiful women, cool guys, adorable children and adorable kittens, who cares how she treats others?
"You should be nice to people on your way up because you might just pass them again on your way down." Well said. If you are an influencer, make sure you treat everyone with kindness and respect no matter what they are because they look up to you. Don't let popularity clouded your mind and judgement because you might lose the admiration and respect of your followers!
It's sad to see people still getting bullied and even now as an adult, that has happened to me too. And although it may stop, bullying can ruin people's lives
To everyone who feels bad about themselves always remember that God loves you and that he created you just how he wanted to, everyone is special, don't bully people that aren't EXACTLY the same as you!✝️☺️
Nothing is free will you can't change yourself after you're born, God planned our bodies on how he wanted them to look like and we should except and appreciate that, likewise how we treat other people because no one is truly ugly from birth. Many people do make themselves ugly though from smoking, overeating, etc..
The influencer is hot! As long as she is nice to other beautiful women, cool guys, adorable children and adorable kittens, who cares how she treats others?
“You should be nice to people on your way up, because you might just pass them again on your way down.” Well said, thanks for sharing that! As always! 😊😇💜🙏🏼
I fully believe that you can tell who the person really is by the way they treat people they don’t need to impress per se, like waiters, cashiers, janitors etc. If someone treats people in the service industry poorly, who is to say that person won’t treat you the same once there is no longer the need to impress you anymore? Please treat everyone with respect regardless of who you are talking to.
The influencer is hot! As long as she is nice to other beautiful women, cool guys, adorable children and adorable kittens, who cares how she treats others?
@@Zachboy007well…people will see through that and will not like you anyways. First of all, just because you don’t think someone looks good doesn’t give you the right to mistreat someone at all! No one is exempt from having an accident and becoming disfigured, natural aging or having a stroke and losing control of your facial muscles..etc. how would you want to be treated if god forbid, any of those things happened to you? If you think that looks alone will get anyone far, that is furthest from the truth. Everyone gets older each year and youth is NOT permanent no matter how much plastic surgery, hair dyes and other things they do to look young. it’s the inside people care about.
About the food allergy thing, I do agree that restaurants should have a way of having their customers let them know. Like maybe asking the customers or having the customers write them down.
Maybe waitstaff could ask customers if they have any allergies, sure. But the problem with doing it that way is that it puts ALL the responsibility on the wait staff - what if they make a mistake, and forget to ask? And then the customer also forgets to TELL the restaurant, then they get sick from the food they ordered. It would still come down to the customer (or their parents if it's a kid) needing to take responsibility for themselves. Sure, the wait staff didn't ask 'are you allergic to nuts', but Mandy READ the menu (which does list all the ingredients), didn't tell the waitress about her allergy, and THEN blamed her for not ASKING... but if she'd eaten the nuts instead, who is to blame if she gets sick? It's not fair to put all of that responsibility on the wait staff. It's MANDY'S responsibility to open her mouth and say 'I'm allergic to nuts.'
It’s not the waiters/waitress’s job to ask if you have a food allergy, that’s your job. It’s also your job to make sure that you don’t order what you’re allergic to.
This shows all of us No one should be bullied.I got bullied because of my skin colour at school .and At work I got bullied because of my Autism and someone at work was really being horrible to me about my late mum.
لا تهتمي فكل ما تعرضتي بسببه للتنمر ليس خطأ ولا عيب ولكن هناك الكثير من الحمقى الذين لا أحد يردعهم يتنمرون على أي شيء غير مألوف لهم هل تعلمين أن أول من قال أن الأرض كروية تم اعدامه وكثير ممن حلموا أن يصبحوا شيء عظيم تم السخرية منهم لكن نجحوا وانتي أيضا تستطيعين فعل الكثير والكثير اكثر من هؤلاء الحمقى الذين تنمروا عليك و هل تعلمين أن قوتك ليست بشكلك او ان كان لديك توحد ام لا او لديك ام ، ام لا بل قوتك في روحك كل القاسين الذين وصلوا للشهرة وصلوا بطرق ملتوية ويسهل سحقهم في أي وقت اما من لديه روح نقية فالصعاب ليس لها سبيل امامه ويستطيع تحقيق كل ما يحلم به
The influencer is hot! As long as she is nice to other beautiful women, cool guys, adorable children and adorable kittens, who cares how she treats others?
