a compilation of beomgyu’s best live vocals

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 406

  • @moa_txt3480
    @moa_txt3480 4 года назад +1622

    beomgyu's voice is my favorite among the 5 members because I love deep voices

  • @minakuma4692
    @minakuma4692 4 года назад +735

    He is overflowing with talent, people just need to look behind his damn handsome face and acknowledge his talent too. He is such an good vocalist. He has one of my favourite voices, not only in kpop, but on this dang world. And since this an vocal vid, i won't even start to talk about his dancing and rapping skills

  • @iridescent5729
    @iridescent5729 4 года назад +2150

    The fact he never learned singing before joining BigHit and was directly put into debut team, says it all that he was born to be an idol.
    And he really has a beautiful voice. People need to praise his vocals and dancing skills too apart from just praising his visuals. He is full of talent. Have you seen him on stage?? His fancams are bomb. They scream visual Center.

    • @beepbeepboop9892
      @beepbeepboop9892 4 года назад +58

      Yesss 4th gen visual center

    • @mariusvhagenOWJ
      @mariusvhagenOWJ 4 года назад +59

      Yesss 😢😢 his deep voice , dance skill is so uhhh😢😢I can't wait to hear his voice getting more deep😖

    • @Sunset553
      @Sunset553 3 года назад +25

      I didn’t know that he hadn’t been a singer from before. I like his deep, soft voice.

    • @mochiedits5771
      @mochiedits5771 3 года назад +4

      Oh he's one of the visual? Tbh, I thought he's on the vocals 😲

    • @iridescent5729
      @iridescent5729 3 года назад +37

      @@mochiedits5771 he is the visual. And not only him all txt members are. They don’t have official positions. But Beomgyu is the Center visual stated by txt and himself many times.

  • @manasaprakash7125
    @manasaprakash7125 4 года назад +1387

    His vocals are soo underrated...😭I love you Beomgyu😊

    • @jewelfreyagrinopanes138
      @jewelfreyagrinopanes138 4 года назад +32

      The fact that he does everything to make sure that his (and their performance) is perfect.. im so soft for this baby

    • @manasaprakash7125
      @manasaprakash7125 4 года назад +21

      @@jewelfreyagrinopanes138 IKR! He deserves as much love as the other members!

    • @manasaprakash7125
      @manasaprakash7125 4 года назад +6

      Can someone tell me the order of songs in this video

    • @luvrie9599
      @luvrie9599 4 года назад +9

      it's not underrated.

    • @mirudula
      @mirudula 4 года назад +6

      @@manasaprakash7125 check out the comments.. the channel have replied with the songs name

  • @deedaadeee5498
    @deedaadeee5498 4 года назад +577

    somehow i feel like his voice really suits genres like lofi and chillhop. but that's just my opinion

    • @clupu3
      @clupu3 3 года назад +18

      manifest this comment

    • @micccxx
      @micccxx 3 года назад +3

      @@clupu3 x2

    • @apassenger4877
      @apassenger4877 2 года назад +11

      It does!! His cover of Wonder gives me that feeling too.

    • @TUBAT00
      @TUBAT00 Год назад


    • @TUBAT00
      @TUBAT00 Год назад +1

      have u heard his voice in sweet dreams?? 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💓💓💓💓💕💕💕💓💕💕💕💕💕💓💓💕💕💓💓💓💓💞💞💞💞💞💞💕💞💞💞💞💞💕💞💞💞💞💞💕💞💞💕💕💓💕💓💕💓💕💕💓💕💕☠️

  • @stormforeveryspring
    @stormforeveryspring 4 года назад +382

    the “they came catch my back/friends” gives me chills every time

  • @bamtorimoa9087
    @bamtorimoa9087 4 года назад +423

    he really have this ability to transmit the emotions of the song through his voice which is something that really amaze me and he is also a versatile vocalist. he is so amazing :)

  • @dubadduwariwari8775
    @dubadduwariwari8775 8 месяцев назад +3

    His voice is so mystical and out of this world😭 he deserves so much more chance to go out and let his voice be heard because it's just so divine 😭

  • @beepbeepboop9892
    @beepbeepboop9892 4 года назад +399

    His voice will shine and he's gonna make his own song and sing it beautifully , keep my words

    • @2022goodyear
      @2022goodyear 3 года назад +5

      I am new to TXT and seriosuly I feel the same. Once he grow in upcoming years, he will definately get more and more recognition. Its like written on his face.

