  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024

Комментарии • 102

  • @judithfejedelem1754
    @judithfejedelem1754 3 года назад +5

    For years, I trusted in my understanding of God and in my arrogance, I damaged those I love most - my daughters. I pray that your message resonates with young Catholics so at the end of their years they have more to celebrate and less to mourn.

  • @janettelozon9561
    @janettelozon9561 3 года назад +14

    I don't think that a bunch of men (bishops and priests) sitting around a table, thinking up rules to live by, has any business or right to tell couples that they have to keep having children whether or not they can accommodate them or afford them. This decision should be totally up to the mother and the father.

    • @abbiel2812
      @abbiel2812 3 года назад +1

      The sin of Onanism (withdrawal) is in the Bible, not just made up by priests and bishops.
      Catholic mothers and fathers are called to follow God’s word, even in the nitty gritty parts of life.

    • @sitka49
      @sitka49 2 года назад +4

      @@abbiel2812 I believe that this has more to do with Onan disobeying God then it does him "spilling his seed on the ground "- another Catholic dogma - from the Church

    • @abbiel2812
      @abbiel2812 2 года назад +1

      @@sitka49 The way he disobeyed God (spilling his seed) matters. If his only fault was not fulfilling his duty to his brother, the story probably would end by him not sleeping with her at all. But no, he used withdrawal, ultimately using his brothers wife for pleasure only and disobeying God.

    • @sitka49
      @sitka49 2 года назад +2

      @@abbiel2812 that's assumption that he got pleasure out of it ? ( I didn't read that in scripture ) And it's all debatable .
      And according to scriptures he was slain by God seen as evil for disobeying him - nothing is really said that God was angry because he spilled seed on the ground - another assumption or myth of the church.
      It's interesting this all could have been avoided if God wouldn't have slayed Er . For what ever reason which would have been important to know. I guess they ran out of parchment paper and clay to write that down?
      And what I find it interesting is yet God allowed Judah -Onan's "father" to rape Tamar to give her a child, I find bit dysfunctional , but that's ok, right.

    • @nananina982
      @nananina982 Год назад

      @@sitka49 i understand it that God slayed him because he continually spilled his seed outside to avoid pregnancy not that he did it once and boom he was slain. Also God is not a murderer and the bible was written by human beings in their own flawed ways of expression in the times and cultures they lived in so we have to be careful with scipture interpretation

  • @alldoneup
    @alldoneup 4 года назад +8

    I personally think you explained the church and it's teachings perfectly. "They are not prohibitions but rather invitations to live the abundant life." Amen! I'm also grateful to God for giving me the grace to accept these teachings because wow, my life is so much better for them and makes so much more sense.

  • @rjbelman
    @rjbelman 4 года назад +4

    Thank you Ken. I see and hear your devotion to the Lord. That alone is inspiring..... your message is true, easy to follow... and given with a sense of compassion.... may God bless you and your family. Amen!

  • @tannerjack9520
    @tannerjack9520 Год назад +5

    the church is still in need of some more reformation and although I may become catholic, I will still hold some reservations about certain doctrine!

  • @sebom2014
    @sebom2014 2 года назад +16

    I understand Human vitae but its very much a flawed framework. Birth control has improved way too many women's lives for anyone to get behind any of that

    • @miriba8608
      @miriba8608 Год назад +1

      The arrogance of the ego.

    • @ASMRyouVEGANyet
      @ASMRyouVEGANyet 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@miriba8608😂😂😂😂 okay

    • @miriba8608
      @miriba8608 9 месяцев назад

      @@ASMRyouVEGANyet 😉

  • @nicka.9842
    @nicka.9842 4 года назад +13

    You did a great job with talking about the Catholic teaching of contraception and how you once disapproved it to approving the teaching of love. I would like you and Janelle to discuss specifically about Humanae Vitae and how contraception damages society. Although I do like Humanae Vitae, the book has forgotten one prophecy, contraception portrays children as a burden and not a blessing. I love to travel the world and, unfortunately, many times I think that without contraception, traveling is hard. However, although you and your wife have been frustrated sometimes with the mess your children have created, I feel like that you have no regrets on having six children instead of two and it’s more fun and cute to have many of them around. I feel like that people misunderstand the meaning of having a large family and also I love children, which helps me support Humanae Vitae even more. Having six children instead of two has made you an even better person and I hope you will continue to have more children. Thank you for the video and God bless!