This video really hit home! I was bullied growing up and unfortunately the girls who would bully me are now posting “mental health and anti-bullying” propaganda on Facebook. It makes me cringe hard seeing that. Im glad this girl got her karma! 👊
Back then in around the 1940s-1970s or whatever I don't know what time it was because I wasn't alive at the time (I was born in 1998) Teachers in schools were allowed to beat kids with a cane and if caining was still allowed to this day bullying would've ended ages ago
I wish the kids who bullied me in school got karma. Instead Im the one that got in trouble. I choose to pepper spray the bullies and grope them. It was so unfair that I got in trouble.
But Mandy did learn a big lesson. She should know that it’s not OK to bully others even when you’re famous, that’s Mandys karma but here’s what could’ve happened if Mandy had made better choices.
The influencer is hot! As long as she is nice to other beautiful women, cool guys, adorable children and adorable kittens, who cares how she treats others?
Beautiful video about Anti-bullying and friendship. I can relate to this issue when I was being bullied in college. And I also wrote a song about student and sang it to her...... (it didn’t end well)
The influencer is hot! As long as she is nice to other beautiful women, cool guys, adorable children and adorable kittens, who cares how she treats others?
Here I understood how Mandy's attitudes were mean and bad treating people rudely without putting herself on their shoes. Great story and reflection we must put on practice in our lives
The influencer is hot! As long as she is nice to other beautiful women, cool guys, adorable children and adorable kittens, who cares how she treats others?
“Don’t let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth. But only what is helpful in building others up, according to their needs, so that it may benefit those who listen.”- Ephesians 4:29
@@giovanniiamunno7874 That's true but unless she did that, it's still out there for everyone to see. Also, you can even take screen shots of these things ( which that girl she made fun of probably did do just incase she does delete the post to make it look like nothing happened).
@@yogalover2753 But I don't get it. How come any US President can get away with what they say on social media, but this girl couldn't? I mean, the President can do whatever they want, why not she? Just saying. :/
Great line,Be nice to people on the way up, cause you never know if you will have to pass them again on the way down ..... Truer words were never spoken....
I can relate. When I was in high school, I spent most of my lunches hiding in the toilets too, I was so scared of being picked on again after so many times previously that it was the only place I felt safe.
It's important to let your waiter or waitress know you have food allergies when you order food. Also, just because you're famous, that doesn't give you the right to treat people terribly.
Lesson Learned: "You should be nice to people on your way up because you might just pass them again on your way down." Well said about that. Thanks for this Dhar!!!!
The influencer is hot! As long as she is nice to other beautiful women, cool guys, adorable children and adorable kittens, who cares how she treats others?
If I ever do these kinds of videos and I gain followers, I just need to be real, and be myself. I don’t need to be something I’m not. Just simply be myself, and be the real me. Everyday I’m always nice to people on the way up.
@@Firedgoose69Why not speak through and not expect others to know what you are thinking 🙄 Mind reading would be cool but would you let others to read your personal info inside your mind?
I was bullied really bad and I was bullied for 13 years from kindergarten to grade 12 until everyone moved on I stayed behind another year just to get away from them. I could tell you a lot of things
Fortunately, I have never met or seen a celebrity like this. I’d say most celebs are actually very nice to and thankful for their fans, even if they could secretly be filled with ego. At least they keep it to themselves if that’s the case. I seem to meet a lot of decently famous people in my life, and I haven’t met one jerk. They’re even nicer than normal people often I think
I have always hated bullies, and I want them to get the punishment that they deserve. If a person is allergic to peanuts, or other nuts, they are supposed to let the servers know upfront, so don't blame them if you get sick and end up in the hospital, because after all, it is your responsibility to let them know when ordering, because they cannot read minds you know!!!!!