    • @beepbeepboop9892
      @beepbeepboop9892 3 года назад +3

      @@2022goodyear yeess 💕

  • @mariejulianadelacruz606
    @mariejulianadelacruz606 4 года назад +181

    his voice is like a "hug" to the listeners

  • @DianaStarPrincexx18
    @DianaStarPrincexx18 4 года назад +328

    can big hit give him more lines already?? my bias is literally out here having perfect vocals and visuals... + dancing!!

    • @evelynesophiaa5444
      @evelynesophiaa5444 3 года назад +3

      @@Валерия-ю6л2ь that’s right

    • @melong.g
      @melong.g 3 года назад +5

      my reply is very late but I’m guessing bighit threw a fit about regretting giving him great lines in tdc star and magic so now they’re punishing him because that’s life 😭 when will we get another cb with a title track where our gyu can shine?!!!!

    • @staytyuned9746
      @staytyuned9746 3 года назад +2

      He will. Just wait and see ;)

    • @melong.g
      @melong.g 3 года назад +8

      @@staytyuned9746 I hope so!!! Do you think there’ll be another cb with more lines for gyu in the title track like Crown? I’ve been waiting my whole moa life for another comeback like this lol

    • @staytyuned9746
      @staytyuned9746 3 года назад +5

      @@melong.g He has a special type of baritone voice. Whenever bighit releases an album which goes well with his voice, he will get many lines if not the most.

  • @nastexasaid8780
    @nastexasaid8780 4 года назад +849

    Big hit should give him more lines
    He doesn't have a typical kpop idol voice
    He has a deep voice that I could listen to while sleeping
    Sweet like candy the more I listen the more I want 😍
    EARGASM's get ready

    • @debashishmaity4340
      @debashishmaity4340 3 года назад +52

      He has baritone voice like V(BTS) ..... Mostly the idols having baritone voices are rapper or rarely sub rappers..... Meanwhile tenor voice gets the most attention in kpop......... Taehyung's hard work has finally getting recognization and loved by people..... I wish Beomgyu also gets what he deserves from his hard work..

    • @areetazoha2530
      @areetazoha2530 2 года назад +9

      right and when he sings with his chest its so nice

  • @minakuma4692
    @minakuma4692 3 года назад +200

    I COULD KILL THE WHOLE BIGHIT CREW WHEN THEY MIX EVERY FCKIN VOICE ON THIS WORLD OVER BEOMGYU'S IN THE MV AND AUDIO VER. LIKE!??!? they autotuned and put tae and juns voice over all his blue hour lines

    • @kingkang2739
      @kingkang2739  3 года назад +82

      omg i totally agree, the producers always somehow mix beomgyu’s voice or tone the volume down in multiple of their songs, they should just let his voice shine :( he’s a great singer

    • @tejashwinia411
      @tejashwinia411 3 года назад +20

      Exactly! Why can't they just appreciate his voice!

    • @sobaito
      @sobaito 3 года назад +19

      SAY IT LOUDER! It makes me so mad when they do that

    • @wariwarin
      @wariwarin 3 года назад +8

      THISSSSSSSSS the overlays always often mask his actual lines ugh!!!!!

    • @helenovsk
      @helenovsk 2 года назад +10

      It's even hard to distinguish their voices in the studio versions, it's so unfair
      I don't know why they put so many effects in the vocals, when the boys know how to sing and have super nice timbres
      I hope they will change it, since nobody likes it (and we aren't even sound engineers)

  • @khanyag6092
    @khanyag6092 4 года назад +194

    Beomgyu's vocals are my favourite

  • @gabriellagaby3675
    @gabriellagaby3675 4 года назад +337

    Beomgyu's voice is no joke, his vocals are beautiful and deserve to be more appreciated 🤧💕
    I love his cover of Wi ing wi ing!!
    And lol he doing Yeonjun's rap never gets old 😂

  • @seraphimsubss
    @seraphimsubss 2 года назад +12


  • @th3colorred
    @th3colorred 2 года назад +19

    When he sang the song by IU, so dang beautiful and calming. His deep voice is so unique and wonderful, a naturally born singer.