  • @debbylawson6100
    @debbylawson6100 4 года назад +2

    Amen and Amen 🙏✝️✝️✝️! Thank you Ken❤️✝️! God bless you and your beautiful family ❤️✝️

  • @devinreis5811
    @devinreis5811 4 месяца назад +1

    I'm a woman, and I have a very unique situation. I have epilepsy, had brain surgery, and my episodes are around my visitor. I've almost died multiple times. Drug-resistant epilepsy sure is fun. My doctors have told me that I can die from having children. I can't and shouldn't have children because of a genetic mutation, and I've accepted it. I have to use contraception to save my life. And I feel like a massive hypocrite for being a Catholic and listening to my doctor. The question I have is, should I put my life at risk so I don't feel like a hypocrite and never listen to my doctors again?

  • @nanabarker8140
    @nanabarker8140 4 года назад +4

    As a convert there is plenty I do not agree with,I was taught in the Church by the Sister I still know today that embracing the core beliefs & teachings was essential. Beyond that it can be learned,but not everything is accepted by everyone. I believe that is ok.😇

  • @iancavon7125
    @iancavon7125 3 года назад +12

    I'm a so-called cradle Catholic, I'm still in the church, and hold most of the dogmas / doctrines of faith to be true, but the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, or some of the bids and prohibitions that come with it, will always prevent me from being a "real" Catholic. And one of those is the prohibition of contraception.
    First reason is, I personally never wanted to have children. When I was only 10 years old I already knew I'd never have children, it was the same when I was 25 or 30, and it's still the same to this day (I'm in my mid/late 40s now). It's not that I dislike or even hate children, oh no, and it's also not a matter of having more money to spend on myself or something like that. It's just that I have NO desire AT ALL to have children, on the contrary, I feel downright CALLED to childlessness like others feel called to be teachers, medical doctors, priests...or parents. Children need, and should have, parents who absolutely wanted to have them -- not parents who got kids (or got more than just one or two) for the sole reason of being prohibited to use contraception.
    Second reason is, we're not animals. The purpose of sex is not only procreation, but also pair bonding, expressing love for our spouse. And to be frank, we all know that lust and the desire to make babies are two completely different pair of shoes. The point is, though, whether we use contraception a) in a loving relationship in which both partners agree to not have (more) children or b) to enable us to lead a debauched life of one night stands and short-time affairs, maybe even adulterous ones. Those two cases are not equal, at least that's how I see it.
    Third reason is the vast overpopulation of the planet. There were 2 billion people in 1900, there are almost 8 billion now, and estimatedly there'll be 10 billion in 2050, even though most couples in the whole Western world and in East Asia (China, Korea, Japan) DO already use contraception for more than 50 years now. The planet, its ressources, and the climate simply cannot take 10+ billion people. So as long as we don't abandon all modern science, medicine, hygiene, and food standards to willingly turn back to a situation where 3 out of 5 children don't reach adulthood and most adults don't live to be 50, prohibiting contraception is sheer madness.

    • @partydean17
      @partydean17 3 года назад +3

      Glad somebody else is here saying this. This teaching is hypocritical for the priests. Its hypocritical saying one should always have sex even when not in the mood while still having to respect your spouse's autonomy. They support celibacy, and scheduling sex to not get pregnant, yielding that sex is for more than just procreation but bonding of love between a husband and wife. I think in mindset the love of new and full life is a beautiful and benevolent idea, and the church believes contraception has led to the hedonistic world we have today. But they have to see the kind of damage rampant procreation does to impoverished and poorly parented children. Even well off parents split between too many kids can damage their life and possibly cloud their path to a clear mind open to God and each other. I'm thinking about going to a priest at my church. Hopefully a more liberal one to help ease my mind and hopefully agree with me.