In the words of Brad Paisley: 🎵When you're a celebrity / it's adios reality / no matter what you do / people think you're cool / just 'cause you're on TV🎵
I remember being bullied in grade school ... Just cause I wore glasses. And everyone thought it was funny. Later on in high school I stuck to learning a education , graduated and taught my now 3 grown kids never to bully anyone
NEW APP UPDATE! Get here: www.dharmann.com/app-update/ Unlock EXCLUSIVE CONTENT, get EARLY ACCESS to videos and more with Dhar Mann Plus!
@@dontreadmyprofilepicture7323 I just did
@DONT READ MY PROFILE PICTURE stop saying that pls
Listen to 🧚♂️PORTALS🧚♀️by Melanie Martinez
Love how sweet of a friend Alicia is even to people who don’t deserve it
she fine too 😏
@Based Soul ⸜⁄ bot
@@jplatt06 frfr
Alicia is a true trooper. Just going with the flow.
Raise your hand if you've been watching dharman for a long time
*Spell the bad word*
*if you were thinking of it you have an dirty mind*
Same. :)
Even when Mandy lost everything, she continued to be mean. Definitely deserved to have that drink spilled on her.
Yup, the only thing she regrets is getting caught. Let’s see how she’ll handle herself in the real world working a real job and along side those she use to bully and belittle.
Should be a part two when she's the waitress
Original outcome: After Mandy lost everything, she got evicted from her apartment. The landlord shows her former apartment to Cass. She lost the Porsche, the sponsors, the agent and the manager. She is forced to look for a job. But due to her idiocy, no one wants to hire her because of her bad references.
It's realistic 😂
agree. she didnt learn anything
Cass was so swag when she said "Funny how karma goes around" after Mandy purposefully bumped into Cass and got coffee on her sweater
Did you really just use swag, casually?
Swag? Babe we're not in 2015 anymore
I- did you just say "swag" babe this is not 2016 anymore..
13:01 Neither of them can rhyme at all 💀💀💀
rap* 😂
Mandy rhymed pretty good.
Damnit I meant Cass, don’t know why I said Mandy.
Wrong time stamp bud
As a person with food allergies, you are SUPPOSED to let your server know about ANY food allergies BEFORE your order and not make threats to the server that you will trash them if you don't get your way. That was the girl's first mistake. She also needs to learn manners, for real!
Probably had no such allergy. Narcissists love to be "exceptional".
That is why I always ask if the meal has mushrooms in it and I tell the waitress why I am asking.
Exactly. It’s your responsibility as the guest to let them know, it’s not the servers job to read minds!
@@amylee8969 This.
"You should be nice to people on your way up, because you might just pass them again on your way down." Well said, thanks for sharing that!
🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤😊😊😊j bzhhhhhhhhvvvvhhhhhhhhhh
why is your username "toilet" 😭
The meaning of the word( همام) in Arabic is:
Purposeful person
Purposeful People
The fact that this bully is being the face of anti-bullying is just astounding. If that form of bullying is suffering consequences it’s called karma. So she has no one to blame but herself
Yeah and like what that one user said, not all influencers are who they claim to be.
When she asked, “Is it too late to sign that contract?” with that smile on her face, my immediate thought was “Are you serious? Like really?”
She looked a FREAK when she asked that question!! And yeah, for reals?
@@tokyodarling7105the audacity to this living atrocity
How could she even ask that
@@yasirabdi1622 Because she thought that she could get her to overlook it and continue with the deal like nothing happened. But she was dead wrong
@tmntfangirl4700 well isn't that obvious I ask because she has some gall to even as k that after all the meanness she displayed
As someone with a dairy allergy, I would NEVER EVER treat a waiter or waitress like that. First of all, the waiter/waitress doesn't need to ASK if you have any dietary restrictions, you have to tell them. So spoiled, I can't even imagine
Fds otarokkkkk
Do you also flop when you take dairy?
When I worked at a restaurant there were issues too due to allergies to food. I heard it from afar.
Many places have signs that specifically tell customers that if they have an allergy to let the staff know; in fact, most places now list whether a type of order might contain something that is known to be an allergy.
