Dog Daddy VS “Aggressive” Mini Schnauzer.

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 296

  • @phish1145
    @phish1145 2 года назад +16

    Nothing funnier than a little dog in the background standing his ground! The cutest little bark ever lolol

  • @reneewhittinghill3440
    @reneewhittinghill3440 Год назад +46

    Did anyone notice at 9:45 that Arianna is so focused on her pack leader that when Augusto was talking to the owners about a dog who wants to play vs one who wants to "lie down" that she heard him and did just that? Arianna knows who is her Dog Daddy! 🥰 Good girl 😇

    • @trixie9777
      @trixie9777 7 месяцев назад

      I noticed right away!

    • @jesus_reigns
      @jesus_reigns Месяц назад

      Oh I thought she used the plaz (not sure on spelling) command not the English "lady down"?

  • @pysvtfa4
    @pysvtfa4 2 года назад +69

    Shout out to these men for continuing to hire trainers after so many times with no results. ❤

  • @Kgetit1711
    @Kgetit1711 3 года назад +50

    Bcs Doggy Daddy has experience, intuition, patience and love for dogs that he can find a dog’s “frequency “ and communication w them. He actually frees them from the prison of their, warped-wired instincts.👏🏼

    • @catherinewindsor1654
      @catherinewindsor1654 2 года назад +10

      All started with DD's intense love for animals. His training is just an extension of that love.

    • @catherinewindsor1654
      @catherinewindsor1654 2 года назад +3


    • @jillyd2807
      @jillyd2807 2 года назад +4

      He seems to use a very simple and effective technique - he takes control of the dog and the dog knows it.

  • @parisdevine8553
    @parisdevine8553 2 года назад +38

    It’s so good to see the dog finally shake n how you have changed the owners and dogs life ! I’m really liking watching your work! 🐶🇦🇺✌️

  • @SarahThompson-du6zb
    @SarahThompson-du6zb 3 года назад +89

    I like the way you have respect for other people even talking about other trainers, you seem respectful. Great job 👏👏👏

  • @erikabarnes5240
    @erikabarnes5240 Год назад +8

    I love how you train the owners as well as the dog because the owners have a lot to do with how the dog is going to react so if they can be consistent with what you’ve taught them it’s a winner

  • @tHarvey1228
    @tHarvey1228 2 года назад +285

    HEY Agusto, another great video... may I make a technical request... purchase a wireless microphone so that your voice and instructions can be heard clearly... many time your voice disappears because the camera's microphone cannot pick up your voice. This could be because of an airplane, traffic or just other ambient noises.

    • @littlelaker
      @littlelaker 2 года назад +22

      And with your video editor you must be able to take away that background noise, airplanes and passing cars.

    • @steenystuff1075
      @steenystuff1075 2 года назад +12


    • @schmittyconstanz
      @schmittyconstanz 2 года назад +7

      He spent his money on sneakers

    • @georgecarberry9222
      @georgecarberry9222 2 года назад +20

      Absolutely! The audio on your videos is frequently lost & we miss hearing you at all. Pls get a separate sound system so we can hear you.

    • @missvickimae1150
      @missvickimae1150 2 года назад +5

      Thank goodness he showed him how to loosen up that tight grip on the leash he had. Might work now.

  • @deew.6411
    @deew.6411 Год назад +11

    "There's always a way to solve your dog's problems." Dog Daddy is the best at helping those dogs whose owners have given up or question if there is any hope left for their pups. It's inevitable to feel powerless like this owner who spent lots of money on other trainers only to fail this adorable little guy. I got teary eyed at around the 25:50 min mark because he came so far in so little time spent with just DD, AND even while his owner was holding the leash he learned to calm himself, let his guard down, learned he doesn't have to be scared anymore and just focus on socializing with his little neighbor. DD was so effective at assessing him and provided the right techniques to the training he needed. I love min Schnauzers and DD was great here at providing the right methods to empower him and educate his owners. So damn impressed!

  • @Archerfish.Helmsman
    @Archerfish.Helmsman 2 года назад +7

    Augusto you are very gifted. It is greatly satisfying to see you care for these dogs. Bravo.

  • @Christopher-pe6zj
    @Christopher-pe6zj 2 года назад +72

    Yikes.. I had a dog like this for years.. we both lived a very very stressful life because I didn't take the time to find someone that could help us. You do some great work!