    • @queenbgael2608
      @queenbgael2608 3 года назад +4

      Just abstain then. If you don't want kids and you think the world is overpopulated. Abstain! There's no risk of you adding to the problem and it's 100% never to fail. Be the change you want to see in the world

    • @Vurbanowicz
      @Vurbanowicz 3 года назад +3

      Hurray for you! I'll add that even animals have non-procreative sex. Perhaps their natures are "fallen" too? I forgot to call out Yasinski on his fallen-nature nonsense. Also, notice that he doesn't explain the teaching, and he may not even be able to. He just takes it on trust and lets those old bachelors dictate to him how to run his life.

  • @caribaez5711
    @caribaez5711 4 года назад +1

    I see. Beautiful said. ♥️ thank you. Yes, this is why I love being Catholic. I love the faith because I realized their teachings are extremely reasonable and logical. The church is not stupid. Jesus talks about evil and the demons in the Bible. The church is so mysterious that people don’t have the time to discover the meaning. But being Catholic is to be logical and accept the reasons it makes us gain self control. Nice video Kent. Thank you. ♥️

  • @KaufmanNews
    @KaufmanNews 9 месяцев назад +2

    The majority of people who claim to be Catholic don't follow the contraceptive teaching.
    I don't think that is the issue, Ken!

  • @ericharrah4217
    @ericharrah4217 Год назад +1

    Man, thanks Ken for this. Too many outside the Church want to make excuses for contraception and boy I did too, but that teaching convicted me early in my marriage and thank God for it. My wife and I are getting ready to have our 11th child!

    • @Catholicspeaker
      @Catholicspeaker  Год назад

      Thanks for the encouragement. God bless.

    • @ASMRyouVEGANyet
      @ASMRyouVEGANyet 9 месяцев назад +2

      Wow. You really DID treat her as a baby factory

  • @andyy1803
    @andyy1803 4 года назад +2

    Thanks for sharing sincerely and boldly, Ken. For me, accepting these teachings is a matter of identity; either as a faithful Catholic, or as someone else. Truth, Beauty and Goodness all come from Christ, through His Bride, the Church. My discernment is either to choose to embrace the teaching and identity I received as a free gift through baptism into the faith, and the sacraments, or to reject these core beliefs and risk eternal salvation. The formula is simple, the practice is more difficult due to my sinful human nature.

  • @paul757-j5w
    @paul757-j5w 4 года назад +1

    Thank you... Your video blessed me..... You ave me an answer to a question my children asked yesterday.....God bless you

  • @ruthmaryrose
    @ruthmaryrose 4 года назад +5

    It’s true. We don’t have to understand everything but to trust Him. Jesus said “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

    • @Catholicspeaker
      @Catholicspeaker  4 года назад

      Ruth Fitzwater thanks for the scripture. 👍

  • @bmbeehler
    @bmbeehler 2 года назад +3

    The great spiritual minds of individuals who Abuse children or protect those who do, who if the children are young enough, you don’t have to worry about contraception. I don’t like that! Talk about Intrinsically evil and “our fallen nature.” Hypocrisy indeed. Also this message conveniently assist the church in hoarding power via out populating other religions, maybe that’s the real why behind the what.

  • @sartoriusrock
    @sartoriusrock 2 года назад +2

    Okay, I accept your premises on accepting doctrines we don’t like, because they are true.
    But HOW is THIS specific teaching true? It seems like the contentious item of Catholic doctrine in the title could have been swapped out for any other- Mariology, Purgatory, intercessory prayer, real presence, etc… and the rest of the video would have been the same.
    Given the “mere Christian” teaching of sexual ethics - I.e. any sexual encounter is reserved for one man and one woman who are married to each other - *what* makes the use of contraception in that context immoral? What about Protestant claims using scriptures from Song of Solomon that seem to affirm sexual acts for pleasure’s sake without the possibility of child rearing?
    Speaking as a Protestant who is exploring Catholicism with a genuine desire to understand Catholic doctrine, I am open to entertaining the Catholic position. I just want to hear some of the “why”s, not just an explanation as to why Catholics should trust the teaching of the Catechism.