I have a severe shellfish allergy once I accidentally ate shrimp I had a reaction
As someone who was bullied when they were a child. I definitely have to say to those who are bullied, don't let anyone take your confidence away from you, this gives the bully power. Also, if the bullying is bad to the point where it's making you feel relentless, things like affirmations and channeling your anger productively can help you.
I was bullied when i was a kid too but i just tried not to let it get to me. Now in my twenties I really don't care what people say and I'm way more confident and feel better about myself. I hope you can feel better too.
@@Aroaceenby I definitely do feel way better about myself now since I've started doing stuff not just for my physical health but my mental health as well because that's just as important. But the thing is I realized that the bullies had something going on in their lives and expressed their anger by taking it out on me.
@@yogalover2753 i struggle with my mental health but I'm not giving up and I'm gonna make it a goal everyday to enjoy life and be happy with who i am and love myself and if that isn't the most real shit ever get outta my face. Glad to hear it. 😊
I am sorry but I couldn't let nobody bullie me as a kid I would just beat them up
I got bullied at school by these 3 girls but they were just jealous. When anyone bullies you are not worth it and the bullies are just got nothing better to do
Mandy responding with kindness and love when she bullied the girl who gave a compliment.
That is a joke.
We dont even know for sure if that was a compliment or insult the forever 21 comment and what the influencer did wasn't the answer
@@yasirabdi1622 "Nice dress, did you buy it at Forever 21" was definitely a compliment from the Instagram girl.
Mandy took it as an insult PURELY because SHE doesn't like that store. As her friend said, 'she probably meant it in a nice way'... she did. It was a compliment.
The girl had no way to know that MANDY didn't like the Forever 21 store. So there was no need for Mandy to insult her - she could have just ignored her or replied 'no, I didn't buy it at Forever 21. I never shop there - I prefer [Clothing store].' There are always ways to NOT be nasty to people who may have offended you purely by accident.
@@dmf1301 all of what you're saying of course I believe obviously
@@dmf1301That’s what I was gonna say that she meant it as a compliment like asking if she got her outfit from Forever 21 but instead Mandy took it as an insult
No one should have to transfer schools due to a bully. The bully should be transferred, plain and simple.
to a concentration camp fr
I agree.
Bullies are everywhere, there's no escape from them. They even exist in the workplace
Then too many pupils would need to transfer.
Instead of KARMA I prefer to say JUSTICE IS SERVED✊
Karma and justice aren't mutually exclusive in my opinion.
I say justice ❤👍✊
That's the letter "E" In sign language
@@supers_stuff i think you commented on the wrong video
Alicia is very wise and so is cass
"i won't even block her so she can respond" relatable lmao i do that all the time
I am 45 now, but growing up i was bullied relentlessly and when i think about it now it still brings back horrible memories😢. Kindness costs nothing. Pick someone up when they are down instead of kicking them. Your words hurt and can make or break someone. You never know what a person is going through. Social media influencers are only as popular as the people who follow them. So show those people respect, kindness and love! Your never above anyone.
Absolutely right
I am being bullied now and am 16
@@MohaCali-vk4sq I feel for you brother, but don’t listen to your bullies. You’re the better person ❤
@@1sraaep thanks 🙏💗 have a great day
“Not every influencer can be who they pretend to be” aka Dhar Man
the constant thing with bullies I notice is that they never remember the people they bullied, yet the people who were bullied *usually* remember the bullies. It's so frustrating how someone can f*ck up someone elses life but not understand the sigificance their words and actions can cause long term issues.
The influencer is hot! As long as she is nice to other beautiful women, cool guys, adorable children and adorable kittens, who cares how she treats others?
These bullies are possessed by the DEVIL! 😈🔥 The Devil is their LOVER!!😈👿 😂🤣😂🤣
@@Zachboy007 Please tell me you’re being sarcastic
@Zachboy007stop being so sarcastic and crazy
"You should be nice to people on your way up because you might just pass them again on your way down." Well said. If you are an influencer, make sure you treat everyone with kindness and respect no matter what they are because they look up to you. Don't let popularity clouded your mind and judgement because you might lose the admiration and respect of your followers!
