Be smart and strategic to save your people not your stupid political agenda. Use your mind wisely to achieve your goal without sacrificing innocent lives.
On all of your meetings talking the same shit no practical changes at all. Forget about southern and western Tigray focus on how not to bring another genocidal war to Tigray creating more enemies as you usually do. Be strategic and divert all your attention saving people of Tigray not your wild dream of political power struggle. Work with innocent Amhara people by promoting borderless land strategy for the sake both people existence other ways abiy Ahmad will use the same card to keep the war between those two people because of nonsense piece of land. What is the point of fighting for southern and western Tigray if we living under same umbrella called Ethiopia? What is the point of fighting for piece of land if none of those two people can live there peacefully or without feeling threatened? For me, regardless either it belongs to Amhara or Tigray if people can live there harmoniously then case closed. Who gives a shit on this stupid political issue if my people don’t have to suffer and live comfortably.
ህዝቢ ትግራይ ፡ ልዕሊ ሕወሓት ጸላኢ ፣ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ካኣ ፈታዊ የብሉን ።
Baria tlian wuxae
ቅዋም ገለመለ ኣይትበሉና ደቅ ሸራሙጥ 30ዓመት ሙሉእ ፖሎቲካትግራይ ኣብኪዑኹምዎ ደቂዛ ሊያቡ ትግራይ ናብ ዘይትወፆ ዓዘቅቲ እእቲኹምዎ ዓኽ ኣንቱም መሃይማት መራሕቲ
ውዕሊ አልጀርስ ከይተፈጸመን ፡ ምስ ኤርትራ /ሀገረ ጀጋኑ / ሰላም ከይሰፈነ ፡ ዝፍታሕ ጸገም ትግራይ የለን ።
BariA tilian
Jesus is Lord ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✅✅✅❤
ህወሃት መሃይም ይውደም ትግራይ ትለምልም
Hiwhat malet yetigray hizb new
selma nwe❤
ህዝባዊ ወያነ ሓርነት ትግራይ :ሰብኣይ ኣሰብኡት ሓየት ኣባ ዳህሪ❤❤❤❤❤
ለውጢ ዘይብሉ ውድብ !!!
ኣየ ህወሓት ኩሉ ግዜ ንቃለስ የና ተግባር ከ መዓዝ እዩ ብስንኪ ንስኺ ዝፈጠርክዬ ፍከራ ናብ ካራ ኣእትኽና ።
ህዋሃት ክጠፍእ አሎዎ
መራሕቲ ኢና ኢልኩም ዲኹም ትልፍልፉ ዘለኹም ምድረ መሃይም ህድና ንቅድሚት ኢልኩም ኢሳያስ ሓቁ ኣንቱም ኣምሰሉ በተንኮል ፀሓይ ዓሪባትኩም ቅድሚ ሕጂ ባድመ ንሻዕብያ ፈሪሙኩም ሕጂ ከኣ ፍርቂ ትግራይ ሸይጥኩም ናይ ሰውኣት ደም ከም ውሕጅ ይውሰድኩም
አንቱም ብደም ሚልየናት ተጋሩ ዝተሓፀብኩምን ዝደንዘዝኩም ላዕለዎት መሪሕነት ጉጅለ ህወሓት በኣኹትኩም የመና ሓፊርና።
እዚ ኣሬሜኔ ጉጅለ ሕወሓት ኸዚ ኸ ታኣዩ ዕላምኡ ኣቱም ሰባት ።እግዚአብሔር እዚ ኣሬሜኔ ሕወሓት ላሃበና ናምታ መርገም እዩ ኔርና
Such a useless party
ብልጽና ንትግራይ ፡ ካብ ኩናት ንላዕሊ ይቀትላን የንበርክኻን አሎ ።
መግለጫ መግለጫ መግለጫ 30አመት አለፈ
ህውሓት ማለት ጠላም በላዒ በይኑ እዩ ሐዚ ዓጀውጀው ኣይትበሉ ምእንታኹም ኩቡር ሂወቶም ዝኸፈሉ ዝጠለምኹም ህዝቢ ክኣምነና ኢልኩም ኣይትፀበዩ ህውሓት ይዉረድ ይኣኽሎ ።
Leabu Banda Woyane Leaders are responsible for the suffering of Tigray People.
አኼባ አኼባ አኼባ አኼባ ፡ መግለጺ መግለጺ መግለጺ ፡ አብ መሬት ግን ዝተለወጠ የለን ፡ ወያኔ አብቒዑ ኢዩ ፡፡
Xebuk geru,,,
Zgeberka tegeberka zmetet wud weyane hiwet aytrekbn eya ab amiqu tekebira eya 👎 👎 👎 👎 👎 👎
ሐዚ'ውን እንተኾነ መሬት ትግራይ ቆራሪስካ ኣሕሊፍካ ኣብ ምሃብ ታሪክኹም እናደገምኩም ኢኹም።
ሁሌ ስብሰባ መቸነው ስራ የምሰሩት?????
እንታይ ኣመራርሓ ንስኹም ደቅዛ ፉጉራት ምስ ፀላኢትና ኢትዮጰያ ሃገር መስሪትኩም ኣንቢርኩምና ደቅዛ ከሕዳማት ተጋደልቲ ደርቢኹም ዘይንፈልጦም ብሄር ብሄረሰብ ዝብል ጨምላቅ ሓሳብ ደቅዛ እሁዳታት ህድና ን
Geme over weyane 💯
Simon Don't sweat 😂
Be smart and strategic to save your people not your stupid political agenda. Use your mind wisely to achieve your goal without sacrificing innocent lives.
ከናንተ በላይ አዋቂና ብስል ያለ አይመስላችሁም የሞኝ ሞኝ መሆናችሁ ምዕራብ ትግራይ የሚባል የወልቃይት አካባቢ የለም ወልቃይት ጠገዴ እንጅ አዲስ ስም ከየት መጣ በማለት ሁሉም እየጠየቀ ይገኛል ዞሮ ወልቃይት አይሞከረም
እንደዛ ከመሰለህ ምን አጨናነቀሽ ታድያ ዝም አትይም የፃፍሽዉ የጭንቀት ይመስላል😂
Esun tayewaleh, tazleh gebteh,,atikerm,yabiy wusha
On all of your meetings talking the same shit no practical changes at all. Forget about southern and western Tigray focus on how not to bring another genocidal war to Tigray creating more enemies as you usually do. Be strategic and divert all your attention saving people of Tigray not your wild dream of political power struggle. Work with innocent Amhara people by promoting borderless land strategy for the sake both people existence other ways abiy Ahmad will use the same card to keep the war between those two people because of nonsense piece of land. What is the point of fighting for southern and western Tigray if we living under same umbrella called Ethiopia? What is the point of fighting for piece of land if none of those two people can live there peacefully or without feeling threatened? For me, regardless either it belongs to Amhara or Tigray if people can live there harmoniously then case closed. Who gives a shit on this stupid political issue if my people don’t have to suffer and live comfortably.