  • @nurulubaidah6825
    @nurulubaidah6825 4 года назад +304

    3:56 beautiful... he's singing one of my fave songs with his deep voice 😭

    • @nurulubaidah6825
      @nurulubaidah6825 4 года назад +18

      @@tubatu2323 its called "Through the Night(밤편지)" by IU

    • @helenovsk
      @helenovsk 2 года назад +6

      This song is so good 🤧🤧🤧
      His voice and IU's voice are like opposites, but both match well

  • @vannsapphire5375
    @vannsapphire5375 3 года назад +41

    If comfort was a voice, it would be his voice. No one have this kind of voice, a very calm, unique, deep, soulful, and angelic. His part in Love sight always gave me goosebumps. He has his own style.

  • @sairenedipity7185
    @sairenedipity7185 3 года назад +82

    His deep voice needs to be heard more! Like idk why bighit hides it! I need more txt songs with beomgyu deep voice in it! Im literally obsessed of his deep voice and he looks so much more comfortable using his deep voice rather than the high tone one!

  • @bbeomgyuniverse
    @bbeomgyuniverse Год назад +2

    His breathy and soulful voice feels like a warm hug when you listen to it when you are sad..! 😭❤️

  • @--_--....
    @--_--.... 4 года назад +91

    For me, his voice is healing. When I'm not feeling motivated, his voice Is something I want to hear. It's just so beautiful and soulful 💙

  • @kaeilisha6895
    @kaeilisha6895 4 года назад +88

    his voice is so breathy. i love him sm

  • @myeochi7900
    @myeochi7900 3 года назад +63


    • @mira901
      @mira901 3 года назад +1

      Can you tell me what song is it pls?

    • @myeochi7900
      @myeochi7900 3 года назад

      @@mira901 idk what the title is TvT

    • @raghvendraagnihotri519
      @raghvendraagnihotri519 3 года назад +4

      @@mira901 wi Ing wi Ing BY HYUKOH

  • @barnalibilai9220
    @barnalibilai9220 4 года назад +46

    hypnotised by his deep voice

  • @octavia7408
    @octavia7408 3 года назад +38

    He has the most soothing voice, honestly, it's so calming.

  • @michaelsullivan3581
    @michaelsullivan3581 3 года назад +10

    Beomgyu is just beginning his rise. He is very talented. He does still have a lot of polishing and perfecting to do. When he is in front of a real audience he gives 100 percent. He is extremely entertaining. His confidence and skill will flower. Oh the humanity! Thank you Choi Beom Gyu! You bring joy to millions!

  • @iiinverted
    @iiinverted 3 года назад +210


  • @annereyespique4319
    @annereyespique4319 3 года назад +14

    My brain just can’t comprehend how deep, soothing and beautiful his voice is. Gosh how can I be him.

  • @canna5251
    @canna5251 3 года назад +21

    The most satisfying is his voice literally fits with any member! His voice is so unique! I STILL WANT THAT BACK TO YOU SOOGYU COVER THAT THEY LOST!

  • @mariusvhagenOWJ
    @mariusvhagenOWJ 4 года назад +118

    Unappreciated yet beautiful 😖🐻♥️ keep going beomgyu ♥️ people will recognize your vocal soon or later 🐻❤️ moa love you ♥️🐻🐻🐻

  • @cosmics1708
    @cosmics1708 3 года назад +23

    his voice is just so amazing, he can change it into the way he wants its crazy sometimes i cant tell its him singing cuz it sounds like a different person.

  • @BoxxedJuice
    @BoxxedJuice 4 года назад +43

    The emotions he puts in his lines and vocals reach me everytime! His lines may not be as many as the others but they sure do stand out greatly!

