Conflict - Meat Means Murder


Комментарии • 73

  • @sikaadzo
    @sikaadzo 15 лет назад +2

    i can't wait for my band to start doing gigs so we can get behind causes like this (not that we already aren't as individuals). :)

  • @Notofthisworld13
    @Notofthisworld13 14 лет назад +3

    Life feeds on life.

  • @superhuegi
    @superhuegi 16 лет назад +2

    We are all Earthlings. All I gotta say.

  • @ProletariatPat
    @ProletariatPat 16 лет назад +1

    Amazing song. Amazing video.

  • @SkorLord
    @SkorLord Год назад

    Having a ribeye today. But, don't worry, I watched it grow up and know it was treated well. I thank my lord for the food. And, I eat it with great reverence.

  • @sikaadzo
    @sikaadzo 15 лет назад

    exactly. it's not something that can wait.

  • @etrnlchaos
    @etrnlchaos 15 лет назад +1

    After watching this I have to say......murder tastes delicious.

  • @yellinginmyear
    @yellinginmyear 16 лет назад +1

    Conflict are from eltham, about 20 seconds walk away from me. Good ol' Conflict.
    This video makes me a bit sad though. Poor bloody things.

  • @DeadTime34
    @DeadTime34 14 лет назад

    that was the most horrifying video i've seen in a long time :(

  • @melodie973
    @melodie973 14 лет назад

    absolultly aful i love the song

  • @Bessie1970
    @Bessie1970 14 лет назад +1

    Dear God...what right thinking person would want to eat meat?

  • @SashaKebo
    @SashaKebo 15 лет назад

    I hear you.

  • @eposz2
    @eposz2 15 лет назад


  • @EkDLBernarda
    @EkDLBernarda 15 лет назад +1

    cheers from spain, we're a ska hardcore band, listen to us if you like.
    Salud & total freedom

  • @lopez3486
    @lopez3486 15 лет назад


  • @EighteenBuddha
    @EighteenBuddha 14 лет назад

    personally, I think human beings are omnivorous. We've been eating meat for a long long time, its in our nature, I dont think there is anything unnatural or wrong about that.
    That being said, a great deal of people are sadly deluded about where meat comes from.

  • @etrnlchaos
    @etrnlchaos 15 лет назад

    Oh my eyes are wide open. Do you honestly think I don't know that most of these animals go through pain before they die? Is it fair? No, but life isn't fair. Could conditions be improved? Maybe. You can complain all you want while I will be enjoying my delicious murder burger.

  • @MrSidhugagan
    @MrSidhugagan 14 лет назад

    Thats actually a cycle of nature n it has to happen

  • @hippriest23
    @hippriest23 2 года назад

    I have to transition Hiw?

  • @mrdojob
    @mrdojob 14 лет назад

    @austereben last time i checked we where more intelligent than all other animals.

  • @Red1Eyed3Devil
    @Red1Eyed3Devil 15 лет назад

    Saying we have evolved out of a NEED for flesh is definitely true, what hasn't evolved is the majority of people's DESIRE for meat or desire to kill, hunting in a first world nation is bloodsport and not a necessity for survival. I know this isn't true for everyone, I cant speak for poor or underdeveloped areas where options in diet aren't a reality. If you have time/access to sit around on youtube, then you have the ability to choose what you eat. Survival is not dependent on meat consumption.

  • @sgtsnakeeyes11
    @sgtsnakeeyes11 15 лет назад

    LOVE the poem, meat is murder.

  • @saiyad123456
    @saiyad123456 15 лет назад

    Then why are we classified as omnivores?

  • @EkDLBernarda
    @EkDLBernarda 15 лет назад +2

    vegan action!!

  • @RotisserieiJamie
    @RotisserieiJamie 14 лет назад

    @RyddelIsFree, the way they are killed in this video is wrong.
    Lol. Do you dirt can feel too? Who do you think people are going to want to save an animal that has it's throat slit. With blood poring out or a plant that's been pulled out of the ground?

  • @th3w01fv2
    @th3w01fv2 15 лет назад

    Sorry but meat may be murder, but I think a sirloin murder tastes pretty damn good.

  • @dnci14
    @dnci14 15 лет назад

    can't you just people let me eat my steak?
    what are you gonna do about the rest of the carnivores out there?
    why, you're gonna force sharks to eat grass? ROFLmfao

  • @marktooty72
    @marktooty72 15 лет назад

    see the way a think bout it is the veggies should work in the abbatoirs to make sure the kill is humane. the meat mite even taste better, who knows..?