    • @OnceUponaTimeline
      @OnceUponaTimeline Год назад +6

      Caesar Milan saved me with his dog stuff, he's not super diff from Dog Daddy, basically you just gotta correct the dog when they act up. It's amazing when you know how to say no and then the dog pulls out a whole nother style of behavior and you realize they could do that the whole time, they were just not choosing that option.

    • @marymadeline9533
      @marymadeline9533 Год назад +1

      My parents are living with an old dog that bites and is going blind. I don’t know what to do for them I think it’s time to put him down.

    • @heynow01
      @heynow01 Год назад +6

      ​​@@marymadeline9533 Get the Dog Daddy quick. That dog might just need your mom and pop to pay attention to why he changed and how to rehabilitate the behavior.
      I know many people who have dogs that have gone blind. They have to make some changes to help the fear or anxiety that could be causing the biting.
      No need to put him down just for a bad behavior issue.
      Help him.

  • @beartimejollys_music6658
    @beartimejollys_music6658 Год назад +4

    lol the slow-motion deep barks 🤣

  • @mercedesmarcos7424
    @mercedesmarcos7424 Год назад +9

    God bless you DogDaddy 🙏 for helping lots of dogs & owners❤

  • @saskiakneulman7275
    @saskiakneulman7275 2 года назад +8

    Hurray! In a very short time such a relief for the owners and especially for this lovely doggie, finally being able to snuggle again with his fellow dogs; it makes one so happy seeing his little tail waggle!

  • @sallyjaydnew
    @sallyjaydnew Год назад +8

    Schnauzers are the BEST!!!! very willing to learn. LOVE schnauzers!!

  • @LunnarisLP
    @LunnarisLP 4 месяца назад +1

    its crazy how 4 trainers couldnt do anything apaprently. I dont understand it. Because as you say he only needed a little correction. He was already looking out for someone to tell him what to do and how to handle things. Very nice dog and happy for him to be able to be more social now.

  • @RazzTazzTX
    @RazzTazzTX 3 года назад +10

    You are wonderful and have a special way with the dogs and the humans. Thank you for sharing.

  • @beverlyward2570
    @beverlyward2570 Год назад +6

    Another GREAT success, Dog Daddy! 💙 YOU are beyond amazing!!

  • @tiffanaywaller8485
    @tiffanaywaller8485 Год назад +1

    Augusto your gift is you understand what the dog is thinking and feeling. You know how to communicate with the dog in a way that works and be able to explain it to the own that is easy to understand. Keep sharing your gift and following your dreams of helping dogs around the world...the dogs and owners need you. I'm such a huge super fan of what your doing and the impact you are making.

  • @robinsaba3888
    @robinsaba3888 3 года назад +41

    You are a awesome trainer!!! You really know what you are doing!!!Great job😁😁😁

  • @lourdeschavez3100
    @lourdeschavez3100 3 года назад +19

    Awesome job augusto what you are doing is amazing. Please keep doing what you are doing your results are better than most other “trainers” 👏👏❤️

  • @stephanienikole9831
    @stephanienikole9831 2 года назад +13

    I love all of his outfits. ♥️

    • @MsSassySean
      @MsSassySean Год назад +4

      Me too...his black Adidas track suit git me to pay attention to what he was saying. I've been hooked on the content since that day..

  • @ledgeastend07
    @ledgeastend07 2 года назад +11

    Phenomenal. Binge watched loads of videos. Truly truly THE DADDY 💯❤️❤️ Big love from Glasgow Scotland.

  • @lovedesoto
    @lovedesoto 9 месяцев назад +1

    I love your outlook on every dog"s potential.

  • @juanitarichards1074
    @juanitarichards1074 3 года назад +72

    I had a neighbor with a large schnauzer and that bugger used to try and take on my giant bull mastiff. He came at us in the middle of the busy road one day and nearly got us run over. Luckily all the traffic stopped as I held my dog back right in the middle of the road and finally after a long time the Schnauzers owner finally came out to drag it away. He had his dog put down after that which I thought was going too far. All he had to do was keep the dog contained, which it usually was, and take it for walks and spend time with it, but he never did. That dog was just left in the fenced yard all day, nobody spoke to him, played with him, took him for drives or for walks. It was very sad and I believe the dog was going mad with loneliness and boredom.

    • @roannebello3408
      @roannebello3408 2 года назад +17

      That was sad. Your neighbor should have never got a dog if they will never spend time with them

    • @pysvtfa4
      @pysvtfa4 2 года назад +12

      There aren’t bad dogs, just bad dog keepers.

