Bravo Sissel! "And death shall have no dominion.." - Dylan Thomas 1914 -1953 (By God it's true. Until I met you there was fear, but no more.) And "Whoever saves a single life is considered by scripture to have saved the whole world." - Talmud (Sanhedrin 37a)
Alla hot från honom bör man taga med största allvar du måste tala om detta med din FAR OCK MOR.SOV ALDRIG ENSAM UTAN ATT HA NÅGONN SOM HJLÄLPER DIG.🥰😘😍🤩
Sissel forgive me i can´ live without you my darling i have missed you a lot want to marry if you come to me.🥰😍😋😛😋😘When i went to sleep i cried a lot yesterday.
Very nice very nice. I can listen to that all day. You know good night very nice thank you very much.❤❤❤
Bravo Sissel! "And death shall have no dominion.." - Dylan Thomas 1914 -1953 (By God it's true. Until I met you there was fear, but no more.) And "Whoever saves a single life is considered by scripture to have saved the whole world." - Talmud (Sanhedrin 37a)
Alla hot från honom bör man taga med största allvar du måste tala om detta med din FAR OCK MOR.SOV ALDRIG ENSAM UTAN ATT HA NÅGONN SOM HJLÄLPER DIG.🥰😘😍🤩
Du måste berätta för din Far ock Mor vad du gått igenom med den här mannen.tala sanning inför dina föräldrar.
Sissel forgive me i can´ live without you my darling i have missed you a lot want to marry if you come to me.🥰😍😋😛😋😘When i went to sleep i cried a lot yesterday.
Where was this performance?