  • @miyunasatoru4222
    @miyunasatoru4222 3 года назад +33

    I'm seriously in love with his voice, my favorite

  • @FatimaAzzedin
    @FatimaAzzedin 4 года назад +37

    his voice is very soulful

  • @mariusvhagenOWJ
    @mariusvhagenOWJ 4 года назад +104

    Come here again cause I'm so obsessed with his deep voice 😢🥺 but can bighit stop hiding his deep voice 🥺🐻 i really love his voice with emotions 😌💖 and I'm truly want see beomgyu cover iu through the night songs 🥺🥺

    • @presstheheartbutton1672
      @presstheheartbutton1672 4 года назад +2

      idk whyyyy

    • @Sunset553
      @Sunset553 3 года назад +3

      I saw a video with one of the BigHit producers saying how much he loves high voices, 😑 especially opening songs with them.
      I wondered, but what if we like deep voices?

    • @mariusvhagenOWJ
      @mariusvhagenOWJ 3 года назад +1

      @@Sunset553 I don't want to beomgyu pressure so much to his voice because I just love his deep voice and yes he can high notes but we can see that he feel more comfortable sing in his deep voice ... Is kpop industry really hate deep voice 🙃 is sing high notes make people being TALENTED .. I really love baritone

    • @mariusvhagenOWJ
      @mariusvhagenOWJ 3 года назад +1

      @@Sunset553 and if bighit give a chance to beomgyu show more his deep voice , people will never underastimed beomgyu vocal and people will never put beomgyu vocal last place everytime ranking singing ability 😌 bighit need give beomgyu more lines to showcase his vocal

    • @mariusvhagenOWJ
      @mariusvhagenOWJ 3 года назад +1

      @@Sunset553 and yet he still the only members that never got promoted individual outside the group and it make me sad

  • @TUBAT00
    @TUBAT00 Год назад +2

    he has the kind of voice that gives u butterflies

  • @lebis12
    @lebis12 4 года назад +29

    his voice is so sweet :(

    @LESSERAJEANS Год назад +3

    His voice sounds like a hug.

  • @divadivo7484
    @divadivo7484 4 года назад +42

    omg....beomgyu deep vocal....make me cry 😢

  • @youwansometeabebe8332
    @youwansometeabebe8332 3 года назад +21

    Beom needs to drop some cover songs please 😭😭

  • @juli4ae
    @juli4ae 2 года назад +12

    2:30 i literally cant that sounds so angelic

  • @azraiseatingnoodles02167
    @azraiseatingnoodles02167 4 года назад +26

    3:54 HOLY SHIT

  • @joshujiiii
    @joshujiiii 4 года назад +62

    I'm in love thank you for compling 4th gen visual center's vocals😭

  • @eykyra
    @eykyra 3 года назад +7

    I confess that his acoustic jamming vlive videos work like a sleeping pill for me. It's so chill and comforting 💙

  • @TUBAT00
    @TUBAT00 Год назад +2

    his voice in farewell neverland is actually so chilling it gives me butterflies i love it so much

  • @BobbyBobby-s2u
    @BobbyBobby-s2u 6 месяцев назад +1

    Boemgyu voice is my fav out of all voices...i try to listen the TXT songs because of his whispering voice❤❤❤❤

  • @lovhaitham
    @lovhaitham 3 года назад +7

    the day bighit decides to give beomgyu more lines and when people stop just seeing him as a "pretty face"..., you all will see

  • @iaraaixapacheco437
    @iaraaixapacheco437 4 года назад +28

    Literalmente estoy llorando
    BeomGyu merece más líneas, su voz es tan hermosa, la verdad es que es un Ángel en vida.
    Lo amo tanto...

  • @pranitamisra1111
    @pranitamisra1111 4 года назад +53

    I hate the fact that bighit use so many artificial effects to his voice and we can barely hear his real voice :-((( hope they'll stop doing it. Also thank you for this beautiful video

  • @leifelizalayug4986
    @leifelizalayug4986 4 года назад +66

    I love how this video got zero dislikes.. Beomgyu has the best live vocallsssss💙

      @TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER28 3 года назад +1

      Ughhhh I just saw your comment & was excited to look back at the dislike button to see it at 0✨ but then realized that now there’s 1 dislike 🙄

    • @clemairabenazir7505
      @clemairabenazir7505 3 года назад +1

      There are 4 now T_T

    • @amisha7176
      @amisha7176 2 года назад

      Now 6.6k

  • @_sw_edxts2847
    @_sw_edxts2847 3 года назад +12

    Saving this for myself... Haha... He sounds so amazing right here

  • @magnus5886
    @magnus5886 4 года назад +17

    Beomgyu and 4 o’clock...