    • @victoriastevens3166
      @victoriastevens3166 2 года назад +3

      @@pysvtfa4 yep

    • @parrotsandmore7446
      @parrotsandmore7446 2 года назад +5

      I’ve noticed all little dogs have little man syndrome 😂, they make up for their small size with their big attitudes

    • @faeryhill1
      @faeryhill1 Год назад +2


  • @RumCaptain
    @RumCaptain 2 года назад +18

    Holy smokes. I'm so glad I came across this clip. My minature schnauzer has this exact personality trait. My dog gets this exact worked up around other dogs as well outside of his brother. (I have another dog whos very calm) I even have a training leash and I can't quite get my dog to respond correctly to it. The only difference with my dog is my dogs will bark a lot while doing this. This clip helps a lot.

    • @JonJonJonJonJon
      @JonJonJonJonJon Год назад

      Were you ever able to make any progress with your dog?

    • @RumCaptain
      @RumCaptain Год назад +1

      @JonJonJon I have, actually.
      I've approached the situation differently. I did up his collar to a prong collar for very public situations and he's responded in seconds. Just today, he was at the dog park and calm.
      The other day, we went to a random park where there were two collies playing, and my dog was sitting next to me, calm and just watching.
      I'm currently working on his response to commands off leash. I'd like to eventually be able to take him to a park without fences or the beach for example, and he stays with me and is able to run around without him getting so focused on something else he runs off.

    • @JonJonJonJonJon
      @JonJonJonJonJon Год назад

      @@RumCaptain what sort of things did you do once the collar was on to help change the responses? I see in the video he sort of gives it a little tug, gives the dog a command, and then the dog begins to try less and less. What did you do to get to where you are? Having the dog now be calm when other dogs go by sounds like my dream right now.

  • @Oksimoron-zy9sk
    @Oksimoron-zy9sk 3 года назад +12

    When you mentioned "agression" I knew, that the video is going to be about the small dog...😂🐈

  • @thehappyhoof
    @thehappyhoof 2 года назад +2

    I absolutely love you. I started watching you on TicToc and then the other day saw your video on how you started all this. And it made perfect sense you were around all kinds of farm animals. the way you handle does is how I learned to handle horses so I know how and why it works. And I have also done similar with a few dogs I rehomed that were slightly aggressive and it worked pretty well. Nothing like you of course. I also understand about the evil people you have had to deal with and you give me great encouragement in how you just kept going as I am sometimes prone to give up when I am confronted with mean evil lying slanderers. Thank you for all you do and what an encouragement you are to me.

  • @RomaDass
    @RomaDass 3 года назад +18

    Great job👍 Augusto! Loved seeing do your training. Arianna wanted to play with him ☺

  • @lolahernandez6871
    @lolahernandez6871 2 года назад +6

    I love watching trainers train mini shnauzers. 😍

  • @shanmatthews8655
    @shanmatthews8655 2 года назад +1

    So happy you share these videos you break in down for older humans like me make it elementary for people like me. Thank you.

  • @nouse44
    @nouse44 Год назад +2

    fuck the training, its all about the methods and working with them. i could watch millions of hours of dogdaddy videos.. love it

  • @mizzwilzzzz7802
    @mizzwilzzzz7802 2 года назад +2

    Just watched your vid in 2022, this will for sure help me with my 1 yr old Mini Schnauzer. THANK YOU!

  • @helmaeijck4246
    @helmaeijck4246 2 года назад +12

    I am from the Netherlands and nowadays there is this movement of training dogs rewarding good behaviour and ignoring bad behaviour. In the Netherlands prong collars are forbidden (because of being dog unfriendly) so it is more difficult to correct certain behaviour. My dog is a very excitable high energy dog and I have been working very hard to train her. Watching these video's make me wish to be able to use a prong collar because she still needs work at 4 years old, especially since I have a second dog. The leash you are using in this video is still allowed, so I will use that one. Also I need to be more strict I have to admit 😅. Thanks for a very instructive video!

    • @marybonilla1577
      @marybonilla1577 2 года назад +3

      I'm pleased to see that you were training a mini schnauzer, that's what I have. Her brother passed away one year ago and she became very anxious. She's not socialized, was only with
      her brother in yard. Didn't walk her outside because she bites her leash and doesn't take direction well. I'm going to try your technique and see what happens. Thank you so much. I'll let you know how it goes in a week.