    • @Vurbanowicz
      @Vurbanowicz Год назад +2

      Are you sure you need to know why? Look at some of the other teachings on sexuality and reproduction: no abortion, no masturbation, no same-sex love, no in vitro fertilization, no tubal ligation or vasectomy. These positions are stupidly rigid, but in a hierarchical organization any cleric who wants to advance, or even be allowed to function, had better go along and not get argumentative. These teachings are not the product of deep reasoning by profound thinkers but rather of organizational pathology. They nudged me out of Catholicism over half a century ago (I joined the Unitarian Universalists). Most lay Catholics ignore them, and some have begun openly dissenting. James Carroll, an accomplished writer and thinker, was a Catholic priest until Pope Paul VI's upholding of clerical celibacy made him leave the priesthood. He is still a Catholic, but a strongly dissident one.

  • @doloresvega4420
    @doloresvega4420 4 года назад +1

    Great job in explaining 👍🏼

  • @tesschavit3009
    @tesschavit3009 4 года назад +1


  • @gladysruiz258
    @gladysruiz258 3 года назад

    Love love love ❤️...

  • @nickyionta
    @nickyionta Год назад +1

    Amen ❤ 🙏

  • @xeniadv
    @xeniadv 4 года назад +3

    Thanks for sharing Ken. I left for the church years ago bec I did not agree with its teachings and came back bec I felt I did not have structure in my life.

    • @doloresvega4420
      @doloresvega4420 4 года назад


  • @Sierrastrother-kl6pm
    @Sierrastrother-kl6pm Год назад +1

    Scripture doesn’t teach that birth control is evil ??? That was a book you read out of , not the Bible.. just no sex before marriage .. btw..

  • @docemeveritatum8550
    @docemeveritatum8550 4 года назад +3

    Good video. God really asks us to walk with him, no lukewarm stroll.

  • @ASMRyouVEGANyet
    @ASMRyouVEGANyet 9 месяцев назад

    It's okay, if he speaks in a gentle and soft tone, then just accept his words. 😊

  • @robertgorton3856
    @robertgorton3856 4 года назад +1

    I really liked this talk because we all at one time or another dislike a church teaching for various reasons.
    I also Ken welcome your honesty it allows one to know they are not the only in the Catholic Church that feels this way.Because. at times is made to feel that way. It causes some to leave the church. They are not made to feel at home there.The church is saw as condemning things to much!!

  • @Vurbanowicz
    @Vurbanowicz 3 года назад +4

    On first hearing, it sounds reasonable to set aside your own judgment in deference to all these profound theologians interpreting Jesus over the centuries. Two problems with that, though. First, don't say the theologians are wise "men and women." There were very few if any women contributing. Second, those teachings did not develop in a free atmosphere like today's universities: there was correct doctrine that all had to uphold and there were severe sanctions for deviating. I will concede that there are probably more female theologians these days. In fact, I heard one speak at my class reunion in 2014. However, I remember only one statement of hers: "As a Catholic theologian, I have to think with the Church." I admit that's when I stopped listening. In some places, it seems, academic freedom has not advanced very far.
    You and your wife wanted and got a lot of kids. My bride wanted six and then, with experience, decided two were plenty; there were other things in life. We were lucky: our two turned out wonderfully. Furthermore, swelling the population with large broods of children increases the strain on our environment because our way of life is so resource-intensive. I studied Catholic teaching at length in a Catholic high school and in a Jesuit-run university. I learned the anti-contraception line and its "natural law" rationale quite well. It didn't hold water for me. I heard a Jesuit lecturer comment that the only natural-law ethicists who held contraception to be immoral were the Catholic ones. That was interesting, but I had already made up my mind: this is a poorly supported and often harmful teaching.
    You say following the Church's teaching leads to greater happiness. This is a typical gambit of paternalistic and authoritarian debaters. Has this assertion been empirically tested in any way? I didn't think so. That would be too "worldly." It works for Yasinski and for others who like big families and aren't too good at thinking for themselves. It works for the Catholic Church, whose numbers are growing, except in countries where the people are independent minded and well educated.

  • @sitka49
    @sitka49 2 года назад +1

    Here's a question, why do you pray everyday? if God knows everything? he knows what was ,what is ,and what will be , He knows what your going to pray for the rest of your life before you were born. And if that's the case he would know if you were going to hell or heaven before you were born.