Hey everyone today I'm going to party all the time like if it's 1985 because today is Eddie Murphy's 62nd birthday 🎂🎉
Amen to that
When your favorite tiktoker is a karen 😞
@@AngelGarcia-tw5nz 😐🤨🤔
These influencers need to know their NOT CELEBRITIES
Will that's your opinion
Will that's your opinion
Great grammar kid
so true!
It's sad to see people still getting bullied and even now as an adult, that has happened to me too. And although it may stop, bullying can ruin people's lives
I was bullied on Facebook so I blocked em
no shi
@@ahsgsha what
I’m still a kid and I always get bullied! Also I subscribed to your channel lol 🤣😂(I know that you don’t really have one)
1:11 how is she supposed to know you are allergic to nuts 💀
Some People Are Just Ignorant. 😤
I like being nice to my friends. I don't like being bullied ether. I always love and support my friends.
To everyone who feels bad about themselves always remember that God loves you and that he created you just how he wanted to, everyone is special, don't bully people that aren't EXACTLY the same as you!✝️☺️
Wait I’m confused. God created me the way he wanted to, and your also saying that everyone is special. Which is it? Destiny or Free Will?
Nothing is free will you can't change yourself after you're born, God planned our bodies on how he wanted them to look like and we should except and appreciate that, likewise how we treat other people because no one is truly ugly from birth. Many people do make themselves ugly though from smoking, overeating, etc..
Yes bai antonio🤣
@Hanky Spanky says you… God IS real
@Hanky Spanky you’re obviously not Christian
The moral of the story is always to treat, everyone with kindness. Also, remember what comes around goes around.
The moral of the story is always to treat, everyone with kindness. Also, remember what comes around goes around.
The influencer is hot! As long as she is nice to other beautiful women, cool guys, adorable children and adorable kittens, who cares how she treats others?
Stop being so mean who cares about your opinion!@@Zachboy007
“You should be nice to people on your way up, because you might just pass them again on your way down.” Well said, thanks for sharing that! As always! 😊😇💜🙏🏼
Hey everyone today I'm going to party like if it's 1985 because today is Eddie Murphy's 62nd birthday 🎂🎉
I agree
man yu just copied my coment
@dontreadmyprofilepicture7969 wtf
Lol I love how she switched up the freaky girl song and said one thing about me I just got A new porch 😂😂😂
1:17 She didn't say she had a peanut allergy, so it's her fault, not the waitress'
I fully believe that you can tell who the person really is by the way they treat people they don’t need to impress per se, like waiters, cashiers, janitors etc. If someone treats people in the service industry poorly, who is to say that person won’t treat you the same once there is no longer the need to impress you anymore? Please treat everyone with respect regardless of who you are talking to.
The influencer is hot! As long as she is nice to other beautiful women, cool guys, adorable children and adorable kittens, who cares how she treats others?
Uhm @@Zachboy007
@@Zachboy007well…people will see through that and will not like you anyways. First of all, just because you don’t think someone looks good doesn’t give you the right to mistreat someone at all! No one is exempt from having an accident and becoming disfigured, natural aging or having a stroke and losing control of your facial muscles..etc. how would you want to be treated if god forbid, any of those things happened to you?
If you think that looks alone will get anyone far, that is furthest from the truth. Everyone gets older each year and youth is NOT permanent no matter how much plastic surgery, hair dyes and other things they do to look young. it’s the inside people care about.
Never take other people for granted 😢u never know wat they are going through
About the food allergy thing, I do agree that restaurants should have a way of having their customers let them know. Like maybe asking the customers or having the customers write them down.
Maybe waitstaff could ask customers if they have any allergies, sure.
But the problem with doing it that way is that it puts ALL the responsibility on the wait staff - what if they make a mistake, and forget to ask? And then the customer also forgets to TELL the restaurant, then they get sick from the food they ordered.
It would still come down to the customer (or their parents if it's a kid) needing to take responsibility for themselves. Sure, the wait staff didn't ask 'are you allergic to nuts', but Mandy READ the menu (which does list all the ingredients), didn't tell the waitress about her allergy, and THEN blamed her for not ASKING... but if she'd eaten the nuts instead, who is to blame if she gets sick?