  • @jeonjungna7159
    @jeonjungna7159 3 года назад +11

    I fell in love with him cause of his voice🥺

  • @Bree_kpop
    @Bree_kpop 6 месяцев назад

    Beomgyu literally needs to make a lullaby, like he has such a beautiful voice, and i feel like it would suit so well with his voice. His voice is smooth, deep, and light. It has a certain sound to it that just makes you want to hear so much more. He makes all of us feel so warm. I love him so much. I honestly dont think there is such a word in the dictionary that can explain how amazing he is. He is so caring and energetic and happy. He brights up the room when he comes in. Please sing a lullaby someday, Beomgyu. Us MOA's are here to support you until the very end! Fighting!❤

  • @GibbyTheeHoarder
    @GibbyTheeHoarder 2 года назад +3

    My favorite part will always be that one part in Beomgyu's good boy gone bad teaser, it was soothing but fascinating!! I watched many clips just for that part 😆

  • @chiarajackson97
    @chiarajackson97 Год назад

    He was a soft, warm and comforting voice 💛

  • @jetbllackwings
    @jetbllackwings Год назад

    beomgyu’s vocals are so under appreciated. he has one of the most beautiful voices i’ve ever heard.

  • @officialgyuade
    @officialgyuade Год назад +3

    0:55 HIS VOICE OMG 😭

  • @sandagayathri1684
    @sandagayathri1684 3 года назад +8

    In conclusion tbh l feel like deep voice is underrated.
    But l love deep Voice.
    He was singing 4'o clock which is my favourite l was literally shocked.

  • @TUBAT00
    @TUBAT00 Год назад +1

    i love his wi ing wi ing cover so muchh AAAAAAAAA

  • @beomieex
    @beomieex Год назад +1

    Just imagine someone instead of beomgyu..
    literally imagine they stopped chasing him like a game of tag bro that would’ve been hell!!
    We wouldn’t of met the bear😭

  • @playfulkiss2402
    @playfulkiss2402 3 года назад +6

    i love his voice so much and honestly his voice is so good!! i hope he gets to sing more in the future

  • @fairyofshampoo4670
    @fairyofshampoo4670 2 года назад +1

    his voice in ghosting, i could listen to it forever

  • @TUBAT00
    @TUBAT00 Год назад +1

    no because bighit needs to let beomgyu have more lines because his vocals are absolutely breathtaking

  • @starhi799
    @starhi799 Год назад


  • @bamtorimoa9087
    @bamtorimoa9087 4 года назад +21

    thank you so much for making this. his voice is forever my fave. I'm so happy 💕

  • @dara_eonni
    @dara_eonni 2 года назад +2

    We're all never went to heaven but I guess we're all MOA's established that Beomgyu's voice could bring heaven to us ❤️❤️ I love everything abt him especially his voice 😍

  • @hiee8917
    @hiee8917 4 года назад +10

    Beomgyu es simplemente genial, el siempre hace las aperturas en las canciones de TXT, icónicas por cierto.
    El tiene una gran voz profunda y versátil, además es un genio en el escenario, el nació para estar ahi

  • @wonpiliriririri
    @wonpiliriririri 3 года назад +12

    i need a full version of beomgyu covering wi ing wi ing pls 🥺

  • @TUBAT00
    @TUBAT00 Год назад

    his voice is so deep and smooth and i love is so much when he adds the breathiness to his singing it makes it so much more addictive

  • @robertchase8614
    @robertchase8614 Год назад +2

    He's like Taehyung & Felix, love those voices in a song❤❤❤❤

    • @sumiyiajafri3141
      @sumiyiajafri3141 Год назад

      Tae, Felix and Gyu my biases for this reason

    • @robertchase8614
      @robertchase8614 Год назад +1

      @@sumiyiajafri3141 mine tooo lol we need to be friends

  • @resmagurung375
    @resmagurung375 3 года назад +8

    I wanted to see him rapping in hiphop song like god's menu or mic drop. 💜😍 He will nailed it.