    • @spencerwinston4334
      @spencerwinston4334 Год назад

      Family left Netherlands over 150 years ago for US. Now I understand why people fled hundreds of years ago the open air prison region of the Netherlands. Tyrants and prison guards everywhere, now even at the dog park!!! Why do the Dutch tolerate a Marxist prison mentality with spooky tyrants everywhere. Same now in US, so now time to move elsewhere to be able to play with dogs with an open dog gate and only freedom and liberty on the horizon.

  • @s.2087
    @s.2087 2 года назад

    My goodness!! You're such a good-hearted fella!! I love you!!!

  • @GuyReactsChannel
    @GuyReactsChannel 2 года назад +4

    This is amazing content and so fascinating. I'm not a pet owner but watching this shows that Dog Daddy knows his stuff, and how he tailors the dog training depending on the unique individual dog.

  • @sharonbertolli339
    @sharonbertolli339 4 месяца назад

    Because Augusto doesn’t go into a training session with human psychology on an animal . He understands the dogs not making the dog understand him. It’s never the dog or the childd fault!! Thank you Augusto ♥️⭐️♥️⭐️😇😇😇

  • @5566Trish
    @5566Trish 3 года назад +10

    Have waited so long to see your training methods!

  • @lia-liz2012
    @lia-liz2012 Год назад +1

    I love the way you follow through with the owner in charge after you educate and train the dogs and owners...I don't think the other trainers followed through or even cared enough but wanted to just get it over.

  • @lizbrooks8885
    @lizbrooks8885 3 года назад +25

    Love your training videos. Really helpful and interesting to watch. You are amazing to watch. A real raw talent you have!! lots of love from the UK. xxx

  • @cindydalvano6740
    @cindydalvano6740 2 года назад

    Just fantastic! You read a dog well. You treat each dog differently according to their personal problem. That's your success. You are a professional

  • @RJ-iy4es
    @RJ-iy4es Год назад +1

    The doggie would have missed his interaction and fun with other dogs thanks Agusto.

  • @vickievans6853
    @vickievans6853 Год назад +2

    You go Dog Daddy, another great accomplishment.Was so sad this dog has, 't been able to be around other dogs for so long , especially after the other house hold dog had died, thank God you were able to start helping him.Back to a good life for him and his owner.Great job.

  • @AllTheCritters
    @AllTheCritters 2 года назад +15

    I think it is impossible to train a dog with a harness. Your leash method gets the dog’s attention right away. People think they are being kind with the harness, but it just prevents communication with the dog.

  • @richardfolkman
    @richardfolkman 2 года назад +1

    Thank you, Dog Daddy, the work you go for helps so many where no one has the idea, discipline, or knowledge applied to help so many dog owners with these similar issues. The Dog Whisperer from California did a lot of work; but, you are a tip of the spear to help others with their most beloved friends. You go, Dog Daddy. I may not agree with your selection of music but I know you got it to get it done, son. All right!!!!! Dog Daddy on it!!!

  • @kimpeasester
    @kimpeasester 2 года назад +8


  • @jillyd2807
    @jillyd2807 2 года назад +4

    Dog Daddy, you’re the best!! 👏👏👏 Beautiful dog 🐶

  • @yvonnedominguez6972
    @yvonnedominguez6972 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I learn so much from your videos. I really wanted to take my dog to your January class in Austin tx. but your right…sold out…they fill up fast.

  • @JustinTymeMedia
    @JustinTymeMedia Год назад

    He's got Champion Brand Shoes !! Nice!

  • @springerrescue2608
    @springerrescue2608 Год назад

    Yeah Augusto! FAB-U-LOUS, love your saving-pup ways!

  • @lorettabuccoliero2530
    @lorettabuccoliero2530 2 года назад +3

    You have an anointing from the most high God to descern techniques and go deep psychologically into the dogs soul emotions . You are AWSOME. !!!!!!!!

  • @maryharper9321
    @maryharper9321 2 года назад +1

    So good for owners and dog it’s heartwarming

  • @Sandra-zd4gc
    @Sandra-zd4gc 2 года назад +1

    Your awesome and I love your pack of dogs love them !

  • @pip5461
    @pip5461 3 года назад +12

    Your psychanalysis of the causes that create behavioural issues is incredible...

  • @janecammayo5301
    @janecammayo5301 3 года назад +2

    salute this man and many viewers are missing his unbelievable techniques

  • @PS-ut5ct
    @PS-ut5ct 2 года назад +2

    the people have the muzzles on🤣😵‍💫

  • @karendaley292
    @karendaley292 2 года назад +2

    More impressive is that the dog looks toward it's owner by the end of this video showing that he is wanting to make his owner happy and looking for guidance.