    • @jamesparson
      @jamesparson 2 года назад +1

      It is worse than that. If you pray the wrong way or in the wrong church, he gets mad and sends you to hell anyway

    • @sitka49
      @sitka49 2 года назад +1

      @@jamesparson You know what they say? You go to heaven for the climate, and you go to hell for the company.

    • @jamesparson
      @jamesparson 2 года назад +1

      @@sitka49 Hell has the best musicians.

  • @steverennekamp2125
    @steverennekamp2125 4 года назад +4

    What if you don't want to marry, what if you don't want children 🤔 what then?

    • @bvmimmaculata126
      @bvmimmaculata126 4 года назад +2

      Consecrated single life is a true a wonderful vocation option within the Catholic faith.

    • @Rachellesmusic29
      @Rachellesmusic29 3 года назад +3

      Then I recommend finding a partner that doesn't want children if you want to still get married.

    • @steverennekamp2125
      @steverennekamp2125 3 года назад +3

      I don't want the responsibility of a family, l want my freedom l want to do as l choose not what society norms say!

    • @steverennekamp2125
      @steverennekamp2125 3 года назад +1

      @@Rachellesmusic29 l refuse to bow down to anyone

    • @steverennekamp2125
      @steverennekamp2125 3 года назад

      @@Rachellesmusic29 get married? Just so l can turn around and get divorced?! No thanks! Lose have of everything lve busted my ass to achieve? Fuck that!

  • @stnorbert-thewarningsecond5108
    @stnorbert-thewarningsecond5108 4 года назад

    Oh what joy it would bring Me were they to turn to Me on Christmas Day
    Monday Dec 22, 2014 at 08:45 pm
    My dearly beloved daughter, this is a message for the world, for Christmas Day. As all of you celebrate My Birthday, allow Me to enter your heart on this special day - for this day is Mine.
    Invite Me into your home as a favoured guest and introduce Me to those amongst your family, friends and neighbours, who may have forgotten about Me. Christmas may be a celebration about Me, but I Am ignored amidst the great rejoicings, which take place. Allow mention of Me to gladden your hearts, to bring you joy and to bring you hope for the future - a future I secured for you from the day I was born.
    Remind those who no longer revere Me, of the Love that I have for them and how I long to be part of their lives again. Oh what joy it would bring Me were they to turn to Me on Christmas Day and ask Me to bring them My Peace and My Love. If they would come to Me on Christmas Day I would envelop them into the safety of My Divine Refuge and never let them separate from Me again.
    My beloved followers, you are My Family, and I am your family. Through My Mercy, I take you into the Bosom of My Beloved Father, Who loves you with the passion of a tender-hearted parent. Oh how He loves you and how much pleasure He feels when you acknowledge Me, and call on Me, for My Help.
    You mean everything to Me and My Love for you is all encompassing, way beyond your comprehension. It is therefore with a fiery compassion and fierce determination that I will fight for every one of you, to save you from the wickedness of My enemies. I guard your souls with great jealousy and will fight the good fight to bring you safe and sound into My Kingdom. No matter how I am opposed; how much Christians have to suffer humiliation in My Name; however much seduction is placed before you by My adversary - I will win this battle for souls. That is a fact for nothing can stand between God and His children for He will not permit it. The man who does, will be toppled. Hatred will be destroyed and lies will be revealed for the shallowness upon which they were created. The Truth will stand the test of time.
    I Am coming soon to unite God’s children - His precious family. Lift your hearts, do not allow My foes to dampen your spirit and let hope be your only thought. Have complete confidence in My Great Mercy and be ready to welcome Me, your Saviour and Redeemer, back into your lives. Rejoice, for My Promises will bring with them a cause for the greatest joy. This Christmas will be joyful, for My Time is short.
    Your beloved Jesus
    → Next: Mother of Salvation: The Gift of Love is intensified at Christmas
    ← Previous: The Day when I come in My Divine Mercy will be the day of enlightenment

  • @victorwest8041
    @victorwest8041 2 года назад

    Pretending is FUN !

  • @martinkatz3334
    @martinkatz3334 3 месяца назад

    there is nothing in scripture that precludes contraception. That's a papal/church interpretation or edict - human, not divine.