  • @mrdojob
    @mrdojob 14 лет назад

    1,300,000,000? That sounds a tad to high in my opinion. Anyway they don't all live off crops. Almost all cows and most other livestock where i live survive off grass so you can't really call it to damaging to the enviroment. Yeah cows fart alot but i think that growing crops for us on their grass munching patch is gonna cause more harm by the fertilizers, the machines to keep the field in check and general destruction on the fertility of the soil by plouging.

  • @CheckOutTheImprovisedMan
    @CheckOutTheImprovisedMan 14 лет назад +1

    Been vegetarian for nearly 10 years now. No intentions of changing :)

    • @Wiggyam
      @Wiggyam 6 лет назад

      GoBeyondDeath you should change to vegan

  • @MrKathy1313
    @MrKathy1313 14 лет назад

    omg^^ oô

  • @DevonMike73
    @DevonMike73 3 года назад

    I cant comprehend this,what the fuck is the cow machine? It doesnt seem real.

  • @RotisserieiJamie
    @RotisserieiJamie 14 лет назад

    @mrdojob, cruelty*
    I have a lot of passion for animals. So, I get really upset and angry at these kind of videos and say mean things. I am a vegetarian. I make sure I don't get my makeup from company's that use animal testing. I love working with animals and saving the environment . I hate people who hurt animals. I would love to join the ASPCA.

  • @RotisserieiJamie
    @RotisserieiJamie 14 лет назад

    @Ontivero1000, a lot of things taste good. But, does it mean we need it?
    Well meat is disgusting. But, candy tastes good. A lot of people eat it. Do we need it? No. We can eat healthier. They need to improve the conditions of the animals and they way they are killed. I rather the animals be free in the wild or at a happy farm living a good life.

  • @RotisserieiJamie
    @RotisserieiJamie 14 лет назад

    @mrdojob, I have a problem with the way the animal is killed. I don't like seeing animals suffer. They should not do it in such a cruel way. Cruelty free. A humane way. Pain free and a quick death. Have you not seen this video? You sit there and think it's okay? You don't care? I'm not saying it's wrong to eat meat. I do not like the suffering and curetly of animals. Many people become vegetarians due to the way the animal is treated. The conditions are awful for both human and animal.

  • @dueone
    @dueone 15 лет назад

    mmmm looks good.....

  • @berti77
    @berti77 14 лет назад +1

    how can you drink milk,
    eat cheese or something else..
    thats the same thing.

  • @Red1Eyed3Devil
    @Red1Eyed3Devil 15 лет назад

    No offense taken I invite civil discourse, humans have always been omnivores which means we can live off plants or animals or both. While it is true that in small tribes and poor countries a need for meat may still be there, in Western society the 'need' is a fallacy and is definitely a want. Advances in food production and medicine have made it possible to CHOOSE not to eat meat based on health, ethics, morals whatever your reason may be.

  • @RotisserieiJamie
    @RotisserieiJamie 14 лет назад

    @TheRetiredtrucker, who do you think people would want to save.
    An animal with it's throat slit open and blood pooring out or a plant? Lol. I would help the animal not the plant.

  • @ImCramped999
    @ImCramped999 15 лет назад

    Yes eating meat is a natural process, but not in our mass producing society where half of the food produced is thrown away, and the system that is used to kill aniamls is not only very unethical and unhealthy, and extremely destructive to the environment.

  • @nutda12
    @nutda12 15 лет назад

    So if god says it it;s right.
    but if your opinion is this,god said also not to kill.

  • @AlexanderAV
    @AlexanderAV 15 лет назад

    I'm gana go get some bacon right now! Hell it's the best, you kids don't know what you're missing.

  • @mrdojob
    @mrdojob 14 лет назад

    @RotisserieiJamie good for you but i think that that you are getting your point over in a really obnoxious way. I don't like animals suffering for no reason but i understand that countries need to be fed and animals need to be controlled sometimes.
    I do however oppose 100% animal testing for cosmetics. Anything else i can tolerate provided there is reason to it.

  • @rickstoned
    @rickstoned 15 лет назад +1

    so bad...go veggie

  • @DarthNader11
    @DarthNader11 15 лет назад

    I watched this while eating Jack in the Box. I'm going to hell.

  • @mrdojob
    @mrdojob 15 лет назад

    I don't really care about eating meat to be honest. We have been doing it pretty much since we could be called humans and we ARE omnivores and alyways will be.
    Me or millions of other people aint gonna stop just cos some petty people suffering from a case of emotionalism are moaning about it. Meat in some form or another has been carved into human development so stop trying to make everyone feel guilty about it.

  • @drunkwithpowerNDV
    @drunkwithpowerNDV 14 лет назад

    vegetarian burgers are much better than meat =/