  • @henrikstenlund5385
    @henrikstenlund5385 Год назад +1

    Great work, man

  • @martinstevens4048
    @martinstevens4048 6 месяцев назад

    Great show Augusto people sure look like their dogs.

  • @lippylou1532
    @lippylou1532 Год назад

    “How do I start the motor cycle” 😂😂 tsssew, stop leave it ❤❤ only joking. love your accent Augusto you are an amazing person

    • @trixie9777
      @trixie9777 7 месяцев назад +1


  • @gmdelatorre3759
    @gmdelatorre3759 2 года назад +4

    Yes a wireless microphone would be great, we are missing some really good information. You are wonderful with the dogs and owners! GM

  • @squashtomato7803
    @squashtomato7803 2 года назад +2

    Love the dog daddyy. Amazes me

  • @FLMegan
    @FLMegan 2 года назад +2

    Sold! You are the REAL DEAL😍😍😋😍

  • @janetterivas3958
    @janetterivas3958 2 года назад +4

    Wow! I was trying to get tickets to go to one of your classes with my mini schnauzer who has the same traits, but worse and this video was perfect! Now I really want to go to one of your classes!! Thank you for your kind heart, love for animals and so much wisdom!!
    Respectfully, pls use a mic because sometimes we can barely hear you. Not your fault, just the angle or outside noise.
    Praying you'll add more classes to NY or Philly 🙏🏼

  • @messiahshow
    @messiahshow 2 года назад +1

    That dog barks like Gandalf in the start of the video "Wooaff, None shall pass!"

  • @bettyechols6405
    @bettyechols6405 2 года назад +14

    You can get a remote microphone to attach to your shirt...and us deaf folks can hear you better when your back is turned

  • @williemoton6385
    @williemoton6385 Год назад +2

    The World's Greatest Trainer

  • @JamesGreen-hd4ux
    @JamesGreen-hd4ux 2 года назад +1

    Very , very cool, Augusto 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

  • @tlowe2502
    @tlowe2502 2 года назад +2

    Great video, you know exactly what different dogs,need to learn.
    Again thanks for sharing your knowledge.👍🏼👍🏼💕🐾

  • @tamt5846
    @tamt5846 Год назад

    Another great video!💕

  • @sandibarnett2995
    @sandibarnett2995 Год назад +1

    Good job DD 👍🏼

  • @1_aiartist_1001effects
    @1_aiartist_1001effects 2 года назад +2

    Poo please, can somebody please let the link here for watch the seconde session from this Schnauzer..please..I can't find it..the video..💕❤️💕

    • @anng.4542
      @anng.4542 2 года назад +1

      I think this is the full video, no part 2. But try searching the Instagram site.

  • @Jason-er8mf
    @Jason-er8mf 2 года назад +1

    You are amazing truly inspiring

  • @EzenamiStudio
    @EzenamiStudio 8 месяцев назад

    if i was that dog, and my owners had haircuts like that - I'd be angry too 🤣

  • @KathleenDawson-hg3ok
    @KathleenDawson-hg3ok Год назад +3

    The schaunzer is a terrier and terriers are dominant dogs that have no idea how small they are . They need a calm neutral well socialized dog to be neutral to their terrier temperament to make them feel safe otherwise they will mirror the behaviour of an unstable dog Owen is a stable dog , exactly what this schnauzer needs .

  • @jtucci5711
    @jtucci5711 2 года назад +2

    Look at the expression on the dogs face, no one has ever told him NO. Just like a lot of parents.

    • @trixie9777
      @trixie9777 7 месяцев назад

      And the dog seems to LOVE that he’s being guided with the “no.” I’ve been watching so many of Augusto’s videos the past couple of weeks. The dogs respect him immediately once he corrects them.

  • @rubygreby1473
    @rubygreby1473 Год назад

    I like that you can always have hope!

  • @deborahbanda743
    @deborahbanda743 Год назад

    Dog Daddy you are amazing! Bravo!

  • @dawnhoulihan4808
    @dawnhoulihan4808 Год назад

    You are just I am so glad you are doing the job that you're doing you were meant to be the Lord made you wonderful with his babies. His plan for you was exactly what you're doing thank you for sharing again.May Lord always be with you

  • @ИринаДмитренко-ш5и
    @ИринаДмитренко-ш5и 5 месяцев назад

    Аугусто ви супер,ви бачите кожну собаку наскрізь,вони вам довіряють❤❤❤❤❤

  • @daviddines479
    @daviddines479 Год назад +1

    Fantastic video. These guys could advertise your services without trying.