  • @GerardPedrico
    @GerardPedrico 4 года назад +3

    Quoting world famous Physicist Mr. Albert Einstein: "Logic takes you from Point A to Point B but imagination takes you everywhere".
    Meaning: Reasoning based on empirical analysis and logic can be boring at times but expanding your thoughts beyond conventional thinking makes you go places and experience new wonderful things in life. Am talking about transcendence, in a way... religion is transcendence. You've got to feel, not only try to explain stuff using mathematical formulae.

    • @GerardPedrico
      @GerardPedrico 4 года назад +2

      Me : Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I only believe that 2 plus 2 is the only way to achieve 4.
      Lord Jesus Christ: What about 2 times 2 equals 4? What about 8 divided 2 equals 4? What about 2 squared equals 4? What about 8 subtracted by 4 equals 4?
      Me: Oops... I have never thought about that in the first place, dear Lord. My apologies.

    • @GerardPedrico
      @GerardPedrico 4 года назад +1

      Me: Dear Lord Jesus Christ, why do we have to learn maths?
      Lord Jesus Christ: Because you are mortal beings existing in a realm of 3D plus 1D and scarcity is a mortal experience, therefore you have to learn to conserve resources in order to survive. Besides, you mortals need a reference guide anyway as measuring point to describe what is big and what is not big and what is much and what is not much. See?
      Me: Oops... I haven't thought of that in the first place, dear Lord. Thank you.

    • @GerardPedrico
      @GerardPedrico 4 года назад +1

      Me: Dear Lord, what is experience?
      Lord Jesus Christ: It is what describes your mortality.
      Me: Oh, now I understand.

    • @BromleyBroughbusexpertise
      @BromleyBroughbusexpertise Год назад

      It is important to understand that natural family planning doesn't work for everyone. Some women have irregular cycles. The abstinence period for some would have to be for up to 16 days depending on how long a woman's cycle is and that sperm can live for up to 7 days before ovulation. Therefore it is not reasonable for the Catholic Church to expect all fertile couple's to follow natural family planning when they do not want any further children, or are not ready for another baby. The couple's feelings, particularly the woman's has to be taken into consideration as she would be the one expected to carry the baby and give birth. God would never want anyone to suffer unnecessarily.

  • @cbooth151
    @cbooth151 2 года назад +3

    The problem with Catholic teaching is that much of it is unscriptural. For instance, where in the Bible does it say that...
    1. Jesus' birthday was celebrated on December 25th?
    2. Mary was immaculately conceived?
    3. Jesus is "true God from true God"?
    4. statues and relics can be worshiped?
    5. the Godhead is triune?
    6. priests were called 'Father'?
    7. Peter was the first pope?
    8. Mary was prayed to?
    9. infants were baptized?
    10. it is forbidden to eat meat on Fridays or during Lent?
    11. the Father, Son, and the holy spirit make up "One Incomprehensible"?
    12. purgatory is real?
    13. the Father, Son, and holy spirit make up "One Eternal"?
    Clearly, much of Catholic teaching is unscriptural.

    • @lauramatos1181
      @lauramatos1181 2 года назад +2

      I’m a convert to Orthodoxy from Protestanism and most of the answers to these questions are definitely in Scripture for those who want to see, but besides this, Catholic and Orthodox dont believe in Scripture alone because we acknowledge that the Scriptures didnt just fall from the sky, the Scriptures were collected and preserved over a period of time by godly men and women, many who knew the Apostles themselves and it makes sense that we would also hear what they had to say just like we trust that they preserved the correct writings. The Holy Spirit lead the writers of the Scriptures, He also lead the Bishops/Fathers of the Church who succeeded them. Jesus promised that the gates of Hades will never prevail against His Church and He has provided for us holy apostolic tradition(Apostolic meaning it comes from the Apostles themselves) as a guide. Paul the Apostle told us to keep all the traditions passed down either by writing or by word of mouth-this is what we call oral tradition and it would be wise for people to not ignore it. The consequence of ignoring it is the thousands of different denominations that disagree with each other.
      Seek and you shall find.

    • @cbooth151
      @cbooth151 2 года назад +1

      @@lauramatos1181 "Most of the answers to these questions are definitely in Scripture."
      Do you usually make statements you can't prove? Of the 13 questions that I asked, you can't answer one of them. How, then, can you say that "most of the answers to these questions are definitely in Scripture?" If 13 questions are too many for you to answer, answer the ones you want to answer.