  • @diginionalliah5851
    @diginionalliah5851 4 года назад +9

    We need to here more from here and I hope that time will come soonest

  • @imogens9756
    @imogens9756 3 года назад +2

    Him on the guitar in the vlive🥺 im going to cry his voice is so beautiful

  • @rahelchar6368
    @rahelchar6368 Год назад

    I legit love his voice soo much... it is super underrated

  • @7gali77
    @7gali77 Год назад

    The bonus clip I can't 😂😂😂 but seriously, his vocals are stunning!! He must have more lines!!

  • @thinnisultana4596
    @thinnisultana4596 3 года назад +2

    I love his voice!!!! It's one of the reasons why he is my bias It's just soothing and so nice to listen to I remember people going insane because of his voice in Lotte Duty Free Concert I was excited that people started to notice his voice 🥺🥺🥺

  • @nanabinau.u
    @nanabinau.u 2 года назад +1

    i love gyu's voice🥺 it's so beautiful ❤️

  • @bookdragon2008
    @bookdragon2008 8 месяцев назад


  • @aizenev
    @aizenev 3 года назад +2

    man I’m so glad they didn’t do much too beomgyus voice this comeback for l=l he sounds so amazing

  • @txtiamgladyoucame5225
    @txtiamgladyoucame5225 3 года назад +6

    I can really feel his voice

  • @Nath-fc8wp
    @Nath-fc8wp 6 месяцев назад

    I love his voice!❤❤❤❤

  • @cactusarati3285
    @cactusarati3285 2 года назад +1

    He plays guitar so nice

  • @dontbeshyjuststantxt1778
    @dontbeshyjuststantxt1778 3 года назад +5

    i really love his voice

  • @cloudrain13
    @cloudrain13 2 года назад +1

    his voice is just so addictive 😭

  • @favhosh17
    @favhosh17 Год назад +1

    someone tell khushi didi beomgyu is amazing #slay #beomgyuamazing

  • @ivethiveka635
    @ivethiveka635 5 месяцев назад

    Es tan hermosa su voz me encanta!, yo amo a Beomgyu

  • @soooyang.0455
    @soooyang.0455 3 года назад +1

    He is such a sweet heart

  • @nhaymat1cailambangaianhnha112
    @nhaymat1cailambangaianhnha112 2 года назад

    I don't know what else to say just love his voice so much when I hear him sing, I want to cry !!😭😭😭😭😭

  • @4thgenprincesshiyyih489
    @4thgenprincesshiyyih489 2 года назад +2

    His vocals are underrated especially when he hit the high note with taehyun when they were covering a Bts song

  • @lixxy4034
    @lixxy4034 2 года назад +2

    3:44 That my friends is a WHOLE entire POV all the way up to 4:55

  • @susuhlaing5171
    @susuhlaing5171 3 года назад +1

    I hope we can hear his beautiful voice more in the near future.

  • @lightchasing9124
    @lightchasing9124 3 года назад +5

    I love his voice deeply and i love him
    he is so talent 😭😭
    He is my bias
    ❤️Love you beomgyu❤️ Egyptian moa 🇪🇬❤️❤️

  • @nishitasnathosh170
    @nishitasnathosh170 3 года назад +6

    This talented boy... He has everything with him... Amazing Voice, amazing dance skills, attractive visual he is, the best centre, knows to play hell lot of instruments... This sweetroll should be appreciated more.... He is really amazing considering he never learned singing to begin with... And if I continue I might never stop... 🐻🐻

  • @nrisnarahma7299
    @nrisnarahma7299 3 года назад +3

    We need more Beomgyu lines again 😭

  • @annaliesevilla3656
    @annaliesevilla3656 2 года назад +1

    no cause now why am i sobbing😭

  • @lomsangzuali
    @lomsangzuali Год назад +1

    Love you bby😭

  • @jxhauahd5058
    @jxhauahd5058 2 года назад

    Thank u for made this. His voice always be my conmfort 💙

  • @addieg6481
    @addieg6481 2 года назад

    I sincerely thank you for the bonus clip