It's not fair to put all of that responsibility on the wait staff. It's MANDY'S responsibility to open her mouth and say 'I'm allergic to nuts.'
Waitress: "Did you tell me you had a nut allergy?"
Her: "No you should've asked!"
*Karen Mode Activated*
That's why we have menus
It’s not the waiters/waitress’s job to ask if you have a food allergy, that’s your job. It’s also your job to make sure that you don’t order what you’re allergic to.
This shows all of us No one should be bullied.I got bullied because of my skin colour at school .and At work I got bullied because of my Autism and someone at work was really being horrible to me about my late mum.
I’m so sorry I hope this changes soon
@@Mr_Predictionzz thank you. I decided not to go back to work I got really good friends who help me out no matter what.
لا تهتمي فكل ما تعرضتي بسببه للتنمر ليس خطأ ولا عيب ولكن هناك الكثير من الحمقى الذين لا أحد يردعهم يتنمرون على أي شيء غير مألوف لهم هل تعلمين أن أول من قال أن الأرض كروية تم اعدامه وكثير ممن حلموا أن يصبحوا شيء عظيم تم السخرية منهم لكن نجحوا وانتي أيضا تستطيعين فعل الكثير والكثير اكثر من هؤلاء الحمقى الذين تنمروا عليك و هل تعلمين أن قوتك ليست بشكلك او ان كان لديك توحد ام لا او لديك ام ، ام لا بل قوتك في روحك كل القاسين الذين وصلوا للشهرة وصلوا بطرق ملتوية ويسهل سحقهم في أي وقت اما من لديه روح نقية فالصعاب ليس لها سبيل امامه ويستطيع تحقيق كل ما يحلم به
idk why ppl make fun of ppl with autism, most my friends are autistic and they're the coolest people ik
So sorry you got bullied! That's horrible! You are perfect and beautiful just the way you are!
Just because you’re famous doesn’t mean you can mistreated people you should treat people with kindness and respect.😊
You can influence people, but don't let the popularity influence you!❤
Hey everyone today I'm going to party all the time like if it's 1985 because today is Eddie Murphy's 62nd birthday 🎂🎉
@@jeahavvalentin980 Nice
@dontreadmyprofilepicture7969 I did oops
It's not ok to bully others, you should always treat people with love and kindness
I'm going to party all the time like if it's 1985 because Eddie Murphy just turned 62 years old a little while ago
The influencer is hot! As long as she is nice to other beautiful women, cool guys, adorable children and adorable kittens, who cares how she treats others?
@@Zachboy007your a simp
The waiter was so patient. A customer talks to me with that tone, bruh.. u not getting our service anymore
This video really hit home! I was bullied growing up and unfortunately the girls who would bully me are now posting “mental health and anti-bullying” propaganda on Facebook. It makes me cringe hard seeing that. Im glad this girl got her karma! 👊
Wow! What a inspiring karma
Back then in around the 1940s-1970s or whatever I don't know what time it was because I wasn't alive at the time (I was born in 1998) Teachers in schools were allowed to beat kids with a cane and if caining was still allowed to this day bullying would've ended ages ago
I wish the kids who bullied me in school got karma. Instead Im the one that got in trouble. I choose to pepper spray the bullies and grope them. It was so unfair that I got in trouble.
You are better than that.
@@Djevan41598 I'm sorry to hear this! I'm sure karma will get them sooner than later!
I used to get bullied a lot of times but when I found dhar mans videos I got so inspired!
Same with me! Thanks for sharing 😊 🙏 ☺
@@meatcandlepoeple5126what is Ur problem
But Mandy did learn a big lesson. She should know that it’s not OK to bully others even when you’re famous, that’s Mandys karma but here’s what could’ve happened if Mandy had made better choices.
She hasn't learned anything. Else she would've felt genuine remorse for her rude behaviour.
The influencer is hot! As long as she is nice to other beautiful women, cool guys, adorable children and adorable kittens, who cares how she treats others?