  • @aleh7834
    @aleh7834 3 года назад +1

    Love 🇸🇧♥️♥️🇸🇧

  • @michaelmasek185
    @michaelmasek185 4 года назад +2

    In my opinion, your comment, "welcome to the club" does not sound very caring, welcoming, or understanding. You have used it before. While I certainly appreciate the fact that you have taken the time to look deeper into the teachings of the Church, it seems to me that a comment like this can be taken as flippant. I do not feel that your comment helps others feel better about "the Catholic life" if they are new to your commentary or if they have not taken the time to study and understand things from the lifelong perspective that you have of Church teaching. Be assured that I will continue to subscribe and look forward to your commentary in the future. God bless you.

  • @Restless318
    @Restless318 4 года назад

    hi big brother could you and your family pray for me it my bithday oct 5 day of st fauistina

    • @Catholicspeaker
      @Catholicspeaker  4 года назад

      Sure will!!! Great day for a birthday. 😀

    • @Restless318
      @Restless318 4 года назад

      @@Catholicspeaker thank you big brother you and family are best gift hope meet you and family in god time

  • @buffsoldierofchrist5907
    @buffsoldierofchrist5907 3 года назад

    I am a protestant thinking about converting to either orthodoxy or Catholicism. My question would be: If I marry my girlfriend next year can I sleep with her on my wedding night without the intention to have a baby? can I ever just sleep with her without the intention of having babies?

    • @phoebea
      @phoebea 3 года назад

      Short Answer: No.
      Long Answer: For Catholics, sex in marriage must be open to life just as we are open to the will of God. Using contraception or birth control is prohibiting/preventing God's will and gifts in the marriage.
      However, that doesn't mean that we must be irresponsible either. For example, if your spouse's health is at risk after multiple births, or, if it's just not financially responsible for you to have more children, then you may choose to follow Natural Family Planning (NFP) as a natural way to minimize that chance of pregnancy, but still be open to possible pregnancies.
      NFP allows married couples to track the woman's ovulation period. So, if a couple does not want to try for a baby, they may abstain from sex on days they know the woman is ovulating and is fertile. This process, however, is still open to life because it is not *physically* (via condom, spermacide, vasectomy, or clamping of fallopian tubes), *hormonally* (via birth control for the purpose of not getting pregnant, or using IUDs), *or actively* (via abstaining from sex altogether for an extended period of time with the intention to prevent pregnancy) *stopping the will of God.* The point is, a married couple can minimize the chance of pregnancy, but they can't completely stop or prevent it.
      This makes the sexual act a true gift to each other (as husband and wife) and to God because there will be some sacrifice, meaning you can't just have sex whenever either of you want to, and you and your spouse will learn to master base desires for a greater love, friendship, and appreciation of one another. It also allows God to bring fruits and blessings to your marriage as He wills it (i.e. deeper bond with your spouse, depenency on God's divine providence, children, and family.)
      Jackie and Bobby Angel from Ascension Presents have an intro video on NFP you can also look into with your girlfriend/fiancee.

    • @Vurbanowicz
      @Vurbanowicz 3 года назад +2

      Not if you want to follow the teachings of the Church, so I suggest you forget about converting to Catholicism. I was Catholic for the first 21 years of my life, even fervently so for a few years in my youth. Then I got a close look at the Church's teachings and how some of them developed. I got to see how the sausage was made and lost my taste for it. I have been Unitarian Universalist for about 46 years.

    • @buffsoldierofchrist5907
      @buffsoldierofchrist5907 3 года назад +1

      @@Vurbanowicz I am sorry to hear the devil got you off the right path. May God open your eyes and heart again for the truth of his being.

    • @Vurbanowicz
      @Vurbanowicz 3 года назад +4

      @@buffsoldierofchrist5907 When you have no other response, you blame it on the devil. You'd be happier in the 13th century.

  • @Catholic_D.O.G
    @Catholic_D.O.G 4 года назад


  • @lvlc5
    @lvlc5 4 года назад

    Truth bomb...