  • @catherinemorris908
    @catherinemorris908 2 года назад

    Another amazing training video!!!!

  • @ovuokeaghwotu2389
    @ovuokeaghwotu2389 2 года назад +4

    Love your channel. A mic would go a long way for sure.

  • @SW-fi5sk
    @SW-fi5sk Год назад


  • @ellenmcintyre1247
    @ellenmcintyre1247 Год назад +1

    That's a really pretty dog I don't like little dogs but that's a pretty dog! I hope the owners follow through with your training, Augusto. The dog deserves to have a good life and not a high-strung life. ❤

  • @anng.4542
    @anng.4542 2 года назад +10

    Interesting how emotions, especially fear, are actually the original source of so many bad dog behavior patterns. It also sounds like this little guy was a bad influence on the other dogs at the training kennel. Augusto won't let him get away with that this time! 😉

  • @citizenshipkingdomofgod8108
    @citizenshipkingdomofgod8108 2 года назад +1

    You are doing a great job. Don't let people discourage you. I had a dog trying to bit me. If the Lawn Man wasn't there. I do not know how long. I could have kept hitting with my feet trying to avoid being bitten by this dog.

  • @RECO-kk7rd
    @RECO-kk7rd 2 года назад +2

    Dog Daddy is DOG MASTER ahahah

  • @mikekolbeck7575
    @mikekolbeck7575 Год назад +1

    Great job❤

  • @elucas1499
    @elucas1499 2 года назад +1

    Amazing! Please come to Denver.

  • @guadalupeestrada410
    @guadalupeestrada410 2 года назад +9

    If you had a school to train trainers, I'd attend 👾

    • @MsSassySean
      @MsSassySean Год назад +4

      Your wish is his command...He has started a training school to replicate his teaching style

  • @SADD22
    @SADD22 2 года назад +3

    My cuz had a mini schnauzer, and I had a poodle, my poodle was the aggressive one, the schnauzer was so calmed, and sweet, but he ran away a lot when he first came to live with me. I put the work in and got him snapped out of running away. But I had six dogs at once.

  • @jillyd2807
    @jillyd2807 2 года назад +3

    I wish I had seen your videos when I had my English Springer Spaniel!! He used to pull on the lead and I think that I could have used the Dog Daddy technique to make him walk to heel. 🐶

  • @jodilynn9514
    @jodilynn9514 Год назад +2

    This is exactly how my male
    Mini schnauzer behaves. He was neglected the first 5 months of his life. This is the first home where’s been loved consistently. But he’s still so anxious, and aggressive sometimes. I also have his sister, we actually got her first but you can see the difference between them, as one dog who’s been shown love since day one and one dog who has been totally neglected. Just kept in a crate. But even if i go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, he IMMEDIATELY wakes up and follows me. If I leave and come back, he AND my female go crazy but I’ve started to ignore them until
    they calm down but he’s now bites me when i walk in. Not in an aggressive way but the same as my female did when we FIRST got her. He’s aggressive towards people and other dogs. But once he smells people and realizes they aren’t a threat, he relaxes, but he comes in so aggressive, people get anxious and I feel like he senses it and it makes the situation worse. Both of my MS are sooooo co-dependent on me but my female is ok when I leave. He HAS to always be touching me. I understand why, because everytime he’s gotten comfortable in a home, he got put into another home. He’s insecure. I just need to know how to break this behavior. I’m hoping time will SHOW him that he’s STAYING here, always. It’s sad, I feel like he’s just WAITING to be deserted again. 😢

  • @valbak6552
    @valbak6552 2 года назад +1

    best trainer love ya dd

  • @fardinasadi7237
    @fardinasadi7237 3 года назад +3

    Love your work.
    Dog daddy

  • @1_aiartist_1001effects
    @1_aiartist_1001effects 2 года назад

    Can't stop laughing..I know he is thinking..what happened now to me.. 😆😂

  • @1_aiartist_1001effects
    @1_aiartist_1001effects 2 года назад +1

    Oh I think the owners are near at the can't barely believe what it is happened to there dog.

  • @wuilifrisk
    @wuilifrisk 2 года назад +1

    vaya maquina el papi, gran trabajo

  • @michellecapasso7896
    @michellecapasso7896 Год назад +1

    My boss has this dog I love you so much ❤❤❤❤❤❤