شكرا لجيش دار مان❤ على الدعم الرهيب 💔 ماضل شي على 9000
نعم لديه قصة جيدة جدا نعم لديه قصة جيدة جدا
This isn’t a Chinese or Japanese video 💀💀💀💀💀
Mandy is such a lucky girl to have a friend like Alicia ❤❤
Mandy Bailey: Is it too late to sign the contract?
Me: Bailey, how can you even think of that in a serious situation like this?
That’s what I was thinking is that really all you care about?!
@@taylornoren642 Right?! She thought she still had a chance, and guess what happened? Karma bit her in the butt real hard.
Beautiful video about Anti-bullying and friendship. I can relate to this issue when I was being bullied in college. And I also wrote a song about student and sang it to her...... (it didn’t end well)
Always be nice to people because karma always has a way of coming around good or bad
The influencer is hot! As long as she is nice to other beautiful women, cool guys, adorable children and adorable kittens, who cares how she treats others?
Actions always have a way of coming back to you
Here I understood how Mandy's attitudes were mean and bad treating people rudely without putting herself on their shoes. Great story and reflection we must put on practice in our lives
The influencer is hot! As long as she is nice to other beautiful women, cool guys, adorable children and adorable kittens, who cares how she treats others?
Talk about karma!! This chick deserved what she got.
It is just like to treat every customer with kindness and respect because they are the key to success.
She's lucky she still had her friend in the real world they probably would have dropped you
“Don’t let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth. But only what is helpful in building others up, according to their needs, so that it may benefit those who listen.”- Ephesians 4:29
Amen!! ✝️ Good verse!
Good Word there!
Amen to that
@@Evxn_Memes UNRELATED
Really good episode and lesson. Bravo! 👏
Alicia doesn’t deserve a friend like Mandy she deserves a friend like Cass
Bailey should’ve just said “No, that’s a lie. I never bullied anyone!” Unless there was someone recording her bullying someone, there’s no evidence.
There would have been evidence online when she messaged that one girl who's clothes she made fun of.
@@yogalover2753 But she could delete the post
@@giovanniiamunno7874 That's true but unless she did that, it's still out there for everyone to see. Also, you can even take screen shots of these things ( which that girl she made fun of probably did do just incase she does delete the post to make it look like nothing happened).
@@yogalover2753 But I don't get it. How come any US President can get away with what they say on social media, but this girl couldn't? I mean, the President can do whatever they want, why not she? Just saying. :/
@@giovanniiamunno7874 It could just be because the president runs the country and famous tiktokers don't.
Great line,Be nice to people on the way up, cause you never know if you will have to pass them again on the way down ..... Truer words were never spoken....
I'm going to party all the time like if it's 1985 because Eddie Murphy just turned 62 years old a little while ago
@@jeahavvalentin980 bot
It was funny she tried to nudge her, but ended up getting cold coffee allover her sweater.
What abt it
13:05 just say your on you’re period 😂
Nahhhhh you didn’t. 😂
I can relate. When I was in high school, I spent most of my lunches hiding in the toilets too, I was so scared of being picked on again after so many times previously that it was the only place I felt safe.
Who else has been a true fan of Dhar for a long time and he always makes our day or night even better
dhar is mean
@@letsdothis411 LOL
@DONT READ MY PROFILE PICTURE Are you sad.or so.e thing only sad people do that ok ok ✌
@@sararichards7956 Same
Why tf was they rapping about Mandy’s bullying? Lol
The girl playing Alicia is way more it girl looking than the main girl who looks like a Victorian boy
I'm confused of how Alicia who is such a genuinely and sincerely sweet and nice person is friends with Mandy. 😕🤔
It's important to let your waiter or waitress know you have food allergies when you order food. Also, just because you're famous, that doesn't give you the right to treat people terribly.
I love how her best friend never left her no matter what she was there and tried to help her even if she doesn't listen she still stuck by her side
This story needs a part two with Mandy learning the hard way from bullying Cassie after when she gets dissed by former fans
I'm going to party all the time like if it's 1985 because today is Eddie Murphy's 62nd birthday 🎂🎉
8:26 she looked like she was saying “lord please don’t make me punch this girl in the throat
Lesson Learned: "You should be nice to people on your way up because you might just pass them again on your way down." Well said about that. Thanks for this Dhar!!!!
