His name is Julio Mendieta. Ha, ha. Mendieta is a hell of a good trainer. He's the one I see always taking notes on matches in his notebook. I can hear his voice in my sleep, "Viene, viene!" ("Here he comes!") over and over.
Not sure what you mean? I think Yowlys knew he had the match, but he wasn't going to get technical superiority, so he was just conserving energy. He's getting old.
Yowlys almost tech'ed Colon. No wonder just kept clamped down. They should fire the camera man. Could hardly see the match. Wrong angles, too far away. Amateurs.
Cuban Trainer: Mr. Gustavo Fring
Bruh i was thinking the same!
His name is Julio Mendieta. Ha, ha. Mendieta is a hell of a good trainer. He's the one I see always taking notes on matches in his notebook. I can hear his voice in my sleep, "Viene, viene!" ("Here he comes!") over and over.
Там был счёт 11-0.
I dint know but 2.57 was a 4 point red ?
9:01 . what happened ?
Not sure what you mean? I think Yowlys knew he had the match, but he wasn't going to get technical superiority, so he was just conserving energy. He's getting old.
Yowlys almost tech'ed Colon. No wonder just kept clamped down.
They should fire the camera man. Could hardly see the match. Wrong angles, too far away. Amateurs.
Colon, can’t seem to catch a break against this guy.
Did he tell them давай?
bonne came to this tournament to be a camp ,,jjjj si cuba
4 балла должно было
Судьи помогали американцу, но даже это не спасло... 🇨🇺
Saha référé doghdogh
Рашидов вперёд!!!
cuban wrestling
Судьи - шкуры!
America 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