The influencer is hot! As long as she is nice to other beautiful women, cool guys, adorable children and adorable kittens, who cares how she treats others?
If I ever do these kinds of videos and I gain followers, I just need to be real, and be myself. I don’t need to be something I’m not. Just simply be myself, and be the real me. Everyday I’m always nice to people on the way up.
1:14 She should've told her that she was allergic to nuts. The waiters & waitresses aren't mind readers.
To being able to read a mind it should exist first
I’m not kidding but they made one in the past but it was sunflower seeds
@@Firedgoose69Why not speak through and not expect others to know what you are thinking 🙄
Mind reading would be cool but would you let others to read your personal info inside your mind?
It's not a waitress's job to ask if you're allergic to anything, it's your responsibility to tell them what your allergic to
This is a throwback video. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Love the return to the old style
What old style?
@@Dinosaurianationazation More similar to his pre 2021/early 2021 videos
12:41 why is she talking in a musical way does anyone notice that too?
it was some trend that happened
That part doesn't make any sense
i love how cassie sounds like lizze olsen a lil bit
I was bullied really bad and I was bullied for 13 years from kindergarten to grade 12 until everyone moved on I stayed behind another year just to get away from them. I could tell you a lot of things
To any one seeing this i wish the best in your life and hope everything goes well in this new month. Thx for reading this ..i hope this made your day.
Do you mean
Wish you all the best too.
Alicia is my favorite actress love her she’s so good
Fortunately, I have never met or seen a celebrity like this. I’d say most celebs are actually very nice to and thankful for their fans, even if they could secretly be filled with ego. At least they keep it to themselves if that’s the case. I seem to meet a lot of decently famous people in my life, and I haven’t met one jerk. They’re even nicer than normal people often I think
I saw your username and saw that the name is Lily’s RUclips Watch so I clicked on your profile and subscribed! 😊 Hope it helped!
@@LexDonovan Thank you so much! I appreciate it
@@LexDonovan What do you mean by the first part?
It’s the people who think they’re celebs but actually aren’t that act like that
@@FakeVenatus Yeah. But I feel like it’s mainly the really big ones that have gotten the cockiness to their heads
Bullying hurts. I was bullied in school and I still get bullied as an adult. It never ends
I have always hated bullies, and I want them to get the punishment that they deserve. If a person is allergic to peanuts, or other nuts, they are supposed to let the servers know upfront, so don't blame them if you get sick and end up in the hospital, because after all, it is your responsibility to let them know when ordering, because they cannot read minds you know!!!!!
You should be nice to people on your way up, because you might pass them again on your way down. So very true
The trailers are really good like a real movie 👏 😊
At 13:13 the womans reaction screams " I oughtta slap you!"
Karma hits on time, perfect 😉
In the words of Brad Paisley: 🎵When you're a celebrity / it's adios reality / no matter what you do / people think you're cool / just 'cause you're on TV🎵
Always be kind to people ❤.
Regardless of how highly you think of yourself.
Don't belittle other humans.!
14:48 is so funny I can't stop watching it over again 🤣 😂
I remember being bullied in grade school ... Just cause I wore glasses. And everyone thought it was funny. Later on in high school I stuck to learning a education , graduated and taught my now 3 grown kids never to bully anyone
Of you believe in yourself you can do anything in life 😊
I want to say thank you dharman I love your videos and you are the best RUclipsr ever have a super day dharman
This video should be called “INFLUENCER BULLIES WAITRESS AND FANS”
We’re not just changing story’s we’re teaching people how to be Karen’s
Lol 😅
“She lives to regret it” the only thing she regrets is losing all her fame and followers.
For real lol
No i spoiler
Nah, she does live to regret it because she’d rather be dead than not be famous lol.
Be nice to people on your way up because you might pass them again on your way down.
Waiters and waitresses are underrated people, they always get mistreated by customers and Karen’s like the person in the video.
If I was popular I would never treat my fans like that
This message is very important to show of what happens when your disrespectful and mean all the time.
Ok. Where is it?